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Analysis on Landscape Satisfaction Factors for Bicycle Lane in Kyongju (경주시 자전거 전용도로의 경관만족요인 분석)

  • 김용수;김수봉;박수미
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2000
  • The aim of this study is to suggest guidelines of bicycle lanes in terms of landscape architecture with special reference to Kyongju. The research is mainly based on landscape satisfaction factors analysis regarding 16 variables and 10 slide photos of bicycles lanes. The 43 students of Landscape Department in Kyungpook National University were selected for the research. The major research findings are as follows; 1. Satisfaction degree of 16 variables are assessed in terms of semantic differential scale. The assess group is generally satisfied with variables concerning bicycle lane environment such as $\ulcorner$inclination of the lane (5.2)$\lrcorner$and $\ulcorner$road pavement conditions (5.1)$\lrcorner$. But the group expresses rather low satisfaction degree on the variables related lanes' surrounding landscape such as $\ulcorner$visual variety (3.9)$\lrcorner$, spacious resting place (3.7)$\lrcorner$ and $\ulcorner$variety of facilities (3.1)$\lrcorner$. 2. The level of satisfaction degree regarding 16 variables and 10 photos shows that the male gives relatively higher satisfaction degree than the female group. But there is no statistical significance between the group regarding satisfaction degree of each variable and photo except 4 variables and 2 photos. 3. The assess group gives the highest satisfaction degree on the$\ulcorner$no. 10 slide (6.5)$\lrcorner$ and the lowest on the $\ulcorner$no. 7 slide (2.7)$\lrcorner$. The two photo shows variables of more than 4 points difference of satisfaction degree, such as $\ulcorner$good looking planting threes (4.8)$\lrcorner$, $\ulcorner$enough shadows (4.8)$\lrcorner$ and $\ulcorner$comfortable atmosphere(4.1)$\lrcorner$. 4. $\ulcorner$Aesthetic and amenity factor$\lrcorner$, $\ulcorner$use condition factors$\lrcorner$, $\ulcorner$ike lane environment factors$\lrcorner$, and $\ulcorner$inclination and open view factors$\lrcorner$are the main four factors influencing landscape satisfaction of bicycle lane. Regression model using factor scores for landscape satisfaction degree of bike lane is S(Satisfaction degree)=4.526+1.099(aesthetic and amenity factor)+0.720(use condition factors)+0.486(bike lane environment factors)+0.048(inclination and open view factors($R^2$=0.811).

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Phantom of the AAPM CT imaging evaluation Studies on the quantitative analysis method (CT 정도관리 영상의 정량적 분석방법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-su;Ko, Seong-Jin;Kang, Se-Sik;Ye, Soo-young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.271-274
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    • 2016
  • CT quality assurance imaging evaluation and enforcement as quantitative assessment by phantom image evaluation, assessment items include There are also contrasting the water attenuation coefficient, uniformity, noise, resolution, spatial resolution, 10mm slice thickness evaluation, contrast resolution, space for the resolution, the slice thickness evaluation, it is possible to estimate the error due to the evaluation by the subjective judgment of the tester, using a subjective error image processing program to be computed to minimize the objective evaluation. Basic recording conditions of the CT image quality control assessment is the same as special medical equipment quality control checks, the images were evaluated quantitatively using IMAGE J. For a CT attenuation coefficient, the uniformity, noise evaluation, were evaluated as CT quality control image the standard deviation of the measured value of the digital processing of image smaller and less noise uniform images than the, contrast and resolution assessment is the size of the diameter of a circle having a large the 1 inch, 0.75 inch, 0.5 inch quality if the diameter of the circle, was evaluated in the small circle in the near circle ellipse. Spatial resolution is evaluated by using a self-extracting features of an image processing program, all of the groups of members comprising the acceptance criteria to automatically extract, was evaluated to be very useful for the quantitative assessment. When CT image quality control assessment on the basis of the results such as the above, if using an image processing program to minimize the subjective judgment of the error evaluator and is determined more efficient than would be made quantitative evaluation.

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Some Ecological Notes of Oligota kashmirica benefica: Oviposition and Pupation Site, Storage Temperature of Adult, Release Effect (민깨알반날개(Oligota kashmirica benefica)의 몇 가지 생태특성: 산란 및 용화장소, 성충 저장온도, 방사효과)

  • Choi Duck-Soo;Kim Kyu-Chin
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.125-130
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    • 2005
  • The ecological characteristics of the specialist insect predator, Oligota kashmirica benefica, were investigated for developing artificial rearing method with special interest on the oviposition behavior, the pattern of adult emergence and temperature in storage, and its effect on the density of the citrus red mite, Panonychus citri. Female beetle oviposited eggs mainly, $95\%$ of the eggs, on the bottom of leaves of the yuzu tree, and $91.3\%$ of them were covered with ecdysis skin of the red mites or the feces of themselves. The rate of adult emergence of the beetle rose up to $86.7\%$ when the horticultural media was provided for pupation from $60\%$ when it pupated in upland soil. Most larvae, $88\%$ of them, were found from the surface to the depth of 2 cm in the horticultural media. The optimum temperature for the storage of the adult beetle was found to be $12^{\circ}C$, at this temperature the 96.7, 73.3 and $70.0\%$ of the beetle survived for 10, 20, and 30 days, respectively. The control effect of the citrus red mite was appeared highest by releasing the beetle at the rate of one beetle against 150 mites.

Literature Review on Spirit and Qi Regimen (정.기(精.氣) 양생법(養生法)에 관한 문헌연구)

  • Baek, Suk-Hee;Sok, So-Hyun;Oh, Hae-Kyung;Moon, Hee-Ja
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.96-106
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    • 1997
  • In Chinese medicine, the activities of removing and solving the inner cause are called the regimen in preventing the disease and the good condition of mind emphasizes us to practice ourselves the doctrine of regimen of the mind to promote the health and long life of the living body, in other words, it means we should have clean mind, less desire, less thought, less agony and widely open our emotion and will, and it also means the raising of good nature, the moral cultivation, and we can be healthy when we live by good virtus as the root of regiem. The meaning of the Qi has been expanded more and more since its origination throught the process of practice and perception of man. 1) Matter is changed to the smoke when burned, the energy of water becomes the rain in the sky and the rain raises all living creatures by making them wet. Throught these changes of circulation, men could realize the energy to be the common and original matter of forming all the creatures. 2) The direction of showing the breathing of men in and out has been expended. 3) It was widely understood as the meaning of showing vitality of men, and it was the original root of chinese medicine. 4) It was expended to be showing spirit of nature such as the sun, moon, star, sky, land, mountain and the moral spirit of men as peacefullness. By the original meaning of the word of energy expanded to the wider side of sky, land, men and things, nature, society, man and the moral spirit could get the unified basis of the matter. As the above, the word of Qi has been used in wider meaning at this time from the past. In other words, all things in the universe come into being and extinct by the chang of motion of the Qi and it is recognized to be the living activity in human body. The Qi-kong based on this energy and the motion applied to our daily life are very extensive (Lee, Hye - lung, 1997). Here are the summaries of the effect of the Qi-kong ; 1) The physical constitution is strenthened, physiological function is prosperous and we are free from various geriatric disease and psychosomatic disease not to mention the cold and indigestion. 2) It maintains the clear spirit, elevates intelligence, strengthens the spiritual power and demonstrates the potentiality at the amximum. 3) It maintain beautiful figure and clean skin never losing the charm but full of energy and vitality. 4) It keeps the balanced body never suffering from the unbalance of the bones, various and neuralgia. 5) It maintain the spiritual comfort, the natural posture in everything and real happiness (Lee, Hye-Jung, 1997 : Suh, Yong Kyu, 1989). Chinese medicine mentions the motion by Qi with Qi - kong. But the motion does not require special method in Western medicine. I t is the only way of living of our ancestor indaily life. It is maintaining the healthy lifr by training the Qi, and it is the motion of being with the nature with the open mind in breathing rather than artificially restricting our daily life, it is the motion of the body.

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The Odd Pair Family's Health management in rural, Korea -Comparison with the Pair Family- (농촌거주 외짝가족의 건강관리-부부가족과의 비교)

  • Rhie Seung Gyo;Cho Young Sook;Won Hyang Rye
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.149-163
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    • 2005
  • Family has emerged as a key concept for health, and it has been identified as one of the most important conditions. The relationship between health habit and its management is different depending on family. The odd pair family, mostly rural lower income class, worry to have poor health because of no spouse and small family size. One thousand eight hundred and seventy(1870) subjects were collected in 9 provinces through the sampling of Probability Proportional to Size (PPS). Questionnaire method was conducted on health checking, bath states, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, and the prevalence of farmer's health related problems. The main results were as follows: 1) The characteristics of odd pair families are that the head of household is female(77% ), the size of family is small(1.76 persons), the education level is low(7.5 years for male, 3.1 years for female) and the age group is old (male: 89.78 year old, female: 73.69 year old). 2) For the odd pair family, the frequency of health checking is quite low with one or two times per year(l0.2%) and the rate of no-health checking is much higher(35.8%) .3) Bathing utility is not available 29.6% of the odd pair family and only cold water is supplied at home for the 11.5 % of them. However, for the paired family, 9.8 % of them has no bathing utility and the rate of the family supplied with only cold water is just 7.9%. 4) The bathing frequency score of odd pair family is l.74points for male and 1.25 points for female. 5) The rate of smoking habits for odd pair family is 68.5 % and specially it is 7.6% for female, which is higher comparing with that of pair family. 6) The smoking frequency score of odd pair family is 1.57 points. 7) Alcohol drinking frequency score of odd pair family is 1.79 points for male, and 3.24points for female. 8) Farmers' syndrome(FS) revealed 38.7% of odd pair family and it is lower than that of pair family(57.3%). Special pain of FS was huckle bone and muscle(28.4%) and articular pain(24.l %). The pain rate of huckle bone and muscle(43.l %) and articular pain(33.5%) were higher in a year in odd pair family were lower than those of pair family: farming machine caused accidents(6.5%) and pesticide poisoning(5.7%). l0) The odd pair family use more frequently medical clinic or public health center for the treatment of FS(74.7%) and pesticide poisoning(62.5%) than the pair family for FS(69.0%) and for pesticide poisoning(.53.6%). The score of FS treatment is 5.70 points for odd pair family and it is not significantly different from 5.62 points of the paired family. The result of pesticide poisoning treatment score is as same as that of FS.

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A Study on the Calculation of Productive Rate of Return (생산투자수익률 계산방법에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin Wook;Kim, Kun-Woo;Kim, Seok Gon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.95-99
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    • 2015
  • The IRR(internal rate of return) is often used by investors for the evaluation of engineering projects. Unfortunately, it has serial flaws: (1) multiple real-valued IRRs may arise; (2) complex-valued IRRs may arise; (3) the IRR is, in special cases, incompatible with the net present value (NPV) in accept/reject decisions. The efforts of management scientists and economists in providing a reliable project rate of return have generated over the decades an immense amount of contributions aiming to solve these shortcomings. Especially, multiple internal rate of returns (IRRs) have a fatal flaw when we decide to accep it or not. To solve it, some researchers came up with external rate of returns (ERRs) such as ARR (Average Rate of Return) or MIRR (MIRR, Modified Internal Rate of Return). ARR or MIRR. will also always yield the same decision for a engineering project consistent with the NPV criterion. The ERRs are to modify the procedure for computing the rate of return by making explicit and consistent assumptions about the interest rate at which intermediate receipts from projects may be invested. This reinvestment could be either in other projects or in the outside market. However, when we use traditional ERRs, a volume of capital investment is still unclear. Alternatively, the productive rate of return (PRR) can settle these problems. Generally, a rate of return is a profit on an investment over a period of time, expressed as a proportion of the original investment. The time period is typically the life of a project. The PRR is based on the full life of the engineering project. but has been annualised to project one year. And the PRR uses the effective investment instead of the original investment. This method requires that the cash flow of an engineering project must be separated into 'investment' and 'loss' to calculate the PRR value. In this paper, we proposed a tabulated form for easy calculation of the PRR by modifing the profit and loss statement, and the cash flow statement.

The clinical study for hearing handicaps by Goodman classification (Goodman 씨 분류에 따른 청력장애도에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • 김기령;김영명;정진선;이정권
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1977.06a
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    • pp.5.2-5
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    • 1977
  • Many persons, both children and adults, suffer from impaired hearing. The handicaps that arise from this are economic, educational and above all, social. These persons need help, both medical and educational. In order to plan facilities for the medical treat ment, the rehabilitation, and the special education required by those with impaired hearing, we must know how many persons with hearing problems there are and the severity of their handicaps. The first step in knowing these is to devide hearing impairent into categories of handicap. Historically, since Beasley (1940) proposed progressive stages of deafness in terms of social disability, there was no well organized classification. of hearing handicap except related material from Huzing (1959) and Silverman (1960). In 1965, Goodman advocated a guide hearing threshold levels and degres of relating hearing impairment. During recent one year, on the bases of Goodman classification of hearing impairment and the report from Illinois Comission on children (1968), we have studied about hearing handicaps and speech life for the 180 cases, who visited to our otolaryngology department with hearing impairment. Now, we report the results of study with the referred references.

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The Formation and Ratification of ISDS in International FTA and Its Characteristics -with a special emphasis on KORUS FTA, NAFTA & AUSFTA- (국제자유무역협약에서 ISDS의 생성과 비준에 관한 연구 -KORUS FTA, NAFTA 및 AUSFTA를 중심으로-)

  • Hahn, Jae-Phil
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.409-431
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    • 2012
  • This article deals with the nature of ISDS along with the admissibility thereof, for the settlement of investment disputes between states and nationals of other states. ICSID as an organization of World Bank Group, has been established in 1966 and as of May in 2011, 157 nations ratified its convention. As for the Republic of Korea(ROK) it has been involved in the problematic situation with regard to ISDS of the KORUS FTA in negotiation with the United States. The ruling Grand National Party is pushing the FTA for ratification including ISDS. However, the opposition party, the Unified Democratic Party rejected the ISDS with a view to a toxin infringing on its judiciary sovereignty. The ROK has invested in the US 3.5 times more than the US did in Korea up to now. As a result, it seems that the ROK is more concerned about ISDS than the US is, considering that exhausting local remedy through the US local courts, applying even a municipal ordinance in their decisions which will be unsatisfactory toward the ROK side. The ROK is now struggling with the ISDS as a political issue between the ruling party and the opposition party mostly based on sovereignty with a reference on AUSFTA which excluded the ISDS. Australian model about ISDS has been impacted by the experience from the NAFTA which allowes direct claims against each other(the US against Canada and Canada against the US). It seems not to be much sympathy for developed countries because it has long been held to standards for pressing on developing countries. Australia is also struggling with ISDS from the political point of view likewise the ROK. And the ISDS is destined to the political situations established within the domestic countries among the political parties in relation with the acceptance or rejection of thereof.

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Clinical Practice Experience of Men in Nursing as a Student (남자 간호대학생의 임상실습의 경험)

  • Kim, Mi-Hwa;Song, Mi-Sook
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.223-229
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    • 2020
  • The study was to understand the meaning and nature of clinical practice by examining the clinical experience of male nursing college students who have experienced clinical practice and to obtain basic data on how male nurses influence the career setting in clinical practice. to be. Participants in this study were male students who are currently in the Department of Nursing at H University, and three snowmen were selected as 3rd grade students and 3rd grade male students who had clinical practice, and analyzed meaningful statements according to Colaizzi data analysis To understand the meaning of students' clinical experience. The findings were divided into three categories, with six themes and 14 meaningful statements. The male nursing students experienced discrimination on the grounds of 'negative nursing image experienced in ward practice', 'the burden of self to be handled', and 'the charm of nursing found in the special part training experience'. Conflict and confusion over the profession were causing. However, among them, the professionalism of the nurses was confirmed and the pleasure of learning was found, and the results of this study can provide a holistic view of the clinical practice experience of male nursing students. In addition, it can be used as a basic data useful for counseling and guidance on academic adaptation and clinical practice adaptation of male nursing college students, and is expected to be useful for counseling career decision after graduation of male nursing students.

Reproduction of Shallow Tides and Tidal Asymmetry by Using Finely Resolved Grid on the West Coast of Korea (서해연안 상세해상을 통한 천해조석 및 조석비대칭 재현)

  • Suh, Seung-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.313-325
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    • 2011
  • Finite element grid system using h-refinement on the Yellow Sea was constructed based on previous study (Suh, 1999b) from 14 K to 210 K and special attention was concentrated on refining the coastal zone. In grid generation, depth change between adjacent points and non-dimensional tidal wave length ratio were considered. As a result approximately a quarter of the total nodes are located nearby 5 m of shallow area. Accurate bathymetry data using 30's and ETOPO1 with open boundary conditions of 8 major tidal constituents extracted automatically from FES2004 have been applied. In tidal simulation a 3-dimensional nonlinear harmonic model was setup and tidal amplification due to changes in vertical turbulent and bottom friction were simulated. In this study not only 8 major tidal constituents but also nonlinear shallow tides $M_4,$, $MS_4$ and long period $M_f,$, $M_{sf}$ were reproduced. It is found that implication of spatial variation of friction coefficient plays a very important role in reproduction of astronomical and shallow tides which are computed by iterative computation of nonlinear terms. Also it should be considered differently with respect to tidal periods. To understand the distribution of tidal asymmetry, amplitude ratio of $M_4/M_2$ and phase differences $2g(M_2)-g(M_4)$ were calculated. Tidal distortion ratio marks up to 0.2 on the west coast showing shallow coastal characteristics and somewhat wide range of ebb-dominances in front of Mokpo area are reproduced.