• 제목/요약/키워드: Test-area method

검색결과 2,527건 처리시간 0.061초

Vapor-liquid Interface of Argon by Using a Test-area Simulation Method

  • Lee, Song-Hi
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.167-170
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    • 2012
  • A test-area molecular dynamics simulation method for the vapor-liquid interface of argon through a Lennard-Jones intermolecular potential is presented in this paper as a primary study of interfacial systems. We found that the calculated density profile along the z-direction normal to the interface is not changed with time after equilibration and that the values of surface tension computed from this test-area method are fully consistent with the experimental data. We compared the thermodynamic properties of vapor argon, liquid argon, and argon in the vapor-liquid interface. Comparisons are made with kinetic and potential energies, diffusion coefficient, and viscosity.

Fuzzy Set을 이용한 피부반응 검사의 자동화 연구 (Automation of Skin Allergy Test using Fuzzy Set)

  • 심철;정병선;이명구;박민용
    • 대한의용생체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한의용생체공학회 1990년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.43-46
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    • 1990
  • Modern society is prevailed a lot of allergies. So, the allergy test is very important. There are many kinds of allergy test. A doctor usually uses skin allergy test among many allergy tests. However, little standadization and objectivity of grading-standard has been established in the skin allergy test. A measurement of the reaction area has been a major objective to perform skin allergy test. Recently, a doctor's method is to measure the reaction area after drawing a line that represents the reaction area on the skin. But this method differs slightly from the real reaction area and individual doctor's measurement is different, because the edge of the reaction area is obscure. In this paper, we propose a algorithm which is able to detect vague edges using the fuzzy set. The algorithm that detects the line and curve is proposed first. Here, the maximum value is calculated by comparing the membership function of the line and curve seperately. We also encode the direction of the line and curve by using 8-direction code. Then, we calculate the reaction area by measuring the pixels which are inside the reaction area. And finally the Allergy grade is decided by grading-standard, and we accomplish faster, the 80re accurate and objective allergy grade decision.

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콘크리트 비파괴강도 추정을 위한 인발시험법에 대한 연구 (A Study on the Pull-out test for Non-Destructive Evaluation of Concrete Strength)

  • 한만엽;김동욱
    • 한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘크리트학회 1999년도 학회창립 10주년 기념 1999년도 가을 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.639-642
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    • 1999
  • Pullout test known as Lok test among the test methods to evaluate concrete strength strength is a test method which is used to decide the form removal time by assessing the early strength of concrete in a new construction, or to control the quality of newly placed concrete. This method has inconvenience to place inserts on the form work in advance, however, the placing work is quite simple and it has advantage that the strength can be measured at field as long as the inserts are placed. In this study, the first step is to investigate the properties of test method itself, by performing the laboratory test which covers deviation of the method and factors affecting the results, etc. The second step is to correlate the result with cylinder strength and other NDT methods such as rebound hammer, ultrasonic method, etc. And that, the results are compared with foreign results to find the differences between the two. In this research, new factors such as moisture content, area of aggregate failure cross section and area of aggregate separation cross section, etc as well as wate-cement ratio and age are investigated.

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가속내구시험 마모영역 판별에 대한 이미지 분석 연구 (A Study on Image Analysis for Determination of Wear Area in Accelerated Durability Test)

  • 천민우;이철희
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • 제38권4호
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    • pp.128-135
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    • 2022
  • In the product development process, the reliability of the product can be secured through durability tests. However, since the durability test method is expensive and time consuming, a method to save time and money by utilizing virtual product development (VPD) is required. However, research on the accuracy of the results of virtual product development is required. In this paper, an accelerated durability test was designed and conducted using a planetary gear decelerator. And an analysis model under the same conditions was created and simulated. To correlate the results of the experiment with the results of the analytical model, created a model that can discriminate the wear region using one of the data mining methods, the k-means algorithm method and HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value). The wear area is compared by counting the number of pixels defined as wear through a discrimination model. A similar ratio was calculated by comparing the pixel ratio of the area determined as wear in the entire area. It showed a similar ratio of about 70%, and it is necessary to improve the discrimination method.

서비스품질과 고객만족간의 인과관계 실증 분석 : Granger 검정법을 중심으로 (Investigating the Causal Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction by Granger's Test of Casuality Method)

  • 박윤서
    • 한국경영과학회지
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    • 제36권4호
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    • pp.143-160
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    • 2011
  • In the marketing research area, service quality and customer satisfaction have been considered as ones of the most important marketing variables. However, there has been a lot of controversy over the direction of the casual relationship between the service quality and the customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to investigate the casual relationship between the service quality and the customer satisfaction. Granger's test of casuality method has been used to test the casuality relationship between two variables. In this paper, we applied the Granger's test of casuality method to KS-SQI and NCSI data of 17 business area which had been gathered annually. As the research result, we found that the customer satisfaction might cause the service quality in many service area.

표면에너지와 거칠기가 응착력에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Surface Energy and Roughness on Adhesion Force)

  • 나종주;권식철;정용수
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제30권11호
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    • pp.1335-1347
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    • 2006
  • Surface energies calculated from measured contact angles between several solutions and test samples, such as Si wafer, $Al_2O_3$, $SiO_2$, PTFE(Polytertrafluoroethylene), and DLC(Diamond Like Carbon) films, based on geometric mean method and Lewis acid base method. In order to relate roughness to adhesion force, surface roughness of test samples were scanned large area and small by AFM(Atomic Force Microscopy). Roughness was representative of test samples in large scan area and comparable with AFM tip radius in small scan area. Adhesion forces between AFM tip and test samples were matched well with order of roughness rather then surface energy. When AFM tips having different radius were used to measure adhesion force on DLCI film, sharper AFM tip was, smaller adhesion force was measured. Therefore contact area was more important factor to determine adhesion force.

간척지 온실기초 나무말뚝의 인발저항력 예측을 위한 실내모형시험 결과 비교·분석 (Comparision Analysis of Model Test for Prediction of Uplift Resistance in the Reclaimed Land Greenhouse Foundation)

  • 송창섭;김명환;장웅희
    • 한국농공학회논문집
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    • 제58권2호
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2016
  • The object of this paper was to evaulate modified proposed design equation in model test result in order to estimate uplift-resistance of timber pile of reclaimed land greenhouse foundation. Uplift resistance result of model test was increased to according to increased of contact area. Uplift-resistance result of field test tend to lineary increased to according to increased of embedment depth and contact area. Results of field uplift-resistance was evaluate compare with modified proposed design equation results of model test and Effective stress method. As the Effective stress method tend to underestimate, modified proposed design equation results of model test tend to similar type. As the contact area increase, difference between field uplift-resistance results and modified proposed design equation results of model test was considered uplift-speed.

암반용 테스트해머 사용에 의한 고강도콘크리트의 강도추정 (Strength Estimation of the High Strength Concrete by using Rock Test Hammer)

  • 서윤아;남경용;박수화;김성덕;임남기;정상진
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2012년도 추계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.77-79
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    • 2012
  • This paper intends to review possible application in the high strength area through compressive strength estimation of the simulated high strength concrete member using Rock Test Hammer and suggest it as a reference data for the strength estimation technique of the ultra high strength concrete in the future. From the results of our test, in the low strength area less than 15MPa and normal strength area in 15~60MPa, as shown on the existing studies, it is indicated that P Type Schmidt Hammer in the low strength area and N Type Schmidt Hammer in the normal strength area have high correlation of rebound-compressive strength. As the Rock Test Hammer indicated more or less reduced accuracy in the low strength area and the normal strength area but high correlation on the high strength area (50~100MPa) defined on this test, it is determined that it would be possible to make the fastest and simplest compressive strength estimation on the site where the high strength concrete is applied.

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현장시험법을 통한 인천지역 해성퇴적토의 전단파 속도 특성 고찰 (Investigation on S-wave Velocity for The Marine Deposits in Incheon Coastal Area.)

  • 최원일;정남훈;김학문
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2008년도 추계 학술발표회
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    • pp.1340-1352
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    • 2008
  • In this study, S-wave velocity range is gauged in every field test method at the total 5 locations in the marine deposits in Incheon area. field test method is accomplished the SPT(Standard Penetration Test), CPT(Cone Penetration Test), SPS(Suspension PS Logger), SCPT (Seismic Cone Penetration Test) and so on. The S-wave velocity of SCPT in the downhole test method is measured lower than SPS logger at the N value > 15 range. But at the N value < 15 range, SPS logger and SCPT result is measured same. In this result, although the soil strength of the downhole test method increased, the rate of S-wave velocity is tend to be slowed. This result shows that the downhole test is difficult to apply at the place that the intensity of soil is more extreme and harder soil. And it shows that the existing Imai(1982) type that is mostly used within the country is not suitable for the marine deposits. Thus, the empirical formula that can show the range of S-wave velocity in each N value for domestic soil is needed.

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Test Point Insertion with Control Point by Greater Use of Existing Functional Flip-Flops

  • Yang, Joon-Sung;Touba, Nur A.
    • ETRI Journal
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    • 제36권6호
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    • pp.942-952
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents a novel test point insertion (TPI) method for a pseudo-random built-in self-test (BIST) to reduce the area overhead. Recently, a new TPI method for BISTs was proposed that tries to use functional flip-flops to drive control test points instead of adding extra dedicated flip-flops for driving control points. The replacement rule used in a previous work has limitations preventing some dedicated flip-flops from being replaced by functional flip-flops. This paper proposes a logic cone analysis-based TPI approach to overcome the limitations. Logic cone analysis is performed to find candidate functional flop-flops for replacing dedicated flip-flops. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method reduces the test point area overhead significantly with minimal loss of testability by replacing the dedicated flip-flops.