• Title/Summary/Keyword: T-test analysis

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Analysis of arc-energy with joint box type through a field test (인공지락 실증시험을 통한 접속함 종류별 아크에너지 해석)

  • Kang, J.W.;Jang, T.I.;Hong, D.S.;Lee, D.I.;Kim, H.D.;Oh, C.H.;Lim, H.E.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.07a
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    • pp.715-717
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    • 2005
  • This paper analyses the arc-energy with joint box type through a field test on underground power OF cable. In order to obtain the data, the actual proof test using short-circuit generation for real scale power transmission tunnel carried out. This paper is expected to contribute the fire accident prevention on underground power cable systems and the believability improvement of electric power facilities.

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A Study on the Wives' managerial Behavior and Their Life Satisfaction According to Wives'stress Level and Their Coping Behavior (주부의 스트레스 인지수준 및 대처행동에 따른 가정관리 행동 및 생활만족도에 관한 연구)

  • 두경자
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.218-234
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    • 1993
  • A study focused on the wives'managerial behavior and their life satisfaction according to wives'stress level ad their coping behavior. The statistical procedures used were percentile mean cronbach's a T-test F-test cluster analysis. Duncan's Multiple Range test. For the purpose the sample were conducted using questionnairs on 548 housewives that lived in seoul. The major findings wee ; 1) The wives's education level of background variables significantly was differentiated from wives' managerial behavior and their life satisfaction respectively. 2) The wives'stress level and their coping behavior respectively was higher than average. from wives'managerial behavior respectively. 4) The variable i.e. wives'stress level wives'coping behavior significantly was differentiate from wives'life satisfaction respectively In conclusion to improve wives'managerial behavior and their life satisfaction this study suggests we have to try to release or decrease wives'stress level and to do the resonable wives'co-ping behavior.

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A study on circuit design of synthetictest facilities of capacitive current switching tests (합성 진상전류 개폐 시험설비의 회로설계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, M.H.;Suh, Y.T.;Yoon, H.D.;Shin, Y.J.;Kang, Y.S.;Koh, H.S.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2002.07a
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    • pp.38-40
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    • 2002
  • A study on the test method and the test facilities of synthetic capacitive current tests have been very slight and the direct test method with the short-circuit generator and power transformer only used up to now. However, according to the development of analysis technique of power system and design and manufacture technique we are realized that direct testing method is not satisfactory to evaluate the performance of circuit-breaker because it is difficult to simulate precisely the conditions of power system. Therefore, in order to solve these problem this paper deals with the tests methods and the design technique of the tests facilities of the synthetic capacitive current based on the same theory with the synthetic short-circuit tests.

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A Study on Thermal Stress in T/G Wall of Containment Building (격납건물 텐던갤러리 벽체의 온도응력에 대한 연구)

  • 김진근;양은익;박영진;송영철;방기성
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 1998.04a
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    • pp.193-198
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    • 1998
  • In this study, the change of concrete temperature, strain and thermal stress were measured by using the embedded type concrete gauges in tendon gallery wall of containment building. A finite element analysis was performed to clarify the thermal behavior of concrete. The analytic and test results were investigated to improve the validity of analytic method. According to the test results, concrete temperature, strain and thermal stress were strongly affected by measuring point and environment condition of member. And the thermal stress was developed in the member which was not demoulded at early ages. This is caused by the change of internal temperature and restrained condition. A finite element effectively interpreted the test results by estimating the concrete properties and the site condition.

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Expert System for ABC Tuning of Once-Through Bboiler

  • Matsumura, S.;Kojima, Y.;Tozaki, T.;Shirasaka, Y.;Suzuki, M.
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1989.10a
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    • pp.744-748
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    • 1989
  • A newly developed Expert System (ES) for the tuning of thermal power plant control equipment is described. The system is furnished with the rules for controller tuning which were obtained by analysis and arranging the data and knowledge from the experts or tuning records. Based on these rules, automatic tuning or setting of the control parameters is performed in real-time base. The performance of the test equipment, a combination of ES and a boiler simulator, was examined in the automatic tuning test for steam pressure, steam temperature, and load controllers of a constant-pressure once-through boiler model. It was confirmed from the test results that the system is quite promising for future application to actual plants, since the tuning results obtained by the proposed system were similar to those by tuning experts.

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The Evaluation of Residential Environment on the Characteristics of Low-Income Families, Taejon (대전지역 저소득층의거주자 특성에 따른 주거 환경 평가)

  • 최목화
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 1995
  • The objectives of this study were : 1) to investigate the socio-demographic and housing characteristics, 2) to evaluate the present conditions of residential environment, 3) and to analysis the differences of residential environmental evaluation according to the characteristics of low-income families. Questionnaire survey method were used in this study. questionnaire were administrated by 264 household of low-income families in Taejon area. Data were analyzed by SPSS PC computer package. The statistics were frequencies, percentage, t-test, F-test and Ducan's multiple range test. The major findings were as follows; low income families evaluated all of their residential environment at lower, especially the worst of all was the comfortable environment outdoor. there were significant differences in evaluation of residential environment according to the housing characteristics of low income families. The results of this study can be used as basic information for housing p;an and policy for low income families in Taejon area.

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A study on the housing value of the university student in Taegu (대구지역 거주 대학생의 주거가치관에 관한 연구)

  • 윤재웅;신혜정
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.131-139
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to analyse the housing values of the university student. The data is collected through the self-entry questionnaire that designed for this study. The 512 data obtained were analysed by Frequencies. Mean, Factor analysis, t-test, oneway ANOVA, $\chi$$^2$-test. Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The major findings are as follows: 1) The Housing Value was classified of 5 factors which Location-Environment. Social - Psychology, Physical factor of Housing, Life-Conciousness and Investmental of Value. 2) Their relevance variables of Housing value were sex, the educational course and occupation of their father and income. 3) Their preference trend of Housing appeared to the apartment and One-room system, and green tract of the space etc.

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PSS Tuning of EX2000 Excitation System in Thermal Plant: Part II-Site Tuning Test and Validation (대형 화력발전소EX2000 여자시스템 PSS 튜닝 : Part 2-현장 튜닝시험 및 검증)

  • Kim, D.J.;Moon, Y.M.;Kim, S.M.;Kim, J.Y.;Hwang, B.H.;Choi, J.M.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.07a
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    • pp.15-16
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    • 2008
  • This paper describes the on-site PSS Tuning Test of EX2000 excitation of Dangin T/P #4. The on-line 2% AVR step test in 500MW was performed by setting PSS gain from 0 to 15 by 3 increasement. The time-domain measured data was also analyzed by DFT analysis. Finally, the measured data was replicated and verified by running the time-domain dynamic simulation.

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A study on relationship between Sex role-identity and Life satisfaction among Elderly persons (노년기에서의 성역할 정체감과 생활만족도와의 관계)

  • 김태현
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 1987
  • The Primary purpose of this study is to investigate how the elderly persons describe their own sex role-identity. Secondary purpose is to find out whether their sex role-identity is related to life satisfaction, and which life circumstances, if any, are associated with sex role identity. 230 elderly persons who were older than 60 years living in Seoul were interviewed with measures including the Bem Sex Role Investory Short From, Life Satisfaction, and current life situation. For data analysis, X2-test, t-test, ANOVA and Scheffee test were used. The results are summarized as follows; (1) most elderly persons described androgynous sex role-identity. (2) sex role-identity differentiated significantly life satisfaction. (3) Perceived sex role identity was related to the serveral dimension of life situation such as marital status, health conditition, activity.

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The Effect of Star Marketing on Clothing Purchase Behavior of Adolescents (스타마케팅이 청소년 의복구매행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Jeong-Mi;Park, Kwang-Hee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.173-180
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    • 2008
  • The purposes of this study are to investigate what star marketing is and to examine whether star marketing influences clothing purchase behavior of adolescents or not. The concept and the instances of star marketing were reviewed and the characteristics and clothing behavior of adolescence were analyzed. The data were obtained from questionnaires completed by 341 middle and high school students and analyzed by frequency, t-test, chi-square test, cluster analysis, ANOVA, and Scheffe test. The Cronbach's alphas were calculated for the internal consistency. The results of the study are as follows. The sample was classified into three groups(high interest/high awareness group, high interest/low awareness group, and low interest/low awareness group) by the interest of TV watching and TV stars, the identification with TV stars, and the awareness and the interest of star marketing. There were significant differences in clothing purchase motives, the use of information sources, clothing buying places, clothing purchase frequency, and clothing expenditure among three groups.