• Title/Summary/Keyword: Standing surface

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Studies of the Plankton in the Southwestern Waters of the East (Sea of Japan)(III) (東海 西南海域의 플랑크톤(III) 동물플랑크톤 - 현존량, 종조성 및 분포)

  • 심재영;이동섭
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.146-155
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    • 1986
  • Zooplankton samples of upper 50m layer in May, 1985 and of various depth intervals depending on thermal structure in October, 1985 were analyzed. Standing stock represents mean of 538inds/㎥ in spring and 267 inds/㎥ and 508inds/㎥ of whole column mean and surface layer in fall, respectively. A total of 55 and 104taxa is identified in each season and accumulated data list at least 123 species inhabiting in the study area. Copepods dominate in the zooplankton community, followed by protozoans and appendicularians in both seasons. In surface layer, distribution of subtropical species and standing stock seems to illuminate the effects of the Tsushima Current and the North Korean Cold Watermass in cold season, whereas only standing stock shows discernable variation in warm season. Concerning whole water column, depth of permanent thermocline bottom, at about 120m in fall 1985, plays significant role as a barrier to the distribution of mesopelagic cold water species. Serial sampling in October, 1985 does not reveal any perceivable diel vertical migration, which is considered to confirm the earlier suggest that owing to the lack of true abyssal species zooplankton biomass of deeper gayer is very poor, so that diel vertical migration of the East Sea is weak.

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Ecological Study on the Toxic Microcystis in the Lower Nakdong River (洛東江 하류 수계의 毒性 Microcystis 生態 연구)

  • Choi, Ae-Ran;Oh, Hee-Mock;Lee, Jin-Ae
    • ALGAE
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.171-185
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    • 2002
  • The standing crop of genus Microcystis, microcystin concentrations and environmental factors were monitored at stations of the lower reaches of the Nakdong River in 1998 and 1999 during the periods of its occurrence. The Microcystis were observed from May to Octorber, and the cell density was highest at Station Seonam up to 250,000 cells${\cdot}ml^{-1}$ forming scum over the water surface. There were signigicant relationships between the standing crop of Microcystis and nitrate nitrogen, total phosphorus concentrations and Ph. Presumably these parameters were important in the succession to Microcystis dominated phytoplankton community in the summer period in the river. However, Ammonium nitrogen, phosphate phosphorus concentrations and N/P ratio were not critical factors. The Microcystis bloom was notable above $25^{\circ}C$ of surface water temperature. Microcystins were detected from May to November in the algal materials from the river. The 84.2% of algal materials with Microcystis exhibited the microcystin with the maximum of 1711.8 ${\mu}g{\cdot}g^{-1}$ dw. The microcystin concentrations in the algal materials were significantly related to the stading crop of Microcystis, which was the primary determinant factor in the toxin levle of algal materials. The concentrations were also significantly related to pH of the water column in the positive pattern.

Analysis of Frequency domain Characteristics of Ground Reaction Forces during Quiet Standing of Elderly Women (노인여성의 정적직립자세에서 지면반력 주파수 분석)

  • Lee, Kyung-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2012
  • Background : The purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency domain characteristics of ground reaction forces during quiet standing on inclined surfaces twenty healthy individuals(10 elderly women $68.78{\pm}3.29$ years and 10 young women $20.90{\pm}0.74$ years) participated. Methods : Subjects stood in quiet stance over a force platform positioned in one of three different fixed positions: flat, down and up. Healthy participants completed with eyes open for 120 s trials. Evaluation of postural control were generally based on the interpretation of center of pressure(COP) time series. The COP have been determined using an experimental setup with 3D kinematic and the ground reaction force system. All the data were expressed means and standard deviation by using SAS package program. Results : SEF 50% were not significant in AP and ML direction according to surface slope of both groups. SEF 95% were showed highest frequency in AP direction on down slope of both groups. MEF were not significant all direction according to surface slopes of elderly women. There was no difference between young and elderly women. Conclusion : Elderly women used to ankle strategy during a quiet stance according to COP perturbation of AP direction showed more expanded than ML direction. SEF 95% were showed highest frequency on down slope in elderly women who showed more used ankle strategy for postural control on down slope.

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Analysis on particle deposition onto a heated, horizontal free-standing wafer with electrostatic effect (정전효과가 있는 가열 수평웨이퍼로의 입자침착에 관한 해석)

  • Yoo, Kyung-Hoon;Oh, Myung-Do;Myong, Hyon-Kook
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.1284-1293
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    • 1997
  • The electrostatic effect on particle deposition onto a heated, Horizontal free-standing wafer surface was investigated numerically. The deposition mechanisms considered were convection, Brownian and turbulent diffusion, sedimentation, thermophoresis and electrostatic force. The electric charge on particle needed to calculate the electrostatic migration velocity induced by the local electric field was assumed to be the Boltzmann equilibrium charge. The electrostatic forces acted upon the particle included the Coulombic, image, dielectrophoretic and dipole-dipole forces based on the assumption that the particle and wafer surface are conducting. The electric potential distribution needed to calculate the local electric field around the wafer was calculated from the Laplace equation. The averaged and local deposition velocities were obtained for a temperature difference of 0-10 K and an applied voltage of 0-1000 v.The numerical results were then compared with those of the present suggested approximate model and the available experimental data. The comparison showed relatively good agreement between them.

A novel approach for manufacturing oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steel cladding tubes using cold spray technology

  • Maier, Benjamin;Lenling, Mia;Yeom, Hwasung;Johnson, Greg;Maloy, Stuart;Sridharan, Kumar
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.1069-1074
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    • 2019
  • A novel fabrication method of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steel cladding tubes for advanced fast reactors has been investigated using the cold spray powder-based materials deposition process. Cold spraying has the potential advantage for rapidly fabricating ODS cladding tubes in comparison with the conventional multi-step extrusion process. A gas atomized spherical 14YWT (Fe-14%Cr, 3%W, 0.4%Ti, 0.2% Y, 0.01%O) powder was sprayed on a rotating cylindrical 6061-T6 aluminum mandrel using nitrogen as the propellant gas. The powder lacked the oxygen content needed to precipitate the nanoclusters in ODS steel, therefore this work was intended to serve as a proof-of-concept study to demonstrate that free-standing steel cladding tubes with prototypical ODS composition could be manufactured using the cold spray process. The spray process produced an approximately 1-mm thick, dense 14YWT deposit on the aluminum-alloy tube. After surface polishing of the 14YWT deposit to obtain desired cladding thickness and surface roughness, the aluminum-alloy mandrel was dissolved in an alkaline medium to leave behind a free-standing ODS tube. The as-fabricated cladding tube was annealed at $1000^{\circ}C$ for 1 h in an argon atmosphere to improve the overall mechanical properties of the cladding.

Comfort Evaluation by Wearing a Gait-Assistive Rehabilitation Robot (보행보조 재활 로봇 착용에 따른 쾌적성 평가)

  • Eom, Ran-i;Lee, Yejin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.1107-1119
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed a subject's body reaction and subjective sensation when wearing a gait-assistive rehabilitation robot. The research method measured skin and clothing surface temperatures for 'seating-standing' and 'walking in place' exercises after wearing a gait-assistive rehabilitation robot. In addition, subjective sensation and satisfaction were evaluated on a 7-point Likert scale. The study results showed that the average skin temperature during exercise while wearing the gait-assistive rehabilitation robot was within a comfortable range. However, during the 'seating-standing' exercise, the skin temperature was slightly lowered. Additionally, the clothing surface temperature tended to be lower than the pre-exercise temperature after all exercises. The subjective sensation evaluation results showed that the wear comfort of the waist part was low during mobility/activity. In addition, an overall improvement in the wear comfort of the robot is necessary. The short-time movement of wearing and walking in the gait-assistive rehabilitation robot did not interfere with the thermal comfort of the body. However, the robot needs to be ergonomically improved in consideration of the long wearing time along with improved material that to satisfy overall wearing comfort.

Effects of Priprioceptive Sensory Exercise and Muscle Strengthening Exercise on Ankle Muscle Strength and Balance in Middle Aged Woman (고유수용성감각 운동과 근력 강화 운동이 중년여성의 발목 근력과 균형에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Junho;Woo, Sunghee;Lee, Hyojeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2017.10a
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    • pp.598-601
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of Ankle Exercise Program on Muscle Strength and Balance in Middle Aged Woman. Subjects of this study, among the patients who were diagnosed with obesity in the study, for patients total of 8 people have agreed to research. Experimental group 4 people, control group 4 people, was a total of 8 people. Group-specific arbitration method, was applied to Unstable supporting surface exercise program(experimental group) and stable supporting surface exercise program(control group). Each training courses 30 minutes for 6 weeks, examined the changes in Functional Reach Test(FRT) and One Leg Standing(OLST), Dorsi Flexion(DF) and Plantar Flexion(PF) ability to examine a total of 6-week course effectively. The intervention were compared by measuring before and after. There were significant improvements in the subscales of the muscle strength and balance test of those who practiced with the unstable supporting surface exercsie program, while the control group showed no significant changes. Therefore, unstable supporting surface exercsie program is effective in improvement of to improve the muscle strength and balance in woman with obesity.

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Numerical Simulation on the Free Surface using implicit boundary condition (내재적 경계 조건을 이용한 자유표면 유동 수치해석)

  • Lee G. H.;Baek J. H.
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1998.05a
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    • pp.156-161
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    • 1998
  • This describes a numerical method for predicting the incompressible unsteady laminar three-dimensional flows of fluid behaviour with free-surface. The elliptic differential equations governing the flows have been linearized by means of finite-difference approximations, and the resulting equations have been solved via a fully-implicit iterative method. The free-surface is defined by the motion of a set of marker particles and interface behaviour was investigated by way of a 'Lagrangian' technique. Using the GALA concept of Spalding, the conventional mass continuity equation is modified to form a volumetric or bulk-continuity equation. The use of this bulk-continuity relation allows the hydrodynamic variables to be computed over the entire flow domain including both liquid and gas regions. Thus, the free-surface boundary conditions are imposed implicitly and the problem formulation is greatly simplified. The numerical procedure is validated by comparing the predicted results of a periodic standing waves problems with analytic solutions or experimental results from the literature. The results show that this numerical method produces accurate and physically realistic predictions of three-dimensional free-surface flows.

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Investigation on the Conservation Environment for the Shelter of Stone Cultural Properties (I)-Focused on the Standing Stone Buddhist Triad in Bae-ri, Gyeongju and Rock-carved Triad Buddha in Seosan (석조문화재 보호각의 보존환경 연구(I)-경주배리석불입상, 서산마애삼존불상을 중심으로)

  • Hong, Jung-Ki;Eom, Doo-Sung;Chung, Young-Jae;Masayuki Morii
    • 보존과학연구
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    • s.26
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    • pp.141-164
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    • 2005
  • Most of the stone cultural properties is exposed to the weathering factor(rain, windetc.), so the shelter is constructed for reduction of its direct effect. But the shelter is indicated some problems that inharmoniousness of the surroundings, in section disturbance for insufficiency of light, the loss about the value of cultural properties and so on. So we have investigated on environmental condition (temperature, relative humidity, wind etc.) at the Standing Stone Buddhist Triad in Bae-ri, Gyeongju and Rock-carved Triad Buddha in Seosan because check the effect of the shelter. As the result, the Standing Stone Buddhist Triad in Bae-ri, Gyeongju is located a pine wood and a lot of bamboo grow naturally in nearing. Environmental difference on inside and outside of the shelter is not found because opened on all sides. But there is so dim for the direction of the sunlight that can't see the Standing Stone Buddhist. The base rock of Rock-carved Triad Buddha in Seosan well develop with crack and break, and the vegetation(trees, moss, lichen etc.) grow naturally in surroundings. Environmental difference on inside and outside of the shelter is found because closed on all sides and opened the front gate only inspection time. Inside of the shelter was too calm(air-velocity not detected) and humid(over 75%RH). Also the surface is occurred the dew(at 2-4 pm) and the efflorescence for effect of the water(rain, dew etc.). Besides the head of the central Buddhist is so dangerous for crack.

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Distribution of Phytoplankton Standing Crop and the Associated T-S Properties in the Southwestern East Sea (Sea of Japan) (동해(東海) 서남해역(西南海域) 식물(植物) 플랑크톤의 현존량(現存量) 분포(分布)와 수온(水瑥)-염분(鹽分) 특성(慝性))

  • Lee, Won Ho;Shim, Jae Hyung
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1990
  • Seawater temperature, salinity, inorganic nutrients and the standing crop of phytoplankton species of the 841 water samples from the upper 125 m at 15-40 stations on the 6 semiannual cruises in the southwestern waters of the East Sea (Korea) were studied during the period from September, 1981 to October, 1984, Among the 235 taxa identified two pennate diatioms, cylindrotheca closterium and Nitzschia delicatissima, were the most common and dominant species. The multiple regression analyses between net phytoplankton abundance (dependent variable) and associated environmental factors(independent variables) were applied to the samples from the surface mixed-layer. In spring the coefficients for the seawater temperature was 1. to 4.2 times greater than those for salinity, while the coefficients for the salinity was 2.1 to 3.4 times greater than those for seawater temperature in autumn. Distribution seawater temperature in spring, and salinity in autumn. Schematically the zone of high standing crops moved about on the T-S diagram in a cyclic manner. The distribution of phytoplankton standing crop was quite closely associated with the hydrographic conditions among various kinds of environmental factors studied.

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