• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Schema

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Matching Method of Digital Map and POI for Geospatial Web Platform (공간정보 플랫폼 구축을 위한 전자지도와 POI 정보의 매칭 방법)

  • Kim, Jung-Ok;Huh, Yong;Lee, Won-Hee;Yu, Ki-Yun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2009
  • Recent growth of the geospatial information on the Web has made it possible to easily access a wide variety of geospatial information. An integration of different geospatial objects consists of the following three steps; extracting geospatial objects from the maps, converting the coordinate system and discovering pairs of objects that represent the same real-world entity in the two maps. This paper deals mainly with the third step to correspond conjugate objects and four matching types and criteria is presented. The techniques designed and developed can be utilized to efficiently integrate distributed heterogeneous spatial databases such as the digital maps and POIs from other data sources. To achieve the goal, we presented four types and criteria for the matching schema. The main contributions of this paper are as follows. A complete process of integrating data from maps on the Web is presented. Then, we show how attributes of the objects can be used in the integration process.

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A Study on BIM-based Facility Management System Architecture Development considering the heterogeneous solution data integration (BIM과 이기종 솔류션 데이터 통합을 고려한 시설물관리 시스템 아키텍처 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Tae Wook;Choi, Hyun Sang
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to develop an efficient BIM-based FM(Facility Management) system architecture to integrate the heterogeneous solution data related to FM. The heterogeneous solution data can be an FM system, asset management system, or facility sensor database systems, as well as files created by a modeler. In this study, we define the consideration for the external heterogeneous data integration related to BIM-based FM and propose the methodology. To implement it, trends in related studies were reviewed and general use cases of BIM-based FM were derived to develop the architecture for the integration between BIM and the heterogeneous solution data. The component architecture was designed to implement the use cases, and the schema was developed for the prototype by using the proposed architecture.

Developing a Module to Store 3DF-GML Instance Documents in a Database (3DF-GML 인스턴스 문서의 데이터베이스 저장을 위한 모듈 개발)

  • Lee, Kang-Jae;Jang, Gun-Up;Lee, Ji-Yeong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.87-100
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    • 2011
  • Recently, a variety of GML application schemas have been designed in many fields. GML application schemas are specific to the application domain of interest and specify object types using primitive object types defined in the GML standard. GML instance documents are created based on such GML application schemas. The GML instance documents generally require large volumes to represent huge amounts of geographic objects. Thus, it is essential to store such GML instance documents in relational database for efficient management and use. Relational database is relatively convenient to use and is widely applied in various fields. Furthermore, it is fundamentally more efficient than file structure to handle large datasets. Many researches on storing GML documents have been carried out so far. However, there are few studies on storage of GML instance documents. Therefore, in this study, we developed the storage module to store the GML instance documents in relational database.

A Microgenetic Analysis on the Classification Strategy Used in Tasks Related to Science by College Students (대학생이 과학 관련 과제에서 사용한 분류 전략의 미시발생적 분석)

  • Choi, Hyun-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.151-165
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    • 2011
  • Following a microgenetic design, this study was analysed the characteristic and the change of classification strategy that appear in college students' classification activity. The 4 tasks were developed for classification activity; a shell as a familiar real things, an animal fossil as a unfamiliar real things, a snow flake as a familiar picture cards and galaxy as a unfamiliar picture card. Achieved study to 6 college students who major in elementary education. Data were collected by interview with subjects, subject's classification schema, investigator's observation of subject's activity, and videotaped that record subject's subject classification process over an extended period of 6 times. Result proved in this study is as following. In the 6 times of the data collection procedures, a strategy F identifying concrete attribution of classification objects and a more detailed strategy X3 combining qualitative, spatial and dimensional attribution were found and more frequently used in both groups of college students which reported a classification process and did not report the process. While discovery and absorption of both a concrete classification strategy and a detailed classification strategy were rapidly developed in the reporting group, they were gradually developed in the non-reporting group. In addition to this, as the data collection procedures were progressing, the college students were familiar with change factors of classification tasks and in the case of pictures the classification strategy showed more desirable changes.

Design of User Friendly KML Validation Tool based on OpenLayers (오픈레이어 기반 사용자 친화적 KML 검증도구 설계)

  • Kim, Jung-Ok;Kang, Ji-Hun
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.165-177
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    • 2014
  • The KML verification tool supports people who want to produce the highest quality KML file. In other words, it validate that a given KML document is well-formed with respect to XML standard meaning, and conform not only to the KML schema and the specification. Then it's only to notify error code line. People who want to use the KML file written by others would like to know both whether the validity of that file and general summary of feature's location, shape, and number. In this study, we recommended the user-friendly KML validator using OpenLayers and reporting geometries and images of the KML file.


  • Kim, Hak-Hoon;Kim, Seung-Yub;Lee, Ki-Won
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.98-101
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    • 2006
  • In general, stereo images are widely used to remote sensing or photogrametric applications for the purpose of image understanding and feature extraction or cognition. However, the most cases of these stereo-based application deal with 2-D satellite images or the airborne photos so that its main targets are generation of small-scaled or large-scaled DEM(Digital Elevation Model) or DSM(Digital Surface Model), in the 2.5-D. Contrast to these previous approaches, the scope of this study is to investigate 3-D stereo processing and visualization of true geo-referenced 3-D features based on anaglyph technique, and the aim is at the prototype development for stereo visualization system of complex typed 3-D GIS features. As for complex typed 3-D features, the various kinds of urban landscape components are taken into account with their geometric characteristics and attributes. The main functions in this prototype are composed of 3-D feature authoring and modeling along with database schema, stereo matching, and volumetric visualization. Using these functions, several technical aspects for migration into actual 3-D GIS application are provided with experiment results. It is concluded that this result will contribute to more specialized and realistic applications by linking 3-D graphics with geo-spatial information.

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Development of a Indoor LBS Application for Navigation - Focusing on Development for an IndoorGML Editor and Viewer - (실내 길 찾기를 위한 Indoor LBS 어플리케이션 개발 - IndoorGML 에디터(Editor) 및 뷰어(Viewer) 개발을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Seung-Hyun;Choi, Jin-won
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.207-215
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    • 2013
  • Due to an increase in the number of large-scale and high rise buildings, the importance of indoor location information has been highlighted. As a result, seamless three-dimensional space information, linked to various indoor and outdoor services is required. The purpose of this study is to develop a system which can edit and operate indoor space information using the IndoorGML(Geography Markup Language). It provides functions such as converting and editing authoring indoor space using the IndoorGML. Based on defined schema which is the IndoorGML international standardization work, we develop the "Editor" and "Viewer" for the IndoorGML. When indoor space is modeled in an authoring tool, a variety of topologies can be created automatically. These are available to be edited and modified. Moreover, the file of model can be saved as IndoorGML, SBM and KML file. These files are viewed by the "Viewer". Indoor LBS(Location Based Service)is served with these principles.

Schema Integration Analysis for GIS Databases (GIS 데이타베이스를 위한 스키마 통합 분석)

  • Moon, Sang-Ho;Baik, Min-Eui;Hong, Bong-Hee
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1999.06a
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    • pp.231-246
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    • 1999
  • 일반적으로 스키마 통합이란 각 응용들의 관점에 따라 다르게 표현된 스키마들을 하나의 스키마로 통합하는 것을 말한다. GIS 데이타베이스는 일반 데이타베이스와는 달리 개체에 대한 속성 정보 뿐만 아니라 기하 등과 같은 공간 정보를 가지고 있다. 특히, GIS 응용에서 정의된 개체들의 공간 표현은 관점에 따라 다양한 기하 서브스키마들로 표현된다. 따라서 GIS 데이타베이스를 위한 스키마 통합에서 서로 다른 기하 서브스키마들을 통합하는 것이 무엇보다 중요하다. 본 논문에서는 GIS 데이타베이스의 스키마통합을 위해서 기하 서브스키마들의 통합 문제를 중점적으로 다룬다 먼저 기하 서브스키마들의 통합에서 발생하는 충돌들을 개체의 기하를 중심으로 동일 개체간의 기하 충돌과 다른 개체간의 기하 충돌로 분류하여 정의한다. 그리고 이 충돌들을 해결하기 위한 충돌 해결 방법으로 각 충돌들의 특성을 고려하여 상위 레벨의 기하 서브스키마 선택, 기하의 다중 표현, 구성 요소의 공유, 개체들 간의 상세화 등을 제시한다. 또한, 통합된 스키마에 대하여 가상 스키마를 표현하는 방법을 제시하여, 통합되기 전의 스키마들을 통합된 스키마로부터 유도될 수 있음을 보인다. 본 논문에서는 GIS 데이타베이스 스키마를 기술하기 위하여 ISO/TC211의 개념적 스키마 언어인 EXPRESS-G를 이용한다.

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Realization of the Real-time Hybrid Optical Interconnection Using a Genetic Algorithm (GA 학습기법을 적용한 실시간 복합 광 연결의 실현)

  • Yoon, Jin-Seon;Kim, Nam
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.37 no.9
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, a grating to apply for the optical interconnection is designed using a Genetic Algorithm(GA) as a robust and an efficient schema. A hybrid optical interconnection system architecture is implemented by the liquid crystal panel as a programmable spatial light modulator. As the result of geometrical transformation to obtain the quantitative data for $3{\times}3$ spot beams at CCD array detector by optical experiment truthfully, the mean of beam intensity as a gray level is 202, the maximum value is 225, the minimum value is 186, and a uniformity is quantitatively $1.93{\times}10^{-1}$ similar to simulation result.

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A Design of Ontology-driven U-Service in U-City (U-City에 있어서 온톨로지 기반 U-서비스 설계)

  • Kwon, Chang-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.179-184
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    • 2012
  • The ultimate purpose of cities is 'the enhancement of quality of life in city'. In order to achieve this, it is required to optimize the Ontology-driven ubiquitous services included in the U-City and UIS of regions and communities and so on. Almost U-Service's contents are related to spatial or temporal extent. So it is important to design Spatio-temporal event schema for efficient access to U-City. There is a rapid change into an urban society in the shape of Ontology-driven ubiquitous services in which a content on a region or an incident is newly reconstructed through various ideas with the influence of the ubiquitous environment.