• Title/Summary/Keyword: Technical high school

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The Relationship between Power and Place of the Jeonju Shrine in the Period of Japanese Imperialism (일제강점기(日帝强占期) 조선신사(朝鮮神社)의 장소(場所)와 권력(權力): 전주신사(全州神社)를 사례(事例)로)

  • Choi, Jin-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.44-58
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    • 2006
  • This study of Shintoism is to inquire the relationships between social-political ideology and place of Shinto shrine(神社). In Korea, the Shinto shrine was a place of the center of Japanese colonial policy that symbolized the goal of Japanese Imperialism. This was one of the strategies of "Japan and Korea Are One". Before the China and Japan War in 1937, the number of shrines amounted to 51 sites, 12 of them were closely related to open ports, and the others were located at inland major cities. They also were associated with railroad transportation systems that tied coast and inland major cities. This spatial distribution of shrines was so called "Shrine Network" that was essential in tracing Japanese invasion into Korea. It was an imperial place where Japanese residence and colonial landscape were combined together to show the strength of Japanese Imperialism. Most of shrines were located at a hill with a view on the slope of a mountain and honored Goddess Amaterasu and the Meiji Emperor. I presume from these facts that Shinto Shrine was a supervisionary organization for strategic purpose. The Jeonju Shrine was located on a small hill, Dagasan(65m) where commanded a splendid view of Jeonju city and honored Goddess Amaterasu and the Meiji Emperor. It was a place which was adjacent to Japanese residence and colonial landscape. The Dagasan was changed as a symbolic site for Japanese Imperialism. But, after liberation in 1945, the social-political symbol of the hill was changed. By the strong will of civil, there was a monument to the loyal dead and the national poet, Yi Byeng-gi placed for national identity at the site of the demolished Jeonju Shrine. Dagasan as a place of national identity, shows the symbolic decolonization and the changing ideology. After all, this shows that political ideology is represented in a place with landscape.

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An Analysis of Cost Reduction Potentials for Modular Housing from the Long-term Perspective (장기적 관점에서의 모듈러 주택 공사비 절감기회 분석)

  • Kim, Hu Yong;Ryu, Kuk Mu;Kim, Kyoon Tai;Jun, Young Hun;Kim, Yea Sang
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.124-134
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    • 2018
  • Despite the many advantages of modular housing, low preference for modular housing for consumers who are familiar with RC structure leads to high construction cost of modular housing. The cost of modular buildings is about 130% of that of RC structures, so it is urgent to secure economical efficiency of modular buildings. Therefore, in this study, after calculating the savings amount of modular housing by type of construction work, economic analysis was conducted from a long - term perspective. In order to carry out the research, the authors compiled and analyzed the material cost, labor cost, and expenses incurred by each type of work by reclassifying the statement of the modular housing into the factory production and the site installation. After that, Pareto diagrams were created to find a core work that is included in the cost ratio of about 80%, and selected it as a cost reduction subject. Based on the assumption that the market size of domestic modular housing is similar to the level of modular advanced countries such as Japan and European countries, six cost reduction methods were set up that reflects the characteristics of the modular construction method and used for the expert interviews. Cost saving potentials in percentage from the interview were converted to the amount of savings that can be achieved by each type of method when applying the method. Finally, the findings of the study are expected to suggest long-term directions for technical development for modular construction and cost savings.

A Study on the Level of Awareness and the Current Performance Level of Self-directed Learning in Nursing Students (간호대학생의 자기주도 학습에 대한 인식과 수행 실태)

  • Kim, Jeong Ah;Bae, Moonhae;Ko, Ja-kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.621-633
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the level of awareness and current performance level of self-directed learning (SDL) in nursing students. The core concepts were defined and a rubric was developed through literature review. It was applied later to subjects and the results were analyzed. According to the results, there were significant differences between the current performance level and the awareness level of SDL in all items. Students who chose nursing as a major due to their high school/SAT grades showed lower current performance level than others. There were insignificant differences in the current performance level influencing the next grade. The level of awareness showed insignificant differences according to the reason for selecting nursing as a major, satisfaction on major, and grade point average (GPA). In conclusion, there was a discrepancy between the level of awareness and the current performance level of SDL of nursing students, which indicates that they were aware of the necessity of SDL, but did not actually perform it. Nursing educators should seek for strategies that can improve SDL ability of their students as well as to better grasp the level of the SDL of their student and the current performance level of SDL to apply them to the instructional design.

Composition Changes in Cement Matrix of RC Column Exposed to Fire (화재에 노출된 RC기둥 시멘트 매트릭스의 구성성분 변화)

  • Kim, Jung-Joong;Youm, Kwang-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.369-375
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    • 2014
  • This study examined the changes of microstructural compositions in cement matrix according to the depth from the surface of a reinforced concrete (RC) column exposed to fire. The RC column was exposed to a standard fire for 180 minutes. After the fire test, core samples passing through the column section were obtained. Using the core samples, the remaining fractions of calcium-silicate-hydrates (C-S-H) and calcium hydroxide in cement matrix at the surface, the depth of 40 mm and 80 mm and the center (175 mm) were examined using thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRDA). Using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique, the silicate polymerization of C-S-H in cement matrix was also evaluated. The experimental results indicated that the amount of C-S-H loss at the center of column experiencing the transferred fire temperature of $236^{\circ}C$ has been underestimated as the TGA results showed the highest C-S-H contents are located at the depth of 80 mm, where the transferred fire temperature is $419^{\circ}C$. Moreover, the destruction of silicate connections at the center was observed as similar as that at the depth of 40 mm, where the transferred fire temperature was $618^{\circ}C$. This might be attributed to the temperature changes during cooling time after the fire test was neglected. Due to the relatively low thermal conductivity of concrete, the high temperature, which can affect the change of microstructure in cements, will hold longer at the center of the column than other depth.

A Survey on Diseases and Symptoms of the nurses who were Employed at the City and University hospitals in Seoul (서울시내 종합병원에 근무하는 간호원들의 질병 및 증상에 관한 조사)

  • 김매자;이선자;박순자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 1975
  • The investigators conducted this survey to find out prevalence of diseases and symptoms of the 812 nurses who were working at the 12 Seoul city and University's hospital in Seoul by retrospective study The results of survey were summarized as follows: 1. Distribution of Prevalence Rate of Diseases and Symptoms. 1) An average prevalence rate of diseases and Symptoms of the nurses/100 persons was 64.3 cases at Present October I.1972 2) The total number of diseases and Symptoms was 522 cases at present Oct, I 1972 for the survey nurses. The prevalence rate of following diseases/100 persons were as, foot sore-11, 3. myopia-9.7, neuralgia-9.6, anemia-9.1, insomnia-8.6 cases and the corrected number percent of prevalence rate of diseases and symptoms of the above diseases into 100 denominator were as follows : foot sore-17.6% , myopia-15.4%, neuralgia-14.9%, anemia-14.2% insomnia-13.2%. 3) The prevalence rate of diseases and symptoms/100 person for the age group of 45 and over was 140.0 cases and the age of 35-39 years was 27.3 cases. 4) The prevalence rate of diseases and symptoms/100 persons by the rotation system of nurses'duty/day were as follows: two shift system rotation-86.7 cases, three shift system rotation-67.9 cases and day duty only was 56.2 cases, 5) The prevalence rate of diseases and symptoms/100 person by the basic nursing education background seemed to be lower occurrence against to the higher education and it was 94.4 cases at the Technical Nursing High School graduates. 6) The prevalence rate of diseases and symptoms/100 persons by the marital status of the nurses were as follows; single-64.8 cases, married-48, 7 cases, and widowed-28.6 cases. II. Relationship Between working Experience and prevalence of the Disease and symptoms. 1) There were no relationship by statistical test between prevalence of eye disease and experience at the eye ward(p〉0.05), skin disease and experience at the dermatology ward (p〉0.05), foot sore and experience at the operating room (p〉0.05), varicose vein and experience at the operating room (p〉0.05), sore finger and experience at the central supply room (p〉0.05), infectious disease and experience at the isolation ward(p〉0.05). 2) There was significant relationship by statistical test between pulmonary tuberculosis and experience at the tuberculosis ward (p〉0.05) prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis was five times in experienced group than non experienced group.

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The Effects of the Biodiversity Increase after Creation of the Artificial Wetland -The Case of Ecological Pond at Seoul Technical High School- (인공습지 조성후 생물다양성 증진 효과에 관한 연구 -서울공고 생태연못을 중심으로-)

  • 김귀곤;조동길
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the creation techniques of artificial wetland, one of biotopes developed to promote biodiversity in urban areas, and to look for improvement steps. Specifically, artificial wetland creation techniques were categorized into living environment and living creature classification. Being living conditions for creations, habitat environment was reviewed with a focus on water and soil environments. Living creatures were classified into plants, insects, fish, and birds. The evaluation of creation techniques was done in post-construction evaluation while considering the creation of habitats for living creatures. Intervention by users, changes in living environment and living species, and relevance of creation techniques were reviewed. Key results of this study are as follows. (1) Water environment for the living environment of creatures provides a suitable environment conditions for the living of creatures through a process easing the use of piped water. Various water depths and embankment appear to have a positive impact on the living of aquatic life. In particular, embankment covered in soil naturally played an important role as a place for the activities of aquatic insects and young fish as well as the growth of aquatic plants. (2) Various aquatic and ground plants to promote insect-diversity, shallow water, and old-tree logs had contributed greatly in increasing the types and number of insects. Aquatic insects. Aquatic insects were seen much particularly in areas where aquatic plants are rich but water is shallow than any other areas. (3) A space piled with stone to provide habitats for fish was not much used. However, it was observed that fish used embankment built with natural stones and embankment using logs in areas where water is deep. In addition, it was confirmed that 1,500 fish that had been released propagated using various depths and places for birth. (4) It was analyzed that techniques (creation of island, log setting, and creation of man-made bird nests) to provide habitats and to attract birds are not serving their roles. In such a case, it is believed that species had not increased due to the smallness as well as isolated features of the area. Based on theoretical review, they are judged to be areas that are likely to be used when a greater variety of birds is introduced. It is judged that attracting and keeping more birds at the site, such spaces need to be linked systematically in the future in terms of building eco-network while ensuring an adequate living areas. (5) In the study areas, users intervened greatly. As a result, a blockage was created preventing the normal growth of plants and non-indigenous plants were introduced. In order to limit the intervention by users, setting enough buffer zones, and environment education programs were urgently required. D/H=1>Hyangkyo> houses on the river>temples>lecture halls. D/H ratio of the backside areas is as follows. D/H=1>Hyangkyo>houses on the river>lecture halls. 4. Inner garden were planted deciduous than evergreen trees with Lagerstroemia indica. Enclosed dominant trees were planted by Pinus densiflora, Querces seuata. construct GEM strain, and examined for the expression and functional stability in microcosms.

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Petrochemical Characteristics of the Duibaejae Volcanic Rocks from Goseong, Gangwon-do, Korea (강원도 고성 뒤배재 화산암의 암석화학적 특성)

  • Kim, Hwa Sung;Kil, Youngwoo;Lee, Moon Won
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2013
  • Duibaejae basalts from Goseong, Gangwon-do, are divided into the lower basalt and the upper basalt depending on the properties, such as occurrence, mineral compositions, and major and trace compositions of the basalts. The lower basalts have characteristics of agglomerate rocks as well as contain, crustal and mantle xenoliths, and olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase xenocrysts. The upper basalts with columnar joints contain relatively more mantle xenolith and olivine xenocryst than the lower basalts. The major and trace element compositions suggest that the composition of the upper basalts is close to primary magma composition. Enrichment and depletion patterns of the trace and the rare-earth elements of the lower basalts are similar to those of the upper basalts, whereas the lower basalts are more LREE enriched than the upper basalts. The source magmas of the lower and upper basalts from Duibaejae volcanic edifice were generated from about 0.8-1.2% and 3.7-4.0% batch melting of garnet peridotite, respectively. The abundance of granite xenolith, and plagioclase and quartz xenocrysts with reaction rim indicates that the lower basalts, compared with upper basalts, might have been assimilated with the crustal materials during ascending to surface.

Mapping HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Screening Practice in the Pacific Region-Strengthening National and Regional Cervical Cancer Prevention

  • Obel, J;McKenzie, J;Buenconsejo-Lum, LE;Durand, AM;Ekeroma, A;Souares, Y;Hoy, D;Baravilala, W;Garland, SM;Kjaer, SK;Roth, A
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.3435-3442
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    • 2015
  • Objective : To provide background information for strengthening cervical cancer prevention in the Pacific by mapping current human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination and cervical cancer screening practices, as well as intent and barriers to the introduction and maintenance of national HPV vaccination programmes in the region. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey among ministry of health officials from 21 Pacific Island countries and territories (n=21). Results: Cervical cancer prevention was rated as highly important, but implementation of prevention programs were insufficient, with only two of 21 countries and territories having achieved coverage of cervical cancer screening above 40%. Ten of 21 countries and territories had included HPV vaccination in their immunization schedule, but only two countries reported coverage of HPV vaccination above 60% among the targeted population. Key barriers to the introduction and continuation of HPV vaccination were reported to be: (i) Lack of sustainable financing for HPV vaccine programs; (ii) Lack of visible government endorsement; (iii) Critical public perception of the value and safety of the HPV vaccine; and (iv) Lack of clear guidelines and policies for HPV vaccination. Conclusion: Current practices to prevent cervical cancer in the Pacific Region do not match the high burden of disease from cervical cancer. A regional approach, including reducing vaccine prices by bulk purchase of vaccine, technical support for implementation of prevention programs, operational research and advocacy could strengthen political momentum for cervical cancer prevention and avoid risking the lives of many women in the Pacific.

Production and Characterization of Ethanol- and Protease-Tolerant and Xylooligosaccharides-Producing Endoxylanase from Humicola sp. Ly01

  • Zhou, Junpei;Wu, Qian;Zhang, Rui;Yang, Yuying;Tang, Xianghua;Li, Junjun;Ding, Junmei;Dong, Yanyan;Huang, Zunxi
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.794-801
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    • 2013
  • This paper reports the production and characterization of crude xylanase from the newly isolated Humicola sp. Ly01. The highest (41.8 U/ml) production of the crude xylanase was obtained under the optimized conditions (w/v): 0.5% wheat bran, 0.2% $KH_2PO_4$, and 0.5% peptone; initial pH 7.0; incubation time 72 h; $30^{\circ}C$; and 150 rpm. A considerable amount of the crude xylanase was induced using hulless barley bran or soybean meal as the carbon source, but a small amount of the enzyme was produced when supplementary urea was used as the nitrogen source to wheat bran. The crude xylanase showed apparent optimal cellulase-free xylanase activity at $60^{\circ}C$ and pH 6.0, more than 71.8% of the maximum xylanase activity in 3.0-30.0% (v/v) ethanol and more than 82.3% of the initial xylanase activity after incubation in 3.0-30.0% (v/v) ethanol at $30^{\circ}C$ for 2 h. The crude xylanase was moderately resistant to both acid and neutral protease digestion, and released 7.9 and 10.9 ${\mu}mol/ml$ reducing sugar from xylan in the simulated gastric and intestinal fluids, respectively. The xylooligosaccharides were the main products of the hydrolysis of xylan by the crude xylanase. These properties suggested the potential of the crude enzyme for being applied in the animal feed industry, xylooligosaccharides production, and high-alcohol conditions such as ethanol production and brewing.

The Measures to Improve the Professionalism of Geography Teachers: Focusing on Teaching and Learning (지리교사 전문성 제고 방안: 교수.학습 측면을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jin-Kuk;Nam, Sang-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.3 s.120
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    • pp.453-467
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    • 2007
  • This study has shown that geography teachers need the professionalism in a Teaching and learning aspect. Together with the transition of epistemology and the operation of the Subject Matter-based curriculum, etc the demand for professionalism of teachers is much higher than ever. But the less discussion about what the professionalism of geography teachers based on subject traits and its components are has been mentioned. Especially the previous studies related with geography teachers usually distinguished the contents from the methods in the geography teaching in a dichotomy and tried to apply to a class model in the theoretical aspects, so they $didn't^{\circ}{\varnothing}t$ present the enough measures to improve the professionalism of geography teachers in the synthetic aspects. In this study, after I found the components of professionalism required to geography teachers in a teaching and learning, I tried to present measures to improve the professionalism of geography leathers in the macroscopic aspects. The geography teacher should be a teacher to design a region as a process than a result, and a teacher as a reflective practitioner than a technical practitioner. The improvement of professionalism should be achieved through the process of cooperation with an educational reflection in the individual aspects.