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A Study on a Conceptualization-oriented SDSS Model for Landscape Design (조경설계를 위한 공간개념화 지향의 공간의사결정지원시스템 모델에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Eun Hyung
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 2014
  • By combining the role of current GIS technology and design behaviors from the cognitive perspective, spatial conceptualization can be extended efficiently and creatively for ill-structured problems. This study elaborates the model of a conceptualization-oriented SDSS(Spatial Decision Support System) for a landscape design problem. Current information-oriented GIS technology plays a minor role in planning and design. The three attributes in planning and design problems describe how the deficiencies of current GIS technology can be seen as a failure of the technology. These are summarized: (1) Information Explosion/Information Ignorance (2) Dilemma of Rigor and Relevance (3) Ill-structured Nature of planning and Design. In order to implement the conceptualization idea in the current GIS environment, it will be necessary to shift from traditional, information-oriented GISs to conceptualization-oriented SDSSs. The conceptualization-oriented SDSS model reflects the key elements of six important theories and techniques. The six useful theories and techniques are as follows; (1) Human Information Processing (2) Tool/Theory Interaction (3) The Sciences of the Artificial and Epistemology of Practice (4) Decision Support Systems (DSSs) (5) Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) (6) Creative Thinking. The future conceptualization-oriented SDSS can provide capabilities for planners and designers to figure out some "hidden organizations" in spatial planning and design, and develop new ideas through its conceptualization capability. The facilitation of conceptualization has been demonstrated by presenting three key ideas for the framework of the SDSS model: (1) bubble-oriented design support system (2) prototypes as an extension of semantic memory, and (3) scripts as an extension of episodic memory in a cognitive pschology perspective. The three ideas can provide a direction for the future GIS technology in planning and design.

An Empirical Study on Evaluation of Performance Shaping Factors on AHP (AHP 기법을 이용한 수행영향인자 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Kyung-Hee;Byun, Seong-Nam;Kim, Jung-Ho;Heo, Eun-Mee;Park, Hong-Joon
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.99-108
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    • 2011
  • Almost all companies have paid much attention to the safety management ranging from maintenance to operation even at the stage of designing in order to prevent accidents, but fatal accidents continue to increase throughout the world. In particular, it is essential to systematically prevent such fatal accidents as fire, explosion or leakage of toxic gas at factories in order to not only protect the workers and neighbors but also prevent economic losses and environmental pollution. Though it is well known that accident probability is very low in NPP(Nuclear Power Plants), the reason why many researches are still being performed about the accidents is the results may be so severe. HRA is the main process to make preparation for possibility of human error in designing of the NPP. But those techniques have some problems and limitation as follows; the evaluation sensitivity of those techniques are out of date. And the evaluation of human error is not coupled with the design process. Additionally, the scope of the human error which has to be included in reliability assessment should be expanded. This work focuses on the coincidence of human error and mechanical failure for some important performance shaping factors to propose a method for improving safety effectively of the process industries. In order to apply in these purposes into the thesis, I found 63 critical Performance Shaping Factors of the eight dimensions throughout studies that I executed earlier. In this study, various analysis of opinion of specialists(Personal Factors, Training, Knowledge or Experience, Procedures and Documentation, Information, Communications, HMI, Workplace Design, Quality of Environment, Team Factors) and the guideline for construction of PSF were accomplished. The selected method was AHP which simplifies objective conclusions by maintaining consistency. This research focused on the implementation process of PSF to evaluate the process of PSF at each phase. As a result, we propose an evaluation model of PSF as a tool to find critical problem at each phase and improve on how to resolve the problems found at each phase. This evaluation model makes it possible to extraction of PSF succesfully by presenting the basis of assessment which will be used by enterprises to minimize the trial and error of construction process of PSF.

Family Support: a Review of Nursing Literature on its Trends and Implementations (가족지지개념을 다룬 국내 간호연구 분석)

  • Park, Shin-Ae;Kang, Kyung-Sook;Jeong, Mi-Young;Cha, Nam-Hyun;Kim, Soon-Young
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.639-646
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the trend of nursing research related to family support and to provide an effective direction for future research by conducting a review of the Korean nursing literature from 1980 to 2000. A total of 73 studies were analyzed with the following results. 1) The number of studies related to family support has been rapidly increasing since 1984, and 77% of those were conducted in the 1990s. 48 studies, 65% of those analyzed. were degree-based research including 4 doctoral theses (4%) and 45 master's theses (62%). 2) Based on the objective frame of study types developed by Lee et al. (991), the types of studies were analyzed: 56 studies, 76.6% of those reviewed, belonged to factor-relating: 9 studies (12.4%) belonged to factor-isolating: 7 studies (9.6%) belonged to situation-producing: and only 1 study (1.4%) belonged to situation-relating research, respectively. 3) In terms of research design, most studies of analyzed (90.4%) were conducted by non-experimental design, and 7 studies (9.6%) were conducted by experimental design. But, qualitative research related to family support was not found. 4) In terms of research subjects, target populations of experimental studies were patients with arthritis, mental disorder, tuberculosis, coronary artery disease and hypertension. In correlational studies, 51 studies, 69.9% of those analyzed, were conducted to patients with renal failure, cancer and hemiplegia, and 5 studies (6.8%) were conducted to aged people and adolescents. 5) Study concepts used in correlational studies were quality of life, anxiety and depression, self-esteem, hope, role behavior, compliance and self-care activities. The quality of life was most often used among studies with 12.5% of those analyzed. 6) Nursing interventions, including diet therapy, family involving education and supportive care, used in experimental studies mostly showed positive effects on client involvement and home health improvement. However, the nursing interventions of mental health rehabilitation and resistance exercise showed neutral and negative results. The findings of this study provide evidence that more empirical research including experimental or qualitative studies should be conducted actively to improve nursing practice related to family support. Also, to promote more diverse nursing interventions, a family assessment tool especially for Korean families needs to be developed.

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A Study for the Adaptation of Simulation of Uniaxial Compressive Strength Test for Concrete in 3-Dimensional Particle Bonded Model (3차원 입자 결합 모델에서 콘크리트의 일축압축실험 모사 적용성 연구)

  • Lee, Hee-Kwang;Jeon, Seok-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2008
  • In an uniaxial compressive test of a concrete standard specimen (150×300 mm) the crack initiation and extension with the stress increase are the major reason of the failure, which is similar to the breakage of the particle bonding in the simulation by using particle bonded model, especially particle flow code in 3 dimensions (PFC3D) developed by Itasca Consulting Group Inc. That is the main motive to study the possibility of an uniaxial compressive strength test simulation. It is important to investigate the relationship between the micro-parameters and the macro-properties because the 3-dimensional particle bonded model uses the spherical particles to analyze the physical phenomena. Contact bonded model used herein has eight micro-parameters and there are five macro-properties; Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, uniaxial compressive strength and the crack initiation stress and the ratio concerning the crack propagation with the stress. To simulate the compressive test we made quantitative relationships between the micro-parameters and the macro-properties by using the fractional factorial design and various sensitivity analyses including regression analysis, which result in the good agreement with the previous studies. Also, the stress-stain curve and the crack distribution over the specimen given by PFC3D showed the mechanical behavior of the concrete standard specimen under the uniaxial compression. It is concluded that the particle bonded model can be a good tool for the analyzing the mechanical behavior of concrete under the uniaxial compressive load.

Animal Diagnosis System Using Wireless Digital Stethoscope (무선 디지털청진기를 이용한 동물 진단시스템)

  • Park, Kee-Young;Hong, Soo-Mi;Lee, Jong-Ha;Park, Jin-Ho;Jung, Eui-Bung
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38B no.9
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    • pp.722-727
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    • 2013
  • Medical treatment for animals is very difficult as the opinions of pets' masters take priority over treatment regardless of the seriousness of pets' disease or the needs of medical treatment. In case that a pet has heart disease, especially, it is difficult to get the direct answer from the pet's master on the decision or confirmation of treatment. For those reasons, it is almost impossible to predict and treat the pet before an emergency like the heart failure or an unexpected death happens. Using stethoscope can be the first diagnosis method to check the heart or any kinds of disease inside the body. High-tech equipments like CT, X-ray or Ultrasound can be used, but they can only be used as a second choice of diagnosis method since it requires professional skills and its high price. That's why stethoscope is still the best diagnostic tool when one makes the first diagnosis. In this study, we give a detailed account of digital diagnosis system in which veterinarians can analyze the sound from stethoscope without bringing it to their ears and make a diagnosis wherever they are. And we suggest a new concept of diagnosis system surrounding, which shows the relativeness of disease through Level Crossing Rate(LCR) and energy level from the stethoscope sound made in this system.

Prospective Multicenter Study of the Challenges Inherent in Using Large Cell-Type Stents for Bilateral Stent-in-Stent Placement in Patients with Inoperable Malignant Hilar Biliary Obstruction

  • Yang, Min Jae;Kim, Jin Hong;Hwang, Jae Chul;Yoo, Byung Moo;Lee, Sang Hyub;Ryu, Ji Kon;Kim, Yong-Tae;Woo, Sang Myung;Lee, Woo Jin;Jeong, Seok;Lee, Don Haeng
    • Gut and Liver
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.722-727
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    • 2018
  • Background/Aims: Although endoscopic bilateral stent-instent placement is challenging, many recent studies have reported promising outcomes regarding technical success and endoscopic re-intervention. This study aimed to evaluate the technical accessibility of stent-in-stent placement using large cell-type stents in patients with inoperable malignant hilar biliary obstruction. Methods: Forty-three patients with inoperable malignant hilar biliary obstruction from four academic centers were prospectively enrolled from March 2013 to June 2015. Results: Bilateral stent-in-stent placement using two large cell-type stents was successfully performed in 88.4% of the patients (38/43). In four of the five cases with technical failure, the delivery sheath of the second stent became caught in the hook-cross-type vertex of the large cell of the first stent, and subsequent attempts to pass a guidewire and stent assembly through the mesh failed. Functional success was achieved in all cases of technical success. Stent occlusion occurred in 63.2% of the patients (24/38), with a median patient survival of 300 days. The median stent patency was 198 days. The stent patency rate was 82.9%, 63.1%, and 32.1% at 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively, respectively. Endoscopic re-intervention was performed in 14 patients, whereas 10 underwent percutaneous drainage. Conclusions: Large cell-type stents for endoscopic bilateral stent-in-stent placement had acceptable functional success and stent patency when technically successful. However, the technical difficulty associated with the entanglement of the second stent delivery sheath in the hook-cross-type vertex of the first stent may preclude large cell-type stents from being considered as a dedicated standard tool for stent-in-stent placement.

Thermal Design of Electronic for Controlling X-band Antenna of Compact Advanced Satellite (차세대 중형위성 탑재 X-밴드 안테나 구동용 전자유닛 APD 열설계 및 열해석)

  • Kim, Hye-In;You, Chang-Mok;Kang, Eun-Su;Oh, Hyun-Ung
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2018
  • The APD (Antenna Pointing Driver) is an electronic equipment tool that is used to drive the two-axis gimbal-type antenna for the image data transmission of CAS (Compact Advanced Satellite). In this study, a heat dissipation of EEE (Electrical, Electronic and Electromechanical) is reviewed, to identify the parts that directly affected its efficiency, lifetime as well as the reliability of the structure. This event eventually incurs a failure of the EEE part itself, or even the entire satellite system as noted in experiments in this case. To guarantee reliability of electronic equipment during the mission, the junction temperature of EEE parts is considered a significant and important design factor, and subsequently must be secured within the allowable range. Therefore, the notation of the thermal analysis considering the derating is indispensable, and a proper thermal mathematical model should be constructed for this case. In this study, the thermal design and thermal analysis are performed to confirm the temperature requirement of the APD. In addition, we noted that the validity of the thermal model, according to each of the identified modeling methods, was therefore compared through the thermal analysis utilized in this case.

Case study of dramatherapy for a bulmina nervosa patient (폭식증 환자의 연극치료 사례)

  • Lee, Hyowon
    • Journal of Korean Theatre Studies Association
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    • no.52
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    • pp.359-397
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    • 2014
  • This paper describes dramatherapy with a bulmina nervosa patient. She was in her early 20s and has been under the various psychotherapies for cure of deep depression since 2005. We had 24 sessions and 3 persons - the patient, the therapist, and the assist-therapist- participated in dramatherapy. I found there's a big collision between her important roles in the course of initial interview and diagnosis. Those roles are 'a good daughter of mom' and 'an independent adult'. Therefore I defined her bulmina nervosa as 'an symbolic behavior repeats compulsively the failure of separation from her mother.' And I set the general goals, the separation from her mother, the awareness and expression of negative emotions, and the diminuation of overeating and vomiting. To attain these object, we had many different dramatic experiences in dramatherapy. We made a self-portrait, the mask of bulmina nervosa, family sculpture, figure work, the past I and the present I, psychodramatic scene and several stories. In order to objective assessment, I used behavioral observation and 6PSM(6 Pieces Story Making) analysis. First of all the most noticeable change was a rapid decrease in over-eating and vomiting. Before the dramatherapy she had overeaten 30 times per week. At the closure it has fallen off to 1 time per week. Another behavioral changes were shift of outward appearance, not going church, working for living, and having a date with only one. She made 3 stories on 1th session, 13th session, and 23th session. And I comparatively analysed those stories with both qualitative and quantitative method. For qualitative analysis, I classified 5 structures according to the substantial similrarity. On protagonist structure, there's no difference. Three protagonists are dead things. The type of task structure is changed from an escape, a traveling, to metamorphosis. The type of obstruction structure is changed from the protagonist to an outside object. The type of closure structure is changed from an exaggerated happy ending, sad ending to probable happy ending. To quantitify the aspects of transformation, I developed an assesment tool using likert scale. It is composed of 4 sub-categories-reality testing, imagination, ego-strength, optimism problem-solving. In reality testing category, a shift of score was 9-11-15, imagination 2-5-5, ego strength 3-2-2, optimism 6-3-7, and total score 20-21-29. This change of score reflects the growth of problem solving capacity. Viewed in this light, dramatherapy with this girl was successful on the whole. The thing had significant effect on it was psycho-dynamic approach focused on separation from her mother and defence mechanism to avoid negative emotion. And assessment method used in this case will be full of suggestions to researches to come.

Korean Guideline for the Prevention and Treatment of Glucocorticoid-induced Osteoporosis

  • Park, So Young;Gong, Hyun Sik;Kim, Kyoung Min;Kim, Dam;Kim, Ha Young;Jeon, Chan Hong;Ju, Ji Hyeon;Lee, Shin-Seok;Park, Dong-Ah;Sung, Yoon-Kyoung;Kim, Sang Wan
    • Journal of Bone Metabolism
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.195-211
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    • 2018
  • Background: To develop guidelines and recommendations to prevent and treat glucocorticoid (GC)-induced osteoporosis (GIOP) in Korea. Methods: The Korean Society for Bone and Mineral Research and the Korean College of Rheumatology have developed this guideline based on Guidance for the Development of Clinical Practice Guidelines ver. 1.0 established by the National Evidence-Based Healthcare Collaborating Agency. This guideline was developed by adapting previously published guidelines, and a systematic review and quality assessment were performed. Results: This guideline applies to adults aged 19years who are using or plan to use GCs. It does not include children and adolescents. An initial assessment of fracture risk should be performed within 6 months of initial GC use. Fracture risk should be estimated using the fracture-risk assessment tool (FRAX) after adjustments for GC dose, history of osteoporotic fractures, and bone mineral density (BMD) results. All patients administered with prednisolone or an equivalent medication at a dose 2.5mg/day for 3months are recommended to use adequate calcium and vitamin D during treatment. Patients showing a moderate-to-high fracture risk should be treated with additional medication for osteoporosis. All patients continuing GC therapy should undergo annual BMD testing, vertebral X-ray, and fracture risk assessment using FRAX. When treatment failure is suspected, switching to another drug should be considered. Conclusions: This guideline is intended to guide clinicians in the prevention and treatment of GIOP.

Computation of Maintainability Index Using SysML-Based M&S Technique for Improved Weapon Systems Development (SysML 기반 모델링 및 시뮬레이션 기법을 활용한 무기체계 정비도 지수 산출)

  • Yoo, Yeon-Yong;Lee, Jae-Chon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.88-95
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    • 2018
  • Maintainability indicates how easily a system can be restored to the normal state when a system failure occurs. Systems developed to have high maintainability can be competitive due to reduced maintenance time, workforce and resources. Quantification of the maintainability is possible in many ways, but only after prototype production or with historical data. As such, the graph theory and 3D model data have been used, but there are limitations in management efficiency and early use. To solve this problem, we studied the maintainability index of weapon systems using SysML-based modeling and simulation technique. A SysML structure diagram was generated to simultaneously model the system design and maintainability of system components by reflecting the maintainability attributes acquired from the system engineering tool. Then, a SysML parametric diagram was created to quantify the maintainability through simulation linked with MATLAB. As a result, an integrated model to account for system design and maintainability simultaneously has been presented. The model can be used from early design stages to identify components with low maintainability index. The design of such components can be changed to improve maintainability and thus to reduce the risks of cost overruns and time delays due to belated design changes.