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A Study on Cold Start and Resource Improvement Using Time Warming Allocation Engine in Serverless Computing

  • Gun-Woo Kim;Seok-Jae Moon;Byung-Joon Park
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.109-116
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    • 2024
  • With the advent of serverless computing, cloud customers no longer needed to maintain and manage server environments directly. Instead, cloud service providers took on that role, managing and maintaining the server environment according to customer requests, a concept known as Function as a Service (FaaS). This service demonstrated improvements in operational costs and resource utilization over traditional cloud computing, offering various advantages such as enhanced scalability. However, a delay occurred in processing and returning results to user requests, a phenomenon referred to as the cold start problem. This paper proposed the Time Warming Allocation Engine (TWAE) to improve resource management and mitigate the cold start problem in Function as a Service. The proposed engine comprised a collection module, a learning module, a classification module, and an allocation module. Additionally, it utilized a list called Pre-Warming. Through this approach, it suggested directions for improving cold start issues and resource utilization according to different time periods.

Business Trends in Geo-Spatial Information and Service Market

  • Heo, Joon
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.351-354
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    • 2005
  • NASA's remote sensing market analysis and forecast projects 3.3 billion dollars in 2005. On the other hand, a market research firm expected that world commercial remote sensing imagery, GIS software, Data, and value-added services will generate 8.3 billion dollar in 2007. It has been widely believed that geo-spatial information and service market is growing rapidly and has a huge potential, but it is not clearly understood where it is now and will be heading in the future. Also, it could be a significant question to answer where the industry in Korea fits the best in the world business trends and where it should be strategically heading to take a large market share. Furthermore, if it could be worth being considered as a Korean strategic industry for the future. Instead of pursuing direct answers to the questions, the author will start reviewing general business practices, major business transactions such as merging and acquisitions (M&A's) and initial public offerings (IPO's), and research on market capitalization and revenue of major companies. Throughout the study, a list of common grounds in the market was uncovered and realized as follows: (1) value-added data matters in geo-spatial information and service market; (2) private sector grows faster; (3) characteristics of multi-national industry; and (4) Dependency on major industry. Based on the findings, the author presents a list of recommendations as conclusions.

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A Methodology for Analyzing Public Opinion about Science and Technology Issues Using Text Analysis (텍스트 분석을 활용한 과학기술이슈 여론 분석 방법론)

  • Kim, Dasom;Wong, William Xiu Shun;Lim, Myungsu;Liu, Chen;Kim, Namgyu;Park, Junhyung;Kil, Wooyeong;Yoon, Hansool
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 2015
  • Recently, many users frequently share their opinions on diverse issues using various social media. Therefore, many governments have attempted to establish or improve national policies according to the public opinions captured from the various social media. In this paper, we indicate several limitations of traditional approaches for analyzing public opinions about science and technology and provide an alternative methodology to overcome the limitations. First of all, we distinguish science and technology analysis phase and social issue analysis phase to reflect the fact that public opinion can be formed only when a certain science and technology is applied to a specific social issue. Next, we apply a start list and a stop list successively to acquire clarified and interesting results. Finally, to identify most appropriate documents fitting to a given subject, we develop a new concept of logical filter that consists of not only mere keywords but also a logical relationship among keywords. This study then analyzes the possibilities for the practical use of the proposed methodology thorough its application to discovering core issues and public opinions from 1,700,886 documents comprising SNS, blog, news, and discussion.

Moving Object Edge Extraction from Sequence Image Based on the Structured Edge Matching (구조화된 에지정합을 통한 영상 열에서의 이동물체 에지검출)

  • 안기옥;채옥삼
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.425-428
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    • 2003
  • Recently, the IDS(Intrusion Detection System) using a video camera is an important part of the home security systems which start gaining popularity. However, the video intruder detection has not been widely used in the home surveillance systems due to its unreliable performance in the environment with abrupt illumination change. In this paper, we propose an effective moving edge extraction algorithm from a sequence image. The proposed algorithm extracts edge segments from current image and eliminates the background edge segments by matching them with reference edge list, which is updated at every frame, to find the moving edge segments. The test results show that it can detect the contour of moving object in the noisy environment with abrupt illumination change.

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Portfolio Management Game Applicable to Korean Stock Market (주식투자(株式投資)에 관(關)한 모의(模擬)게임)

  • O, Seong-Baek;Hwang, Hak
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.55-59
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    • 1977
  • This paper develops a portfolio management game applicable to Korean Stock Market with an emphasis on teaching and training aid. It allows each participant to start out with a certain amount of money and pick his favorable stocks from a list of stocks chosen by instructor. Each participant must make a transaction at each time period and he gets a readout that states his individual performance, i.e., stock lists, cash on hand, net worth, transactions he has made and rank in accordance with his net worth. This game package consists of 10 subprograms and 7 files written with Fortran language for use on the Nova 840 computer and is divided into 3 main categories according to their functions, i.e., book-keeping function, data processing function and information searching function. This package may be used for training portfolio decison makings in the stock market and for comparing various investment methods through hypothetical investments.

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A Study on the Effecient Mesh Generation for Finite Element Analysis of Electric Machinery (전기기기의 유한 요소 해석을 위한 효율적인 요소 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Tae;Jeong, Tae-Gyeong;Kim, Hyeong-Seok
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers B
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.174-181
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    • 1999
  • To obtain more accurate result in the finite element analysis for electric machinery, it is important to have a mesh being of good quality. This paper describes a new technique of mesh generation for the finite element method. When the list of points defining the region of analysis is given, an appropriate distribution of interior points is generated first. Secondly the points are connected to from the trianlges. Finally the connectivity data are used to reposition the interior points using Laplacian smoothing and mesh relaxation technique. In this paper, a mesh searching technique of Lawson which modifies the start mesh is proposed in addition to the above three steps. This algorithm is simple and produces the meshes being of good quality with high speed in comparison with the existing one.

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Multi-Exchange Neighborhood Search Heuristics for the Multi-Source Capacitated Facility Location Problem

  • Chyu, Chiuh-Cheng;Chang, Wei-Shung
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2009
  • We present two local-search based metaheuristics for the multi-source capacitated facility location problem. In such a problem, each customer's demand can be supplied by one or more facilities. The problem is NP-hard and the number of locations in the optimal solution is unknown. To keep the search process effective, the proposed methods adopt the following features: (1) a multi-exchange neighborhood structure, (2) a tabu list that keeps track of recently visited solutions, and (3) a multi-start to enhance the diversified search paths. The transportation simplex method is applied in an efficient manner to obtain the optimal solutions to neighbors of the current solution under the algorithm framework. Two in-and-out selection rules are also proposed in the algorithms with the purpose of finding promising solutions in a short computational time. Our computational results for some of the benchmark instances, as well as some instances generated using a method in the literature, have demonstrated the effectiveness of this approach.

Recent Progresses in the Linguistic Modeling of Biological Sequences Based on Formal Language Theory

  • Park, Hyun-Seok;Galbadrakh, Bulgan;Kim, Young-Mi
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2011
  • Treating genomes just as languages raises the possibility of producing concise generalizations about information in biological sequences. Grammars used in this way would constitute a model of underlying biological processes or structures, and that grammars may, in fact, serve as an appropriate tool for theory formation. The increasing number of biological sequences that have been yielded further highlights a growing need for developing grammatical systems in bioinformatics. The intent of this review is therefore to list some bibliographic references regarding the recent progresses in the field of grammatical modeling of biological sequences. This review will also contain some sections to briefly introduce basic knowledge about formal language theory, such as the Chomsky hierarchy, for non-experts in computational linguistics, and to provide some helpful pointers to start a deeper investigation into this field.

Research on hybrid music recommendation system using metadata of music tracks and playlists (음악과 플레이리스트의 메타데이터를 활용한 하이브리드 음악 추천 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Hyun Tae Lee;Gyoo Gun Lim
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.145-165
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    • 2023
  • Recommendation system plays a significant role on relieving difficulties of selecting information among rapidly increasing amount of information caused by the development of the Internet and on efficiently displaying information that fits individual personal interest. In particular, without the help of recommendation system, E-commerce and OTT companies cannot overcome the long-tail phenomenon, a phenomenon in which only popular products are consumed, as the number of products and contents are rapidly increasing. Therefore, the research on recommendation systems is being actively conducted to overcome the phenomenon and to provide information or contents that are aligned with users' individual interests, in order to induce customers to consume various products or contents. Usually, collaborative filtering which utilizes users' historical behavioral data shows better performance than contents-based filtering which utilizes users' preferred contents. However, collaborative filtering can suffer from cold-start problem which occurs when there is lack of users' historical behavioral data. In this paper, hybrid music recommendation system, which can solve cold-start problem, is proposed based on the playlist data of Melon music streaming service that is given by Kakao Arena for music playlist continuation competition. The goal of this research is to use music tracks, that are included in the playlists, and metadata of music tracks and playlists in order to predict other music tracks when the half or whole of the tracks are masked. Therefore, two different recommendation procedures were conducted depending on the two different situations. When music tracks are included in the playlist, LightFM is used in order to utilize the music track list of the playlists and metadata of each music tracks. Then, the result of Item2Vec model, which uses vector embeddings of music tracks, tags and titles for recommendation, is combined with the result of LightFM model to create final recommendation list. When there are no music tracks available in the playlists but only playlists' tags and titles are available, recommendation was made by finding similar playlists based on playlists vectors which was made by the aggregation of FastText pre-trained embedding vectors of tags and titles of each playlists. As a result, not only cold-start problem can be resolved, but also achieved better performance than ALS, BPR and Item2Vec by using the metadata of both music tracks and playlists. In addition, it was found that the LightFM model, which uses only artist information as an item feature, shows the best performance compared to other LightFM models which use other item features of music tracks.

An Efficient Scheme of Performing Pending Actions for the Removal of Datavase Files (데이터베이스 파일의 삭제를 위한 미처리 연산의 효율적 수행 기법)

  • Park, Jun-Hyun;Park, Young-Chul
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.494-511
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    • 2001
  • In the environment that database management systems manage disk spaces for storing databases directly, this paper proposes a correct and efficient scheme of performing pending actions for the removal of database files. As for performing pending actions, upon performing recovery, the recovery process must identify unperformed pending actions of not-yet-terminated transactions and then perform those actions completely. Making the recovery process identify those actions through the analysis of log records in the log file is the basic idea of this paper. This scheme, as an extension of the execution of transactions, fuzzy checkpoint, and recovery of ARIES, uses the following methods: First, to identify not-yet-terminated transactions during recovery, transactions perform pending actions after writing 'pa_start'log records that signify both the commit of transactions and the start of executing pending actions, and then write 'eng'log records. Second, to restore pending-actions-lists of not-yet-terminated transactions during recovery, each transaction records its pending-actions-list in 'pa_start'log record and the checkpoint process records pending-actions-lists of transactions that are decided to be committed in 'end_chkpt'log record. Third, to identify the next pending action to perform during recovery, whenever a page is updated during the execution of pending actions, transactions record the information that identifies the next pending action to perform in the log record that has the redo information against the page.

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