• Title/Summary/Keyword: Stars

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YouTube and Girls' Generation Fandom (유투브와 소녀시대 팬덤)

  • Shim, Doo-Bo;Noh, Kwang-Woo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 2012
  • In this paper we draw from recent theoretical discussions of fan culture and the new media technologies to explore how online communities contribute to new forms of K-pop fandom. We suggest that these online sites play an important role in setting the new stage of dissemination and dialogue of K-pop knowledge, through which particular forms and spaces of online fan culture are being created and sustained. Moreover, these web-based communities challenge the existing concepts that have embraced interrelations between culture, consumption and technology. Based on an empirical study of YouTube, carried out using netnographic methods, this study tackles the following questions: how fans construct themselves as Korean pop fans through the online activities; how they exchange information and opinions of Korean stars; and, what meaning they extract from online file-sharing activities.

A Study on Courtesan Clothing in the Relation to (<라 트라비아타>를 중심으로 본 코르티잔(Courtesan) 복식에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hee-Jung
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.1019-1034
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to grasp creation background and social position of courtesan which is treated in social and cultural context and its effect on fashion and research representative courtesans from ancient hetaera to the 19th century and their costume characteristics. Its another purpose is to analyze the costume of Violetta, who is a heroine of opera and its costume characteristic as a courtesan. Most Courtesan clothing were made from bright color, silk and lace which were light, or transparent materials. Using silk and cashmere which were the symbols of class, she took the cutting edge fashion and struggled to break the social barriers. The clothing which the Courtesan wore always became a gossip among people and popular to the designers who could show their creativities because the Courtesan boldly wore the cloth like movie actresses or stars. The Courtesan who led the fashion not only showed the fashion as a simple expression of the beauty but also as a socio-cultural phenomenon which reflected their social awareness with arts, and changed according to the situations of the time and people. Violetta's party dress which was shown in the first and third acts of showed the shoulders and chest because of the deep and wide cut decollete, the waist was tightened with a corset as much as possible, and the opulent hips were inflated by the crinoline so when they walked it was swaying. Also it was decorated with splendid materials such as silk and lace, and sparkling jewels, fans, and neckless and even in case of the general clothing in the second act, it was decorated with braids and lace, frills and ribbons. In the third act, the weakness of the sick woman who was closing her life as the splendid Courtesan was emphasized by using colors of white and light purple and thin transparent materials.

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Research on New Hip Hop Fashion of Glam Style - Focusing on Black Musician Star and Korean Hip Hop Musicians - (힙합 뮤지션의 패션 스타일 연구 - 흑인 뮤지션 스타와 국내 힙합 뮤지션의 비교 연구 중심으로 -)

  • Lee In-Seong;Lee Soon-Ja;Choi Bo-Young;Lee Min-Jung;Son Yi-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2006
  • These researches discussed promotions and effectiveness in the area of star marketing production, copying, advertising, and expenditure on clothes. The thesis is refreshing in the way it deals with analysis of strategical changes in the fashion of entertainers asia cultural industry developed. I specially focused on comparing and analyzing the changes in style of Hip Hop fashion from the period of inferior culture to the period in which their fashion is highly respected. Also, I'd like to study the influence of the fashion to Korean Hip Hop artists. The Hip Hop musicians developed their styles from underdog images of Hip Hop to glamourous and luxurious styles along with modeling in various magazines appealing sexually. In Korea, Seven and Hyori Lee are showing new and changed styles that are different from the past to their fans. The Hip Hop style now is showing with unimaginably luxurious styles as opposed to its original image. With their pursuance of ostentatious and luxurious styles Hip Hop was reborn as new Glam style. Old Hip Hop styles such as ripped jeans, safety pins, graffiti, and loose and exaggerated silhouette give inspirations to many worldly known designers and their collection. Hip Hop that used to be a branch of a low culture was able to grow to the culture of luxuries via the development the media and improvement of lives and the level of consciousness of the middleclass. Music stars with luxurious Hip Hop fashion influenced coming of a new musical genre and Korean musicians largely. I hope this research can help developing the unique low-culture and creating new trend in the field of entertainers' fashion.

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Multi-wavelength Study of Blazars Using Variability as a Tool

  • Baliyan, Kiran S.;Kaur, Navpreet;Chandra, Sunil;Sameer, Sameer;Ganesh, Shashikiran
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 2016
  • Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are too compact to be resolved by any existing optical telescope facility, making it difficult to understand their structure and the emission processes responsible for their huge energy output. However, variability, one of their characteristic properties, provides a tool to probe the inner regions of AGN. Blazars are the best candidates for such a study, and hence a considerable amount of effort is being made to investigate variability in these sources across the electromagnetic spectrum. Here, using the Mt. Abu infrared observatory (MIRO) blazar monitoring program, we present intra-night, inter-night, and long term aspects of the variability in S5 0716+71, 3C66A, and OJ 287. These stars show significant variability on short (a few tens of mins, to a few hours, to a few days) to long term (months to years) timescales. Based on the light travel time argument, the shortest variability timescales (micro-variability) provide upper limits to the size of the emission region. While S5 0716 shows a very high duty cycle of variability (> 80 %), 3C66A shows a much lower intra day variability (IDV) duty cycle (< 20 %). All three show rapid variations within 2.5 to 3.5 hr, which, perhaps, are generated near the vicinity of black holes. Assuming this, estimates of the masses of the black holes are made at ~109, 8×108, and 2.7×109 M for S5 0716+71, 3C66A, and OJ 287, respectively. Multi-wavelength light-curves for the blazar PKS 1510-089 are discussed to infer the emission processes responsible for the recent flaring episodes in this source.

Developmental Duration and Morphology of the Sea Star Asterias amurensis, in Tongyeong, Korea

  • Paik, Sang-Gyu;Park, Heung-Sik;Yi, Soon-Kil;Yun, Sung-Gyu
    • Ocean Science Journal
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.177-182
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    • 2005
  • The process of embryogenesis and larval development of the asteroid sea star Asterias amurensis $(U{\ddot{u}}tken)$ was observed, with special attention paid to morphological change and larval duration. In reproductive season, mature sea stars were collected under floating net cages, located in Tongyeong, southern Korea. The mature eggs are $138\;{\mu}m$ in average diameter, semi-translucent and orange in color, sperms in good condition appear light cream to white-gray in color. Embryos develop through the holoblastic equal cleavage stage and a wrinkled blastula stage that lasts about 9 hours after fertilization. Gastrulae bearing an expanded archenteron hatch from the fertilization envelope 22 hours after fertilization. At the end of gastrulation, rudiments of the left and right coelom are formed. By day 2, larvae possess complete alimentary canal and begin to feed. At this stage, the larva is called early bipinnaria. In 6-day-old larvae, the pre- and post- oral ciliated bands form complete circuits and the bipinnarial processes start to develop. By day 12, the lateral and anterior projection of the larval wall processes along the ciliated bands begins to thicken and curl, and the ciliated bands become more prominent. By day 32, early brachiolaria are presented with three pairs of brachiolar arms. Advanced brachiolaria with a well-developed brachiolar complex (three pairs of brachia and central adhesive disc) occur 6 weeks after fertilization. In the field, spawning of the sea star was observed in April to May, settlement form larvae and just settlements seem to occur from June to July, and early juveniles occur from August to September. Although we had not described the end of brachiolaria stage, it can be tentatively estimated that the duration of the pelagic stage of A. amurensis is 40 to 50 days.

The Effects of the Self-directed Learning Ability and Task Commitment through the Jigsaw Cooperative Learning (Jigsaw 협동학습을 적용한 수업이 자기주도적 학습능력 및 과제집착력에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Yong-Seob;Kim, Soon-Shik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2015
  • This study is to find out that the effect of class applied Jigsaw cooperative learning to self-directed learning skills and task commitment. This study has been aimed at 2 class 66 students pre-service teachers who take "Science and study of teaching materials I" enrolled in B University of Education located in B city. This study targets to 2009 revision of elementary school science curriculum of changes in earth's surface(3-1), the volcano and earthquakes (4-1), the solar system and the stars (5-1), the motion of the Earth and the Moon (6-1) sections. Clarify the subject of study for implementing a research topics are as follows. First, What is the effect of class applied Jigsaw cooperative learning to self-directed learning skills? Second, what is the effect of class applied Jigsaw cooperative learning to task commitment? Third, what is awareness of class applied Jigsaw cooperative learning? Results of the study were as follows: First, class applied Jigsaw cooperative learning was effective in improving self-directed learning skills. Second, class applied Jigsaw cooperative learning was effective in improving task commitment. Third, in the course of discussion, students got consideration for others with leadership in their discussion was good in the class applied Jigsaw cooperative learning discussion. There was a response that they would like to do the class continually.

A Study on Glamour Look Expressed in Fashion (Part I) (현대패션에 표현된 글래머 룩에 관한 연구 (제1보))

  • Hahn, Soo-Yeon;Yang, Sook-Hi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.8
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    • pp.1288-1300
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    • 2006
  • Glamour in fashion, which stands for attractive physical feature with certain mystique, has been used without accurate analysis thereof. This thesis is purported to provide comprehensive study of glamour in fashion and to contemplate glamour look reflected in fashion history, thereby to establish the styles of glamour expressed in fashion trends and to provide the basis which can be utilized in the categorical basis of fashion design. For such purposes, this thesis first provides the study on the glamour in fashion, and to conduct a case study by analyzing photographic materials. The glamour expressed in the fashion design can be classified into the following six aesthetic values: luxury, excess, masquerade, appropriation, sensuality and decadence. In the modern history, glamour looks in fashion design started out as so-called Blooming Age Glamour Look, dating from the late nineteenth century to the late 1920s, which was represented by luxurious haute couture style of courtesans. Thereafter Golden Age Glamour Look appeared in the movie costumes in the Hollywood from the late 1920s to mid-1950s. Sensuality, decadence and masquerade are the central features. Subsequently, Pop Age Glamour Look appeared with fashion styles of pop stars, which can be characterized by appropriation and excess. In the 1980s and the 1990s, Glamour Renaissance Look appeared as glamour looks which were spread out to people in various classes, which is characterized by luxury and appropriation. Based upon the foregoing historical survey, there are four representative styles in glamour looks, including (1) luxury glamour derived from Blooming Age Glamour Look, (2) hyperfeminine glamour derived from Golden Age Glamour Look, (3) kitsch glamour derived from Pop Age Glamour Look, and (4) romantic glamour derived from Glamour Renaissance Look.

A Study on the Consuming Condition of Cosmetics of Female Students in Middle and High Schools (서울시내(市內) 여중고생(女中高生)의 화장품(化粧品) 소비실태(消費實態) 조사연구(調査硏究))

  • Cho, Kyu-Hwa;Chun, Bo-Kyung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.107-121
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to offer basic data to adolescents' cosmetic culture by investigating and analysing the choices made by female students who have been becoming principle consumers of cosmetics these days. Firstly, social and cultural backgrounds and concepts of N generation, and then characteristics and influencing powers of female students were reviewed. And this study also included questionnaire surveys of 500 female students in middle and high schools located in Seoul. Data were processed using a SPSS$^+$ program and analyzed by using frequency, percentage and the $X^2$-test. The major findings run as follows: Female students have the effects of spreading their words quickly and abilities of making a decision what to buy. And they accept consuming behaviors itself as a part of cultural lives. Therefore, industries have acknowledged them as new principal consumers with a powerful influence in the market. They also play an important role in active consumer as emotional generation who has distinct personalities and prefer fashion trends, changes and innovations. They show conformities with their peer groups and they also want to identify themselves with characters or stars. The cosmetic behaviors of female students relating to demographic characteristics showed a significant relation to grades, majors, school groups and places of residence. Female students have a lot of interest and knowledge about cosmetics. And they use various cosmetic products. This study demonstrated the age for using make-up for the first time has been becoming younger more and more. Recently, female adolescents tend to use face powder, lip gloss, mascara and eye shadow. It is assumed that cosmetic purchases of female students can be considered as an impulsive aspects. However, before purchases, the proportion of students having any particular cosmetic brand in mind previously has been increasing. They take into consideration skin safety, the quality of product and color, when purchasing cosmetic products.

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Influence of the Word-of-Mouth Effect through SNS on the Movie Performance -Focused on the Case of <Sunny>- (SNS를 통한 구전 효과가 영화 흥행에 미치는 영향 -<써니>의 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Park, Sun-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.7
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 2012
  • In the past, the elements that determine the movie performance were directors, movie stars, the number of opening screens, on-line ratings or distributing agencies. However, the word-of-mouth effect has changed this trends. So the influence of word of mouth grows more and more strong at this stage of the Internet and smart phones being widely prevalent. I fix my sight upon SNS which is one of the medium of arousing the word-of-mouth effect, and I have a purpose to cast light upon a real example of the influence of SNS on the movie performance. The way is to analyze SNS activities that accompany the process of production and showing of , which is said to have had an beneficial effect of SNS among the enormously successful movies last year. It is relevant to provide a new milestone regarding the movie performance through the successful case of SNS activities by examining the word-of-mouth activities through SNS in the manner of the period division of the pre-release, the early stage of release and the maturity.

Concept Mapping Based on Chapter "III. Universe" of High School Earth Science Textbook (고등학교 지구과학 교과서 "III. 우주" 단원의 개념도 작성)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Been;Yoo, Kye-Hwa
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.461-479
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    • 1997
  • The concept map is the diagram of two dimensions which hierachically arrays main concepts from those of the textbook and shows their relations. The research analyzed five of the ten high school earthscience textbooks approved by the Minister of Education according to the 6th reformed curriculum in 1995, one of which this research chose to make out the concept maps. The chapter [III. the Universe] contains the outer space of the earth presents new concepts about the stars and the universe and introduces the latest research in astronomy. This study changed textbook contents into Novak's concept map, searched for concepts requiring complement for learners in oder to obtain concepts from those of the textbook and pointed out problems on the basis of that result still better concept map is set up. We have the following conclusions. First, it is necessary to rule out unnecessary small units so as to make more effective understanding and to rearrange the units to have relation to contents. Second, the higher concept and lower concept need to be rearranged systematically in making an array of textbook contents. Third, the concept should have something to do with learners' experences and consciousness by showing learners the real examples relevant to the concept for the link between them.

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