• Title/Summary/Keyword: Solution Technique

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Analysis of $^1H$ MR Spectroscopy of parietal white matter material Phantom (두정부 백질 물질을 이용한 수소 자기 공명 분광 분석)

  • Lee, Jae-Yeong;Lim, Cheong-Hwan;Kim, Myeong-Soo
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.57-61
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to compare both 1.5T and 4.7T in Praietal White matter material Phantom using the same methodology at both field strengths. Data at both field strengths are compared in terms of $T_2$ relaxation times, line widths and SNRs MR imaging and $^1H$ MR spectroscopy were performed on GE 1.5T SIGNA system and Broker Biospec 4.7T/30 MRI/MRS system. After phantom axial scan $^1H$ MRS was obtained from T2 weighted image by 3-dimensional localization technique(PRESS : Point RE solved spectroscopy Sequence) this phantom is composed of an aqueous solution 36.7 mmol/L of NAA, 25.0 mmol/L of Cr, 6.3 mmol/L of choline chloride, 30.0 mmol/L or Glu, and 22.5 mmol/L of MI(adjusted to a pH of 7,15 in a phosphate buffet). Data processed using software developed inhouse. At 1.5T, T2 relaxation times for Cho, Cr, and NAA were $0.41{\pm}0.07,\;0.26{\pm}0.04,\;0.46{\pm}0.07$ while at 4.7T they were $0.17{\pm}0.03,\;0.14{\pm}0.05,\;0.20{\pm}0.03$ respectively. At 1.5T, line widths for water, Cho, Cr and NAA were $2.9{\pm}0.7,\;1.6{\pm}0.7,\;1.7{\pm}0.8,\;2.2{\pm}0.02Hz$ while at 4.7T they were $5.2{\pm}1.1,\;4.6{\pm}1.9,\;4.01{\pm}1.8,\;4.8{\pm}1.9Hz$ respectively. It can be seen that $T_2$ relaxation times were significantly shorter at 4.7 compared to 1.5T and that the line widths were also broader. The average SNRs for NAA for subjects at short and long TEs were $23.5{\pm}11.3$ at TE=20 msec ; $15.4{\pm}7.7$ at TE=272 msec at 1.5T and $40{\pm}8.3$ and $17{\pm}3.5$ respectively at 4.7T higher field strength is superior because of improved sensitivity and chemical shift dispersion. However these improvements are partially offset by increased line widths and decrease $T_2$ relaxation times, which act to reduce both sensitivity and resolution. In our experiments with the equipment available to us, 4.7T proton spectra at short TEs exhibit moderately improved sensitivity compared to 1.5T.

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The Role of Blind Protected Specimen Brushing (PSB) in Intubated Patients (기관 삽관 중인 환자에서 Blind Protected Specimen Brushing의 역할)

  • Yoo, Hee Seung;Hong, Ji Hyun;Yoon, Jang Uk;Eom, Kwang-Seok;Lee, Jae Myung;Kim, Chul Hong;Jang, Seung Hun;Kim, Dong Gyu;Lee, Myung Goo;Hyun, In Gyu;Jung, Ki-Suck
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2003
  • Background : In intubated patients, cultures of endotracheal aspirates (EA) are apt to contamination throughout the endotracheal tube. Therefore, the identification of etiologic agents via conventional EA cultures is not always reliable. In order to differentiate a pulmonary infection from a non-infectious disease, and to identify the true etiologic agent of acute pulmonary infection, blinded protected specimen brushing (PSB) was used, and its efficacy evaluated. Methods : In 51 intubated patients, with suspected pneumonia, blind PSB were performed, and the results compared with blood and EA cultures. A protected specimen brush was introduced through the endotracheal tube, and settled at the affected large bronchus. A specimen brush was introduced to the expected region using the blind method. The tip of the brush was introduced with an aseptic technique after vigorously mixed for 1 minute in $1cm^3$ of Ringer's lactate solution. The specimens were submitted for quantitative culture within 15 minutes, with a culture being regarded as positive if the colony forming units were above $10^3/ml$. Results : Of the 51 patients, 15 (29.4%) had community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), 27 (52.9%) hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) and 9 (17.6%) non-infectious diseases. The sensitivity and specificity of the quantitative PSB culture for the diagnosis of pneumonia were 52.4 and 88.9%, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of EA were 78.6 and 77.8%, respectively. The blind PSB was superior to the EA for the identification of true etiologic agents. Of 53 episodes of 27 HAP patients, MRSA (Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus) (41.5%) was the most common causative agent followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (15.1%), Klebsiella sp. (7.5%) and Acinetobacter sp. (7.5%). Conclusions : As a simple, non-invasive diagnostic modality, the blind PSB is a useful method for the differentiation of a pulmonary infection from non-infectious diseases and to identify the etiologic agents in intubated patients. A blind PSB can be performed without bronchoscopy, so is safer, more convenient and cost-effectiveness for patients where bronchoscopy can not be performed.

Comparison of Effectiveness about Image Quality and Scan Time According to Reconstruction Method in Bone SPECT (영상 재구성 방법에 따른 Bone SPECT 영상의 질과 검사시간에 대한 실효성 비교)

  • Kim, Woo-Hyun;Jung, Woo-Young;Lee, Ju-Young;Ryu, Jae-Kwang
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.9-14
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: Nowadays in the nuclear medicine, many studies and efforts are being made to reduce the scan time, as well as the waiting time to be needed to execute exams after injection of radionuclide medicines. Several methods are being used in clinic, such as developing new radionuclide compounds that enable to be absorbed into target organs more quickly and reducing acquisition scan time by increase the number of Gamma Camera detectors to examine. Each medical equipment manufacturer has improved the imaging process techniques to reduce scan time. In this paper, we tried to analyze the difference of image quality between FBP, 3D OSEM reconstruction methods that commercialized and being clinically applied, and Astonish reconstruction method (A kind of Iterative fast reconstruction method of Philips), also difference of image quality on scan time. Material and Methods: We investigated in 32 patients that examined the Bone SPECT from June to July 2008 at department of nuclear medicine, ASAN Medical Center in Seoul. 40sec/frame and 20sec/frame images were acquired that using Philips‘ PRECEDENCE 16 Gamma Camera and then reconstructed those images by using the Astonish (Philips’ Reconstruction Method), 3D OSEM and FBP methods. The blinded test was performed to the clinical interpreting physicians with all images analyzed by each reconstruction method for qualitative analysis. And we analyzed target to non target ratio by draws lesions as the center of disease for quantitative analysis. At this time, each image was analyzed with same location and size of ROI. Results: In a qualitative analysis, there was no significant difference by acquisition time changes in image quality. In a quantitative analysis, the images reconstructed Astonish method showed good quality due to better sharpness and distinguish sharply between lesions and peripheral lesions. After measuring each mean value and standard deviation value of target to non target ratio with 40 sec/frame and 20sec/frame images, those values are Astonish (40 sec-$13.91{\pm}5.62$ : 20 sec-$13.88{\pm}5.92$), 3D OSEM (40 sec-$10.60{\pm}3.55$ : 20 sec-$10.55{\pm}3.64$), FBP (40 sec-$8.30{\pm}4.44$ : 20 sec-$8.19{\pm}4.20$). We analyzed target to non target ratio from 20 sec and 40 sec images. And we analyzed the result, In Astonish (t=0.16, p=0.872), 3D OSEM (t=0.51, p=0.610), FBP (t=0.73, p=0.469) methods, there was no significant difference statistically by acquisition time change in image quality. But FBP indicates no statistical differences while some images indicate difference between 40 sec/frame and 20 sec/frame images by various factors. Conclusions: In the circumstance, try to find a solution to reduce nuclear medicine scan time, the development of nuclear medicine equipment hardware has decreased while software has marched forward at a relentless. Due to development of computer hardware, the image reconstruction time was reduced and the expanded capacity to restore enables iterative methods that couldn't be performed before due to technical limits. As imaging process technique developed, it reduced scan time and we could observe that image quality keep similar level. While keeping exam quality and reducing scan time can induce the reduction of patient's pain and sensory waiting time, also accessibility of nuclear medicine exam will be improved and it provide better service to patients and clinical physician who order exams. Consequently, those things make the image of department of nuclear medicine be improved. Concurrent Imaging - A new function that setting up each image acquisition parameter and enables to acquire images simultaneously with various parameters to once examine.

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Low Volume Peritoneal Dialysis in Newborns and Infants (신생아와 영아의 급성신부전증 치료를 위한 저용량 복막투석)

  • Park, Young-Hoon;Ahn, Soo-Ho;Shin, Son-Moon;Hah, Jeong-Ok
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.128-137
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    • 1991
  • Peritoneal dialysis has been widely considered to be the dialytic treatment of choice for acute renal failure in infants and young children, because the technique is simple, safe and easily adapted for these patients. Also peritoneal dialysis in infants might have more effective ultrafiltration and clearance than in adults. In certain circumstances associated with hemodynamic instability, ordinary volume peritoneal dialysis(30-50 ml/kg body weight per exchange) or hemodialysis may not be suitable unfortunately. But frequent cycled, low volume, high concentration peritoneal dialysis may be more available to manage the hemodynamically untable acute renal failure of newborns and infants. Seven infants underwent peritoneal dialysis for hemodynamically unstable acute renal failure with low exchange volume($14.2{\pm}4.2ml/kg$), short exchange time(30 to 45 minutes) and hypertonic glucose solution(4.25% dextrose). Age was $1.9{\pm}1.3$ months and body weight was $4.6{\pm}1.6kg $. Etiology of acute renal failure was secondary to sepsis with or without shock(5 cases) and postcardiac operation(2 cases). Catheter was inserted percutaneously with pigtail catheter or Tenkhoff catheter by Seldinger method. Dialysate was commercially obtained Peritosol which contained sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, lactate and calcium. Net ultrafiltration(ml/min) showed no difference between low volume dialysis and control($0.27{\pm}0.09$ versus $0.29{\pm}0.09$) Blood BUN decreased from $95.7{\pm}37.5$ to $75.7{\pm}25.9mg/dl$ and blood pH increased from $7.122{\pm}0.048$ to $7.326{\pm}0.063$ after 24 hours of peritoneal dialysis. We experienced hyperglycemia which were controlled by insulin(2 episodes), leakage at the exit site(2), mild hyponatremia(1) and Escherichia coli peritonitis(1). Two children of low volume dialysis died despite the treatment. In our experience, low volume and high concentration peritoneal dialysis with frequent exchange may have sufficient ultrafiltration and clearance without significant complications in the certain risked acute renal failure of infants.

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Immunoelectron Microscopic Study on the Paneth Cell of Rabbit after the Common Bile Duct Ligation (총담관결찰후 집토끼 Paneth세포의 변화에 대한 면역전자현미경적 연구)

  • Park, Kyung-Ho;Cho, Hwee-Dong;Yang, Nam-Gil;Ahn, E-Tay;Ko, Jeong-Sik;Kim, Jin-Gook
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.78-92
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    • 1994
  • Lysozyme has been reported to be present in the secretory granules of the Paneth cell, and lysozyme immunoreactivity has been detected by immunogold method in Paneth cells of the intestine of human, mouse and rat. The present study was aimed at clarifying the intracellular distribution and changes of the lysozyme immunoreactivity in rabbit Paneth cell after common bile duct ligation of rabbit, using the electron microscope immunogold technique. Healthy adult rabbits weighing about 2kg body weight were divided into normal and bile duct ligated groups. Common bile duct ligation was performed aseptically under ether anesthesia. Experimental animals were sacrificed on the 1st, the 3rd, the 5th, the 7th and the 14th day after the operation. Mucosal specimens from the intestinal gland of ileum were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde-1.5% paraformaldehyde, followed by 1% osmium tetroxide, embedded in araldite mixture, cut with LKB-V ultratome. Ultrathin sections were placed on parlodion coated nickel grids (200mesh). The section-bearing grids were floated upside down on the added substance in a moist chamber at room temperature except for the primary antibody step, which was at $4^{\circ}C$. Sections were etched with a saturated solution of sodium m-periodate for 60min. After etching, sections were pretreated with 0.02M tris buffered saline (TBS), pH 8.4, with 1% bovine serum albumin (BSA, Sigma) for 60min, then treated polyclonal rabbit anti-human lysozyme (Dakipatts) diluted 1 : 50 in TBS with 0.1% BSA for 20hr. Subsequently, grids were incubated 60min in biotinylated goat anti rabbit IgG (Amersham) diluted 1 : 100 in TBS with 0.1% BSA. After this, sections were incubated 60min on streptavidin gold G10 (Amersham) diluted 1 : 50 in TBS with 0.1% BSA. After each step, the grids were briefly rinsed with TBS with 0.1% BSA. After the strepavidin gold step, the sections were jet washed with distilled water. Counterstain of the sections performed by uranyl acetate and lead citrate, and observed with JEM 100 CX II electron microscope. Observed results were as follow; 1. Secretory granules of mouse Paneth cells have a lysozyme immunoreactivity and also eosinophil leucocyte of rabbit applied for the positive-control stain, are well labeld with gold particles. 2. Normal rabbit Paneth cells have a lysozyme immunoreactivity restricted on the secretory granules. 3. Amount lysosomes containing myelin figures in the Paneth cells were significantly increased from 5th day after the common bile duct ligation. 4. Immunoreactivity of Paneth cell secretory granules were more activated on the 3rd day after the common bile duct ligation as compared with those of the normal animal. But the lysozyme immunoreactivity were decreased from the 5th day after the common bile duct ligation. 5. Considering the above finding, lysozyme contained Paneth cell are affected following of common bile duct ligation, whereas lysosomes containing myelin-figure do not exhibit any immunoreactive relationship with those of secretory granules.

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Study on Reduction of Microbial Contamination on Daruma by Combination Treatment of Strong Acidic Hypochlorous Water and Ultrasonic Waves (강산성차아염소산수와 초음파를 병용처리한 조미오징어 반가공품의 미생물 오염도 저감화에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Won-Hee;Ko, Jun-Soo;Shin, Il-Shik
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.166-172
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    • 2015
  • This study was performed to develop treatment method for reducing microbial contamination on Daruma (a semi-processed product of seasoned and dried squid) by combination of strong acidic hypochlorous water (SAHW) and ultrasonic waves (UW). The available chlorine concentration, oxidation reduction potential (ORP) and pH of SAHW were $69.67{\pm}0.58ppm$, $1071.33{\pm}4.16mV$ and 2.79, respectively. The 1.49 log CFU/g of viable cell count and 1.32 log CFU/g of Staphylococcus aureus was reduced, and Escherichia coli was reduced below detection limit when the Daruma was treated with 20 times (w/v) of sodium hypochlorite solution (SHS) for 120 min. The 3.62 log CFU/g of viable cell count and 3.22 log CFU/g of Staphylococcus aureus was reduced, and Escherichia coli was reduced below detection limit when the Daruma was treated with 20 times (w/v) of SAHW for 120 min. The antibacterial effects of SAHW were stronger than those of SHS at same available chroline concentration. SAHW treatment after washing strongly alkalic electrolyzed water (SAEW) showed better bactericidal effects than SAHW treatment only. The 4.0 log CFU/g of viable cell count was reduced, S. aureus was reduced below regulation limit (Log 2.0 CFU/g), and E. coli was reduced below detection limit when the Daruma was treated with 20 times (w/v) of SAHW for 90 min after washing with 20 times (w/v) of SAEW for 60 min. The viable cell number was reduced below detection limit and S. aureus was reduced below regulation limit when the Daruma was treated with 20 times (w/v) of SAHW for 60 min in ultrasonic washer. E. coli was reduced below detection limit when the Daruma was treated with 20 times (w/v) of SAHW for 10 min in ultrasonic washer. These results suggest that combination of SAHW and UW may be a good technique to reduce the microbial contamination in daruma.


  • Kim, Jin-Hee;Park, Jeong-Won;Park, Jin-Hoon;Kim, Sung-Kyo
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.570-577
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    • 1999
  • Intuitively, higher bond strengths should result in less leakage. However, the relationship between bond strengths and microleakage value is complex and not clearly understood. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between tensile bond strengths and microleakage values in the same restorations to understand the behavior of resin bonding to tooth structure. One-hundred and twenty enamel or dentin specimens from freshly extracted bovine mandibular incisors were used. The specimen was treated with 32% phosphoric acid for 15 seconds and rinsed for 20 seconds. the teeth were divided into four groups by means of wet bonding technique or dry bonding. One-Step$^{TM}$ adhesive were applied to the specimen. The specimens were immersed in 2% methylene blue solution for 7 days, and tensile bond strength and microleakage were measured. The results were as follows: 1. Significant negative correlation was found between bond strengths and micro leakage values. Hence, higher bond strengths seem to be associated with lower microleakage, and vice versa (r=-0 50, p<0.05). 2. The Enamel/Wet group showed significantly higher bond strength than Enamel/Dry one, and Dentin/Wet group showed higher strength than Dentin/Dry one (p<0.05). 3. Microleakage was significantly less ill wet bonding than in dry one at dentin (p<0.05), however, there was no significant difference between wet and dry bonding at enamel (p>0.05).

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Effect of Different Nutrient Solution and Light Quality on Growth and Glucosinolate Contents of Watercress in Hydroponics (배양액의 종류 및 광질이 물냉이의 생육 및 Glucosinolate 함량에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Jae Yun;Kim, Sung Jin;Bok, Kwon Jeong;Lee, Kwang Ya;Park, Jong Seok
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.371-380
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    • 2018
  • Aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different nutrient solutions and various light qualities generated by LED on the growth and glucosinolates contents of watercress (Nasturtium officinale) grown under hydroponics for 3 weeks. The seeds of watercress were sown on crushed rockwool media and raised them for two weeks. They were transplanted in a semi-DFT (deep flow technique) hydroponics system. A controlled-environment room was maintained at $20{\pm}1^{\circ}C$ and $16{\pm}1^{\circ}C$ temperatures and $65{\pm}10%$ and $75{\pm}10%$ relative humidity (day and night, respectively), with a provided photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of $180{\pm}10{\mu}mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1}$ and a photoperiod of 16/8h. To find out the best kinds of nutrient solutions for growing watercress, Otsuka House 1A (OTS), Horticultural Experiment Station in Korea (HES), and Netherland's Proefstaion voor Bloemisterij en Gasgroente (PBG) were adapted with initial EC of $1.0-1.3dS{\cdot}m^{-1}$ and pH of 6.2, irradiating PPFD with fluorescent lamps (Ex-1). Either monochromatic (W10 and R10) or mixed LEDs (R5B1, R3B1, R2B1G1, and W2B1G1) were irradiated with a differing ratio of each LED's PPFD to understanding light quality on the growth and glucosinolates contents of watercress (Ex-2). Although significant difference in the shoot growth of watercress was not found among three nutrient solutions treatments, but the root fresh weight increased by 13.7% and 55.1% in PBG and OTS compared to HES, respectively. OTS increased the gluconasturtiin content by 96% and 65% compared to PBG and HES. Compared with the white light (W10), the red light (R10) showed a 101.3% increase in the shoot length of watercress. Increasing blue light portion positively affected plant growth. The content of total glucosinolates in watercress was increased by 144.5% and 70% per unit dry weight in R3B1 treatment compared with R2B1G1 and W10 treatments, respectively. The growth and total glucosinolates contents of the watercress were highest under R3B1 among six light qualities.

Theoretical Research for Unmanned Aircraft Electromagnetic Survey: Electromagnetic Field Calculation and Analysis by Arbitrary Shaped Transmitter-Loop (무인 항공 전자탐사 이론 연구: 임의 모양의 송신루프에 의한 전자기장 반응 계산 및 분석)

  • Bang, Minkyu;Oh, Seokmin;Seol, Soon Jee;Lee, Ki Ha;Cho, Seong-Jun
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.150-161
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    • 2018
  • Recently, unmanned aircraft EM (electromagnetic) survey based on ICT (Information and Communication Technology) has been widely utilized because of the efficiency in regional survey. We performed the theoretical study on the unmanned airship EM system developed by KIGAM (Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral resources) as part of the practical application of unmanned aircraft EM survey. Since this system has different configurations of transmitting and receiving loops compared to the conventional aircraft EM systems, a new technique is required for the appropriate interpretation of measured responses. Therefore, we proposed a method to calculate the EM field for the arbitrary shaped transmitter and verified its validity through the comparison with analytic solution for circular loop. In addition, to simulate the magnetic responses by three-dimensionally (3D) distributed anomalies, we have adapted our algorithm to 3D frequency-domain EM modeling algorithm based on the edge-FEM (finite element method). Though the analysis on magnetic field responses from a subsurface anomaly, it was found that the response decreases as the depth of the anomaly increases or the flight altitude increases. Also, it was confirmed that the response became smaller as the resistivity of the anomaly increases. However, a nonlinear trend of the out-of-phase component is shown depending on the depth of the anomaly and the used frequency, that makes it difficult to apply simple analysis based on the mapping of the magnitude of the responses and can cause the non-uniqueness problem in calculating the apparent resistivity. Thus, it is a prerequisite to analyze the appropriate frequency band and flight altitude considering the purpose of the survey and the site conditions when conducting a survey using the unmanned aircraft EM system.

A Study on the Main Issue and Its Solution Explored through Mediation Cases - Focused on the Cases of Busan National Labor Relations Commission - (조정사건을 통해 살펴본 주요 쟁점사항과 해결방안에 대한 연구 - 부산지방노동위원회의 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Song, Kyung-Soo;Kim, Yong-Ho
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.253-292
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    • 2011
  • This study is significant of groping for the autonomous perspective of a medication system for the establishment of harmonious regional labor-management relationship and investigating a plan to minimize previously labor disputes through both analyzing mediation cases and finding out any core issue from the labor-management relationship, with matters experienced in the mediation field when I had served as a mediator. Specially, this study has also objectives to prevent previously any labor dispute through analyzing and minimizing the issue of the labor dispute by case and to establish harmonious labor-management relationship thereby. Further since it is necessary to understand the organization and roles of the regional labor relations commission in order to understand the concrete matters in respect of the labor dispute mediation, this study shall be to explore in detail the matters relating hereto and to acquire general knowledge of mediation through case analysis. Additionally, there is little studies exploring alternative research for the establishment of reasonable labor-management relationship with core issues referred a mediation to the labor relations commission through both the position heightening of the labor relations commission and the analysis of core issues until now. Thus, this study may provide a theoretical base for raising a technique to enhance negotiation skill through acquiring the previous training or full knowledge on the approaching manner to be taken by the labor and management in the collective bargaining or wage bargaining on the basis of items analyzed by core issue. The heightening perspectives to be acquired through the analysis of 50 or more mediation cases are as follows. First, it deems to be important what position each mediation party takes. Second, the information acquired by an investigator in the preliminary investigation before holding the mediation is very importantly utilized in the mediation. Third, the gumption of mediators in charge of the mediation is very helpful for the resolution of a case. Fourth, it shall be preceding to understand dispute issues. After reviewing fully the investigation report of an investigator, if separate review is required, it is tried to hold a separate meeting and then reduce the number of issues asserted by the labor & management and, if the number of such issues is reduced, the mediation may approach to be concluded. Fifth, it shall be kept in mind that any matter other than the scope of the law be based on not the judgement of mediator but the legal interpretation. Sixth, it is necessary for both labor and management parties to take a positive approach so as to make the healthy labor & management relationship anchored. Seventh, notwithstanding the mediators are part-time and take a service attitude, it shall be encouraged to abstain from slandering or inveighing against the mediators because the mediation is taken against oneself. Eighth, it is necessary to convert the management's recognition about a labor union. Ninth, it is necessary to not raise any issue on the matters, such as time-off system and multiple labor union, etc., which are legally enforced. Tenth, it is confirmed that the regional labor relations commission plays a bridge role of narrowing down the issue difference between the labor and management.

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