• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial target

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A Study on the Best Applicationsof Infra-Red(IR) Sensors Mounted on the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAV) in Agricultural Crops Field (무인기 탑재 열화상(IR) 센서의 농작물 대상 최적 활용 방안 연구)

  • Ho-Woong Shon;Tae-Hoon Kim;Hee-Woo Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.26 no.6_2
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    • pp.1073-1082
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    • 2023
  • Thermal sensors, also called thermal infrared wavelength sensors, measure temperature based on the intensity of infrared signals that reach the sensor. The infrared signals recognized by the sensor include infrared wavelength(0.7~3.0㎛) and radiant infrared wavelength(3.0~100㎛). Infrared(IR) wavelengths are divided into five bands: near infrared(NIR), shortwave infrared(SWIR), midwave infrared(MWIR), longwave infrared(LWIR), and far infrared(FIR). Most thermal sensors use the LWIR to capture images. Thermal sensors measure the temperature of the target in a non-contact manner, and the data can be affected by the sensor's viewing angle between the target and the sensor, the amount of atmospheric water vapor (humidity), air temperature, and ground conditions. In this study, the characteristics of three thermal imaging sensor models that are widely used for observation using unmanned aerial vehicles were evaluated, and the optimal application field was determined.

Research for Drone Target Classification Method Using Deep Learning Techniques (딥 러닝 기법을 이용한 무인기 표적 분류 방법 연구)

  • Soonhyeon Choi;Incheol Cho;Junseok Hyun;Wonjun Choi;Sunghwan Sohn;Jung-Woo Choi
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2024
  • Classification of drones and birds is challenging due to diverse flight patterns and limited data availability. Previous research has focused on identifying the flight patterns of unmanned aerial vehicles by emphasizing dynamic features such as speed and heading. However, this approach tends to neglect crucial spatial information, making accurate discrimination of unmanned aerial vehicle characteristics challenging. Furthermore, training methods for situations with imbalanced data among classes have not been proposed by traditional machine learning techniques. In this paper, we propose a data processing method that preserves angle information while maintaining positional details, enabling the deep learning model to better comprehend positional information of drones. Additionally, we introduce a training technique to address the issue of data imbalance.

Estimation of Forest Volumes in the Ecosystem Region Using Spatial Statistical Techniques (공간통계기법을 이용한 생태계 관리지역의 산림축적 추정)

  • SEO, Hwan-Seok;PARK, Jeong-Mook;KIM, Eun-Sook;LEE, Jung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.149-160
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to estimate the forest volumes of the upper region of Nam-Han River in ecosystem zoning by forest types and age classes, and to suggest the optimal estimation method through the comparison of the standard errors according to the spatial unit. In the estimation of forest volumes, we used both of direct estimation, which uses sample plots of the target area only, and synthetic estimation, which includes sample plots of the expanded areas as well as those of the target area. As for the spatial expansion, we applied four standards for synthetic estimator: Mountainous zone, Neighbor ecosystem region, Gangwon province, and Buffer zone. The results show that average forest volume per ha, calculated by direct estimation, was $143.5m^3/ha$, while that by synthetic estimation with each standard, was estimated at $146.9m^3/ha$ by Gangwon province, $144.8m^3/ha$ by Buffer zone, $139.8m^3/ha$ by Neighbor ecosystem region, and $138.6m^3/ha$ by Mountainous zone, respectively. The standard errors of direct estimation was $1.79m^3/ha$, while those of synthetic estimation showed not a great difference among the errors. Meanwhile, considering the standard errors by forest type, the lowest was ${\pm}2.3m^3/ha$ of broad-leaved forest, followed by ${\pm}3.3m^3/ha$ of mixed forest, and ${\pm}4.8m^3/ha$ of coniferous forest.

Comparison of Liquefaction Probability Map Regarding with Geotechnical Information and Spatial Interpolation Target (공간보간 대상 및 지반정보에 따른 액상화 확률지도 비교)

  • Song, Seongwan;Hwang, Bumsik;Cho, Wanjei
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.22 no.11
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2021
  • The interest of expecting the liquefaction damage is increasing due to the liquefaction in Pohang in 2017. Liquefaction is defined as a phenomenon that the ground can not support the superstructure due to loss of the strength of the ground. As an alternative against this, many studies are being conducted to increase the precision and to compose a liquefaction hazard map for the purpose of identifying the scale of liquefaction damage using the liquefaction potential index (LPI). In this research, in order to analyze the degree of precision with regard to spatial interpolation objects such as LPI value and geotechnical information for LPI determination, liquefaction hazard map were made for the target area. Furthermore, based on the trend of precision, probability value was analyzed using probability maps prepared through qualitative characteristics. Based on the analysis results, the precision of the liquefaction hazard map setting the spatial interpolation object as geotechnical information is higher than that as LPI value. Furthermore, the precision of the liquefaction hazard map does not affect the distribution of the probability value.

Study on the Selection and Application of a Spatial Analysis Model Appropriate for Selecting the Radon Priority Management Target Area (라돈 우선관리 대상 지역 선정에 적합한 공간분석모형의 선정 및 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Nam Goung, Sun Ju;Choi, Kil Yong;Hong, Hyung Jin;Yoon, Dan Ki;Kim, Yoon Shin;Park, Si Hyun;Kim, Yoon Kwan;Lee, Cheol Min
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.82-96
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    • 2019
  • Objective: The aims of this study were to provide the basic data for establishing a precautionary management policy and to develop a methodology for selecting a radon management priority target area suitable for the Korean domestic environment. Methods: A suitable mapping method for the domestic environment was derived by conducting a quantitative comparison of predicted values and measured values that were calculated through implementation of two models such as IDW and RBF methods. And a qualitative comparison including the clarity of information transmission of the written radon map was carried out. Results: The predicted and measured values were obtained through the implementation of the spatial analysis models. The IDW method showed the lowest in the calculated mean square error and had a higher correlation coefficient than the other methods. As results of comparing the uncertainty using the jackknife concept and the concept of error distance for comparison of the differences according to the model interpolation method, the sum of the error distances showed a modest increase compared with the RBF method. As a result of qualitatively comparing the information transfer clarity between the radon maps prepared with the predicted values through the model implementation, it was found that the maps plotted using the predicted values by the implementation of the IDW method had greater clarity in terms of highness and lowness of radon concentration per area compared with the maps plotted by other methods. Conclusions: The radon management priority area suggests selecting a metropolitan city including an area with a high radon concentration.

A Cultural Landscape Charactertistics of Traditional Temple Garden in China - Focusing on the Spatial Division of Buddhist Temples and the Value of Gardens - (중국 전통 사찰원림의 문화경관 특성 - 장전불교사원의 공간구획 및 원림의 가치를 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Hyun-Sil;Lee, Hang-Lyoul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2021
  • This study studied the value of the spatial organization of the temple and the form of the garden located in the Seojang area in the southwestern regions of China. The value of the Lama temple was looked into by examining the relationship between Lamaism and Lama temple through the spatial organiz ation, building arrangement, and garden of temples that served as the center of history, culture, and politics of the time in the process of converging Buddhism introduced through China's central districts and India with folk beliefs in Seojang through the poor environment. To this end, the value of the space and garden of the Lama temple was derived through the representative Lama temples, Potala Temple, Norbulingka Temple, and Dazhao Temple. First, due to the unique environment in which ice caps and green areas coexist, the representative Lama temples in Seojang, Potala Temple, Norbulingka Temple, and Dazhao Temple, are widely distributed in the form of leaning against valleys and mountain ranges based on folk beliefs and Buddhism's Jatabuli(自他不二) and mandala. the target sites are largely divided into upper and lower spaces. Second, the target sites are largely divided into upper and lower spaces. Buildings for worship are located in the upper space, and spaces for practice and garden are located in the lower space. The garden existed in two main forms. Third, the garden existed in two main forms. Located in the center of the practice space, the garden had an ideal structure to plant bo tree to escape from the two false obsession and go to a world of truth that is with the Buddha behind the world through practice like Sakyamuni, and there was a garden around the temple where meditation and exchange took place. Evergreen coniferous forests are mainly planted in the forests.

Height Determination Using Vanishing Points of a Single Camera for Monitoring of Construction Site (건설현장 모니터링을 위한 단안 카메라 기반의 소실점을 이용한 높이 결정)

  • Choi, In-Ha;So, Hyeong-Yoon;Kim, Eui-Myoung
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2021
  • According to the government's announcement of the safety management enhancement policy for small and medium-sized private construction sites, the subject of mandatory CCTV installation has been expanded from large construction sites to small and medium-sized construction sites. However, since the existing CCTV at construction sites has been used for simple control for safety management, so research is needed for monitoring of construction sites. Therefore, in this study, three vanishing points were calculated based on a single image taken with a monocular camera, and then a camera matrix containing interior orientation parameters information was determined. And the accuracy was verified by calculating the height of the target object from the height of the reference object. Through height determination experiments using vanishing points based on a monocular camera, it was possible to determine the height of target objects only with a single image without separately surveying of ground control points. As a result of the accuracy evaluation, the root mean square error was ±0.161m. Therefore, it is determined that the progress of construction work at the construction sites can be monitored through the single image taken using the single camera.

A Study of symbols based on characteristics of kind of garden space -Focusing on the target area of the artist's garden exhibited at the Seoul Garden Fair in 2017- (정원 공간 유형의 특성에 근거한 기호화 연구 -2017년 서울 정원박람회에 출품된 작가정원의 대상지를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Da Kyung;Jun, Hyung Soon;Yoo, Taek Sang;Wang, Kyung Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Floral Art and Design
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    • no.40
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    • pp.97-123
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the spatial characteristics of the unit of garden and to classify and symbolize it, to provide the basis for analyzing the works based on the characteristics of the space and to provide the data that can become the logical foundation for garden design. The research method first analyzed the behavioral scene analysis and the grounded theory methodology as the theory about the space type. It controls the subjectivity of the researcher and derives the characteristics of the space for the garden image based on the experiential knowledge of the expert, It is a qualitative analysis method that aims to increase credibility. The actual case target was the author garden which was exhibited at the 2017 Seoul Garden Expo. Through this process, we have simplified the characteristics of the space and the positives and negatives accordingly. We have grasped the relationship between spatial space, sculptural space, architectural space, and environmental space.. Research on qualitative topics such as the characteristics of space can not completely exclude the subjectivity of the researcher in terms of its characteristics, but such research can provide a rationale for interpreting and evaluating the gardens that depend on the individual's taste.. It can also contribute to the development of the field by providing reference materials for garden designs that rely on designer intuition, or by providing a logical basis for design.

Visualization of Geo-spatial Data and Public Data Using Mobile Operating Environment in the eGovernment Standard Framework (전자정부 표준 프레임워크 모바일 실행환경 기반 공공데이터와 공간데이터 시각화)

  • Kim, Kwangseob;Lee, Kiwon
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2015
  • Recently new web trends and mobile technologies are expanding and developing so fast. To improve the implementation efficiency of information systems, eGovernment standard framework has been developed and distributed. Recently, eGovernment standard framework for mobile environment was further developed. In addition, many types of public data produced by public organizations supported by government are being opened through public data portal according to Government 3.0 policy. Demands regarding web standards and common framework usages for mobile application development in most business fields dealing with any types of contents are increasing. However, to link those things to geo-spatial data or integrate those with them are an early stage in the geo-spatial application field, compared to other application fields. Based on these backgrounds, a mobile web application system was designed and implemented to present visualization functionalities of public data and geo-spatial data using HTML5 components under mobile operation environment in eGovernment standard framework in this study. It is expected that this system can be applied to develop many mobile application business models, by the further works such as application of core developing environment in eGovernment standard framework, additional functionalities, and high performance to satisfy with user requirements for a certain target application.

A Study on the GIS-based Deterministic MCDA Techniques for Evaluating the Flood Damage Reduction Alternatives (확정론적 다중의사결정기법을 이용한 최적 홍수저감대책 선정 기법 연구)

  • Lim, Kwang-Suop;Kim, Joo-Cheol;Hwang, Eui-Ho;Lee, Sang-Uk
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.44 no.12
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    • pp.1015-1029
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    • 2011
  • Conventional MCDA techniques have been used in the field of water resources in the past. A GIS can offer an effective spatial data-handling tool that can enhance water resources modeling through interfaces with sophisticated models. However, GIS systems have a limited capability as far as the analysis of the value structure is concerned. The MCDA techniques provide the tools for aggregating the geographical data and the decision maker's preferences into a one-dimensional value for analyzing alternative decisions. In other words, the MCDA allows multiple criteria to be used in deciding upon the best alternatives. The combination of GIS and MCDA capabilities is of critical importance in spatial multi-criteria analysis. The advantage of having spatial data is that it allows the consideration of the unique characteristics at every point. The purpose of this study is to identify, review, and evaluate the performance of a number of conventional MCDA techniques for integration with GIS. Even though there are a number of techniques which have been applied in many fields, this study will only consider the techniques that have been applied in floodplain decision-making problems. Two different methods for multi-criteria evaluation were selected to be integrated with GIS. These two algorithms are Compromise Programming (CP), Spatial Compromise Programming (SCP). The target region for a demonstration application of the methodology was the Suyoung River Basin in Korea.