• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sweden

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Cost-Benefit Analysis on Rubella Vaccination Policy (풍진 예방접종사업의 비용-편익분석)

  • Shin, Young-Jeon;Choi, Bo-Youl;Park, Hung-Bae;Moon, Ok-Ryun;Yoon, Bae-Joong
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.27 no.2 s.46
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    • pp.337-365
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    • 1994
  • Rubella is a viral disease with mild constitutional symptoms and generalized rashes. In childhood, it is an inconsequential illness, but when it occurs during early pregnant period, there are significant risks of heart defects, cataract, mental retardation to the fetus. The series of congenital defects induced by rubella is called 'congenital rubella syndrome'. Many research have been performed to find out more effective prevention program on rubella. The objectives of this study are, first, to calculate the incidence rate of acute rubella infection and congenital rubella syndrome in Korea, second, to evaluate economic efficiency of several rubella vaccination policies and to offer data for the most reasonable decision on vaccination policy. Study populations are 663,312 children of one year-old in 1992. The author has performed cost-benefit analyses according to the three vaccination policies-U.S.A.'s. U.K.'s and Sweden's. In this Study, the author got the incidence rate of acute rubella infection using the catalytic model. In the meantime, the author used 50 per 100,000 live births as the incidence rate of congenital rubella syndrome. The discount rate used in this study was 5 percent per annum. The sensitivity analyses were done with different discount rates (4%, 7%) and different incidence rate of congenital rubella syndrome (10,100 per 100,000 live births) : The study results are as follows: 1. Without vaccination, lifetime expenditures per patient for acute rubella infeciton amount to 14,822 won and the total expenditures to about 3.1 billion won. Meanwhile, lifetime expenditures per patient for congenital rubella syndrome amount to about 91 million won and the total expenditures to about 16.3 billion won without vaccination. 2. The cost of vaccination for a child of one year old was 2,322 won and the total cost for the one year old children was about 1.5 billion won (American style). The cost for vaccination of female children at fifteen was about 339 million won (Birtish style). And the cost of vaccination at one for both sex and female children at fifteen was about 1.9 billion won (Swedish style). 3. The benefit to cost ratios of vaccination of female children at fifteen that is the british mode of rubella vaccination, was 60.0 at the level of 80% population coverage and 48.6 at 100% coverage. It shows much higher benefit to cost ratio than those of the other two vaccination policies. 4. Both net benefits of vaccination at one (American style) and that of vaccinations at one and fifteen (Swedish style) range from about 17.0 billion to 17.8 billion won, those were larger than that of vaccinations of female children at fifteen (Birtish style, about 16.0 billion). 5. In marginal cost-benefit analysis of only additional program of revaccination, the benefit to cost ratios were 3.6 (80% coverage rate) or 0.6 (100% coverage rate). It implies that additional program was less efficient or inefficient. 6. In sensitivity analysis with different discount rates(4% or 7%) and different incidence rates of congenital rubella syndrome (10 or 100 per 100,000 live births), the benefit to cost ratios has fluctuated in wide range. However, all the ratios of vaccination of female children at fifteen were higher than those of the others. Even under the most conservative assumption, the benefit to cost ratios of all the rubella vaccination policies were higher than 3.3. In conclusion, all the rubella vaccination policies found to be cost-effective and particularly the vaccination of female children at fifteen was strongly recommended.

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Effect of Bone Quality on Insertion Torque during Implant Placement; Finite Eelement Analysis (임플란트 식립 시 골질이 주입회전력에 미치는 영향에 관한 삼차원 유한요소 분석)

  • Jeong, Jae Doug;Cho, In-Ho
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.109-123
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    • 2009
  • The aim of the study was to assess the influence of insertion torque of bone quality and to compare axial force, moment and von Mises stress using finite element analysis of plastoelastic property for bone stress and strain by dividing bone quality to its thickness of cortical bone, density of trabecular bone and existence of lower cortical bone when implant inserted to mandibular premolar region. The $Br{\aa}nemark$ MKIII. RP implant and cylindrical bone finite model were designed as cortical bone at upper border and trabecular bone below the cortical bone. 7 models were made according to thickness of cortical bone, density of trabecular bone and bicortical anchorage and von Mises stress, axial force and moment were compared by running time. Dividing the insertion time, it seemed 300msec that inferior border of implant flange impinged the upper border of bone, 550msec that implant flange placed in middle of upper border and 800msec that superior border of implant flange was at the same level as bone surface. The maximum axial force peak was at about 500msec, and maximum moment peak was at about 800msec. The correlation of von Mises stress distribution was seen at both peak level. The following findings were appeared by the study which compared the axial force by its each area. The axial force was measured highest when $Br{\aa}nemark$ MKIII implant flange inserts the cortical bone. And maximal moment was measured highest after axial force suddenly decreased when the flange impinged at upper border and the concentration of von Mises stress distribution was at the same site. When implant was placed, the axial force and moment was measured high as the cortical bone got thicker and the force concentrated at the cortical bone site. The influence of density in trabecular bone to axial force was less when cortical bone was 1.5 mm thick but it might be more affected when the thickness was 0.5 mm. The total axial force with bicortical anchorage, was similar when upper border thickness was the same. But at the lower border the axial force of bicortical model was higher than that of monocortical model. Within the limitation of this FEA study, the insertion torque was most affected by the thickness of cortical bone when it was placed the $Br{\aa}nemark$ MKIII implant in premolar region of mandible.


  • Kang, Dug-Il;Park, In-Chon;Lee, Nan-Young;Lee, Sang-Ho;Lee, Chang-Seop
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.581-592
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    • 2003
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of chemo-mechanical caries removal system($Carisolv^{TM}$, Medi Team, Sweden) for resin adhesion to carious primary and permanent dentin compared with conventional drilling method. The buccal surface of 92 primary molars and 92 permanent molars were used. Exposed dentins were occurred artificial caries. 32 tooth of primary molars and 32 tooth of permanent molars were prepared to observe treated dentin surface with $Carisolv^{TM}$ and conventional drilling method by SEM. Other tooth were prepared to measure resin-dentin shear bonding strength according to caries removal methods and dentin adhesive system. Two adhesive systems and a composite resin were used; single bonding agent(Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Plus, 3M) and self-etching bonding system(Prompt L-pop, 3M ESPE), and a composite resin (Z-250, 3M). The results were as follows : 1. The removal effect of carious dentin on $Carisolv^{TM}$ was stronger on the primary dentin than that to permanent dentin, and dentin surface became rougher with treated $Carisolv^{TM}$ than drilling method. 2. Acid-etched dentin surfaces were showed smoothening without smear layer. 3. In specimen applied single bonding system hybrid layer and adhesive layer were $2-4{\mu}m$ and $10-15{\mu}m$ in thickness, whereas self-etching bonding system were showed only thin hybrid layer($1-2{\mu}m$). 4. The shear bonding strength of group applied single bonding agent was higher than that applied self-etching priming system(P<0.05). 5. The shear bonding strength of group applied $Carisolv^{TM}$ and self-etching priming system were slightly higher than that applied conventional drilling method and self-etching priming system(P>0.05).

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EU Integration and Its Aviation Relationship with Third Countries (유럽연합(EU) 통합과 제3국과의 항공관계)

  • Lee, Jong-Sik
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.135-167
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    • 2006
  • Air service agreements between EU Member States and third countries concluded by Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, the Netherlands, Denmark and the United Kingdom after the Second World War infringe EU law. They authorize the third countries to withdraw, suspend or limit the traffic rights of air carriers designated by the signatory States. According to the Court of Justice of the European Communities (CJEC), these agreements infringe EU law in two respects. On the one hand, the presence of nationality clauses infringes the right of European airlines to non-discriminatory market access to routes between all Member States and third countries. On the other hand, only the EU has the authority to sign up to this type of commitment where agreements affect the exercise of EU competence, i.e. involve an area covered by EU legislation. The Court held that since the third countries have the right to refuse a carrier, these agreements therefore constitute an obstacle to the freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services, as the opening of European skies to third countries' companies is not reciprocal for all EU airlines. In the conclusion, in order to reconstruct these public international air law, The new negotiations between EU member states and third countries, especially the US, must be designed to ensure an adequate set of principles, so that Member States, in their bilateral relations with third countries in the area of air service, should consider following three models. The 1st, to develop a new model of public international air law such as a new Bermuda III. The 2nd, to reconstruct new freedoms of the air, for example, the 7th, 8th, and 9th freedoms. The 3rd, to explore new approaching models, such as complex system theory explored in the recent social sciences, to make access world-wide global problems instead of bilateral problems between EU member states and United States. The example will show any lessons to air talks between European Union and ROK.

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Prediction of Entrance Surface Dose in Chest Digital Radiography (흉부 디지털촬영에서 입사표면선량 예측)

  • Lee, Won-Jeong;Jeong, Sun-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.573-579
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is predicted easily the entrance surface dose (ESD) in chest digital radiography. We used two detector type such as flat-panel detector (FP) and IP (Imaging plate detector). ESD was measured at each exposure condition combined tube voltage with tube current using dosimeter, after attaching on human phantom, it was repeated 3 times. Phantom images were evaluated independently by three chest radiologists after blinding image. Dose-area product (DAP) or exposure index (EI) was checked by Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) header on phantom images. Statistical analysis was performed by the linear regression using SPSS ver. 19.0. ESD was significant difference between FP and IP($85.7{\mu}Gy$ vs. $124.6{\mu}Gy$, p=0.017). ESD was positively correlated with image quality in FP as well as IP. In FP, adjusted R square was 0.978 (97.8%) and linear regression model was $ESD=0.407+68.810{\times}DAP$. DAP was 4.781 by calculating the $DAP=0.021+0.014{\times}340{\mu}Gy$. In IP, adjusted R square was 0.645 (64.5%) and linear regression model was $ESD=-63.339+0.188{\times}EI$. EI was 1748.97 by calculating the $EI=565.431+3.481{\times}340{\mu}Gy$. In chest digital radiography, the ESD can be easily predicted by the DICOM header information.

Analysis of the Operation Status and Function based on the Overseas Accident Investigation Agency (국외 재난원인조사기구의 운영 현황 및 기능분석)

  • Lee, Kyung-Su;Yang, Seung-Ho;Kim, Yeon-Ju;Park, Jihye;Kim, Tai-Hoon;Kim, Hyunju
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.442-453
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The objective of this study is to suggest desirable direction of Korean accident investigation organization by analyzing the operation status and way of overseas developed countries' investigation agency. Method: To accomplish the objective of this study, we were examined four main characteristics of accident investigation agencies of the U.S., Japan, and Sweden, focusing on (1); the background of the establishment, (2);organizational structure, (3);major tasks and functions, (4); accident investigation procedures. Result: First, the purpose of its establishment and task is to prevent recurrence of disasters and accidents, at the same time, administrating and researching duties such as legal system, policy, recommending improvement and conducting scientific disaster-cause analysis to contribute safety for the government. Second, it is operated as an independent organization under the president, not belonging to the ministry, in order to enable fair investigation in an impartial position. Third, it has the authority to be recognized for its expertise in the results of investigation. In other words, it is operated as a permanent organization with professional personnel, and secures authority through the accident research with indepth investigation and high-quality recommendations. Conclusion: The overseas investigation agencies rapidly manage and coordinate their operational practices in order to resolve national requirements and social conflicts with fairness, accuracy and expertise in accident investigations. In order to prevent the recurrence of similar events, Korea needs to efficiently reconstruct its investigative functions distributed by each government department. In addition, institutional improvement is needed to make general adjustments at the national level, organize and operate control tower for when the accident has happened.

Status and Implications of Hydrogeochemical Characterization of Deep Groundwater for Deep Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes in Developed Countries (고준위 방사성 폐기물 지질처분을 위한 해외 선진국의 심부 지하수 환경 연구동향 분석 및 시사점 도출)

  • Jaehoon Choi;Soonyoung Yu;SunJu Park;Junghoon Park;Seong-Taek Yun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.737-760
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    • 2022
  • For the geological disposal of high-level radioactive wastes (HLW), an understanding of deep subsurface environment is essential through geological, hydrogeological, geochemical, and geotechnical investigations. Although South Korea plans the geological disposal of HLW, only a few studies have been conducted for characterizing the geochemistry of deep subsurface environment. To guide the hydrogeochemical research for selecting suitable repository sites, this study overviewed the status and trends in hydrogeochemical characterization of deep groundwater for the deep geological disposal of HLW in developed countries. As a result of examining the selection process of geological disposal sites in 8 countries including USA, Canada, Finland, Sweden, France, Japan, Germany, and Switzerland, the following geochemical parameters were needed for the geochemical characterization of deep subsurface environment: major and minor elements and isotopes (e.g., 34S and 18O of SO42-, 13C and 14C of DIC, 2H and 18O of water) of both groundwater and pore water (in aquitard), fracture-filling minerals, organic materials, colloids, and oxidation-reduction indicators (e.g., Eh, Fe2+/Fe3+, H2S/SO42-, NH4+/NO3-). A suitable repository was selected based on the integrated interpretation of these geochemical data from deep subsurface. In South Korea, hydrochemical types and evolutionary patterns of deep groundwater were identified using artificial neural networks (e.g., Self-Organizing Map), and the impact of shallow groundwater mixing was evaluated based on multivariate statistics (e.g., M3 modeling). The relationship between fracture-filling minerals and groundwater chemistry also has been investigated through a reaction-path modeling. However, these previous studies in South Korea had been conducted without some important geochemical data including isotopes, oxidationreduction indicators and DOC, mainly due to the lack of available data. Therefore, a detailed geochemical investigation is required over the country to collect these hydrochemical data to select a geological disposal site based on scientific evidence.

The Characteristics of Korean Family Law - A Comparison with EU-Countries in Regard to Regime Classification - (한국 가족법의 특수성 - EU 국가와의 비교를 통한 유형 구분 -)

  • Chung, Yun Tag
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.161-187
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    • 2010
  • This study begins with two research interests. Firstly, there seems to be a break of research in the field of family policy in Korea which exists especially in regard to family law. Family law was originally the core of state interventions in family life, but has been neglected because of the lack of literature with comparative research methods. This shortcoming needs to be addressed. Secondly, through inquiry into the definition of family or family policy with the lens of the law, the definition of family or family policy can be correctly extended. With these two interests combined, this research tries to derive an analytical tool - maintenance community - of the law and compare some important points of the family law of Korea with those of 16 EU-countries in terms of regime classification. The method used is, firstly, to describe the subjects of family law with a focus on partnering and parenting without subjective interpretation, and secondly, to classify the countries' family-law regimes with the criteria of privacy and autonomy using cluster analysis. The results show that the countries can be classified into three clusters: Nordic (Norway and Sweden), West-Northern (Denmark, France, England, Finland, and Belgium) and Middle South (Italy, Spain, Austria, Portugal, Netherlands, Greece, Ireland, Germany, and Korea). This result can be compared to a precedent research result which showed that 21 OECD countries can be classified in three clusters according to family policy. The number of the clusters is the same as this study, but some countries belong to other clusters; for example Denmark and Finland belong to the Nordic cluster according to family policy, while they belong to the West-Northern according to family law, and Austria, Germany, and Ireland belong to the Middle-South cluster according to family law, while they belong to the Continental according to family policy. From this result we can interpret Korean family law to be in the middle range according to both criteria of privacy and autonomy like other South-European countries including some Continental countries. We can make some theoretical suggestions. The fact that both family law and family policy regimes in countries can be classified into three clusters can be interpreted to mean that there exists parallelism between family law and family policy in a broad sense. But from the fact that some countries belong to different clusters according to family law and family policy, we can say that the family policy in a country is not always consistent with family law.

Evaluation of Hydrogeological Characteristic of Natural Barrier in Korea for Establishing Safety Guidelines of Deep Geological High-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Site (고준위방사성폐기물 심층처분 부지 수리 지질 안전 규제를 위한 국내 지질환경 수리 특성 평가)

  • Suwan So;Jiho Jeong;Jaesung Park;Hyeongmok Lee;Subi Lee;Sujin Kim;Sinda Mbarki;Jina Jeong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.397-416
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    • 2024
  • This study assessed the hydrogeological properties of the deep geological environment to develop safety criteria for the natural barriers used in the deep geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste in Korea. The assessment focused on the distribution and trends of hydraulic conductivity and permeability properties appropriate for the domestic geological environment, using various in-situ hydraulic test data collected for groundwater development and management. To develop a depth-hydrogeological property relationship model suitable for domestic conditions, the study reviewed various international research examples and applied a representative model that explains the trends of hydraulic conductivity and permeability with depth. The development of the model suitable for Korea involved applying ensemble regression analysis to account for the uncertainty of various factors in the collected data. The results confirmed that existing international depth-hydrogeological property relationship models adequately describe the characteristics of the domestic geological environment. Considering the preferred hydrogeological criteria suggested by countries like Sweden, Germany, and Canada, there is a high likelihood that a suitable geological environment exists in Korea. Additionally, the application of hydrogeological criteria indicative of low-permeability environments showed that suitable conditions for disposal construction increase at depths greater than 300 m, where the influence of fractures on groundwater flow might be minimal at depths exceeding 500 m. This research can serve as foundational information for establishing hydrogeological safety standards for natural barriers in Korea according to international regulatory guidelines.

An Examination of the Korean Association of Social Workers' Code of Ethics in Practice: the Present and Future (한국사회복지사윤리강령의 개정 필요성과 방향에 관한 연구)

  • 최명민;황보람;김기덕;김욱;유서구;이순민
    • Journal of Korean social welfare administration
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.171-202
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which the current KASW code of ethics works in social work practice and to propose, if necessary, the future of the KASW code of ethics. This study is firstly to analyse the KASW Code of ethics in terms of contents as well as structures, by comparing it with those in the United States, Canada, Britain, Sweden, and Australia.. This study is also to compare the KASW Code of ethics with those of other professional associations in Korea such as doctors and nurses. Lastly, this study is to conduct both a survey of 429 social workers using a structured questionnaire, and focus-group interviews with 8 social workers, all of whose participants are enrolled in the KASW Research Panel Group. The findings are as follows. The current KASW code of ethics lacks core values and ethical principles that those in other key countries contain. It also fails to recognize the importance of ethical guidances that other professional associations emphasize. Most importantly, social workers ungently demand a revision of the KASW code of conduct in a way of reflecting the societal change in the 21st century. This study suggests that the KASW should revise its code of ethics in the near future, and that its contents should deal with key issues including diversity, inclusiveness, right to protect social workers from harms, accountability of social agencies, and that its way should be responsive to the voices of social workers in practice settings.