• Title/Summary/Keyword: Space Images

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Consideration of Metaphors Appeared on Shaun Tan's 3D Short Animation, (숀 탠 (Shaun Tan)의 3D 애니메이션 에 나타난 은유적 표현에 대한 고찰)

  • Jang, Eun-Young
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.23
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2011
  • The paper analyzed the metaphoric expressions appeared in whose cinematic quality has been subjectively recognized on the global stage by winning the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film. Many contents and visual effects of the film were expressed with metaphor. Story and sequence were analyzed through the language system-based 'Conceptual Metaphor Analysis Framework'. In addition, characters have been analyzed through the 'Visual Metaphor Analysis Framework'. The framework is to analyze visual dimensions which are derived when concepts are structuredin animation. This paper has attempted to investigate and reveal patterns how animation self-organizes or how animation self-realizes through linguistic objectives. That is, it is to reveal how animation communicates with the audience from the metaphoric perspective among many conventional ones. In an animated film, metaphor is a fundamental means to connect fragmented images, produce a holistic view and therefore induce creative communication with the audience. The essential motive of metaphor which is expressed in various styles in is modern people's feeling of loss and sense of missing something. Train, bottle top, food, lost-and-found center, in-between space and lost items have significance across the movie. According to an analysis, metaphor offers simplicity and freshness as an aesthetic function. In addition, the metaphor expresses lengthy contents and various meanings implicitly, delivering an economic function. With a creative function, metaphor is a tool to generate new meanings. In other words, an animated film is a medium to inspire and move the general public as a means of communication and thinking, not just an entertainment for young generations. After all, metaphoric expressions have been used to deliver diverse and deep meanings in animated films.

A Study on the Visual Effects of Non-Photorealistic Rendering Animation focusing on 'Paperman,' a Short Animation (넌-포토리얼리스틱(Non-Photorealistic) 렌더링 애니메이션의 시각 효과 기법 - 단편 애니메이션 Paperman을 중심으로)

  • Park, Sung-Won
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.40
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    • pp.139-155
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    • 2015
  • Animation is completed in accordance with the original planning of visual direction in the process of post-production. Especially, a variety of visualization skills to meet the planning idea are directed in editing and compositing processes such as rendering and shading in the production of 3D animation. Therefore, the studies how to implement these visual effects have been conducted since the emergence of the animation. The rendering method which appears in the recent animations so often is the effect of 2D animation style although it is applied by 3D technique. 3D animation can be classified as two types including photo realistic and non-photo realistic renderings. The former is to render the images realistically while the latter is to highlight the formative effect with analogue style free from the realism of the photographs. Visual effect of 2D animation is non-realistic, that is, non-photo realistic rendering. The animations produced by this method have the depth of 3D animation expression in terms of space and animating, and can direct the viewer-friendly analogue style visuals, which are widely used as a post-production effect. Hence in this study, we selected a short animation, 'Paperman,' one of Disney's animations, produced by cartoon rendering method which belongs to the class of non-photo rendering technique in 3D graphics, as our subject. We analyzed their techniques and visual effects of the scenes expressed by cartoon rendering method so as to understand whether they meet the original direction idea with the composition work. In addition, we expect further developments of post-production methods, exceeding the limit of graphic expression in alignment with the trend that has become more various in the types and genres of non-photo rendering.

Textuality and Vision : Visual Narrative of Ancient Chinese Literature Art Focused on Narratology's Viewpoint (중국 고대예술의 도상서사와 시각문화 연구 -회화의 이시동도법과 만화의 칸의 상호 해석-)

  • Jo, Jeong-rae;Huang, Kuo-Li
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.779-790
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    • 2016
  • This study is to exhibit the iconographic narrative and visual culture of ancient Chinese art. The focus of the study is the composite integration of literature and graphic forms, in particular the heterochronous expression of different scenarios of scenes occurring in different time periods in pictures of ancient art. The unity of their origins with picture narration and comic art creation is the fusion of our modern times. The ancient Chinese understanding of visual art includes the traditional style of images and their symbolic meanings. Among artistic narrative expression, imagery contemplation and visual presentation have significance. Artistic thinking is inseparable from visual articulation. It is a rational thought process through creative language interpretation in visual media of imagery narratives. The characteristics of ancient imagery thinking and the way of presenting sequential incidents in the form pictures is a creative space of time. This is the spatial thinking of modern comic art, which is demonstrated through acceptance in artistic styles. Image narration needs new forms and media styles, including integrating with cultural values as aesthetic communication is necessary.

Construction and Experiment of an Educational Radar System (교육용 레이다 시스템의 제작 및 실험)

  • Ji, Younghun;Lee, Hoonyol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.293-302
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    • 2014
  • Radar systems are used in remote sensing mainly as space-borne, airborne and ground-based Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), scatterometer and Doppler radar. Those systems are composed of expensive equipments and require expertise and professional skills for operation. Because of the limitation in getting experiences of the radar and SAR systems and its operations in ordinary universities and institutions, it is difficult to learn and exercise essential principles of radar hardware which are essential to understand and develop new application fields. To overcome those difficulties, in this paper, we present the construction and experiment of a low-cost educational radar system based on the blueprints of the MIT Cantenna system. The radar system was operated in three modes. Firstly, the velocity of moving cars was measured in Doppler radar mode. Secondly, the range of two moving targets were measured in radar mode with range resolution. Lastly, 2D images were constructed in GB-SAR mode to enhance the azimuth resolution. Additionally, we simulated the SAR raw data to compare Deramp-FFT and ${\omega}-k$ algorithms and to analyze the effect of antenna positional error for SAR focusing. We expect the system can be further developed into a light-weight SAR system onboard a unmanned aerial vehicle by improving the system with higher sampling frequency, I/Q acquisition, and more stable circuit design.

Agricultural drought monitoring using the satellite-based vegetation index (위성기반의 식생지수를 활용한 농업적 가뭄감시)

  • Baek, Seul-Gi;Jang, Ho-Won;Kim, Jong-Suk;Lee, Joo-Heon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.305-314
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    • 2016
  • In this study, a quantitative assessment was carried out in order to identify the agricultural drought in time and space using the Terra MODIS remote sensing data for the agricultural drought. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) were selected by MOD13A3 image which shows the changes in vegetation conditions. The land cover classification was made to show only vegetation excluding water and urbanized areas in order to collect the land information efficiently by Type1 of MCD12Q1 images. NDVI and EVI index calculated using land cover classification indicates the strong seasonal tendency. Therefore, standardized Vegetation Stress Index Anomaly (VSIA) of EVI were used to estimated the medium-scale regions in Korea during the extreme drought year 2001. In addition, the agricultural drought damages were investigated in the country's past, and it was calculated based on the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) using the data of the ground stations. The VSIA were compared with SPI based on historical drought in Korea and application for drought assessment was made by temporal and spatial correlation analysis to diagnose the properties of agricultural droughts in Korea.

The structural change in the hyoid bone and upper airway after orthognathic surgery for skeletal class III anterior open bite patients using 3-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT를 이용한 골격성 III급 개방교합자의 악교정 수술 전, 후 설골 및 상기도의 변화)

  • Lee, Yoon-Seob;Baik, Hyoung-Seon;Lee, Kee-Joon;Yu, Hyung-Seog
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.72-82
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    • 2009
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the structural changes of the hyoid bone and upper airway after orthognathic surgery for skeletal class III anterior open bite patients, and make comparisons with normal occlusion. Methods: Pre- and post-operative computed tomography (CT) examinations were performed on 12 skeletal class III anterior open bite patients who were treated with mandibular setback osteotomy. Using the V-works $4.0^{TM}$ program, 3-dimensional images of the total skull, mandible, hyoid bone, and upper airway were evaluated. Results: In the Class III open bite group, the hyoid bone were all positioned anteriorly, compared to the Normal group (p < 0.05). The angle between the hyoid plane and mandibular plane in the Class III openbite group before surgery was greater than in the Normal group (p < 0.05), and the difference increased after surgery (p < 0.01). In the Class III openbite group, the volume of the upper airway decreased after surgery (p < 0.001) and the volume of the upper airway was smaller than the Normal group before and after surgery (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The narrow upper airway space in skeletal Class III openbite patients decreased after mandibular setback osteotomy. This may affect the post-surgical stability.

Acute Occlusal Change Following Acute Anterior Disc Displacement without Reduction: A Case Report (급성 비정복성 관절원판 변위에 따른 급성 교합변화의 증례)

  • Jung, Jae-Kwang;Hur, Yun-Kyung;Choi, Jae-Kap
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.205-211
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    • 2012
  • A 35 year-old female presented with the complaint of sudden occurrence of bite change and concurrent opening limitation, as well as pain in the right temporomandibular joint (TMJ) during mouth opening. From her history it was revealed that she had simple clicking of right TMJ for several years before onset of these symptoms, and that the clicking sound subsided recently after development of opening limitation. On clinical examination, anterior open bite, midline shift of the mandible to right, and premature contacts on left posterior teeth were observed. Maximum mouth opening and lateral movement to left were also restricted. On magnetic resonance images, the right TMJ showed anterior disc displacement without reduction and the posterior joint space is greatly collapsed by retrusion of the condyle. It was thought that the sudden occurrence of occlusal change would be resulted from abrupt displacement of the mandible associated with development of the anterior disc displacement without reduction. The stabilization appliance traction therapy was performed initially for first 3 months along with physical and pharmacologic therapy. However, the anterior open bite and opening limitation didn't resolve and the position of mandible still remained altered. So the stabilization appliance was changed to intermaxillary traction device. Then the mandible returned progressively to normal position and the occlusion became more stable and comfortable. After 5 months of intermaxillary traction therapy, the anterior open bite was dissolved completely and the occlusion became stabilized satisfactorily along with recovery of normal mouth opening range. On post-treatment magnetic resonance image, remodeling of condylar head was observed.

A Literature Review on Media-Based Learning in Science (과학과 미디어 기반 학습 관련 문헌 연구)

  • Byun, Taejin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.417-427
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    • 2017
  • Media is the medium that impart information beyond time and space. They refer to characters or images that serve as means to convey information. From old media such as newspapers and television to new media such as the internet and smart phones, media has developed cumulatively with the development of technology. The goal of media education is to develop the understanding of the properties of media, the ability of critical interpretation of media and selective acceptance. Furthermore it is to cultivate the ability to express meaning creatively and communicate through media. I carried out 'the research of Korean classroom instruction models based on media' with Korean language and social studies education researchers from July 2016 to December 2016. This study is a fundamental study of the project. Based on 58 research papers published between 2006 and 2016, research trends and factors were extracted through literature studies related to media-based science learning. The Result has shown that the studies related to media-based science learning is on the rise, and more than half of all researchers studied about elementary school students. The studies were divided into research on students, research on teachers and pre-service teachers, research on smart devices or media contents, and research on the development of digital textbooks. Among the four variables, there were many researches related to students' cognitive and affective development, and the development and application of media contents.

An Effective Method to Treat The Boundary Pixels for Image Compression with DWT (DWT를 이용한 영상압축을 위한 경계화소의 효과적인 처리방법)

  • 서영호;김종현;김대경;유지상;김동욱
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.27 no.6A
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    • pp.618-627
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    • 2002
  • In processing images using 2 dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform(2D-DWT), the method to process the pixels around the image boundary may affect the quality of image and the cost to implement in hardware and software. This paper proposed an effective method to treat the boundary pixels, which is apt to implement in hardware and software without losing the quality of the image costly. This method processes the 2-D image as 1-D array so that 2-D DWT is performed by considering the image with the serial-sequential data structure (Serial-Sequential Processing). To show the performance and easiness in implementation of the proposed method, an image compression codec which compresses image and reconstructs it has been implemented and experimented. It included log-scale fried quantizer, but the entropy coder was not implemented. From the experimental results, the proposed method showed the SNR of almost the same SNR(Signal to Noise Ratio) to the Periodic Expansion(PE) method when the compression ratio(excluding entropy coding) of 2:1, 15.3% higher than Symmetric Expansion(SE) method, and 9.3% higher than 0-pixel Padding Expansion(ZPE) method. Also PE method needed 12.99% more memory space than the proposed method. By considering only the compression process, SE and ZPE methods needed additional operations than the proposed one. In hardware implementation, the proposed method in this paper had 5.92% of overall circuit as the control circuit, while SE, PE, and ZPE method has 22%, 21,2%, and 11.9% as the control circuit, respectively. Consequently, the proposed method can be thought more effective in implementing software and hardware without losing any image quality in the usual image processing applications.

Interactive 3D Visualization of Ceilometer Data (운고계 관측자료의 대화형 3차원 시각화)

  • Lee, Junhyeok;Ha, Wan Soo;Kim, Yong-Hyuk;Lee, Kang Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2018
  • We present interactive methods for visualizing the cloud height data and the backscatter data collected from ceilometers in the three-dimensional virtual space. Because ceilometer data is high-dimensional, large-size data associated with both spatial and temporal information, it is highly improbable to exhibit the whole aspects of ceilometer data simply with static, two-dimensional images. Based on the three-dimensional rendering technology, our visualization methods allow the user to observe both the global variations and the local features of the three-dimensional representations of ceilometer data from various angles by interactively manipulating the timing and the view as desired. The cloud height data, coupled with the terrain data, is visualized as a realistic cloud animation in which many clouds are formed and dissipated over the terrain. The backscatter data is visualized as a three-dimensional terrain which effectively represents how the amount of backscatter changes according to the time and the altitude. Our system facilitates the multivariate analysis of ceilometer data by enabling the user to select the date to be examined, the level-of-detail of the terrain, and the additional data such as the planetary boundary layer height. We demonstrate the usefulness of our methods through various experiments with real ceilometer data collected from 93 sites scattered over the country.