• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Policy

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The Professional Identity and Work of Culture and Education Program PD's of KBS-TV in the 1970's: Formation of Broadcasting Speciality, New Technologies, and 'Production Spirits' (1970년대 KBS 텔레비전 교양 피디의 직무와 직업 정체성: 방송 전문성 형성과 신기술, 그리고 '제작 정신')

  • Baek, Misook
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.60
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    • pp.125-149
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    • 2012
  • This study explores the formational process of KBS PD's professional identity in the 1970's, focusing on everyday work and workplace for program production. In terms of salary and social-cultural status, a television PD was not a desirable occupation in the 70's. Since the beginning of radio broadcasting, production of culture and education programs had been sub-categorized under Programming Division. Also, it has been claimed in several researches that in the 70's, the production of education and cultural programs had visibly grown owing to the political necessity of policy PR and campaigns, and the introduction of new broadcasting equipment and technologies for producing the mentioned political campaign programs. However, this study argues that the main force that led to such developments was the cultural practices and the production spirits of the KBS PD's. These PD's trained themselves in production workplace from the bottom by assisting film directors and learning from cameramen about the film making and post-production process. Moreover, in the transitional phase from film to magnetic tape recorder, they established themselves as main subjectivities of production by developing Division of Culture and Education as a specialized and independent sector. The "program production spirit and DNA" that evolved from the experiences of working in poor production environment served as a force for developing professional and self identity. However, the culture and education PD's of the 70's were still tied down to the limited roles of simply providing technological and productional 'professionalism' within the hegemonic structure of the strong state. As with the members of any other social domain at the time, PD's had restricted roles to play and putting in effort and competing to create better programs was the only 'freedom' that was allowed. This study argues that under such condition, KBS PD's implemented two strategies to construct their own professional identities: one was to distinguish themselves from official broadcasters, and the other was to distinguish themselves from commercial broadcasters. Unfortunately, ethical practice as a professional became nothing more than an issue of personal morality and broadcasting's public responsibility was lost under the shadows of commercial broadcasting.

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Designing female-oriented computer games: Emotional expression

  • Shui, Lin-Lin;Lee, Won-Jung
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.20
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2010
  • Recently, as the number of female players has increased rapidly, the electronic gaming industry has begun to look at ways to appeal to the largely untapped female market. According to the latest game market investigative report by China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), the total number of game players in China increased by 24.8% in 2009, reached 69,130,000 people, and 38.9% of them are female players. This growth in the number of female player is corroborated by a series of investigative reports from IResearch Company in Shanghai, China: from 2003 to 2009, the number of female players grew from 8% to more than 49%. Therefore, no matter how much attention the game production companies have given to male players or how they have ignored the female players before, the companies would be sensible to face up this reality and adjust their marketing policy a bit more. This article analyzes gender preferences in video games which shows that male players are more likely to be attracted to elements of aggression, violence, competition and fast action in electronic game-playing, while female players are drawn to emotional and social aspects of the games such as an understanding of character relationships. The literatures cited indicates that female players also show apparent preference for games with familiar environments, games that allow players to work together, games that have more than one way to win, and games in which characters do not die. It also discusses the characteristics of female-friendly games from the aspect of emotion, pointing out that the simulation games involving pet, dressing-up, and social simulation games are very popular with female players. Because these are the most suitable game types to fill with emotions of love, share, jealousy, superiority, mystery, these are absolutely attractive to female players. Finally, in accord with the above, I propose some principles of designing female-oriented games, including presenting a good-looking leading character, making the story interesting with "live" NPCs(Non-Playing Characters), and finding ways to satisfy female nature instincts such as taking care of others and the inborn interest of classifying and selecting.

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Mapping Categories of Heterogeneous Sources Using Text Analytics (텍스트 분석을 통한 이종 매체 카테고리 다중 매핑 방법론)

  • Kim, Dasom;Kim, Namgyu
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.193-215
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    • 2016
  • In recent years, the proliferation of diverse social networking services has led users to use many mediums simultaneously depending on their individual purpose and taste. Besides, while collecting information about particular themes, they usually employ various mediums such as social networking services, Internet news, and blogs. However, in terms of management, each document circulated through diverse mediums is placed in different categories on the basis of each source's policy and standards, hindering any attempt to conduct research on a specific category across different kinds of sources. For example, documents containing content on "Application for a foreign travel" can be classified into "Information Technology," "Travel," or "Life and Culture" according to the peculiar standard of each source. Likewise, with different viewpoints of definition and levels of specification for each source, similar categories can be named and structured differently in accordance with each source. To overcome these limitations, this study proposes a plan for conducting category mapping between different sources with various mediums while maintaining the existing category system of the medium as it is. Specifically, by re-classifying individual documents from the viewpoint of diverse sources and storing the result of such a classification as extra attributes, this study proposes a logical layer by which users can search for a specific document from multiple heterogeneous sources with different category names as if they belong to the same source. Besides, by collecting 6,000 articles of news from two Internet news portals, experiments were conducted to compare accuracy among sources, supervised learning and semi-supervised learning, and homogeneous and heterogeneous learning data. It is particularly interesting that in some categories, classifying accuracy of semi-supervised learning using heterogeneous learning data proved to be higher than that of supervised learning and semi-supervised learning, which used homogeneous learning data. This study has the following significances. First, it proposes a logical plan for establishing a system to integrate and manage all the heterogeneous mediums in different classifying systems while maintaining the existing physical classifying system as it is. This study's results particularly exhibit very different classifying accuracies in accordance with the heterogeneity of learning data; this is expected to spur further studies for enhancing the performance of the proposed methodology through the analysis of characteristics by category. In addition, with an increasing demand for search, collection, and analysis of documents from diverse mediums, the scope of the Internet search is not restricted to one medium. However, since each medium has a different categorical structure and name, it is actually very difficult to search for a specific category insofar as encompassing heterogeneous mediums. The proposed methodology is also significant for presenting a plan that enquires into all the documents regarding the standards of the relevant sites' categorical classification when the users select the desired site, while maintaining the existing site's characteristics and structure as it is. This study's proposed methodology needs to be further complemented in the following aspects. First, though only an indirect comparison and evaluation was made on the performance of this proposed methodology, future studies would need to conduct more direct tests on its accuracy. That is, after re-classifying documents of the object source on the basis of the categorical system of the existing source, the extent to which the classification was accurate needs to be verified through evaluation by actual users. In addition, the accuracy in classification needs to be increased by making the methodology more sophisticated. Furthermore, an understanding is required that the characteristics of some categories that showed a rather higher classifying accuracy of heterogeneous semi-supervised learning than that of supervised learning might assist in obtaining heterogeneous documents from diverse mediums and seeking plans that enhance the accuracy of document classification through its usage.

Timing and Risk Factors of Adoption for Legally-Free Foster Children after Having Parental Rights Terminated in the U. S. (미국 위탁아동의 친권상실선고 이후 입양 결정요인에 관한 생존분석)

  • Song, Min-Kyoung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.59 no.1
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    • pp.301-327
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the timing and the risk factors associated with the adoption of legally-free foster children. The sample of the study was drawn from foster care files of Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System(AFCARS) in 32 states between October 1998 (FY 1999) and September 2002(FY 2002). The timing post-TPR to adoption was examined by plotting the Kaplan-Meier cumulative hazard function for adoption and by plotting the KM hazard functions stratified by child's race and child's age at TPR. Cox proportional-hazards regression analysis was used to identify risk factors for adoption of legally-free foster children after TPR. The hazard of adoption was very low immediately after TPR but increased steadily starting at 3 months and then declined after 20 months. The cumulative hazard functions for White non-Hispanic children and Black non-Hispanic children crossed over at 13 months after TPR. Racial minority status, older age, and disability were negatively associated with the hazard of adoption. Physical abuse, sexual abuse had the lower hazard for adoption compared by neglect. Caretaker's inability to cope had the slightly lower hazard for adoption whereas inadequate housing showed the slightly greater hazard for adoption. Characteristics of foster care services turned into be powerful predictors of adoption. Specifically, legally-free children placed in pre-adoptive homes, those who shared the same racial/ethnic background with their foster caretakers, and those who were placed in two-parent families have a greater likelihood of adoption. The findings highlight the importance of foster care service provisions after TPR to facilitate adoption of legally-free foster children. Furthermore, a more substantial resources and targeted support for foster children who experience physical abuse and sexual abuse in need of adoption should be provided for moving the foster children into permanency.

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The Development and Features of Discussion about Community Design (커뮤니티디자인의 전개와 논의의 특징)

  • Kim, Yun-Geum;Reigh, Young-Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2012
  • This study was prompted by the recognition that the tenn "Community design" has recently been used in diverse practical fields without prior discussion about its underpinnings, a potentially problematic state of affairs. Based on these problems, this study studied the special quality about the concept of community design. Community design can be discussed from two perspectives. The first views community design as a design that concerns the community, an inhabited area populated with people who have common interests, at least in part because of geographic proximity to each other. The second sees community design as a movement that started in the 1960s and places a great importance on democratic decision making, communication, and collaboration. This study will focus on the latter. This branch of community design encompasses an advocacy planning approach, in which design professionals represent deprived communities in their resistance against comprehensive redevelopment. This was associated to the wider social protest movements of the mid and late 1960s. In the 1970s, this branch of community design was developed alongside community design centers, which provided local-level technical assistance to the communities on a number of issues, such as design and planning. The discussion about community design started in earnest from the early 1980s. A review of the literature m community design reveals several characteristics. First, community design deals with the relationship between the physical environment and several aspects of a region, including the social and cultural. Second, it involves community participation, which many scholars believe is the core of community design. Specifically, community design has been characterized by increased participation and democratic debate and decision making. The Third is about communication methods. Since the 1960s, diverse methods had been developed to promote communication effectively. Finally, community design must consider the relationship between designers, who typically value aesthetics and efficiency of form, and the needs of the community with which they are working. Indeed, some scholars believe that this relationship is generally contentious, although the designer can also be thought of as the facilitator of the community's needs. As community design practice becomes more prevalent, a review of the foundation of institution and policy and the role of experts is also needed. The community design movement bas been theorized ex post facto through diverse discussion that has sought to ascribe meaning and direction to its practice. In other words, the relationship between this theory and practice is cyclical. Therefore, this study can contribute to the virtuous circle.

A Study on Act on Certified Detective and Certified Detective Business (공인탐정 관련 법률(안)의 문제점과 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Bong-Soo;Choo, Bong-Jo
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.61
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    • pp.285-305
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    • 2019
  • In the bill of [Act on Certified Detective and Certified Detective Business] (hereinafter referred to as the Certified Detective Act) proposed and represented by the member of National Assembly, Lee Wan-Yong in 2017, the legislative point of view showed that various incidents and accidents, including new crimes, are frequently increasing as society develops and becomes more complex, however, it is not possible to solve all the incidents and accidents with the investigation force of the state alone due to manpower and budget, and therefore, a certified detective or private investigator are required. According to the decision of the Constitutional Court in June 2018, Article 40 (4) of the Act on the Use and Protection of Credit Information is concerned with 'finding the location and contact information of a specific person or investigating privacy other than commerce relations such as financial transactions' are prohibited. It is for the purpose of preventing illegal acts in the process of investigation such as the location, contact information, and the privacy of a specific person and protecting the privacy and tranquility of personal privacy from misuse and abuse of the personal information etc. Such 'privacy investigation business' currently operates in the form of self-employment business, which becomes a social issue as some companies illegally collect and provide such privacy information by using illegal cameras or vehicle location trackers and also comes to be the objects of clampdown of the investigative agency. Considering this reality, because it is difficult to find a resolution to materialize the legislative purpose of the Act on the use and protection of credit information other than prohibiting 'investigation business including privacy etc' and it is possible to run a similar type of business as a detective business in the scope that the laws of credit research business, security service business, the position of the Constitutional Court is that 'the ban on the investigations of privacy etc' does not infringe the claimant's freedom to choose a job. In addition to this decision, the precedent positions of the Constitutional Court have been that, in principle, the legislative regulation of a particular occupation was a matter of legislative policy determined by the legislator's political, economic and social considerations, unless otherwise there were any special circumstances, and. the Constitutional Court also widely recognized the legislative formation rights of legislators in the qualifications system related to the freedom of a job. In this regard, this study examines the problems and improvement plans of the certified detective system, focusing on the certified detective bill recently under discussion, and tries to establish a legal basis for the certified detective and certified detective business, in order to cultivate and institutionalize the certified detective business, and to suggest methodologies to seek for the development of the businesses and protect the rights of the people.

Some Instances of Manchurian Naturalization and Settlement in Choson Dynasty (향화인의 조선 정착 사례 연구 - 여진 향화인을 중심으로 -)

  • Won, Chang-Ae
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.37
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    • pp.33-61
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    • 2009
  • In the late Koryo period, until 14th century, there had been at least two groups of Manchurians who were conferred citizenships; one group was living as an original inhabitant in the coastal area of north­eastern part of Korean peninsular, long time ago, and they were over one thousand households. The other was coming down from inland, eastern part of Yoha River, to the area of Tuman River to settle down and they were at least around one hundred and sixty households, including such tribes as Al-tha-ry, Ol-lyang-hap, Ol-jok-hap and others. They were treated courteously, from the early days of Choson dynasty, with governmental policies in an economic, political, and social ways. They were given, for instance, a house, a land, household furniture, and clothes. They were allowed to get marry with a native Korean to settle down. They were educated how to cultivate their lands. It was also possible for them to be given an official position politically or allowed to take a National Civil Official Examination. The fact they could take such an Examination, in particular, means they were treated fairly and equally, because they also had a privilege to improve their social positions through the formal system as much as common people. Two typical families were scrutinized, in this paper, family Chong-hae Lee and family Chon-ju Ju. All of them were successful to settle down with different backgrounds each other. The former were from a headman, Lee Jee-ran, who controlled his tribe, over five hundred households. He was given three titles of a meritorious retainer at the founding of Chosun dynasty, at the retrieval of armies, and an enshrined retainer. His son, Lee Wha-yong, was also given a vassal of merit who kept a close tie successfully with the king's family through a marriage. Upon the foundation of their ancestors, their grandsons, family Lee Hyo-yang and family Lee Hyo-gang, each, had taken solid root as an aristocratic Yang-ban class. The former became a high officer family, generation by generation, while the latter changed into a civil official family through Civil Official Examinations. They lived mainly around Seoul, Kyong-gi Province and some lived in their original places, Ham-kyong Province. Chu-man, the first ancestor, was given a meritorious retainer at the founding of the dynasty and Chu-in was also given a high officer position from the government. They kept living at the original place, Ham-heung, Ham-kyong Province, and then became an outstanding local family there. They began to pass the Civil Official Examinations. After 17th century on the passers were 17 in Civil Official Examinations and 40 were passed in lower civil examinations. The positions in government they attained usually were remonstrance which position was prohibited particularly to North­Western people at that time. The Chosun dynasty was open to Machurians widely through the system of envoy, convoy, and naturalization. It was intended to build up an enclosure policy through a friendly diplomatic relation with them against any possible invasion from outside. This is one reason why they were supported fully that much in a various way.

Classifying Predominant Type and Examining Risk Factors for Recurrence of Child Maltreatment (아동학대사례의 잠재유형화와 유형별 재학대 위험요인)

  • Lee, Sang-Gyun;Lee, Bong Joo;Kim, Sewon;Kim, Hyun-Soo;Yoo, Joan P.;Jang, Hwa Jung;Chin, Meejung;Park, Ji-Myung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.171-208
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to classify the underlying and parsimonious types of child maltreatment and examine whether the effects of risk factors on child maltreatment recurrence differ by type of maltreatment. We utilized the multiyear national administrative data from the National Child Maltreatment Information System collected by Child Protection Agency in Korea. Of 26,921 child maltreatment victims reported and substantiated on or after January 1, 2012, 1,447 children who had recurrence of child maltreatment until December 31, 2015 were selected as maltreatment recurrence group and 4,580 children who had not experienced maltreatment since first substantiation were assigned as maltreatment non-recurrence group. Latent class analysis(LCA) and latent transition analysis(LTA) were used to group children with similar maltreatment subtypes into discrete classes of child maltreatment recurrence. Logistic regression is employed to examine the association between the child maltreatment predominant types and risk factors for recurrence. Results of LCA and LTA showed four latent classes representing predominant type of child maltreatment: 'physical abuse predominant type', 'emotional abuse predominant type', 'sexual abuse predominant type', and 'neglect type'. Significant differences in the effect of risk factors among latent classes were found in child's age and gender, perpetrator's gender, family poverty, biological parent as the perpetrator, domestic violence toward partner, perpetrator's alcoholic problem, insufficient parenting skills, and out-of-home care service, Based on these findings, results suggested how the typology can be used to guide decision about who to target in prevention and intervention programs, and which features of risk factors to target. Practice and policy implications as well as further research tasks were discussed in the lights of searching for useful and important strategies to prevent recurrence of child maltreatment.

The Effect of Alcohol Availability on Drinking Behavior : A Multilevel Analysis on Urban Regions (알코올가용성이 음주행태에 미치는 영향: 도시지역을 대상으로 한 다수준 분석)

  • Kwon, RIA;Shin, Sangsoo;Shin, Young-jeon
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.125-163
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    • 2018
  • Social and health problems related to drinking are serious. Drinking behavior is affected not only by personal factors but also by environment factors. The purpose of this study is to find out how the alcoholic beverage stores in community influence the drinking behaviors of individuals after adjusting the individual level variables and provide it as basic data for alcohol related regulatory policies. In order to identify the factors affecting drinking behavior, we conducted a multilevel logistic regression analysis with high-risk drinking and current drinking as dependent variables. Individual-level data provided by 2015 community health survey from respondents of urban residents, and regional level data provided by the National Statistical office. The variables such as age, education level, and income level were used as individual level variables and the number of basic living allowances, divorce rate, and the number of pubs were used as community level variables. According to the research results, after controlling all variables, the number of bar, retail per $1km^2$ in residential area effect on current drinking. But, they are not effect on high risk drinking. In the high risk drinking, only the divorce rate effect on drinking behavior. As a result of the stratified analysis, there was no difference in the current drinking. But, it shows that the higher the number of retail stores and the total alcohol availability, the higher risk drinking behavior in the 60s. The results of this study suggest that policies aimed not only on individuals but also on the local environment are necessary.

A Study on the Principles of "Restoration of Historic Condition or Preservation of Existing Condition" in China - Focused on Liangsicheng's Conservation Theory - (중국의 '원상회복 혹은 현상보존' 수리원칙에 관한 연구 - 양사성의 수리원칙을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Joung-Ah
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.62-79
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    • 2017
  • The principle of repairing the architectural heritage in China was first presented by Liangsicheng of Society for Research in Chinese Architecture in the 1930s, and it was stated as "Restoration of Historic Condition or Preservation of Existing Condition" in 1961 in the "Provisional Regulations on the Protection and Management of Cultural Relics" after various repair experiences under the social and political background of the 1950s. Restoration of historic condition generally means restoration to original shape, and because architectural heritage was often repaired based on similar principle in Korea and Japan in the early and mid 20th century, it can be said that the restoration of historic condition was a universal and leading principle in this period in Northeast Asia. In China, however, the preservation of existing condition is equally specified along with the restoration of historic condition. When considering the leading trend of the time, it seems to be rather unexpected, which leads to questions about the formation process and meaning. The research on Liangsicheng, which first suggested the principle of repair, is very important, but there is a lack of three-dimensional analysis of his principles compared with active research on international principles in China. In order to understand the process of formation and its meaning of the principle of repair in China, we first need to analyze the principle proposed by Liangsicheng, and it is necessary to comprehensively examine how the principle have changed under the social background surrounding architectural heritage conservation after the founding of the People's Republic of China(PRC). In this paper, we first show that Liangsicheng has proposed a principle of restoration of historic condition with important values in the originality, and at the same time he opened the possibility of preservation of existing condition for the result of value judgment or realistic reason. In addition, we examine the process of equalizing preservation of existing condition with a restoration of historic condition as a realistic principle due to the influence of Soviet architectural heritage conservation system and Chinese economic development oriented policy after the founding of PRC.