• Title/Summary/Keyword: Teaching & Learning Materials

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Effects of Astronomical STEAM Program Using Co-teaching on Self-Directed Learning Attitude of Elementary Science Gifted Students (천문 STEAM 프로그램에서 코티칭의 활용이 초등과학 영재학생의 자기주도적 학습 태도에 미치는 효과)

  • Son, Jun Ho;Kim, Jonghee;Kim, Young Gon
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.35 no.7
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    • pp.572-584
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of astronomical STEAM program using co-teaching on self-directed learning attitude. For this purpose, we developed an astronomical STEAM program and applied it to elementary science gifted students. Thirty six, $5^{th}$ and $6^{th}$ grade elementary science gifted students were participated in this study in total having 16 students in experimental group and 20 students in control group. The results were described as follows. First, astronomical STEAM program using co-teaching was effective in improving self-directed learning attitude. Second, the program was effective in improving participants' openness to learning opportunities and problem-solving. Third, students were satisfied with the co-teaching that provided ample feedbacks and detailed explanations, and teachers perceived that co-teaching was helpful to overcome a lack of professional knowledge, and to solve difficulties of evaluation and preparing teaching materials for STEAM classes. With findings, we discussed implications for co-teaching of STEAM lessons to improve students' self-directed learning attitude at the end of paper.

Development of Finite State Automata Learning Materials for Elementary School Students (초등학생을 위한 유한상태 오토마타 교육자료 개발)

  • Go, Hyungchul;Kim, Chongwoo
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.401-408
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    • 2016
  • CS Unplugged education is emphasized as the component of the basic principles of Elementary SW education. This document produced by two other Timbell presents the contents in a variety of topics about computer science. One of the main components is the finite Automata, and this requires the development of educational materials for teaching our situation. So We'll present the finite Automata learning materials for elementary school classes. Learning model that we have presented is a process of self-directed and activity-based learning. For verification of this experiment was the validation of the expert group and was concluded that adequate through the analysis of the diagnostic tests.

Three Teaching-Learning Plans for Integrated Science Teaching of 'Energy' Applying Knowledge-, Social Problem-, and Individual Interest-Centered Approaches (지식내용, 사회문제, 개인흥미 중심의 통합과학교육 접근법을 적용한 '에너지' 주제의 교수.학습 방안 개발(II))

  • Lee, Mi-Hye;Son, Yeon-A;Young, Donald B.;Choi, Don-Hyung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.357-384
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we described practical teaching-learning plans based on three different theoretical approaches to Integrated Science Education (ISE): a knowledge centered ISE, a social problem centered ISE, and an individual interest centered ISE. We believe that science teachers can understand integrated science education through this paper and they are able to apply simultaneously our integrated science teaching materials to their real instruction in classroom. For this we developed integrated science teaching-learning plans for the topic of energy which has a integrated feature strongly among integrated science subject contents. These modules were based upon the teaching strategies of 'Energy' following each integrated directions organized in the previous paper (Three Strategies for Integrated Science Teaching of "Energy" Applying Knowledge, Social Problem, and Individual Interest Centered Approaches) and we applied instruction models fitting each features of integrated directions to the teaching strategies of 'Energy'. There is a concrete describing on the above three integrated science teaching-learning plans as follows. 1. For the knowledge centered integration, we selected the topic, 'Journey of Energy' and we tried to integrate the knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, and earth science applying the instruction model of 'Free Discovery Learning' which is emphasized on concepts and inquiry. 2. For the social problem centered integration, we selected the topic, 'Future of Energy' to resolve the science-related social problems and we applied the instruction model of 'Project Learning' which is emphasized on learner's cognitive process to the topic. 3. For the individual interest centered integration, we selected the topic, 'Transformation of Energy' for the integration of science and individual interest and we applied the instruction model of 'Project Learning' centering learner's interest and concern. Based upon the above direction, we developed the integrated science teaching-learning plans as following steps. First, we organized 'Integrated Teaching-Learning Contents' according to the topics. Second, based upon the above organization, we designed 'Instructional procedures' to integrate within the topics. Third, in accordance with the above 'Instructional Procedures', we created 'Instructional Coaching Plan' that can be applied in the practical world of real classrooms. These plans can be used as models for the further development of integrated science instruction for teacher preparation, textbook development, and classroom learning.

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A Study on Classification of Teaching-Learning Materials in Mathematics Using Computers (교수-학습 자료 분류 체계화 연구 - 수학 교과 분류체계를 중심으로 -)

  • 황혜정;신항균
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.91-118
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    • 2004
  • Since 1998 year, many educational software and its contents have been developed by individuals and public institutes. However, it is not easy to re-use the contents effectively and consistently, because they should be changed and reorganized whenever a curriculum is changed. Therefore, it is important for each subject to establish new system in which the contents or their teaching-learning elements are not changed although new curriculum appears. In this respect, in last year(2003 year), while setting mathematics as a representative subject, KERIS executed a study on developing a system(or method) of classifying teaching-learning materials in mathematics using computers, based on future-oriented curriculum including the current mathematics curriculum. Finally, for this study, the most essential and basic teaching-teaming 'units' were developed and the total number of units were 339. Also, in addition to the development of 'units', the 'elements' were developed for understanding more concrete contents included in each 'unit' and the total number of elements were 1191.

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The Development of Convergence Teaching-Learning Program for the Clothing Section of Home Economic Focused on Up-cycling (업사이클링 주제의 가정과 의생활 영역 융합교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Yang, Hyun-Sook;Lee, Youn-Hee;Uh, Mi-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to develop an educational program designed to allow students to experience 'up-cycling' first-hand during class and understand its significance by helping them improving their practical problem-solving abilities. Teachers of home economics, Korean, and social studies to third grade middle schooler were asked to analyze the curriculums of their subjects. The analysis results were then used to identify common elements among the units, reconstruct the curriculums, and develop an integrated lesson program to offer integrated activities. Based on these, a lesson program was developed to make an eco-bag and running shoes under the theme of 'up-cycling' in the unit of 'environmentally-friendly clothing and mending of clothes' in the home economics subject. The results were as follows: First, a topical fusion lesson program was developed to integrate three subjects together. The development process involved the integration of the topic of up-cycling, a program model for integrated lessons, and a teaching and learning process plan for topical integrated education. Secondly, a lesson program for home economics was developed that was applicable to actual home economics lessons based on the topical integrated lesson program. The lesson domains were divided into large, medium, and small to create a ten-lesson teaching and learning process plan needed for the lessons, teaching materials that could be put to actual uses in lessons, and activity and evaluation logs for learners.

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Teacher's Teaching-Learning Strategies and Young Children's Concepts Related to Mathematics and Science through Analysis of Teacher-Children Interaction in Applied Process of Integrated Mathematics and Science Education Activities (수.과학 통합 교육 활동 적용 과정에서 나타나는 교사-유아 간 상호작용 분석을 통한 교사의 교수-학습 전략과 유아의 수.과학 관련 개념-통합 교육 활동 프로그램 모형 개발을 위한 3차 기초 연구)

  • Kim, Suk-Ja;Kwak, Sang-Sin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.141-157
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze teacher's teaching-learning strategies and young children's concepts related to mathematics and science in integrated mathematics and science education activities. To achieve this purpose, actual class episodes were analyzed. The episodes were derived from 7 sessions of interaction between teacher and 4 kindergartners in integrated mathematics and science education activities. As a result of the study, children's concepts related to mathematics and science in integrated mathematics and science education activities occurred three factors: the relationship between weight, shape and movement, the relationship between weight and size, and the concept of measurement. In teacher's teaching-learning strategies, three factors were revealed: teacher's questioning, use of teaching materials, and children grouping.

A review on the recent trends of the science curricula in foreign countries (외국(外國)의 과학과(科學科) 교육과정(敎育課程)을 최근(最近) 동향(動向) 조사(調査))

  • Kwon, Chi-Soon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.64-73
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    • 1984
  • This study aimed at identifying the characteristics of current science curriculum in several countries in terms of its format, aims and objectives, contents and guidelines and discussed about therm. The curricula were collected from 9 countries- The United States of America(5 states), Canada(4 Provinces), England, West Germany, France, Australia, Newzealand, Japan and the republic of China. Each country had her own characteristics of science curriculum, but there also common characteristics among several countries. First, the format of science curricula in eastern countries were very different from those of western countries. The western countries had the curriculum format which included characteristics and needs of science education, philosophy and background, aims and objectives, contents, characteristics of learners, teaching and learning strategy, teaching materials, guide of experiments, evaluation methods, and other concrete informations while eastern countries had the curriculum format which included only objectives, contents and guidelines. I think that the format of science curriculum in western countries is more recommendable than that of eastern countries. Second, the aims and objectives of science curricula in eastern countries focused on scientific knowledges and concepts, while those of countries emphasized scientific methods and attitudes. Third, the contents of science curricula were very similar regardless of eastern countries or western countries. In other words, all the countries in this study emphasized life science and earth science at lower grade level and physical science at upper grade level. Especially the observation and concrete learning activities were suggested at lower grade level and logical reasoning was emphasized at upper grade level. I think that the integrated (topic-centered) science curriculum is more recommendable than our current non-integrated science curriculum in lower grade levels. Finally, the guidelines of science curriculum in eastern countries did not suggest specific information about teaching contents, experimental methods, teaching-learning activities, evaluation methods, teaching and learning meterals, while those of western countries provided more specific information which teachers could utilize very effectively.

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Effects of Application Hypothesis Verification Learning Model in Biology Experiment Teaching (생물 실험 지도에 있어서 가설 검증 수업모형의 적용 효과)

  • Kim, Kwang-Soo;Chung, Wan-Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.365-375
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    • 1996
  • Improving of scientific inquiring ability is the major goal of current science curriculum, and the 6th science curriculum. But science educators consider that the existing textbooks and teaching manuals are insufficient to achieve this goal. For science teachers at teaching site to guide students efficiently in research work, development of teaching-learning programs is urgently demanded. Hypothesis Verification Learning Model(HVLM) was applied to classroom situation to improve ability of scientific inquiry in experiment teaching of middle school biology. The effects of the model were analyzed to suggest some approach method to reach the goal of science education in this study. The major results of this study are as following: 1. The students and teachers responded positively on this new learning model. an students were willing to participate in biology experiment and they said that to know what was unknown to them while exchanging ideas and opinions through the discussion, It was hard for teachers to instruct at the first time and it took much time for them to arrange materials ready, but it turned to be easier as time went on. 2. In science process skills, there was no significant difference statistically by new leaning model. Only the formulating a generalization or model showed significant difference statistically between the two groups. 3. For scientific attitude, experimental group did not show significant difference statistically between the two groups, but the experimental group showed statistically more significant positiveness in all areas afterwards than before. 4. In science achievement test, there was significantly higher than the control group. It is also analyzed that they remember the experiments in courses and results they planned and performed by themselves longer than these guided by teachers.

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A empirical study on the design of project-oriented teaching models to bring up the experts in the multimedia industry (멀티미디어 전문가 양성을 위한 프로젝트식 강의 모형 설계에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • Shin, Young-Il;Shin, Geon-Cheol
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2006
  • To meet the high demand of the experts in the multimedia industry, many colleges opened the subject related to multimedia technology and pre-learning has been rapidly increasing among the students. However, most instructor is still appling the traditional teaching model rather than the one customized for the pre-learner of multimedia. This paper is to reveal the pre-learner's strong desire in detail and suggest the characteristics of the teaching model and teaching materials. We applied the new paradigm, constructivism and problem-based learning, which rising in the educational literature to suggest and design the lecture model to bring up the experts in the multimedia industry.

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Teaching Chinese through Drama to University Students for Language Skills (드라마 「신조협려(神雕俠侶)」를 활용한 대학 중국어 교육)

  • Choi, Tae-hoon
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.31
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    • pp.415-438
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    • 2013
  • This paper explores how to teach Chinese, using multi-media resources such as Chinese dramas and focusing on one of Jin Yong's dramas, The Return of the Condor Heroes. The purpose of this study is to develop teaching methodologies for university students learning Chinese through drama to integrate language skills: enhancing communicative competence and understanding Chinese cultures. First, the overview of previous studies provides several cases of foreign language education using drama. Teaching Chinese through drama can be an integrative education because students can develop their communicative competence as well as understand the cultures of the target language. In other words, the contexts of drama may offer rich sources of the history of China, Han Chinese ethnocentrism, and knowledge of Chinese literature as well as geography. Second, this study applies the principles of Tomlinson (2010) for materials development in language teaching into the case of Chinese drama. It concentrates on Jin Yong's The Return of the Condor Heroes that the author has used in the Chinese language courses for three years. It examines the characteristics of the drama for developing effective ways of teaching and learning Chinese language and culture. Furthermore, it discusses the impact of using drama on changes in students' pervasive perceptions about unnecessity of Chinese classical literature. Third, this paper presents some sample lessons which may help teachers to develop understanding of how to organize lessons through drama. Finally, it illustrates university students' opinions about using drama to learn Chinese.