• Title/Summary/Keyword: System Development View

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A Study on the Visual Characteristics & Evaluation Structure of Collective Housing Complex (대도시 집합주거단지의 경관적 특성과 평가구조에 관한 연구)

  • 유창균;이봉수;최영배
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.185-192
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    • 2003
  • This study selects 45 housing complexes in Munheung, Ilgok and Sangmu districts of housing side development zones of Gwangju Metropolitan City and conducts the experiment the visual characteristics of these housing complexes through visual-perceptive information with their residents. As a result of experiment for the evaluation and structurization by visual-perceptive information of view image, there were affirmative evaluations in the whole experimental subjects except variables as 'innovative' and 'new' According to cluster types, while simple reiterative types showed affirmative responses except such items as 'dull', 'common' and 'uniform'. Variational types were affirmative in the whole items. It extracted four evaluation factors including variety, stability, harmony and symbolism. From the above research, it is understood that since the current housing site development has been made after developing housing site by public agencies and sold them to construction companies, housing complexes of different types were built within the same district. Therefore, it cannot be connected to the view of the whole district even if it considered view in planning housing complex. then when future housing side development or housing complex are planned, it is required that view guideline in the dimension of the district should be prepared and housing site development district or housing complex must be able to contribute to urban view by introducing master architect system.

Development of a Control and Virtual Realty Visual System for the Tilting Train Simulator (틸팅 차량용 시뮬레이터 적용을 위한 통제 및 가상현실 영상 시스템 개발)

  • Song Young-Soo;Han Seong-Ho;Kim Jung-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.330-336
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents a development of the control and the virtual reality visual system for a tilting train simulator. The user of the tilting train simulator is able to set up the environmental and operating conditions through the user interface provided by the control system. In the control system, an arbitrary track which has user-defined curve radius, length and direction can be generated. The virtual reality visual system provides an artificial environment that is composed of several facilities such as station, platform, track, bridge, tunnel and signaling system. In order to maximize the reality, all of the 3D modeling were based on the real photographs taken in the Jungang line. A dome screen with 1600mm diameter was used to maximize the view angle. The hemispherical screen can ensure the view angle of the 170 degrees of vertical direction and 135 degrees of lateral direction.

Development of Automatic Side-View Inspection Algorithm for LCD Modules (LCD모듈의 측면검사 알고리즘의 개발)

  • Lee, Jae-Hyeok
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2006.10c
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    • pp.425-427
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, an automatic side-view inspection algorithm for LCD modules is proposed. Until now, most parts of inspection is performed by human inspectors, which means very high product costs. So inspection automation is the very hot issue in the LCD industries. However, it is not easy problem to replace the human by computer vision system. In the many inspections which are based on the human eyes, side-view inspection is most hard problem to solve. In this paper, an image morphing algorithm is developed, which will help to enable the automation of the side-view inspection process.

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A Development Guide for Robust System Architecting (견실한 시스템 아키텍쳐 개발 지침)

  • 유일상;박영원
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.127-137
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    • 2000
  • The term system architecting(SA) is widely used in systems engineering area, however the explicit meaning of the term varies considerably from person to person depending on his expertise and viewpoints. In this paper, we surveyed the range of variations in definitions and present the summary. Additionally, the definition of robust system architecting is suggested along with the associated system architecture guides that can be followed during an architecture development. This guide exposes various viewpoints of architecture such as art side, requirement specification, system view, principles, tools and environment.

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Development of Signal Monitoring Platform for Sound Source Localization System

  • Myagmar, Enkhzaya;Kwon, Soon Ryang;Lee, Dong Myung
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2012.04a
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    • pp.961-963
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    • 2012
  • The sound source localization system is used to some area such as robotic system, object localization system, guarding system and medicine. So time delay estimation and angle estimation of sound direction are studied until now. These days time delay estimation is described in LabVIEW which is used to create innovative computer-based product and deploy measurement and control systems. In this paper, the development of signal monitoring platform is presented for sound source localization. This platform is designed in virtual instrument program and implemented in two stages. In first stage, data acquisition system is proposed and designed to analyze time delay estimation using cross correlation. In second stage, data obtaining system which is applied and designed to monitor analog signal processing is proposed.

Design of Real-Time Power System Simulator for Education using LabVIEW (랩뷰를 이용한 실시간 전력계통 교육용 시뮬레이터 개발)

  • Lee, Kyu-Hwa;Kim, Il-Ju;Choi, Joon-Young;Lee, Song-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.177-182
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    • 2010
  • As the technology is developing, the power system is also developing. Nowaday the power system operation has been complicated because of new technology development, new electric equipments and new operation method of the power system. As the electric equipments performance developing, the fault ratio of power system has been decreased. Therefore, new operation method is needed. More complicated the power system operation method, we need more the power system simulator to train and educate the novice power system operators. In this paper, we made real-time power system simulator using LabVIEW through the TCP/IP communication. With this simulator the instructor can simulate the trainee within various unpredicted cases that real power system could happen.

Development of a STEP-compliant Web RPD Environment (STEP표준과 Web을 이용한 RPD환경 구축)

  • 강석호;김민수;김영호
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, we present a Web-enabled product data sharing system for the support of RPD (Rapid Product Development) process by incorporating STEP (STandard for the Exchange of Product model data) with Web technology such as VRML (Virtual Reality Markup Language), SGML (Structured Generalized Markup Language) and Java. Extreme competition makes product life cycle short by incessantly deprecating current products with a brand-new one, and thus urges enterprises to devise a new product faster than ever. In this environment, an RPD process with effective product data sharing system is essential to outstrip competitors by speeding up the development process. However, the diversity of product data schema and heterogeneous systems make it difficult to exchange the product data. We chose STEP as a neutral product data schema and Web as an independent exchange environment to overcome these problems. While implementing our system, we focused on the support of STEP AP 203 UoF (Units of Functionality) views to efficiently employ STEP data models that are maximally normalized, and therefore very cumbersome to handle. Our functionality-oriented UoF view approach can increase users'appreciation since it facilitates the modular usage of STEP data models. This can also enhance the accuracy of product data. We demonstrate that our view approach is applicable to the configuration control of mechanical assemblies.

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Development of Shoes Process Management Monitoring System for Supporting SCM Using LabVIEW (LabVIEW를 이용한 SCM 지원 신발 공정관리 모니터링 시스템 개발)

  • Lee Byung Woo;Kim Chang Dong;Lee Young Jin;Go Seok Jo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.22 no.6 s.171
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    • pp.135-143
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    • 2005
  • The shoes process management monitoring system for supporting SCM is developed in this study. This system consists of a monitoring program, a conveyer system, a pneumatic unit, a controller, an USB camera, and a server and a client computer. To operate the developed system easily, the monitoring program using LabVIEW in the Windows environment is developed. This program consists of 5 modules: production management, inventory control, media management, defective management, and communication management. The developed system has several advantages: reduced time for managing process work, decreased labor costs, effective operation, and continuous work without an operator. Nowadays advanced manufacturing companies are trying to find a way to check the performance of their production equipments and plants from remote sites. Thus, to manage the developed system from remote sites, communication network is constructed. In order to evaluate the performance of the monitoring system, experiments were performed. The experimental results showed that the developed system provided a reliable performance and a stable communication.

Development of LabVIEW-based cell impedance measuring system (LabVIEW 기반 세포 임피던스 측정시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Chul;Park, Jung-Il;Kim, Jae-Young;Cho, Sung-Bo;Pak, Jung-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2011.07a
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    • pp.1692-1693
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문에서는 전극칩에서 배양하는 세포의 활동성을 실시간으로 모니터링 하기 위해 AC 함수발생기와 Lock-in-amplifier (SR 830, Stanford Research System)를 이용하여 개발한 LabVIEW(National Instrument)기반 세포 임피던스 측정시스템을 제안하였다. 대장암 세포인 HT-29를 다 채널 전극칩에서 60시간동안 배양하는 동안 LabVIEW기반 세포 임피던스 측정시스템을 이용해서 인가하는 신호의 주파수와 세포의 배양시간에 따른 세포 임피던스 변화를 관찰하였다. 결과 HT-29 세포가 전극에 안착하고 증식하기 때문에 전극의 임피던스가 증가한다는 이전 연구결과와 일치하는 측정결과를 얻었고, 이 결과를 통해서 제안한 LabVIEW 기반 세포 임피던스 측정시스템이 암세포 연구에 적합하고, 앞으로 유용하게 사용될 수 있음을 확인하였다.

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The Development of Launch Vehicle Simulator Using an Object-orinted Design (객체지향 설계론을 이용한 발사체 시뮬레이터 개발)

  • Choi Won;Chung Hae uk;Seo Jin-Ho;Hong Il-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society for Simulation Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.106-111
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    • 2005
  • LCC(Launch Control Center) in NARO Space Center perform a data monitoring and control through the interface to the external system of launch vehicle. Launch Control function needs a high reliability and processing speed. Hence, LCC's remote control system configure a real time system. An important role of the Simulation system is discovering a risk element and minimize it When developing a launch control system. Also, secure a development technique to solve the risks. Launch Vehicle simulator is composed of various component at characteristic of the Launch Vehicle. To be like this each function component the developer will be able to develop easily in order, it using the LabVIEW which is a Graphical Program and it programs, The LabVIEW GOOP(Graphical Object-orinted Programming) which supports an Object-orinted programming it uses with the Component it develops will have a strong point which reusability and a unit test, maintenance, size of program and individual developments.

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