• Title/Summary/Keyword: Topographical map

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Study on the Terrestrial LiDAR Topographic Data Construction for Mountainous Disaster Hazard Analysis (산지재해 위험성 분석을 위한 지상 LiDAR 지형자료 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Jun, Kye Won;Oh, Chae Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 2016
  • Mountainous disasters such as landslides and debris flow are difficult to forecast. Debris flow in particular often flows along the valley until it reaches the road or residential area, causing casualties and huge damages. In this study, the researchers selected Seoraksan National Park area located at Inje County (Inje-gun), Gangwon Province-where many mountainous disasters occur due to localized torrential downpours-for the damage reduction and cause analysis of the area experiencing frequent mountainous disasters every year. Then, the researchers conducted the field study and constructed geospatial information data by GIS method to analyze the characteristics of the disaster-occurring area. Also, to extract more precise geographic parameters, the researchers scanned debris flow triggering area through terrestrial LiDAR and constructed 3D geographical data. LiDAR geographical data was then compared with the existing numerical map to evaluate its precision and made the comparative analysis with the geographic data before and after the disaster occurrence. In the future, it will be utilized as basic data for risk analysis of mountainous disaster or disaster reduction measures through a fine-grid topographical map.

Farmland Use Mapping Using High Resolution Images and Land Use Change Analysis (고해상도 영상을 이용한 농경지 지도 작성 및 토지이용 변화 분석)

  • Lee, Kyungdo;Hong, Sukyoung;Kim, Yihyun
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.1164-1172
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to make a "farmland use map" using high-resolution images and to analyze the land use change for about 8 years in Goyang, Namyangju, and Yongin cities. We have made a new numerical map named as a farmland use map using high-resolution images taken mostly in 2007 and digital topographical maps in Goyang, Namyangju, and Yongin cities near metropolitan areas to classify farmland use of paddy, upland, plastic film house, and orchard. We also made a land use map by overlaying the farmland use map and the land registration map of each city made in 2007, and compared the land use map made by RDA (Rural Development Administration) in 1999. Paddy areas decreased at a range of 3,000 to 5,000 ha during 8 years and were changed to residential areas in the cities. Upland and orchard areas also showed similar tendency and were changed to residential areas as well. On the other hand, the areas of the plastic film houses in the cities showed an increase or same in size. It is suggested that farmland use map can be broadly used as a base map for various survey projects including soil survey, statistics, and farmland information management.

The Characteristics and Expression of Landform in Feng-shui Map on Genealogical Table in the Choson Dynasty (조선시대 족보(族譜)에 게재된 산도(山圖)의 특성과 지형표현 - "기계유씨족보(杞溪兪氏族譜)"와 "반남박씨세보(潘南朴氏世譜)"를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Hyung-Yun;Sung, Dong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.40-57
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    • 2011
  • A feng-shui map is a kind of map that features such propitious positions as fortune-bringing spots or ideal grave sites. The map is a representation of the most ideal natural terrains in terms of feng-shui perspectives. This study did research on two feng-shui maps registered on some genealogical tables in order to see how the map was drawn up. In addition, the detailed characteristics of landform expressions like the frame of the map, viewpoints, center-oriented mapping, water flow, mountain theories were delved into. The results of the research are as follows: the feng-shui maps for this research used the techniques of double scale and aerial view, described terrains with grave sites in their centers, and enlarged important terrains compared with surroundings for exaggeration purposes. In addition, other vital landforms not observed from grave sites were depicted with viewpoints moved and were represented in fine details. The part of mountain theories had the following points as their main subject matter: geographical locations, overall orientations of mountain ranges, topographical traits, grave seat directions and surrounding terrains.

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Feasibility Study on Producing 1:25,000 Digital Map Using KOMPSAT-5 SAR Stereo Images (KOMPSAT-5 레이더 위성 스테레오 영상을 이용한 1:25,000 수치지형도제작 가능성 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Suk;Jung, Hyung-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.6_3
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    • pp.1329-1350
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    • 2018
  • There have been many applications to observe Earth using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) since it could acquire Earth observation data without reference to weathers or local times. However researches about digital map generation using SAR have hardly been performed due to complex raw data processing. In this study, we suggested feasibility of producing digital map using SAR stereo images. We collected two sets, which include an ascending and a descending orbit acquisitions respectively, of KOMPSAT-5 stereo dataset. In order to suggest the feasibility of digital map generation from SAR stereo images, we performed 1) rational polynomial coefficient transformation from radar geometry, 2) digital resititution using KOMPSAT-5 stereo images, and 3) validation using digital-map-derived reference points and check points. As the results of two models, root mean squared errors of XY and Z direction were less than 1m for each model. We discussed that KOMPSAT-5 stereo image could generated 1:25,000 digital map which meets a standard of the digital map. The proposed results would contribute to generate and update digital maps for inaccessible areas and wherever weather conditions are unstable such as North Korea or Polar region.

A study on matching correlation analysis of multi-scale satellite images data for change detection (변화추출을 위한 다중영상자료의 정합상관도 분석을 위한 연구)

  • 이성순;윤희천;강준묵
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.221-226
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    • 2004
  • For comparing more than two images, the precise geometric corrections should be preceded because it necessary to eliminate systematic errors due to basic sensor information difference and non-systematic errors due to topographical undulations. In this study, we did sensor modeling using satellite sensor information to make a basic map of change detection for artificial topography. We eliminated the systematic errors which can be occurred in photographing conditions using GCP and DEM data. The Kompsat EOC images relief could be reduced by precise rectification method. Classifying images which was used for change detections by city and forest zone, the accuracy of the matching results are increased by 10% and the positioning accuracies also increased.

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A Digital Bathymetric Model combining Multi Beam Echo Sounder and Sidescan Sonar

  • Park, Jo-Seph;Kim, Hik-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.330-330
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    • 2002
  • The combination of Multi-Beam Echo Sounder swath bathymetry and high-resolution towed Sidescan sonar provides a powerful method of examination about hydrographic survey results. In this paper, we investigate the fast method of 3D bathymetric reconstruction with the Digital Sidescan sonar(Benthos SIS 1500) and Shallow Multi-Beam Echo Sounder(Reson Seabat 8125). The Seabat 8125 is a 455KHz high resolution focused Multibeam echo sounder(MBES) system which measures the relative water depth across a wide swath perpendicular to a vessel's track. The Benthos SIS1500 is a chirp(nominal fq. 200KHz) sonar which map the topographical features & sediment texture of ocean bottom using backscattered amplitude. We generates the very large 3D bathymetric texture mapping model with the Helical System's HHViewer and describes additional benefits of combining MBES and Sidescan Sonar imagery, the removal of geometric distortions in the model and a deterministic sounding noise.

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  • Jayakumar, S.;Lee, Jung-Bin;Enkhbaatar, Lkhagva;Heo, Joon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.251-253
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    • 2008
  • Erosion and landslide cause serious damage to forest areas. As a consequence, partial or complete destruction of vegetation occurs, which leads to many cascading problems. In this study, an attempt has been made to identify the forest areas, which are under different risk categories of erosion and landslide, in part of Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu. Relevantthematic maps were generated from satellite data, topographical maps, primary and secondary data and weights to each map were assigned appropriately. Weighted overlay analysis was carried out to identify the erosionprone forest areas. The result of erosion and landslide prone model reveals that 4712 ha(17%) of forest area is under high risk category and 15879 ha(58.65%) isunder medium risk category. The results of spatial modeling would be very much useful to the forest officials and conservationist to plan for effective conservation.

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The Thermal Climate and Phenology in Korea (한국의 온도기후와 생물의 계절변화)

  • 임양재
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.101-117
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    • 1983
  • The phenological phenomena in terms of year day index (YDI) in South Korea were studied. The YDI was proposed here, because the remainer index such as Nuttonson's index is unadequate for the interpretation on the phenological phenomena of early spring season in sourthern coastal area. The YDI was calculated by summing daily mean temperature of the year days (YD) above physical zero degree in centigrade, based on the data of the Monthly Weather Reports from 1967 to 1980 by the Central Meteorological Office. The pattern of YDI increase with the increase of YD was similar to that of the remainder index such as the Nuttonson's index. The some YDI distribution maps were made by Yim and Kira (1975), dividing into 30'$\times$40' meshes, in latitude and longtude, on the topographical map(1 : 500,000) of the Korea Peninsula. According to the year day of different localities flowering dates of Prunus yedoensis and other phenological phenomena in various species delayed about 3.5 day as the increase of 1 degree of latitude, which coincides with the Hopkins bioclimatic law. It was found that the YDI is useful to interprete the phenology of plant and animal species and to select the optimum range of cultivars in South Korea.

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Analysis of EEG for Yes/No decision task using AR model (AR 모델을 이용한 긍/부정 과제 수행시 뇌파분석)

  • 남승훈;류창수;임태규;송윤선
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.250-254
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    • 2002
  • 컴퓨터의 발달과 더불어 인간과 컴퓨터 인터페이스에 있어서도 많은 발전을 하고 있다. 본 연구는 두뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스(brain-computer interface : BCI)를 위해서 인간에 있어서 가장 간단한 의사문제라고 여겨지는 긍정이나 부정을 선택할 때 나타나는 뇌파를 AR 모델을 이용하여 시간-주파수 분석을 한 후 topographical map을 그렸다. 그 결과 문제에 대답하는 시점 전후에서 파워스펙트럼이 유사하였고, 피험자가 문제를 읽고 판단하고, 동작하는 시점(reaction time : RT) 전으로 1초 ~ 0.5초 사이에 전두엽과 두정엽 부위에서 16Hz ~ 24Hz, 80 ∼ 88Hz의 주파수 대역에서 유의미한 차이를 보였다.

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Terrain Analysis of Odaesan National Park using Digital Elevation Model (수치고도모델을 이용한 오대산 국립공원지역의 지형분석)

  • 김철민;이준우;권태호
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.70-76
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    • 1995
  • Digital elevation model for analysing terrain of Odaesan National Park was constructed by 1:50.000 topographical map. The fifty five percent of total area is located in higher than 900m in elevation, while ninty percent of the conservation area in Pirobong is above 1,100m. In other word, seventy percent of Odaesan National Park area has the slope of more than 20$^{\circ}$and is steep mountain. The aspect of the mountain mainly turned out to be eastward and westward.

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