• Title/Summary/Keyword: Subjective health happiness

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A Comparative Study on Happiness between Otaku and Non-Otaku College Students (덕질활동 여부에 따른 대학생의 행복감 비교 연구)

  • Jang, Hyungsoon;Park, Hyunju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the happiness of otaku college students to that of non-otaku college students. Methods: Data were collected using structured questionnaires targeting college students who visited the S Fair, which displayed and promoted contents related to animation, figures, comics, music, entertainers, etc. A total of 236 college students were included in the analysis. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression analyses were carried out using SPSS 24.0. Results: As a result of the study, 71 students (30.1%) were otaku. The happiness score was 43.17±8.62 for otaku, and 40.21±10.44 for non-otaku. After controlling for significant covariates (age, major, economic status, job seeking stress, depression, life stress, social support, and self-esteem), otaku students had a significantly higher happiness score than non-otaku students (b=1.91, p=.043). Conclusion: It was found that otaku college students were happier than non-otaku students, even though the difference was not big. Therefore, this suggests that otaku activities may, to some extent, contribute to subjective mental health such as happines.

Relationship of Oral Health Behavior to Happiness Indexes among Industrial Workers (산업장 근로자들의 구강건강 행위에 따른 행복지수)

  • Yoon, Hyun-Seo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.313-321
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the oral health behavior and self-rated oral health of workers on their happiness indexes in an attempt to provide information on oral health planning geared toward industrial workers. The subjects in this study were 294 workers in North Gyeongsang Province. As a result of analyzing the relationship between their health behavior and happiness indexes, the workers who got regular health checkups had higher happiness indexes for both single items(p=0.002) and entire five items(0.012), and those who had their teeth cleaned over the past year had higher happiness indexes for both single items(p<0.001) and entire five items(p=0.003). As for a toothbrushing frequency, the respondents who brushed their teeth more frequently had higher happiness indexes for both single items(p<0.001) and entire five items(p=0.023), and those who had ever received oral health education had higher happiness indexes for both single items(p=0.041) and entire five items. The workers who kept their toothbrushes at work had higher happiness indexes for both single items(p=0.001) and entire five items, and the respondents who could afford to visit a dental clinic immediately in case of having a toothache had higher happiness indexes for both single items(p<0.001) and entire five items(p<0.001). The findings of the study suggest that the preparation of systematic oral health programs is required to boost the happiness indexes of industrial workers.

Development of a Happiness Scale for Korean Old People (한국 노인의 행복 요인 탐색과 척도개발)

  • Im, Eunki;Jung, Taeyun
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.1141-1158
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to explore the determinants of happiness for Korean Old People. A total of 105 Korean old people responded to open-ended questions about their happiness. From the content analysis of those reponses were happiness-related 70 items derived. Then 200 old people rated themselves on the list of those items. Factor analysis of those data ended up with 33 items of 8 factors, which were ①Family relationship, ②Religion, ③Financial ability, ④Health, ⑤Work/Job, ⑥ Psychological stability, ⑦Leisure, ⑧Public welfare. This Happiness Scale for the Korean old people, Subjective wellbeing Scale, Emotion experience Scale, and Self-esteem Scale were also administered to the identical 200 Korean old people. Results indicated that the construct validity of this new Happiness Scale for Korean old people was obtained. Finally, the implications and limitations of the present study and suggestions for further studies were discussed.

The Effect of Academic Self-efficacy and Subjective happiness and Academic Resilience Dental Hygiene Student (치위생 전공 학생의 학업적 자기효능감, 주관적 행복감이 학업탄력성에 미치는 영향 요인)

  • Kim, Da-Hui
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.246-252
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we surveyed the students enrolled in the dental hygiene program to identify how academic self-efficacy and subjective happiness affect academic resilience and, therefore, to help in guidance and adaptation to college life for dental hygiene students. We conducted the self-administered survey by randomized inclusion of dental hygiene students from Daejeon and South Chungcheong Province. A total of 175 students were finally analyzed. The study result showed that subjective happiness and academic self-efficacy were the factors that affected academic resilience and explanatory power accounting for 25.6%. This study has provided a foundational basis for the development of programs to enhance students' adaptation to college life by providing guidance for dental hygiene students and suggesting factors related to adaptation to college life.

The Mediating Effect of Subjective Happiness in the Relationship between Parental Abuse and Neglect and Internet Addiction in Adolescents (부모로부터의 학대 및 방임과 청소년의 인터넷 과의존의 관계에서 주관적 행복감의 매개효과)

  • Choi Jihyun;Jeong Misook
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.471-478
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of parental abuse and neglect on adolescents' internet addiction, and to verify the mediating effect of subjective happiness in the relationship between parental abuse and neglects and adolescent internet addiction. To this end, dat from the 16th year of the 2021 Korea Welfare Panel(KWPS) conducted by the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs were used. In this study, 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders of high school were analyzed, and data from a total of 325 students were analyzed. The analysis utilized SPSS 27.0 and Hayes(2013)'s Macro Process(model 4) to verity correlation analysis and mediating effects between related variables. The results of the analysis are as follows: First, abuse and neglect from parents directly affect adolescents' Internet addiction. Second, it was analyzed that subjective happiness mediated the effect of parental abuse and neglect on adolescents' Internet addiction.

Investigation of Self-Rated Health and Happiness, Physical Activity, and Mental Health by Smartphone Overuse using Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey 2017 (2017년 청소년 건강행태온라인조사를 활용한 청소년의 스마트폰 과사용으로 인한 주관적 건강과 행복, 신체활동 및 정신건강에 대한 연구)

  • Moon, Jong-Hoon;Song, E-Seul;Seong, Hyun-Yong
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.515-524
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of adolescents on self-rated health and happiness, physical activity, and mental health according to time of smartphone use. The researcher used raw data from the Korea youth risk-behavior web-based survey(2017). A total of 64,991 adolescents were enrolled and 54,603 were analyzed in logistic regression analysis. The researcher set gender, self-rated health and happiness, physical activity, and mental health as independent variables and performed logistic regression analysis with smartphone overuse time as dependent variables. As a result, the female had a smartphone overuse of 1.49 to 1.67 times higher than male. Subjectively healthy people were 1.2 to 1.35 times more likely to use smartphones than those who did not(p<.001). People with higher physical activity were higher by 1.17 to 1.18 times than people without physical activity(p<.001). Subjective happiness did not predict smartphone usage(p>.05). People with subjective stress were higher 1.13 to 1.22 times than people without stress, and person with sadness and despair and suicide plan, 1.37 to 1.54 times, 1.17 to 1.24 times than those who did not(p<.001). Depression tended to become more serious as smartphone use increased. These investigation suggest that the self-rated health, physical activity, and mental health excluding self-rated happiness are related to overuse of smartphone.

A Study on Adolescents' Life Changes and Subjective Happiness resulted from COVID-19 Pandemic (코로나19로 인한 청소년의 생활 변화와 주관적 행복감 연구)

  • Kim, Bong Wha
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to firstly, understand how adolescents' mental, physical, sentimental, and health status and daily life have changed due to drastic environmental changes resulted from spending more time at home and taking online classes as a part of social distancing in the COVID-19 pandemic and secondly, identify how such changes influenced their subjective happiness. In conclusion, this study provided theoretical and practical discussion and implications for adolescents' happiness in disaster situation based on adolescent happiness influence factors.

Mental Health Status of Korean Adolescents according to Daily Sleep Time and Subjective Sleep Satisfaction

  • Nam, Yulim;Park, Subin;Jo, MinKyung;Kim, Chuleung
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.44-50
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    • 2018
  • Objectives : Insufficient sleep could have harmful effects on mental health. We examined the mental health status of Korean adolescents according to daily sleep time and subjective sleep satisfaction using a nationwide representative sample of Korean adolescents. Methods : Data from the 2016 Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey was used. Sleep duration on weekdays and subjective sleep satisfaction during the past week were asked. Participants' perceived health, happiness, stress, depressive mood, and suicidality during past 12 months were also investigated. Participants were classified by mean duration of daily sleep time and the level of sleep satisfaction, and the odds of having mental health problems were compared. Results : Compared to adolescents who slept more than 6 hours per day and satisfied with their sleep, adolescents who slept less than 6 hours per day and/or dissatisfied with their sleep were less likely to perceive themselves healthy and happy. They were also more likely to have severe stress, depressive mood, and suicidality, with highest odds ratios among adolescents with both short and dissatisfying sleep. Conclusions : Given the significant associations between sleep insufficiency and mental health problems, attention to the sleep shortage among Korean adolescents is needed. Prospective studies are warranted to elucidate the causal relationships between subjective and objective sleep insufficiency and psychiatric conditions.

The Analysis of Risk Factors Influencing Adolescent Depression in a Atopic Dermatitis - Based on the 2014 Korean Youth Health Risk Behavior On-line Survey - (아토피피부염 청소년의 우울감에 영향을 미치는 요인분석 - 2014 청소년건강행태온라인조사를 바탕으로 -)

  • Lee, Su-Jung;Chong, Hyun-Chong;Sohn, Tae-Yong
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: The study recognizes the seriousness of depression in youth with atopic dermatitis, and tries to identify factors that affect depression. Methods: Data were obtained from the 2014 Korean Youth Health Behavior Risk Behavior On-line Survey. In this study, 17,232 people who were Atopic dermatitis without missing variables were included in the final analysis. It conducted frequency, chi-square and logistic regression analysis by SPSS 20.0. Results: An analysis of factors affecting depression showed that subjective health level, subjective happiness satisfaction, subjective sleep satisfaction, subjective stress level, smoking, and drinking had an effect. Conclusions: The factors affecting youth depression with atopic dermatitis revealed health status, life behavior. These results are thought to require attention and research on youth with atopic dermatitis, along with the development of practical treatment programs and systematic management by applying them to teenagers in an appropriate time and method.

The Influence of Job-seeking Stress, Career Decision-making Self-efficacy, Self-esteem and Academic Achievement on Nursing Students' Happiness (간호대학생의 취업 스트레스, 자기효능감, 자아존중감, 학업성취도가 행복감에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Soonhee;Lee, Sunhee
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine whether job-seeking stress, career decision-making self-efficacy, self-esteem, and academic achievement had an influence on nursing students' happiness. Methods: The participants were 147 nursing students in D city. Data were collected with a structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed with SPSS/WIN 19.0 using ANOVA, t-test, Pearson correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. Results: Factors that had an influence on happiness included major satisfaction(highly unsatisfied ${\beta}=-.251$, p=.001), average monthly family income(between four and six million won ${\beta}=.222$, p=.002), career decision-making self-efficacy(${\beta}=.198$, p=.010), major satisfaction(satisfied ${\beta}=.196$, p=.006), and subjective health(unhealthy ${\beta}=-.167$, p=.020). These factors explained 33.5% of the variance in student happiness. Conclusion: The results of this study reveal that career decision-making self-efficacy, self-esteem, major satisfaction, and job-seeking stress were important intrinsic factors in the happiness of nursing students. Thus, it is necessary to help these students attain more self-efficacy, self-esteem, and major satisfaction rather than focusing on academic achievement in order to increase their happiness.