• Title/Summary/Keyword: Teaching methodology

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Convergence Methodology in Film Education (영화교육의 통섭방법론)

  • Yook, Jung-Hak
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.607-617
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    • 2014
  • This article aims to explain some academic subjects based on the film, and accordingly investigate how they are to be converged and then educate individuals. The reasons why should be chosen as a text are as follows: this film is said to be fictional, but based on historical fact. Then, it attracts national attention. Third, it induces the spectators to judge the value of conscience, law, and morals, through the trial process, for themselves and leads them to raise the awareness of the historical, and political conditions at the time. Last, but not least, it contributes to the discourse on various type of men in contemporary days, by dint of analysis on the main characters. The results of the research are listed below: most of all, literature education(Korean language) could be proceeded with the help of epic analysis on . Secondly, considering the film develops the story using political allegory as discussion, along with the historic situation in those days, learning on history and politics could be made possible. Third, the film could be undoubtedly used to conduct the education of law and morality, forming the argument on required law and morals corresponding with ideological circumstance. Finally, education on film analysis could be conducted, by means of examination of the main characters. The analysis on the major characters helps to teach what it would be like for people to become the right ones, by both representing the members of society and determining the quality of life and relationship.

Analysis of the Types of Images Early Childhood Teachers have about Kindergarten Teachers : Employing Q-methodological Approach (유아교사의 보육교사에 대한 이미지 유형 분석 : Q-방법론적 접근)

  • Kim, Byung Man;Kim, Mi Jin
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.239-262
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the types of image that early childhood teachers have about nursery teachers in detail in an effort to provide some information on how to build an ideal image of a nursery teacher. Another goal was to determine the right directions for teacher education based on the subjective opinions of early childhood teachers, which has not been covered in earlier studies. The Q-methodology was utilized to determine the awareness of early childhood teachers about the types of the images of nursery teachers and each type's characteristics. A Q-population was constituted by 310 types of images based on the results of earlier studies about the images of nursery teachers, and 48 Q-samples were selected according to frequency. And then 20 nursery teachers and 20 kindergarten teachers were asked to classify the images of nursery teachers in nine stages by using the Q-sort, and the data were analyzed by the statistical package PASW 18.0. As a result, four different types of images appeared that the early childhood teachers had about nursery teachers, and the images were respectively named 'a practical-teaching-oriented type of teacher', 'a negative-system critical type of teacher', 'a positive-humanistic type of teacher' and 'a neutral-emotionally type of teacher'.

A Study on the Subjectivity with Curriculum in Food·Cooking Area Based on NCS -Focusing on Graduates of Hotel Cooking Department in Incheon Region- (NCS기반 음식·조리분야 교육과정의 주관적 인식에 관한 연구 -인천지역 호텔조리학과 졸업생을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Chan-Woo;Kim, Dong-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.192-202
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzed the influence relations of the subjectivity of satisfaction with curriculum in food cooking area based on NCS by applying Q methodology, targeting graduates of hotel cooking department in college. This paper largely suggests two research questions like following. Research Question 1: What are the acceptance types of satisfaction with curriculum in food cooking area based on NCS? Research Question 2: What are the homogeneous characteristics and implications of each type? In the results of typological analysis based on such research questions, total four types were drawn like following: Type1(N=7): Basic Practical Classes Pursuit-type, Type2(N=5): Domestic Employment Preference-type, Type3(N=5): Famous Chef Inviting Class Pursuit-type, and Type4(N=3): Tailor-Made Lessons Pursuit-type. Each type showed its own distinctive characteristics. In this study, the graduates' perception in a specific cooking department would be used as a basis for follow-up researches. In the future, it would be necessary to have researches to establish the customized-curriculum system such as planning/operating student-centered teaching/learning guidelines and also conducting mentoring programs. Also, it is expected to have continuous follow-up researches to complement the limitations of this study.

The Effect of Creative Education Program with HTE through Blended Learning on the Creative Problem Solving Capability of Middle School Students (블렌디드 러닝을 통한 HTE 창의교육 프로그램이 중학생의 창의적 문제해결력에 미치는 영향)

  • Sul, AhChim;Kim, Hyoungbum;Kim, YoungKi;Heo, Youn-Jeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.488-499
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    • 2021
  • This study investigated the effects of the HTE creative education program, which applies blended learning methodology as a convergence class strategy between offline and online, on middle school students' creative problem solving capability. As a result of applying for five creative education practice programs in the classroom, it turned out that there was a statistically significant difference (p < .05) in the case of idea manipulation, visualization, comparison, idea generation, and deliberation, subordinate constructs of creative problem solving capability. Also, the program turned out to be positively effective, with a 0.14 point improvement in the pre and post-means of all middle school students, showing from 3.65 to 3.79 points, and 72% of middle school students who participated in the program were satisfied, and 68% were interested. According to the results, HTE creative education programs using blended learning turned out to be effective as a customized methodology in the COVID-19 situation and the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, where various creative talents are needed. Therefore, the need for the development of creative education programs on various related topics and teacher training for teaching and learning methodologies of blended learning.

Digital Transformation Based on Chatbot in Legacy Environment (챗봇을 이용한 Legacy 환경의 Digital Transformation)

  • Jang, Jeong-ho;Kim, Jin-soo;Lee, Kang-Yoon
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2018
  • As the utilization of chatbots grows and the AI market grows, many companies are interested. And everybody is spurring growth by offering chatbot build services so that they can create chatbots. This makes chatbots easier to service on the messenger platform, which is changing the existing application market. In this paper, we present a methodology for designing and implementing existing DB-based applications as instant messenger platform-based applications, and summarize what to consider in actual implementation to provide an optimal system structure. According to this methodology, we design and implement a chatbot that serves as an teaching advisor who provides information to the students in the curriculum. The implemented application objectively visualizes the user's desired information from the user's point of view and delivers it through the interactive interface quickly and intuitively. By implementing these services and real service, it is predicted that DB-based information providing applications will be implemented as chatbots and will be changed to bi-directional communication through an interactive interface. it is predicted that DB-based information providing applications will be implemented as chatbots and will be changed to bi-directional communication through an interactive interface. Enterprise legacy application will take chatbot technology as one of important digital transformation initiative.

A Comparison of Shared Governance and Nursing Unit Culture in Three Hospitals (공유관리와 간호단위문화에 대한 조사;세개 종합병원 대상)

  • Kang, Sun-Joo
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.17-33
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    • 1996
  • The primary purpose this descriptive study was to identify, describe, and compare the patterns of shared governance and nursing unit culture in the hospital settings. The secondary purpose of the research was to identify, describe whether the participation style or responsibility style of nursing management activities shared through nurses in a consistent way. Methodology included survey and in-depth interviews with a total 145 members of 15 nursing units in 3 hospitals. One was a national hospital, another was a corporation hospital and the other was a teaching hospitals. Conclusions from this research included the following: 1. The degree of shared governance in nursing management activities was the highest in the corporation hospital. 2. In the participation style of nursing management activities, 'all participation' was the highest in the corporation hospital. 'Nursing administration only' was the highest in the national hospital. 3. Distribution of responsibility style differed from that of participation style. Three hospitals showed high in nursing management activities such as 'nursing administration only' and 'head nurse only' style. 4. Five experts surveyed showed that the ideal level of nurses' participation in nursing management activities was a traditional nursing governance pattern. 5. There was a distinct difference in the nursing unit culture throughout the institutions in the professional growth. 6. There was no significant difference in the same nursing units of three hospitals in nursing unit culture. According to these results, the following implications can be made; 1. In nursing administration, there should be an emphasis on preparing staff nurses' potential decision-making ability through continuing education so that staff nurses' autonomy and responsibility will be developed and increased. 2. It is necessary to develop a strategic nursing unit for improving nursing quality in hospital setting. 3. The relationship of shared governance, nursing unit culture and nursing outcome should be researched further.

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JSEE and the Engineering Education in Japan (JSEE(일본공학교육협회)와 일본의 공학교육)

  • Fujita, Hajime
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.78-89
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    • 2006
  • The economic depression during the last decade of the 20th century caused various drastic changes in the social structure, including employment and educational systems. Japanese universities have devoted much effort to research activity and the development of teaching methodology for engineering education was not a major effort for professors. Decrease of 18 years old population, however, forced universities to change this attitude. University education is no more for only elite but is becoming very popular among young people. Another impact came from the 'globalization'of industrial societies such as establishment of WTO and APEC. Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (JABEE) was established to cope with both domestic and international problems in 1999, and JABEE was admitted as a full signatory member of the Washington Accord in 2005. The Professional Engineer Law was amended linked with JABEE. The importance of engineering ethics has been recognized with these social structure changes. Japanese Society for Engineering Education (JSEE) is contributing for reformation of Japanese engineering education through its activities including supporting JABEE. This paper describes the problems now Japanese engineering education is facing and the role of JSEE in order to reorganize the engineering education in Japan.

A Proposal of a Teaching Method using Virtual Reality and Event-Diagram for Secondary Student's Understanding of Basic Concepts in Special Relativity (중등학생의 특수상대론 학습에서 VR과 사건도표를 이용한 수업방법의 제안)

  • Kim, Jaekwon;Kim, Youngmin
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.283-294
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study were to develop a tutorial for secondary students to understand of basic concepts of special relativity, which is appropriate for the cognition level of secondary student. We developed the concept evaluation tool and the tutorial material. Result from pretest and post-test are presented to verify the effect of the tutorial for helping student understanding of the concept such as time, event, reference frame, relativity of simultaneity. Secondary student had intense cognitive conflict about the complex concepts such as simultaneity, length contraction and time expansion. This tutorial could be proposed methodology to overcome cognitive difficulty for understanding these concepts.

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A Study on the Reform of Mathematics Education from the Comparison of Classroom Culture (교실문화 비교를 통한 수학교육개혁에 관한 소고)

  • 방정숙
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.11-35
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    • 2001
  • Many teachers report familiarity with and adherence to reform ideas, but their actual teaching practices do not reflect a deep understanding of reform. Given the challenges in implementing reform, this study intended to explore the breakdown that may occur between teachers' adoption of reform objectives and their successful incorporation of reform ideals. To this end, this study compared and contrasted the classroom social norms and sociomathematical norms of two United States second-grade teachers who aspired to implement reform. This study is an exploratory, qualitative, comparative case study. This study uses the grounded theory methodology based on the constant comparative analysis for which the primary data sources were classroom video recordings and transcripts. The two classrooms established similar social norms including an open and permissive learning environment, stressing group cooperation, employing enjoyable activity formats for students, and orchestrating individual or small group session followed by whole group discussion. Despite these similar social participation structures, the two classes were remarkably different in terms of sociomathematical norms. In one class, the students were involved in mathematical processes by which being accurate or automatic was evaluated as a more important contribution to the classroom community than being insightful or creative. In the other class, the students were continually engaged in significant mathematical processes by which they could develop an appreciation of characteristically mathematical ways of thinking, communi-eating, arguing, proving, and valuing. It was apparent from this study that sociomathematical norms are an important construct reflecting the quality of students' mathematical engagement and anticipating their conceptual learning opportunities. A re-theorization of sociomathematical norms was offered so as to highlight the importance of this construct in the analysis of reform-oriented classrooms.

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A Qualitative Case Study of an Exemplary Science Teacher's Earth Systems Education Experiences

  • Lee, Hyon-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.500-520
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    • 2010
  • The purposes of this case study were (1) to explore one experienced teacher's views on Earth Systems Education and (2) to describe and document the characteristics of the Earth Systems Education (ESE) curriculum provided by an exemplary middle school science teacher, Dr. J. All the essential pieces of evidence were collected from observations, interviews with the experienced teacher and his eighth grade students, informal conversations, document analysis, and field notes. The $NUD^*IST$ for MS Windows was used for an initial data reduction process and to narrow down the focus of an analysis. All transcriptions and written documents were reviewed carefully and repeatedly to find rich evidence through inductive and content analysis. The findings revealed that ESE provided a conceptual focus and theme for organizing his school curriculum. The curriculum offered opportunities for students to learn relevant local topics and to connect the classroom learning to the real world. The curriculum also played an important role in developing students' value and appreciation of Earth systems and concern for the local environment. His instructional strategies were very compatible with recommendations from a constructivist theory. His major teaching methodology and strategies were hands-on learning, authentic activities-based learning, cooperative learning, project-based learning (e.g., mini-projects), and science field trips. With respect to his views about benefits and difficulties associated with ESE, the most important benefit was that the curriculum provided authentic-based, hands-on activities and made connections between students and everyday life experiences. In addition, he believed that it was not difficult to teach using ESE. However, the lack of time devoted to field trips and a lack of suitable resource materials were obstacles to the implementation of the curriculum. Implications for science education and future research are suggested.