The Effects of the Biodiversity Increase after Creation of the Artificial Wetland -The Case of Ecological Pond at Seoul Technical High School-

인공습지 조성후 생물다양성 증진 효과에 관한 연구 -서울공고 생태연못을 중심으로-

  • 김귀곤 (서울대학교 조경학과) ;
  • 조동길 (서울대학교 대학원 협동과정 조경학전공)
  • Published : 1999.10.01


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the creation techniques of artificial wetland, one of biotopes developed to promote biodiversity in urban areas, and to look for improvement steps. Specifically, artificial wetland creation techniques were categorized into living environment and living creature classification. Being living conditions for creations, habitat environment was reviewed with a focus on water and soil environments. Living creatures were classified into plants, insects, fish, and birds. The evaluation of creation techniques was done in post-construction evaluation while considering the creation of habitats for living creatures. Intervention by users, changes in living environment and living species, and relevance of creation techniques were reviewed. Key results of this study are as follows. (1) Water environment for the living environment of creatures provides a suitable environment conditions for the living of creatures through a process easing the use of piped water. Various water depths and embankment appear to have a positive impact on the living of aquatic life. In particular, embankment covered in soil naturally played an important role as a place for the activities of aquatic insects and young fish as well as the growth of aquatic plants. (2) Various aquatic and ground plants to promote insect-diversity, shallow water, and old-tree logs had contributed greatly in increasing the types and number of insects. Aquatic insects. Aquatic insects were seen much particularly in areas where aquatic plants are rich but water is shallow than any other areas. (3) A space piled with stone to provide habitats for fish was not much used. However, it was observed that fish used embankment built with natural stones and embankment using logs in areas where water is deep. In addition, it was confirmed that 1,500 fish that had been released propagated using various depths and places for birth. (4) It was analyzed that techniques (creation of island, log setting, and creation of man-made bird nests) to provide habitats and to attract birds are not serving their roles. In such a case, it is believed that species had not increased due to the smallness as well as isolated features of the area. Based on theoretical review, they are judged to be areas that are likely to be used when a greater variety of birds is introduced. It is judged that attracting and keeping more birds at the site, such spaces need to be linked systematically in the future in terms of building eco-network while ensuring an adequate living areas. (5) In the study areas, users intervened greatly. As a result, a blockage was created preventing the normal growth of plants and non-indigenous plants were introduced. In order to limit the intervention by users, setting enough buffer zones, and environment education programs were urgently required. D/H=1>Hyangkyo> houses on the river>temples>lecture halls. D/H ratio of the backside areas is as follows. D/H=1>Hyangkyo>houses on the river>lecture halls. 4. Inner garden were planted deciduous than evergreen trees with Lagerstroemia indica. Enclosed dominant trees were planted by Pinus densiflora, Querces seuata. construct GEM strain, and examined for the expression and functional stability in microcosms.



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