• 제목/요약/키워드: Spreadsheets

검색결과 42건 처리시간 0.02초

스프레드시트를 활용한 피타고라스 삼원수 성질의 탐구 (On Exploring the Properties of Pythagorean Triples Using Spreadsheets)

  • 손홍찬
    • 한국수학교육학회지시리즈E:수학교육논문집
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.147-166
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    • 2011
  • 본 고에서는 중학교 3학년 영재학생 5명을 대상으로 한 실험 수업 결과를 바탕으로 스프레드시트 환경에서 학생들이 생성수의 조건 변화에 따른 피타고라스 삼원수의 다양한 성질을 탐구할 수 있었음을 논하였고, 스프레드시트 환경이 스프레드시트의 구체적 수치로부터 학생이 발견하고 증명한 성질을 보다 일반적인 경우로 확장할 수 있는 기회를 줄 수 있었음을 논하였다. 또한 피타고라스 상원수의 다양한 성질을 탐구함에 있어서 교사의 적절한 안내가 필요함을 함께 논하였다.

Using Spreadsheets with Mathematically Gifted Students

  • Arganbright Deane
    • 한국수학교육학회지시리즈D:수학교육연구
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.33-47
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    • 2006
  • Finding good ways to support the further development of mathematically gifted students is a challenge for all mathematics educators. Simply moving able students on more rapidly to the next level of traditional mathematical instruction seems to be a limited approach, while providing supplementary enrichment material or specialized mathematical software requires us to ensure that doing so is truly worthwhile for the students. This paper presents an approach that the author has used with students of diverse capabilities in both technologically advanced and developing nations investigating mathematical ideas using a spreadsheet.

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Enabling a fast annotation process with the Table2Annotation tool

  • Larmande, Pierre;Jibril, Kazim Muhammed
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.19.1-19.6
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    • 2020
  • In semantic annotation, semantic concepts are linked to natural language. Semantic annotation helps in boosting the ability to search and access resources and can be used in information retrieval systems to augment the queries from the user. In the research described in this paper, we aimed to identify ontological concepts in scientific text contained in spreadsheets. We developed a tool that can handle various types of spreadsheets. Furthermore, we used the NCBO Annotator API provided by BioPortal to enhance the semantic annotation functionality to cover spreadsheet data. Table2Annotation has strengths in certain criteria such as speed, error handling, and complex concept matching.

스프레드시트 사용에 관한 연구 (A study on Use of a Spreadsheet (Excel))

  • 이대용;박경아
    • 지식경영연구
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.37-52
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    • 2012
  • A spreadsheet is a office automation software which has been widely used in almost all areas in business. A spreadsheet is used for calculation, data analysis, model building and so on. As a result, spreadsheet is a very important tool for generating knowlege in a firm. Errors in a spreadsheet model can cause a serious financial damage in a corporation. However in Korea few researches for reducing errors have been performed. Neither serious efforts to reduce errors have been executed by corporations. In this research we provided summarized the results from a survey for spreadsheet usage, summarized researches on errors in spreadsheet up to now, and suggested a rules and structured development method for reducing errors in a spreadsheet. Errors in spreadsheets are prevalent. To solve this serious problem, we need much more attention on this problem in research area. Corporations must put more efforts on setting policies and rules. And also we need the government's concern and support.

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Developing Mathematics Creativity with Spreadsheets

  • Deane Arganbright
    • 한국수학교육학회지시리즈D:수학교육연구
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.187-201
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    • 2005
  • The spreadsheet Microsoft Excel is the most widely used mathematical tool in today's workplace. Moreover, it is also an outstanding means for developing a surprisingly wide range of creative and innovative educational uses within such areas as mathematical modeling, visualization, and instruction. The spreadsheet's format provides us with a tool that closely parallels the way in which we naturally carry out problem solving, while the spreadsheet creation process itself illuminates the underlying mathematical concepts. In addition, the spreadsheet's visual layout allows us to introduce a broad variety of challenging and interesting topics, and to design creative demonstrations through eye-catching animated graphics. The material presented comes from actual classroom mathematics teaching experience in both industrially advanced and developing nations. A series of highly visual interactive illustrations from mathematics, the natural and social sciences, computing, engineering, and the arts provide a number of usable examples. The material discussed is applicable at diverse levels, ranging from schools and universities through adult education and in-service teacher development programs.

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수학 교사의 테크놀로지 교수 학습 지식(TPCK) 개발 (Mathematics Teacher's Development of TPCK)

  • 이광호
    • 한국학교수학회논문집
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.247-262
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    • 2007
  • 본 논문은 수학 교사들의 TPCK (Technology Pedagogical Content Knowledge) 개발을 위해 만들어진 수학교사 전문성 개발 프로그램을 통해 한 교사의 TPCK의 변화를 알아봄으로써 테크놀로지를 이용한 수학교육과 수학교사 교육의 개선점을 제공한다. TPCK는 수학 내용 지식, 테크놀로지 지식, 그리고 수학 교수 학습에 대한 지식의 교차부분을 말하며 이 전문성 개발 프로그램은 특히 수학 교사들의 수학 교육에 있어서 스프레드쉬트의 이용을 기초로 하고 있다. 이 프로그램은 여름방학 과정과 실제 수업실습의 두 과정으로 구성되었다. 10명의 교사들이 여름 방학 프로그램에 참여했으며 그중 변화가 가장 큰1명의 TPCK를 조사하여 변화에 가장 큰 영향을 미친 것이 무엇인지 알아보았다. 교사 전문성 개발 프로그램에서 실제 수업이 뒤따르는 요구가 변화에 가장 큰 영향을 주었다.

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Force-deformation behaviour modelling of cracked reinforced concrete by EXCEL spreadsheets

  • Lam, Nelson;Wilson, John;Lumantarna, Elisa
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.43-57
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    • 2011
  • Force-deformation modelling of cracked reinforced concrete is essential for a displacement-based seismic assessment of structures and can be achieved by fibre-element analysis of the cross-section of the major lateral resisting elements. The non-linear moment curvature relationship obtained from fibre-element analysis takes into account the significant effects of axial pre-compression and contributions by the longitudinal reinforcement. Whilst some specialised analysis packages possess the capability of incorporating fibre-elements into the modelling (e.g., RESPONSE 2000), implementation of the analysis on EXCEL is illustrated in this paper. The outcome of the analysis is the moment-curvature relationship of the wall cross-section, curvature at yield and at damage control limit states specified by the user. Few software platforms can compete with EXCEL in terms of its transparencies, versatility and familiarity to the computer users. The program has the capability of handling arbitrary cross-sections that are without an axis of symmetry. Application of the program is illustrated with examples of typical cross-sections of structural walls. The calculated limiting curvature for the considered cross-sections were used to construct displacement profiles up the height of the wall for comparison with the seismically induced displacement demand.

우리나라 수학교육에서 공학 활용의 역사와 현황 (Trend and Prospect on Using Technology in Mathematics Education in Korea)

  • 손홍찬
    • 대한수학교육학회지:학교수학
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.525-542
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    • 2011
  • 이 논문에서는 우리나라 학교수학의 교수 학습에서 가장 많이 사용되고 있는 공학적 도구들로 스프레드시트인 엑셀, 역동적 기하 소프트웨어인 GSP, Cabri, 그리고 CAS를 중심으로 이것들이 수학교육에서 활용되어온 역사와 특징 그리고 그것이 미친 영향을 살펴본다. 그리고 우리나라 수학교육에서 공학적 도구의 활용을 교육과정상의 변화, 교과서에서의 변화, 현직교사의 연수와 예비교사의 교육과정, 그리고 교실 등의 물리적 환경 등을 통하여 그 현황을 파악하고 미래의 수학교육에서 공학활용에 대한 방향을 제시한다.

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Modelling of seismically induced storey-drift in buildings

  • Lam, Nelson;Wilson, John;Lumantarna, Elisa
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.459-478
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    • 2010
  • This paper contains detailed descriptions of a dynamic time-history modal analysis to calculate deflection, inter-storey drift and storey shear demand in single-storey and multi-storey buildings using an EXCEL spreadsheet. The developed spreadsheets can be used to obtain estimates of the dynamic response parameters with minimum input information, and is therefore ideal for supporting the conceptual design of tall building structures, or any other structures, in the early stages of the design process. No commercial packages, when customised, could compete with spreadsheets in terms of simplicity, portability, versatility and transparency. An innovative method for developing the stiffness matrix for the lateral load resistant elements in medium-rise and high-rise buildings is also introduced. The method involves minimal use of memory space and computational time, and yet allows for variations in the sectional properties of the lateral load resisting elements up the height of the building and the coupling of moment frames with structural walls by diaphragm action. Numerical examples are used throughout the paper to illustrate the development and use of the spreadsheet programs.

지분인자, 블록인자와 되풀이 유형에 따른 실험계획의 랜덤화 순서 (Random Ordering of Experimental Design According to the Nested Factor, Block Factor and Repetition Types)

  • 최성운
    • 대한안전경영과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한안전경영과학회 2009년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.177-183
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    • 2009
  • The research develops random ordering methodology of experimental design by the use of nested factor, block factor and repetition types. The spreadsheets developed are useful for quality practioner to acquire the experimental characteristics according to the random ordering.

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