• Title/Summary/Keyword: Species diversity indices

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Monthly Variation of Phytoplankton Composition and Water quality in Cupped Oyster Crassostrea gigas Culture Area in Iwon, Korea (이원면 굴, Crassostrea gigas 양식어장의 월별 식물플랑크톤 종조성 및 수질환경 변화)

  • Kim, Su Kyoung;Kim, Byeong Ho;Oh, Eun Kyoung;Song, Gi Chul;Park, Soung Yun;Hahn, Ki Yeon;Lim, Hyun Jeong
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.249-258
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    • 2014
  • Phytoplankton species composition and ecological index (diversity, evenness, richness and dominance) were analysed from April 2013 to March 2014 at 10 stations of cupped oyster, Crassostrea gigas culture area in Iwon coast, Korea. Seasonal and positional variation of phytoplankton standing crops, biomass, dominant species and water quality were distinctively different according to occasionally inflow of Iwon dam reservoired water. The composition of phytoplankton species were Bacillariophyceae 98, Dinophycease 22, Chlorophycease 13, Cyanophyceae 8, Silicofalgellate 4, Euglenophyceae 2, Cryptophyceae 1 species. The most dominant species was Bacillariophyceae as 64.0%. The highest biomass of phytoplankton recorded in September as $40,910{\times}10^3$ cell/L at the station 1, near from inland water inflow area. Ecological indices (diversity, richness, evenness, and dominance index), used for structural change of phytoplankton community and water quality (temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity) showed difference of spatiotemporal property also.

Spatial Species Diversity of Macrobenthos in the Intertidal Zone of Hwasoon, Jeju Islands (화순 조간대 저서 대형무척추동물의 공간적 종다양성에 관한 연구)

  • 이정재;강경철;김종철
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2001
  • The distribution and seasonal changes of the intertidal macrobenthos community was performed on five intertidal rocky stations of Hwasoon at Jeju Islands September 1999 to August 2000. The macrobenthos was composed of six phyla, 13 classes, 24 orders, 49 families, and 97 species. The dominant species of the upper zones were Nodilittorina exigua, Notoacmea schrenckii, Liolophura japonica and Patelloida saccharina. Those of the middle zones were Monodonta labio, Chthamalus challengeri, Siphonalia japonica and Liolophura japonica. Those of the lower zones were Siphonalia sirius, Patelloida saccharina, Chthamalus challengeri, and Liolophura japonica. The community dominance indices of the upper zones were much higher than those of the middle and lower zones. Species diversity and evenness in all investigated zones were highest in station 1 and lowest in staton 3. But, species richness was highest in station 1 and lowest in station 4.

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Effect of Soil Environment on Diversity and Population of Aerobic Soil Bacteria from Baekdudaegan Mountain Forests in Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea (경상북도 산림지역의 토양 환경이 호기성 토양 세균의 다양성과 밀도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Chul Yeong;Lee, Sun Keun;Kim, Ji Hong;Lee, Sang Yong;Lee, Jong Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.101 no.3
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    • pp.501-508
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to compare species diversity of soil bacteria from Baekdudaegan mountain forests (Bonghwa-gun, Mungyeong-si and Sangju-si) in Gyeongsangbuk-do and to analyze the effects of soil environments on diversity and population of soil bacteria. Soil bacteria were isolated from soil samples by streak plate method, and identified by DNA extaction and 16S rDNA sequence analyses. The population of soil bacteria from the soil samples of Bonghwa-gun was the highest with $5.1{\times}10^5cfu/g$, and followed by those from Mungyeong-si and Sangju-si with $1.9{\times}10^5cfu/g$ and $1.1{\times}10^5cfu/g$, respectively. The population of soil bacteria from surface layer soil was the highest, and then gradually decreased according to soil depth. The increase in population of soil bacteria from soil samples of different sites was correlated with the increase of the altitude of soil sampling site, depth of A horizon, liquid phase among three phases of soil, water content and bulk density of soil. Two hundreds and sixty eight bacterial colonies from Bonghwa-gun were classified into 10 species, 8 genera. One hundred and thirty four bacterial colonies from Mungyeong-si were classified into 15 species, 9 genera. Forty four bacterial colonies from Sangju-si were classified into 5 species, 2 genera. The dominant species (occupancy rate) from Bonghwa-gun and Mungyeong-si were Bacillus weihenstephanensis (36% and 40%, respectively), and Sangju-si was Bacillus cereus (39%). The relationships between soil environment and community structure of soil bacteria were analyzed statistically by using ecological indices. The diversity, evenness and dominance indices of soil bacteria were 6.30, 2.04 and 0.59 in Bonghwa-gun, 9.09, 2.94 and 0.51 in Mungyeong-si, and 4.55, 2.34 and 0.71 in Sangju-si, respectively. The diversity and evenness indices were increased by the increase of water content, drainage condition and gravel content of soil, while the dominance index was decreased.

Edge Vegetation Structure in Odaesan National Park (오대산 국립공원의 주연부 식생 구조)

  • 오구균;권태호
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.202-210
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    • 1996
  • To investigate edge vegetation struxture and species in Odaesan National park, fild survey was excuted July 1-4, 1995 and the results were as follows. Species compasition of edge(0~10m) was dissimilar to that of forest interior(50m~60m) at (Mt.)Odaesan valley. Species diversity indices, number of species, crown coverage and number of individuals were decreased axxording to distance from edge to forest interior. Weigela subsessilis was appeared to be a competitive species at forest edge in temperate forest and edge species appeared only in Odaesan National Park were Clematis heracleaefolia and Spiraea blumei.

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Investigation of Arthropod Communities of Facade Greenery Zones in Seoul (서울시내 벽면녹화에 따른 절지동물상 조사)

  • Lee, Eun-Heui;Chang, Ha-Kyung;Jin, Young-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.74-83
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    • 2000
  • Facade Greenery requires little earth and, because it grows vertically, it provides a lot of bio-mass. Facade greenery cannot replace areas such as parks, but it can act as a supplement, particularly in providing a greater degree of nature in our cities. The purpose of this paper is to promote the spread of facade greenery in order to improve the ecological worth of cities. But there is no basic data about fauna in Facade Greenery Zones. Thus for the first time this research investigates what kind of invertebrate communities exist in Facade Greenery Zones. To study the fauna in a facade greenery zone, three sites (Ewha-dong, Kongnung-dong, Daechi-dong) have been selected as representative facade greenery zones in Seoul and 9 plots ($0.5m{\times}0.5m$) were set up. Thirty seven species in 28 families in 10 orders were observed at Ewha-dong, 27 Species in 14 Families in 9 Orders were found at Kongnung-dong, 34 Species in 17 Families 10 in Orders were observed at Daechi-dong. From the investigations (October 3, 1998 and August 25, 1999), a high species diversity in facade greenery zones was proved with low dominance indices, and high diversity indices of the investigated sites. This study shows that facade greenery zone may be habitable space for invertebrates.

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Community Structure and Health Status of Macrobenthic Animals in the Nakdong River Estuary, Busan, Korea (낙동강 하구역에 서식하는 대형저서동물의 군집구조와 건강도)

  • Youn, Seok Hyun;Lee, Jin Woo;Oh, Chul Woong;Choi, Byoung-Mi;Yoon, Kon-Tak;Na, Jong-Hun;Seo, In-Soo
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.73-88
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    • 2021
  • The community structure and health status of macrobenthos assemblages were investigated in the subtidal area of the Nakdong River estuary, Southern Coast of Korea. Benthic fauna samples were collected seasonally at 8 stations in the subtidal area of the Nakdong River estuary from February 2013 to October 2015. During the survey, a total of 380 species and 4,603 ind./m2 of macrobenthos in all sampling areas were collected. The major dominant species were the polychaetes Minuspio japonica, Pseudopolydora kempi, Heteromastus filifomis, Capitella capitata, the amphipod Grandidierella japonica and the bivalvia Arcuatula senhousia. Some species of polychaetes found in the study area consisted of opportunistic species that showed high densities when habitat condition was poor. On the other hand, macrobenthos assemblages in the study area were divided into brackish water and marine groups. Abundance was high in the brackish group, while the number of species and diversity index were high in the oceanic group. The three indices (AMBI, M-AMBI, and BHI) in the assessment of health levels based on the ecological characteristics and number of species in macrobenthic were commonly shown to be in good condition in the group of oceanic stations, while relatively poor conditions were reflected in the group of brackish stations. Compared to other indices, the M-AMBI index of the three indices for health assessment was considered to be a relatively more suitable one to assess benthic ecological conditions.

Some Proposed Indices of Structural Regeneration of Secondary Forests and Their Relation to Soil Properties

  • Aweto, Albert Orodena
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.292-303
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    • 2021
  • Studies that relate the structure of tropical regrowth vegetation to soil properties are generally lacking in the literature. This study proposes three indices for assessing the structural regeneration of secondary forests. They are: (1) the tree diameter class, (2) the plant life form and (3) the woody/herbaceous plants ratio indices. They were applied to assess the regeneration status of forest regrowth vegetation (aged 1-10 years), derived savanna regrowth vegetation in south western Nigeria, and to secondary forests in different stages of succession in Columbia and Venezuela, Bolivia, Mexico in South and Central America and semi-arid savanna in Ethiopia and seasonal deciduous forest successional stages in India. In all the cases, the indices increased with increasing age of regrowth vegetation and hence, with increasing structural complexity of regenerating vegetation. The tree diameter class index increased from 32.1% in a 9-year secondary forest to 69.0% in an 80-year-old secondary forest in Columbia and Venezuela and from 0.4% in a 1-year fallow to 20.9% in 10-year regrowth vegetation in southwestern Nigeria. In semi-arid savanna in northern Ethiopia, the woody/herbaceous plants ratio index increased from 18.1% in a 5-year protected grazing enclosure to 75.1% in 15-year protected enclosure, relative to the status of 20-year enclosure. The indices generally had correlations of 0.6-0.90 with species richness and Simpson's/Margalef's species diversity, implying that they are appropriate measures of ecosystem development over time. The proposed indices also had strong and positive correlations with soil organic carbon and nutrients. They are therefore, significant indicators of fertility status.

Species composition and distribution property of dredge fishery in Yeongil Bay, Korea (영일만 형망어업 어획물의 종조성 및 분포 특성)

  • HONG, Sung-Eic;BAE, Jae-Hyun;PARK, Chang-Du;PARK, Jong-Myung;YOON, Byung-Sun;AN, Heui-Chun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.48-55
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    • 2016
  • The species composition and distribution of catches by dredge gear in the Yeongil Bay, Korea were investigated on a seasonal basis from February to November, 2015. Total catches consisted of 44 species and 35 families. They were 13 species of fish, 10 species of crustacea, 5 species of echinodermata, 5 species of gastropoda, 4 species of cephalopoda and 3 species of bivalvia. Major catch species was shellfish and had seasonal variations in catch. In spring and winter, the catch of ark shell (Scapharca broughtonii) was increased. Adversely, the catch of admas venus clam (Callithaca adamsi) increased in sunmmer and autumn. Species diversity indices was high as the value of 1.99 in spring, and low to the value of 0.34 in summer. In addition, multi dimentional scaling (MDS) indices also was high in spring as the value of 1.99. In summer, the index was low as the value of 0.34. Similarity analysis based on species data was transformed by fourth root. With the result of cluster analysis and MDS analysis, species was divided into two groups. The first group as Group A consists of winter and spring species and another was Group B made of species in summer and winter.

Community Structure, Species Composition and Population Status of NTFPs of Ziro Valley in Arunachal Pradesh, India

  • Bamin, Yakang;Gajurel, Padma Raj;Paul, Ashish
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.202-225
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    • 2017
  • Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) has gained a lot of significance over the years as a means of income generation. Forests are playing a vital role in the supply of these products, however, due to their continuous extraction, the population of many species might have depleted. Very little information is known about community structure and population status of NTFPs. No specific studies have been made to find out the occurrence, availability of species and population status in the forests, supplying the resources. The present study has been carried out in community forests of the naturally occurring NTFPs in the temperate forest of the Ziro valley of Arunachal Pradesh. The main aim is to determine community structure, species composition and population status of NTFPs. Three forest stands viz., Nyilii, Dura and Gyachi were selected which are used by the Apatani tribe for extraction of the NTFPs. For evaluation of species composition and community characteristics, the sampling of the vegetation was done using the quadrat method. A total 137 species representing 68 families and 116 genera were recorded. Herbs represent the maximum diversity with 71 species followed by 35 shrub species and 31 tree species. The families Asteraceae and Rosaceaeae exhibited maximum representation followed by Urticaceae. The species under Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Rosaceae and Rutaceae were found to be important NTFP yielding species. Highest species richness was recorded in Nyilii having 124 species, while lowest in Dura with 102 species. Density of tree, shrub and herb ranged between 376 to $456\;individuals\;ha^{-1}$, 2848 to $3696\;individuals\;ha^{-1}$ and 31.44 to $36.64\;individuals\;m^{-2}$, respectively. The total basal area was found to be highest ($51.64m^2\;ha^{-1}$) in Dura followed by Nyilii ($25.32m^2\;ha^{-1}$) and lowest in Gyachi ($22.82m^2\;ha^{-1}$). In all the three study stands the species diversity indices showed the trend, herbs > shrubs > trees while the evenness index showed the trend as shrubs > herbs > trees. The overall species similarity index was highest (82.35%) between Dura and Gyachi. About 80% of the total recorded species showed clumped distribution while, no regular distribution was shown by any species. The three selected stands harbor about 50 important NTFP yielding species which are being used commonly by the Apatani people in their day to day life. Among the three study sites, overall diversity of NTFP was found highest in the Nyilii stand while the density of population was found better in Dura and Gyachi stands. The population of many species was found to be low due to continue harvesting without any sustainable management by the communities. All the selected forest stands have the potentiality to grow the high value NTFP yielding species and if managed properly, they can support the livelihood and economy of the local communities.

Brackish Lakes in Shinpo District North Korea. III. Fish

  • Gil, Joon-Woo;Hong, Young-Pyo;Park, Joon-Ho;Kim, Saywa
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Environmental Biology Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.23-23
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    • 2004
  • Four times of field survey were carried out to collect fish samples at six stations in Shinpo district, North Korea in October 1997, July 1998, May and October 2002. Sampling stations were located in upstream, middle and down of the southern river of Bukchong and three brackish lakes of lake Hommanpo, Daein and Hyunkum, respectively. A total of 29 species belonging to 11 families occurred. Family Cyprinidae showed the prosperity in species number of 28% among total species occurred. No natural monument fishes or rare species were captured. Ten commercial fishes, five anadromous ones and five brackish ones were identified. Feeding habits divided fish fauna with 11 carnivores, two herbivores and seven omnivorous ones. In the river, 20 species belonging to seven families inhabited, 18 species of 6 families in lake Homanpo, 21 of seven III Hyunkum and 23 of eight in Daein, respectively. Ecological indices of richness, diversity and evenness were highest in lake Daein and dominance index was highest in lake Hyunkum.

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