• Title/Summary/Keyword: Technical criteria

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A Study on the Present Condition of Four-Year University Curriculum for Introducing NCS Landscape Architecture (NCS 조경 분야 적용을 위한 4년제 대학 교육과정 현황분석)

  • Lee, Chang-Hun;Kim, Kyou-Sub;Lee, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.134-147
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the functional unit system of NCS landscape field for correction and supplementation of NCS landscape field and the contents of the four-year college landscape course subject. First, 24 unconsolidated four-year universities were selected, and FGI was conducted and verified for 816 courses in 24 universities. The results of the study are summarized as follows, with three sections three, nine divisions and 65 sub-category. First, landscape design subjects accounted for 40.0% of the subjects organized by four-year universities. In addition, the ratio of 12.9% for ecological landscape, 11.3% for landscape construction, 10.2% for others, 10.0% for landscape information, 6.6% for landscape culture and 3.7% for landscape management was surveyed. Balanced and efficient modification and reinforcement of NCS is required in the future. Second, 10(18.9%) units with matching NCS performance criteria and educational objectives were found to be capable of different units(18.9%), 15(28.3%), and 37subjects with inconsistent NCS unit capability (56.9%). Third, looking at the criteria for the reference of each unit of capability presented by the NCS, it is deemed that one unit of capability should be organized separately to improve the practical ability, since it includes the contents of basic knowledge learning. Fourth, the objectives pursued on the basis of the contents of the NCS capability unit and four-year college curriculum were developed by focusing on the development of unit capabilities in the field of landscape construction and landscape management compared to the field of landscape design. It has been shown that a balance is needed for future development. This study is intended to put forward further research that re-examine specific curriculum assessment criteria that have not been classified in the course of classifications based on the curriculum handbook, which excludes interferences from each school.

Interobserver and Intraobserver Reproducibility of SUL Measurements in Reference Organs on FDG PET/CT (FDG PET/CT 검사 시 참고장기에서 측정한, 제지방체중으로 표준화한 표준화 섭취계수의 관찰자 사이 및 관찰자 내 재현성에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Seong Su;Shin, Yong Cheol;Lee, Sun Do;Lee, Nam Ju;Kim, Jong Cheol;Lee, Chun Ho
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The use of SUV which should be normalized by lean body mass (LBM) is recommended for PET response criteria in solid tumors. LBM which was determined by whole body CT was used for SUV normalization (SUL) in this study. The purpose of the present study was to assess interobserver and intraobserver reproducibility of SUL measurements in reference organs. Materials and Methods: F-18 FDG PET/CT was conducted on 52 subjects and LBMs were directly determine by whole body CT for normalization of SUV. The 3 cm diameter spherical VOI, $1\times2$ cm cylindrical VOI, 2 cm diameter spherical VOI were placed in the liver, descending aorta and spleen, respectively. Experienced two observers measured SULmax and SULmean in each organ. Repeated measurements were conducted two weeks apart by observer 1 blind to previous results. Similarly, measurements were conducted on the same patients by observer 2. For assessing reproducibility(or repeatability), the paired t-test, Pearson's correlation coefficients (CC), and technical error of measurement (TEM) were calculated. Results: For interobserver reproducibility in liver SULmax and SULmean, no significant differences were found between observers(paired t-test, P=0.536, 0.293, respectively). CC and TEM for liver SULmean were 0.909 (P=0.000) and 0.067 SUL unit, respectively. Corresponding figures for liver SULmax were 0.882 (P=0.000) and 0.117 SUL unit, respectively. For intraobserver reproducibility in liver SULmax and SULmean, no significant differences were observed within observer1 (paired t-test, P=0.374, 0.268, respectively). CC and TEM for liver SULmean were 0.924 (P=0.000) and 0.061 SUL, respectively. Corresponding figures for liver SULmax were 0.908 (P=0.000) and 0.104 SUL, respectively. Similarly, no significant differences were found in SULmax and SULmean of the spleen and aorta between observers. Conclusion: The current study demonstrated that both SULmean and SULmax measurements in normal reference organs are highly reproducible. Reproducibility of SULmean in reference organs were slightly better than SULmax. Interobsever technical error of measurement was less than 0.10 SUL unit for liver SULmean, and 0.12 SUL unit for liver SULmax. Intraobsever technical error of measurement was less than 0.07 SUL unit for liver SULmean, and 0.11 SUL unit for liver SULmax.

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Development of teaching-learning lesson plan untilizing TAI model based on module, used in survey subject of construction department - By applying standard-based assessment system for technical subject (건설계열 측량교과에서 활용할 모듈 기반의 TAI 모형 적용 교수-학습 과정안 개발 - 전문교과 성취평가제를 적용하여)

  • Lee, Ju-Min;Jang, Young-Il;Park, Wan-Shin
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.89-113
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    • 2013
  • The study started from the point that learners should be basically equipped to quickly respond to changes in demand for future human resources efficiently and effectively, and an attitude to take part in learning voluntarily should thus be cultivated. To this end, the author applied the TAI model based on a module as a class strategy to solve problems related to several classes occurred in specialized high schools. This application of the TAI model was also motivated by the necessity for designing an appropriate teaching-learning method that encourages improvement of self-learning capacity, consistent learning motivation, and willingness rather than external factors. Through this work, the author aims to heighten the interest of learners and improve endurance in learning. The study results are as follows. First, the learning unit was structuralized as a module and then learning stages were proceeded with so that capacity to adapt to learning would improve. The achievement standard (learning goal) was structuralized in a module type by analyzing and reorganizing the textbook considering the link between the actual practice field and a curriculum based on subject characteristics. Through the process of module type learning stages, the student's capacity to ascertain characteristics of units and to adapt to learning both improved. Second, through application of a TAI model based on a module, Self-Directed Learning capacity and capacity to adapt to a new field improved. By applying the module, Self-Directed Learning could be accomplished more effectively than in the existing passive learning environment. By grafting cooperative learning of the TAI model, students had greater interest and achievement in classes, self-confidence and community consciousness, and an opportunity to broaden their thinking. In particular, improvement of self-confidence is effective in cultivating the capacity required in industrial society to transcend the learning of simple functions and knowledge, as well as the capacity to adapt to new environments. Third, by solving tasks focused on fields related to industrial sites, not only actual survey capacity but also additional capacity to identify and solve tasks through various experiences improved. Furthermore, it was helpful for students to have interest and motivation about their own life and learning to cultivate the qualities and capacity to adapt to the working world where new knowledge and technology rapidly change. Fourth, by applying a standard-based assessment system for technical subjects introduced in 2012 to model design for learning plans, clearer and more objective assessment criteria were arranged, and individual learning through instruction at each achievement level could be accomplished. This improved achievement level of individual learners was helpful in reaching achievement goals at specific levels by overcoming the disadvantages of cooperative learning in each group.

A Research on Effect of Corporate's Competitive Advantage to the R&D Investment in Small and Medium Enterprise (중소기업 유형별 연구개발투자의 영향요인에 관한 실증연구)

  • Choi, Su-Heyong;Choi, Chul-An
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.191-217
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    • 2014
  • The Purpose of this study is to find the effect factors of R&D investment in SMEs which plays an important role in the national economy, and the differences of the effect factors by the type of SMEs. The subject of this study is about 3,400 SMEs mentioned in "The survey of technical statistics on SMEs in 2007" by Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business. The effect factors are related with the size of business, the infrastructure of R&D and the activities of R&D which have been studied by many researchers. The methods of analysis are regression analysis, moderating effect analysis and the software package used is SPSS 12.0. The results of the study are as fallow. First, it was found that unlike in previous studies which show the effect of the elements of business's size, research infrastructure, research activities on R&D investment, one element alone can't be considered for meaningful result but the various elements have effect on R&D investment at the same time. In other words, the number of employees and the sales as the elements of business's size, the ratio of researchers, the technical ability, the ratio of equipment possession and the intellectual properties as the elements of R&D infrastructure, the activity of ideas and joint research as the elements of R&D activities have positive(+) effect, whereas the participation of CEO in the activity of R&D as the elements of R&D activities activity has negative(-) one. The number of employees, the ratio of researchers, and the sales had relatively high influence whereas equipment possession, technical ability, intellectual properties, the participation of CEO in the research, the activity of idea, joint research had relatively low influence. Next, it was also found that there are differences of the effect factors over the types of SMEs. SMEs were classified into 19 types by eight criteria such as start-ups and existing business by business age; small business and medium business by size; manufacturing business and service business by product type;independent business and subcontractor business by dealing type; businesses in the entering, growing, maturing and restructuring stage by growth stage; businesses with low, medium and high technology by technological level; pioneering business and non-pioneering business by industrial type; and businesses with state-of-the-art technology and non-advanced business by the level of business activities. The meaning of this study lies in the fact that it found the various effect factors should be considered at the same time when conducting study on SMEs' R&D investment, and the differences by the type should be acknowledged. This study surpassed the limitations of the previous studies which focused on a couple of factors and types. This study result can also be considered for other studies on achievement, organization, marketing and others. Moreover, it shows that a differential policy by business type is needed when formulating SME policy.

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The Need Analysis for Operating Course-based National Technical Qualification Course of Vocational School Teachers (직업계고 교사의 과정평가형 자격 과정 운영에 대한 교육요구도 분석)

  • Park, Byeong-seon;Yoon, Ji-A;Lee, Chang-hoon
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.28-46
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to use as a basic data of establishing operating Course-based National Technical Qualification(CNTQ) support program by examining the educational needs for operating CNTQ of vocational school teachers, and to contribute to the vocational school settlement of CNTQ course. To achieve those purposes, this study drew 27 tasks performed by teachers operating CNTQ. Also, it surveyed the perceived importance and the performance. The findings of this study are as follows. First, it is showed that 'selection of qualification fields and confirmation of organization criteria, organization of educational training time by competency unit, organization of subjects and establishment of competency unit operating plan by grade and semester, selection of teaching materials, implementation of education and training, establishment of evaluation plan, implementation of evaluation, re-education and re-evaluation students with grades under 40%, guidance of paper evaluation, guidance of practical evaluation, guidance of interview evaluation' are the first priority tasks in the result of the need analysis. Second, it is indicated that 'application of external evaluation, guidance to retake an exam for failure' are the secondary priority tasks. According to these results, the following conclusions were made. First, it will be more positive effects if the educational needs in the next CNTQ support program include contents of the first priority tasks. Second, it is indicated that the priority of the educational needs for tasks of operating plan stages is commonly high. In particular, the highest ranking in the result means that it is completely supported from the first step on operating course. It is expected that the program which teachers on operating the course of similar qualification fields share each operating experience is effective. Third, the priority of the educational needs for external evaluation step ranked high. External evaluation has a different level of difficulty and a form of practical evaluation output according to qualification fields, so the method of guidance has to be different. It needs the program constructed by similar fields.

A Study on the Strategy of IoT Industry Development in the 4th Industrial Revolution: Focusing on the direction of business model innovation (4차 산업혁명 시대의 사물인터넷 산업 발전전략에 관한 연구: 기업측면의 비즈니스 모델혁신 방향을 중심으로)

  • Joeng, Min Eui;Yu, Song-Jin
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.57-75
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we conducted a study focusing on the innovation direction of the documentary model on the Internet of Things industry, which is the most actively industrialized among the core technologies of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Policy, economic, social, and technical issues were derived using PEST analysis for global trend analysis. It also presented future prospects for the Internet of Things industry of ICT-related global research institutes such as Gartner and International Data Corporation. Global research institutes predicted that competition in network technologies will be an issue for industrial Internet (IIoST) and IoT (Internet of Things) based on infrastructure and platforms. As a result of the PEST analysis, developed countries are pushing policies to respond to the fourth industrial revolution through cooperation of private (business/ research institutes) led by the government. It was also in the process of expanding related R&D budgets and establishing related policies in South Korea. On the economic side, the growth tax of the related industries (based on the aggregate value of the market) and the performance of the entity were reviewed. The growth of industries related to the fourth industrial revolution in advanced countries overseas was found to be faster than other industries, while in Korea, the growth of the "technical hardware and equipment" and "communication service" sectors was relatively low among industries related to the fourth industrial revolution. On the social side, it is expected to cause enormous ripple effects across society, largely due to changes in technology and industrial structure, changes in employment structure, changes in job volume, etc. On the technical side, changes were taking place in each industry, representing the health and medical sectors and manufacturing sectors, which were rapidly changing as they merged with the technology of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In this paper, various management methodologies for innovation of existing business model were reviewed to cope with rapidly changing industrial environment due to the fourth industrial revolution. In addition, four criteria were established to select a management model to cope with the new business environment: 'Applicability', 'Agility', 'Diversity' and 'Connectivity'. The expert survey results in an AHP analysis showing that Business Model Canvas is best suited for business model innovation methodology. The results showed very high importance, 42.5 percent in terms of "Applicability", 48.1 percent in terms of "Agility", 47.6 percent in terms of "diversity" and 42.9 percent in terms of "connectivity." Thus, it was selected as a model that could be diversely applied according to the industrial ecology and paradigm shift. Business Model Canvas is a relatively recent management strategy that identifies the value of a business model through a nine-block approach as a methodology for business model innovation. It identifies the value of a business model through nine block approaches and covers the four key areas of business: customer, order, infrastructure, and business feasibility analysis. In the paper, the expansion and application direction of the nine blocks were presented from the perspective of the IoT company (ICT). In conclusion, the discussion of which Business Model Canvas models will be applied in the ICT convergence industry is described. Based on the nine blocks, if appropriate applications are carried out to suit the characteristics of the target company, various applications are possible, such as integration and removal of five blocks, seven blocks and so on, and segmentation of blocks that fit the characteristics. Future research needs to develop customized business innovation methodologies for Internet of Things companies, or those that are performing Internet-based services. In addition, in this study, the Business Model Canvas model was derived from expert opinion as a useful tool for innovation. For the expansion and demonstration of the research, a study on the usability of presenting detailed implementation strategies, such as various model application cases and application models for actual companies, is needed.

Preliminary Review on Function, Needs and Approach of Underground Research Laboratory for Deep Geological Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel in Korea (사용후핵연료 심층처분을 위한 지하연구시설(URL)의 필요성 및 접근 방안)

  • Bae, Dae-Seok;Koh, Yong-Kwon;Lee, Sang-Jin;Kim, Hyunjoo;Choi, Byong-Il
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.157-178
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    • 2013
  • This study gives a conceptual and basic direction to develop a URL (underground research laboratory) program for establishing the performance and safety of a deep geological disposal system in Korea. The concept of deep geological disposal is one of the preferred methodologies for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Advanced countries with radioactive waste disposal have developed their own disposal concepts reasonable to their social and environmental conditions and applied to their commercial projects. Deep geological disposal system is a multi-barrier system generally consisting of an engineered barrier and natural barrier. A disposal facility and its host environment can be relied on a necessary containment and isolation over timescales envisaged as several to tens of thousands of years. A disposal system is not allowed in the commercial stage of the disposal program without a validation and demonstration of the performance and safety of the system. All issues confirming performance and safety of a disposal system include investigation, analysis, assessment, design, construction, operation and closure from planning to closure of the deep geological repository. Advanced countries perform RD&D (research, development & demonstration) programs to validate the performance and safety of a disposal system using a URL facility located at the preferred rock area within their own territories. The results and processes from the URL program contribute to construct technical criteria and guidelines for site selection as well as suitability and safety assessment of the final disposal site. Furthermore, the URL program also plays a decisive role in promoting scientific understanding of the deep geological disposal system for stakeholders, such as the public, regulator, and experts.

Qualitative Analysis of Food and Nutrition Informations offered in Television Programs(year 2002-2003) -Newscastings, Health Information Programs and Dramas (지상파 TV 방송프로그램에 나타난 식품영양정보의 질적 분석(2002-2003년) - 뉴스, 건강정보 프로그램, 드라마)

  • Mun, Hyeon-Gyeong;Jang, Yeong-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.67-85
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    • 2005
  • The study aimed to perform the qualitative analysis of food and nutrition informations offered in TV program by monitoring newscastings, health-related programs giving food and nutrition information, dramas for family, education programs for children, and information programs for elderly in major TV broadcasting station(KBS, MBC, SBS, EBS). In this study, statistical analysis were done for numbers of information items related to health or food and nutrition informations. Duration of program the main, subject, sources, evaluation criteria of the contents. Results of qualitative monitoring for TV program are as follows. For health-related informations major propotions of subjects for the newscastings were about diseases. Those for health information programs were about foods. Those for children-education programs were about groceries. Those for seniors’ information programs were about eating habits. The analysis of food and nutrition information sources for most of programs were interviews with specialist and normal person, and on-the-spot-investingations. For food and nutrition informations those were evaluated as inappropriate, the propotion of news was increased to 72.2% in 2003 from 49.3% in 2002. For health information programs, it was increased to 67.7% in 2003 from 54.0% in 2002. But, in drama the propotion of inappropriate scenes were decreased to 16.2% in 2003 from 63.2% in 2002. In children-education programs, it was 40.0%. In seniors’ information programs, it was 17.9% in 2002. The propotion of cases that the quantity of foods is inappropriate in the food scene of serial drama, decreased to 15.8% in 2003 from 28.6% in 2002. The rate of drinking scenes increased to 11.5% from 10.7%. The rate of smoking scenes decreased to 0.2% from 1.6% due to the broadcasting self-regulation of smoking scenes in dramas. In the newscatings and information programs, reasons of being evaluated as inappropriate was that they didn’t have any practical suggestions and proper intakes. There were also insufficient explanation for technical terminology, different comparison standard of nutritive value, and exaggeration for physiological effect of food. The drama contained a lot of unnecessary scenes of alcohol drinking, coffee drinking, midnight meal, and had more quantity of foods than the quantity needed for persons to the scene. As the result of this study, the rate of food and nutrition information were high, but the rate of information which was evaluate as appropriate was not sufficient. There are need to improve contents of information and to moniter the contents for consumer.

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A study on Decision Model of Disuse Status for the Commercial Vehicles Considering the Military Operating Environment

  • Lee, Jae-Ha;Moon, Ho-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2020
  • The proportion of commercial vehicles currently used by the private sector among the vehicles operated by the military is very high at 58% and plans to increase further in the future. As the proportion of commercial vehicles in the military has increased, it is also an important issue to determine whether to disuse of commercial vehicles. At present, the decision of disuse of commercial vehicles is subjectively judged by vehicle technical inspector using design life and vehicle usage information. However, the difference according to the military operation environment is not reflected and objective judgment criteria are not presented. The purpose of this study is to develop a model to determine the disuse status of commercial vehicles in consideration of military operating environment. The data used in the study were 1,746 commercial vehicles of three types: cars, vans and trucks. Using the information of the operating area, climate characteristic, vehicle condition the decision model of disuse status was constructed using the classification machine learning technique. The proposed decision model of disuse status has an average accuracy of about 97% and can be used in the field. Based on the results of the study, the policy suggestions were proposed in the short and long term to improve the performance of decision model of disuse status of commercial vehicles in the future and to establish a new data construction method within the logistics information system.

Development of a Fire Human Reliability Analysis Procedure for Full Power Operation of the Korean Nuclear Power Plants (국내 전출력 원전 적용 화재 인간신뢰도분석 절차 개발)

  • Choi, Sun Yeong;Kang, Dae Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this paper is to develop a fire HRA (Human Reliability Analysis) procedure for full power operation of domestic NPPs (Nuclear Power Plants). For the development of fire HRA procedure, the recent research results of NUREG-1921 in an effort to meet the requirements of the ASME/ANS PRA Standard were reviewed. The K-HRA method, a standard method for HRA of a domestic level 1 PSA (Probabilistic Safety Assessment) and fire related procedures in domestic NPPs were reviewed. Based on the review, a procedure for the fire HRA required for a domestic fire PSA based on the K-HRA method was developed. To this end, HRA issues such as new operator actions required in the event of a fire and complexity of fire situations were considered. Based on the four kinds of HFE (Human Failure Event) developed for a fire HRA in this research, a qualitative analysis such as feasibility evaluation was suggested. And also a quantitative analysis process which consists of screening analysis and detailed analysis was proposed. For the qualitative analysis, a screening analysis by NUREG-1921 was used. In this research, the screening criteria for the screening analysis was modified to reduce vague description and to reflect recent experimental results. For a detailed analysis, the K-HRA method and scoping analysis by NUREG-1921 were adopted. To apply K-HRA to fire HRA for quantification, efforts to modify PSFs (Performance Shaping Factors) of K-HRA to reflect fire situation and effects were made. For example, an absence of STA (Shift Technical Advisor) to command a fire brigade at a fire area is considered and the absence time should be reflected for a HEP (Human Error Probability) quantification. Based on the fire HRA procedure developed in this paper, a case study for HEP quantification such as a screening analysis and detailed analysis with the modified K-HRA was performed. It is expected that the HRA procedure suggested in this paper will be utilized for fire PSA for domestic NPPs as it is the first attempt to establish an HRA process considering fire effects.