• Title/Summary/Keyword: Technical and professional competence

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The Collection and Transfer of Public Records and the Role of the Archivist (공공기록물의 수집·이관과 아키비스트의 역할)

  • Lee, Won-Kyu
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.2
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    • pp.3-48
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    • 2000
  • The collection and transfer of records is a very basic stage in the whole process of records and archives management. However they are regarded as an non-professional art of work in records management that are performed easily by everyone. Therefore they have been treated not properly in the scholarly discussion of archival sciences in Korea. The collection and transfer of records play an active role in the making of effective administrative system, in accumulating and sharing the knowledge and informations of political, economical, social and cultural values. On the basis of proper collection and transfer of records our democracy can operate regularly and our daily experiences can be preserved as historical resources. For the optimal-functioned collection and transfer of public records the archivists for this task must have a comprehensive understanding of whole process of records management and possess suitable professional skills. Moreover there are many sorts of preliminary works needed for this task, as follows: an accurate defining of administrative organizations and their tasks, thorough understanding of records management institutions on their own competence and ability, and the establishment of technical standards for their tasks. Additionally the archivists are able not only to consider the present informational and evidential values of the records, but also the historical values. It can be said that the collection and transfer of records is a "synthesis of records management skills" exerted by an archivist. According to the newly established law of public records management, the collection and transfer of public records must be registered at first electronically. Through this procedure the whole contents of produced and transmitted records, which are to be transferred, can be reported in detail. By means of this report the archival institutions and the archivists can trace back the each items of records(archives) and the result of their arrangement to identify a certain object. There are also new storage strategies employed to increase the whole sum of stored informations, i. e. records and archives, in spite of reducing the storage costs. It will be achieved by differentiations of the preservation methods for each sorts of records by the criteria of storage-period, -place, and -method. Many supplementary methods are also prepared to help the collection of important records(archives) in a complete structure and form. To let this new concept and system of collection and transfer of records operate properly, a number of professional archivists should be posted in the needed places throughout the whole administrative body. Their training must be also updated for the newly defined task of collection and transfer of records.

The Design of Training Contents for Marine Accident Investigators (해양사고조사관 교육 콘텐츠 설계)

  • Kang, Suk-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2022
  • The Korea Maritime Safety Tribunal is an institution that investigates marine accidents in accordance with the maritime safety adjudication procedure when marine accidents occur. It requires its investigators to be capable in specializing in marine accidents, including possessing the following: a level 2 or higher maritime license, experience on boarding, and specialized knowledge on ships. It also requires separate training for technical competency related to maritime accident investigations. However, the current education for marine accident investigators mainly consists of administrative tasks, which is not suitable to improving the investigator's technological competency, making its development urgent. This study aims to design training contents for marine accident investigators to strengthen their technical competence. To this end, we analyzed the contents of current investigator training, and reviewed the relevant laws and regulations, and training contents of investigators in advanced maritime countries and similar transportation institutions in Korea. According to the results, the training contents were designed to focus on strengthening technical competency, and proposed as a five-day course for basic and professional training. Based on the designed training contents, if in-depth research is conducted by sufficiently reflecting the working conditions of marine accident investigators in Korea, it will greatly help in improving the investigators' skills.

Perceptions of Information Technology Competencies among Gifted and Non-gifted High School Students (영재와 평재 고등학생의 IT 역량에 대한 인식)

  • Shin, Min;Ahn, Doehee
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.339-358
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    • 2015
  • This study was to examine perceptions of information technology(IT) competencies among gifted and non-gifted students(i.e., information science high school students and technical high school students). Of the 370 high school students surveyed from 3 high schools(i.e., gifted academy, information science high school, and technical high school) in three metropolitan cities, Korea, 351 students completed and returned the questionnaires yielding a total response rate of 94.86%. High school students recognized the IT professional competence as being most important when recruiting IT employees. And they considered that practice-oriented education was the most importantly needed to improve their IT skills. In addition, the most important sub-factors of IT core competencies among gifted academy students and information science high school students were basic software skills. Also Technical high school students responded that the main network and security capabilities were the most importantly needed to do so. Finally, the most appropriate training courses for enhancing IT competencies were recognized differently among gifted and non-gifted students. Gifted academy students responded that the 'algorithm' was the mostly needed for enhancing IT competencies, whereas information science high school students responded that 'data structures' and 'computer architecture' were mostly needed to do. For technical high school students, they responded that a 'programming language' course was the most needed to do so. Results are discussed in relations to IT corporate and school settings.

A Study on Stress in Poor Families with School Children (학령기 자녀를 둔 빈곤가족의 스트레스 -일 지역 빈곤가족의 실태와 경험을 중심으로-)

  • Kang Hee Kyeung
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.185-197
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    • 1999
  • In the family life cycle, the most important task the families with school children should perform is ‘child education’ and ‘socialization’ However, economic stress on poor families with school children presents multiple problems through the shortage of resources necessary for child education and socialization, inappropriateness of family appraisal, and the insufficiency of the control channels for the efficient management of these confined resources and appropriate appraisal. The objectives of this article are : First, to report research on the actual conditions of the poor families in one area of Cheju and on the relevant health welfare policy, and to examine the appropriateness of the direction and the substance of this policy in terms of the intervention in economic stress on the poor families under the categories of resource management and control of appraisal. Second, to analyze qualitative data extracted from the memoirs of single-parent families living in several areas of Korea under the conceptual framework constructed by literature review in order to get a better understanding of the stress which poor families with school children have experienced. And third, to confirm the factors that can be risk factor but, at the same time, strength to these poor families from presented data and to use them as the basic data from which an intervention model can be developed, based on resource management and control of appraisal. The findings of this article are : First, while the number of absolute poor families in one area of Cheju is increasing and, as a result, the danger of the possibility that multiple problems will occur is also growing, the supporting level of the current policy is no more than a direct resource offer and there is no evidence that resource management is being professionally carried out. When it comes to control of appraisal, due to absence of the professional human resources in this matter, policy performances such as technical education training can have a negative impact. Second, a conceptual framework introduced in this article, ; Economic Pressure → Helplessness → Poor self-esteem → Marital Conflict → Parent-Child financial conflict → Inappropriate socialization → Poor child social competence : is partly verified. And third, judging from the results of the qualitative data, it is confirmed that the healing families, having overcome poverty, show several positive characteristics including : hope, strength, and social support. These findings are identified with the factors of resiliency considered above. According to these results, this article suggests the following. The anti -poverty policy in the future should focus not only on a direct resource offer but also on resource management and the control of appraisal that can magnify its effects. In particular, close attention should be paid to school children since they are in the most crucial period for socialization. Moreover, an emotional labor is such an essential resource for intervention that skilled nurses should play pivotal roles.

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Roles of the Specialized Education Recognized by Professional Panels (전문가 패널들이 인식하는 공업계고등학교의 전문교육 역할)

  • Oh, Seung-gyun
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this research is to clarify the elements of the function of the role of industrial high schools that its experts perceived. The content of this research is verify the function element required for the performance of the role of specialized education through content validity ratio(CVR). This research adopted the method of literature research and Delphi method, which is to collect and come to an agreement of the opinions of the 26 research panels. The first round is constructed by the semi-constructed questionnaire for the analysis of the opinions of the panels by inductive method. The second round is to categorize the result of the first one into 7 domains, and asked each category by Likert's 5 scale checklists, and statistically analyzed mean, medium, standard deviation, and quartile. The third round is to statistically analyze Mean, standard deviation, medium, and validity ratio(CVR) to reassure the opinions of the panels on the basis of the result of the first one. The categorized contents of the function required for the performance of the specialized education in this research is 'in-service visit and in-service training', 'licence acquiring education', 'employment counseling and job employment information', 'custom-made education connected with industry', 'career education' and 'enhancement of basic career competency'. The panels are divided into professors, teachers, professionals, and policy administrators, and they verified the validity rate of the function role and priority of emphasis. The result showed that the tendency of the education is converting from physical function-centered education to education of emotional attitude and competence of thought.

Considerations for Implementing Online Art-Based Peer Supervision (온라인 미술기반 동료 슈퍼비전 실행에 대한 고려사항)

  • Yoon, Ra-Mi;Kim, Soo-In;Jung, HeeJae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.404-415
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to propose considerations to help actual application based on the characteristics of the online art-based peer supervision execution process. Colleagues in the clinical art therapy doctoral program, including the researcher, attempted to repeatedly identify problems and apply improvements in the implementation process as research participants, and qualitatively analyzed the various data collected in the process. Looking at the characteristics of the analysis results, extensibility of materials and space was confirmed in terms of 'art-based' and initiative, convenience, and speed in terms of 'online'. The considerations identified through this are as follows. First, 'pre-structuring' should be based on clear boundaries and setting, prior consultation of the group, and self-directed preparation and attitude. Second, for the 'structural aspect of art', space and media to help immersion through creation, and stable implementation structure should be established. Third, in the 'technical aspect', it is necessary to apply a method that can deliver a work of art and a method that can communicate the creator's clear intention. Lastly, for the 'ethical aspect', it is necessary to use online software in accordance with the minimum security standards and to make efforts to repeatedly maintain confidentiality. This study is meaningful in that it suggested a practical method for maintaining the professional competence of art therapists and expanding networks among art therapists in various situations including pandemics.

In-Depth Interview of Senior Dental Hygienists Regarding Various Career Paths for Future Dental Hygienists (다양한 진로모색을 위한 치위생학과 학생과 선배 치과위생사의 심층면담)

  • Kyung, Hye-In;Kim, Young-Woo;Eom, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Ji-Hui;Cho, Eun-Jung;Park, Go-Eun;Kim, Nam-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study was to provide practical information regarding career exploration to dental hygiene students. This study interviewed 15 senior dental hygienists (graduates of Y University Dental Hygiene program) who have worked in non-clinical fields for about three months from January 14, 2014 to April 28. The most frequently mentioned pieces of information that the senior dental hygienists wanted to convey to dental hygiene students were as followed. Contrary to popular belief, clinical experience was also required in non-clinical fields as the importance of clinical experience was quite often and widely emphasized and applied in such fields. High academic excellence and clinical performance were expected of junior dental hygienists and the senior dental hygienists expressed their hope for their juniors to pioneer new fields and areas of work that a dental hygienist can do. Most of the senior dental hygienists pointed out that to develop technical tools for career exploration as early as possible, such as during undergraduate years and to think about which career path to take, whether it is clinical or academic were significantly important factors for desirable career outcomes. Based on the results of this study, undergraduate dental hygiene students should be provided with opportunities to consider and explore various career paths during their undergraduate years and to communicate with their seniors for hands-on experience-based advices. This would in turn broaden each student's perspective beyond their knowledge or thought about the professional filed of dental hygiene. It was found that the majority of the senior dental hygienists agreed that their clinical experience was the source of their self-competence as a dental hygienist. Our study could be utilized as a valuable resource for future dental hygienists who wish to work in non-clinical fields.

An Evaluation of the Private Security Industry Regulations in Queensland : A Critique (호주 민간시큐리티 산업의 비판적 고찰 : 퀸즐랜드주를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Dae-Woon;Jung, Yook-Sang
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.44
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    • pp.7-35
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    • 2015
  • The objective of this article is to inform and document the contemporary development of the private security industry in Queensland Australia, a premier holiday destination that provide entertainment for the larger region. The purpose of this review is to examine the comtemporary development of mandated licensing regimes regulating the industry, and the necessary reform agenda. The overall aim is threefold: first, to chart the main outcomes of the two-wave of reforms since the mid-'90s; second, to examine the effectiveness of changes in modes of regulation; and third, to identify the criteria that can be considered a best practice based on Button(2012) and Prenzler and Sarre's(2014) criteria. The survey of the Queensland regulatory regime has demonstrated that, despite the federal-guided reforms, there remain key areas where further initiatives remain pending, markedly case-by-case utilisation of more proactive strategies such as on-site alcohol/drug testing, psychological evaluations, and checks on close associates; lack of binding training arrangement for technical services providers; and targeted auditing of licensed premises and the vicinity of venues by the Office of Fair Trading, a licensing authority. The study has highlighted the need for more determined responses and active engagements in these priority areas. This study of the development of the licensing regimes in Queensland Australia provides useful insights for other jurisdictions including South Korea on how to better manage licensing system, including the measures required to assure an adequate level of professional competence in the industry. It should be noted that implementing a consistency in delivery mode and assessment in training was the strategic imperative for the Australian authority to intervene in the industry as part of stimulating police-private partnerships. Of particular note, competency elements have conventionally been given a low priority in South Korea, as exemplified through the lack of government-sponsored certificate; this is an area South Korean policymakers must assume an active role in implementing accredited scheme, via consulting transnational templates, including Australian qualifications framework.

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