• Title/Summary/Keyword: Textbook Development

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An Analysis of Science Textbooks and Internet Sites Related to Diffusion and Dissolution on the View Point of Particle Theory, and Development of Computer-Assisted Instruction Program (입자론의 관점에서 본 확산과 용해 개념에 관련된 과학 교과서 및 인터넷 자료 분석과 컴퓨터 수업 보조자료의 개발)

  • Kim, Ju Hyun;Lee, Dong Jun;Kim, Sun Kyoung;Kang, Seong Joo;Paik, Seong Hey
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.611-624
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    • 2000
  • In this study we analysed 3-12 grade science textbooks, many literatures and internet sites related to diffusion and dissolution concepts. From these data, we discovered that the explanations of diffusion that used in textbooks are not considered the site of collision with mediums, and confused with dissolution, state transition and effusion. In the case of dissolution, almost analysis data were short of the explanations of interaction effect. Most of all, the focus of dissolution explanations was to solve the calculation problems rather than to understand the concept. Every internet site was poor, just as the level of showing textbook contents with computer, so the only effect of using computer was the sense of sight and hearing. Chemistry must be understood nature phenomena with a view point of particle theory, but many textbooks and Internet sites didn't represent it sufficiently. We set up the correct scientific concept and linked micro world of particle theory with macro world of nature phenomena. With a use of computer which have the advantage of representing moving things, we developed the computer-assisted instruction programs related to diffusion and dissolution with the viewpoint of particle movement.

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Perceptions and Teaching Practices of Elementary Teachers on the Integrated Inquiry Unit (통합탐구 단원에 대한 초등학교 교사들의 인식과 지도 실태)

  • Choi, Jimi;Park, Dahye;Park, Jongwook;Park, Jongseok
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.783-790
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    • 2016
  • The 'Integrated Inquiry' unit is a new addition in the 5th~6th grade science textbooks, and was developed for the 2009 revised national curriculum. The unit deals with six integrated inquiry process skills: problem cognition, formulating hypotheses, controlling variables, transforming and interpreting data, drawing results, and generalization. The purpose of this study is to investigate the perceptions and the teaching practices of elementary school teachers on this unit in their school curriculum and where improvements can be made. Data was collected from questionnaires filled out by 92 elementary school teachers. The results are as follows: First, teachers do have a positive perception on the importance of teaching integrated process skills. Second, with that being true, this unit ended up receiving both positive and negative reviews by teachers. This research found that there were good and bad responses on the educational aspects of this unit in three particular areas: dealing with the development of integrated inquiry process skills, facilitating science learning in other units, and implementing open inquiry. Third, teachers have difficulties particularly in problem cognition, formulating hypotheses, controlling variables, transforming and interpreting data, generalization, and drawing results. There is a lack of student understanding as well as a lack of professionalism for teachers on this unit, and many issues related to the composition of the textbook. This study may have important implications for making improvements in this unit and teaching integrated process skills.

Perspectives on the Use of Elementary Mathematics Textbooks by the Pre-service Teachers (예비교사의 초등수학교과서 활용에 대한 관점)

  • Park, Mangoo
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.461-482
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the elementary pre-service teachers' perspectives on the use of the elementary mathematics textbooks by observing mathematics classes at the schools and to present suggestions on the use of textbooks in the mathematics classes. For this study, let 54 pre-service elementary school teachers observe a total of 54 classes (1,299 students) in the first through sixth grades at 15 areas in Seoul city. With the observations of the mathematics classes, the researcher analyzed the pre-service elementary teachers' perspectives on the use of resources including mathematics textbooks in the elementary mathematics classes. As a result of the study, the pre-service teachers recognized that mathematics textbooks are the main material for mathematics classes, but they think that they need to reconstruct the contents of the textbooks for effective teaching and learning mathematics. In addition, various additional materials need to be used in order to help students learn mathematics more effectively, including by differentiated materials. Also, instruments used in the classes were mainly consisted of TV and PPT data. Pre-service teachers were not much satisfied with the contents of the elementary mathematics textbooks. However, they did not feel the need for development of digital textbooks. The researcher suggested a long term research on how to use study materials such as textbooks within the overall mechanism of teaching and learning processes. Also, practical teacher education programs that include applications of textbooks at schools are necessary in order to improve the quality of mathematics teaching and learning.

British movement of 'Science and Citizenship' during the 1930-50s and L. Hogben's Science for the Citizen (1930-50년대 영국의 '과학식민의식' 운동과 L. Hogben의 Science for the Citizen)

  • Song, Jin-Woong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.385-399
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    • 2001
  • In this study, the contexts and values of the movement called 'Science and Citizenship' during the 1930-50s are discussed in relation to the historical development of school science education in Britain and to the current STS movement in school science. A special attention is given to the activities and ideas of a then eminent biologist, Lancelot Hogben(1895-1975) who published a textbook-like science book, called "Science for the Citizen"(1938). From the beginning of the 20th century, there was a growing realization that British education system needed to be changed in order to provide school science teaching to a wider audience with more emphasis on the relevance, industrial and humanistic aspects of science. This was echoed by a lecture series called 'Science and Citizenship' which was reported in the School Science Review, then the only nationwide professional journal for science educators and by a group of professional scientists who had socialist ideas toward society. Hogben was one of the key member of the group and delivered the second lecture of 'Science and Citizenship', titled "Biological Instruction and education for Citizenship". Hogben's main idea, illustrated in this lecture as well as in "Science for the Citizen", was that science education should be a way of teaching citizen for promoting democratic society and to achieve that science need to be taught in more integrated, utilitarian and humanistic manners, for example by showing the usefulness, relevance, historical and democratic aspects of science. In addition, a summary of his own life and activities, the social background and socialist scientists of the time, and comparisons between 'Science and Citizenship' movement and the General Science movement in the UK as well as the progressive science education in the USA, and the STS education movement in 1980s are discussed.

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Development of Particle-level Computer Assisted Instruction Materials for the ‘Solution’ Chapter in High School Chemistry Textbook and Analysis of the Educational Effects (고등학교 화학 교과서의 ‘용액’ 단원에 대한 입자 수준의 컴퓨터 보조 수업자료 개발 및 적용 효과 분석)

  • Baek, Seong-Hye;Kim, Jong-Hyeon;Kim, Jeong-Won;Park, Chan-Geun
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.163-177
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    • 2006
  • Alpha Nickel hydroxide samples have been synthesized by electrodeposition on platinum and nickel substrates at current densities of 1, 5, 6, 7 and 10 mAcm?2 at a controlled temperature of 30.00 oC from Ni(NO3)2 bath. Platinum substrate shows a tendency to incorporate less nitrate ions with increase in current density thus producing less hydroxy-deficient nickel hydroxide layers. On the whole the interlayer distance (d003) is found to be inversely proportional to the amount of nitrate ions incorporated in-between the lattice. For the first time we have observed a decrease in lattice spacing with increase in concentration of intercalant (anions) and the reason for lattice contraction is attributed to the columbic attractive forces exerted by the oppositely charged nitrate ion and positively charged slabs. The Infrared spectra of the samples with expanded interlayers show two types of OH vibrations corresponding to hydrogen bonded and non-hydrogen bonded OH groups whereas the contracted interlayers show only hydrogen-boded OH groups. Although the faradaic efficiency is found to increase with increase in applied current there is a local minimum at 6.0 mAcm?2 current density on both platinum and nickel substrates. In this manuscript, GC-MS data is provided which clearly demonstrates the electrodeposited nickel hydroxide sample to consist of huge amount of carbonate ions although the electrolyte solution in nickel nitrate.

An Analysis and Study for the Math Disliking Tendency of the Australian Students -Compare to the Students of Middle School of Korea- (호주 학생들의 수학 기피성향 분석 연구 -우리나라 중학교 학생과의 비교-)

  • 박기양
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.295-302
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to make more reliable researches on the tendency of shirking from the mathematics by including those of the students in the other country, and there are a series of researches such as 'math-camp to raise the mathematical tendency of the students who make little progress in the study', 'establishment of factors causing the shirking tendency from the mathematics and development of the analyzing instruments for it' and 'study on the preference to each category of the school mathematics.' For this purpose, I used a test developed by the shirking tendency research team. I compared the average score and standard deviation between the Korean and the Australian students. As for the average score, that of the Australian elementary school students is about one point higher than the Korean students, and there was no remarkable difference in the deviation. Comparing the math-shirking tendency of the two groups, they show higher shirking tendency in the aspects of emotional and mathematical recognition that belong to the psychological and environmental sphere. And, as for an extent of association in difficulties according to each school grades, its degree of the Australian students is comparatively lower than that of the Korean students, therefore, the shirking tendency of the Australian students is intermediate level whereas that of the Korean students is the lowest. They show us a peculiar result in teacher factor. It is noteworthy in that the Korean students show a positive reaction in that factor, however, the Australian students show a comparatively weak reaction. It might be caused by a cultural difference. I also have compared the accumulated percentage according to each shirking tendency factors. It will not only be very efficient for teachers to establish a teaching plan but also a good data to understand the shirking tendency of each student. This will be a very good data for the planners of teaching policy to remedy the causes of shirking tendency. And, it will also be used effectively to write a new textbook. It has been uncommon that a psychological test is used in the research for the improvement of teaching and learning mathematics. In this aspect, I am sure that this study including the preceding research will be a good in studying the shirking tendency factors by using a psychological test. I believe that this research will be a help to grasp the outline of the shirking tendency and I will have to try continuously to make it be a reasonable and reliable study.

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The Analytical Study on the Research Trends of Science Education in Korea(The period : 1992 ~ 1996) (국내 과학교육 연구 동향 분석(기간;1992년 ~ 1996년))

  • 송판섭;기수연;김석중;김정길;김해경;남철우;최도성;한광래;홍행화
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 1999
  • This study aims to analyze tile research trends of science education in Korea, and suggest the direction of the desirable research, which is to help the improvement of science education practically. To achieve these aims, the papers related to the science education (paper;1288, master′s thesis;724, doctoral thesis;59), which were published from 1992 to 1996 in Korea, are classified by the criteria for the analysis and summed up. The condensed results of this study are as follows, 1. The papers published through this period, maintains the stability in aspect of quantity compared with 1980s. It is owing to the efforts of the prime investigator so that "the science education," as a part of normal science, may settle down in Korea. 2. In the case of thesis for the academic degree, the doctoral theses are rare, as the ratio of the doctoral vs. the master′s is 1:13. Even so, most of the theses were produced by a few universities(master′s thesis/Kor. Nat. Univ. of Edu.;28.3%, Ewha Woman′ Univ.;16.2%, doctoral thesis/Seoul Nat. Univ.;57.6%, Kor. Nat. Univ. of Edu.;22.0%). 3. Most of papers are preponderant at three categories among the ten categories proposed by this study (science teaching-learning material;23.5%, science teaching methods;21.4%, psychology of science education;21.1%). 4. Concerning the subject of research, these papers are not diversity and intensive, that is; the subject related to scientific concepts, scientific thinking and attitude, and analysis of scientific textbook is 17.7%, 14.3%, and 10.5% of the total, respectively. 5. Though not including this study, among the theses for the master of science education, many of theses are related to the subject of pure science. There are some suggestions related to tile results of this study. The severe preponderance ill the training process, the subject, and area of research, can be pointed out one of the flimsy in our researches of science education. Because these cannot be considered separately, the policy and support of educational administration must be needed to remove this phenomena. To improve the present situation of science education, the research funds have to be given to the practical than the theoretical subjects. Which can make promptly a settlement of tile problems and difficulties from the field of science education, and encourage the reseal,:h activities that tile front teachers take part in. Lately, the accumulation of literature and references are a prior condition in the development of academic knowledge. Therefore the data base system for the information of science education and translation of foreign literature related to science education must be achieved. In addition, the programs that tile teacher and the investigator can make good use of such an information without limited conditions, must be prepared.

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Analysis of Visual Material of Primary School Technology Textbooks in Nigeria (나이지리아 초등학교 기술 교과서의 시각자료 분석)

  • LEE, Choon-Sig
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.123-141
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic data that can be used for the development of technology textbooks of Nigeria-Korea Model School by analyzing external and internal aspects of Illustration in Nigerian primary school technology textbooks, and 10 textbooks used in Nigeria were analyzed. Based on the results of the study, the conclusions are as follows. First, the form of the visual data should be diversified into a picture, a cartoon, a diagram, and a diagram from the photograph center, and provide various information closely related to the contents of the technology. Second, it is necessary to increase the size of illustration so as to induce learners to be motivated, and to enhance the effect of editing. Third, currently, partial enlargement data is rarely used, but visual material should be partially enlarged in order to express a detail part of product. Fourth, diversity of editing should be done by using circular or background omission rather than using only rectangle uniformly in visual material. Fifth, in terms of gender equality, it is necessary to deviate from male-centric visual materials and edit them with consideration for women. Sixth, in order to provide learner-centered textbooks, the role of visual materials should be extended to 'inducement of motivation', 'activity guidance', and 'activity result' in addition to 'providing data'. Finally, in terms of the function of visuals, the quality of textbooks should be upgraded by utilizing auxiliary and decorative functions in addition to essential functions.

The Effect of Discourse-typed Inquiry Learning Program Fitted with POE on High School Student's Academic Achievement and Attitude Toward Science (POE를 적용한 논술형 탐구학습 프로그램 활용 수업이 고등학생들의 학업 성취도와 과학 관련 태도에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Dong-Ryeul
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.44-55
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    • 2009
  • The research is aimed at investigating the development and application of high school biology classes utilizing discourse-typed inquiry learning program fitted with POE, and the corresponding effect on student's academic achievement and attitude toward science. 4 classes of 11th graders in a general high school located in Busan were selected as subjects. Biology I, 'Circulation' unit was lectured for 4 weeks (6 classes), and the experimental group underwent classes utilizing discourse-typed inquiry learning program fitted with POE. The control group was taught identical major learning contents, but based on the learning objectives and research activities provided by Biology I textbook. As a result of application, first, the discourse-typed inquiry learning program fitted with POE exhibited positive consequences of linking previously acquired knowledge and the new learning attained through experiments, as well as not only improving the students' problem solving capacity through diverging questions from the teachers to drive the students' higher-level contemplation, but also enhancing student academic achievement by assisting their logical thinking. Second, POE-fitted discourse-typed inquiry learning program rendered presupposing session of the experiment that resulted in drawing learners' attention in advance, and incited active participation in the learning process through solving the contradiction between what was actually observed and what was expected, which eventually proved to lay out positive impact on students' attitude toward science.

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Development of a Program for Topophilia Geological Fieldwork Based on Science Field Study Area in Youngdong, Chungcheongbuk-do (충북 영동 지역의 과학학습장을 활용한 토포필리아 야외지질학습 프로그램 개발)

  • Yoon, Ma-Byong;Nam, Kye-Soo;Baek, Je-Eun;Bong, Phil-Hun;Kim, Yu-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.76-89
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a science field study area using Geumgang(Geum River), fossil origins and various geological resources in Youngdong area of Chungcheongbuk-do as educational resources; and utilize them to develop an education program to cultivate earth science and topophilia. The Youngdong sedimentary basin (Cretaceous period) has a well-developed outcrop along the Geumgang and it is therefore easy to find various geological structures, plant fossils, and dinosaur fossils. Also, it has a distinct sedimentary structure, such as mud cracks, ripple marks and cross-bedding. Science field study area(6 observation sites) were developed based on school curriculum, textbook analysis, and professional earth science education panel discussion to create a convergence education program. The result of validating the developed program showed that all the items were satisfactory ($CVR{\geq}0.88$) in the test categories. The science field study teaching-learning model was applied to actual classes. The evaluation result for class satisfaction was positive, scoring Rickert scale 4.18. The result of observation about the outdoor classroom process in the science field study area revealed that students were able to form a new image of the beautiful scenery of the Geumgang. Also, the students could gain a new understanding, concept and value of various geological objects (sandy beach, stepping-stones, dinosaur footprint fossils, sedimentary formation), which naturally allowed them to form topophilia.