• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Interaction

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A Study on Health Seeking Behavior - Focused on Shopping-Around Phenomenon in Banwol-Eup Residents (일부(一部) 지역사회(地域社會) 주민(住民)의 의료(醫療) 행태(行態)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 반월읍(半月邑) 주민(住民)의 Shopping-around 현상(現象)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Choi, Young-Teak;Lee, Eun-Il;Kim, Hyo-Joong
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.44-54
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    • 1986
  • This study was aimed at investigating the health seeking behaviors of patients; For the purpose of analyzing the research theme we classified the study into two phase. First, the types of patients' health seeking behavior were categorized into a scheme according to what medical care resources were utilized in patients' coping process. Second, from patients' first visits to third visits to medical resources, we analyzed variations of factors which noted as crucial elements in constituting the patients' sickness career. To grasp the generalized characteristics from complicated empirical data, we limited the scope of our analysis to third stage of health seeking. A total of 121 persons who had beer suffering from chronic diseases more than 3 months was sampled among the residents of Banwol-Eup, the target Area of Korea University Health Project. The findings are as follows ; 1) In the course of visiting medical care resources, 34 different types of health seeking Behavior were found. From this result we inferred the idea that patients in Banwol-Eup had not any stable norms to cope with their pains. Clinics, hospital, pharmacy, Herb-doctors', folkways (self-treatment) were accessed by patients in orders. But more than half of patients who had utilized clinics or hospitals from their first to third visits, changed medical care resources to others, for example herb doctors or folkways, which had fundamentally different treatment models. Upon these two facts, the diversified types and capricious patterns in the health seeking behavior of Banwol patients, we observed a typical Shopping-Around phenomenon. 2) Factors which influenced patients' to their sickness career were changed along the courses of health seeking, from first to third visits as follows ; $\cdot$ Perceived seriousness of diseases were tended to decrease. $\cdot$ Professional medical personnel tended to be influencial in the patients' sickness career, (5.0%, 25.0% and 65.7%). The influence of the primary interaction groups such as parents, friends, neighbours, tended to decrease ; (90.9%, 71.2% and 30.0%). $\cdot$ The subjective reasons why to choose such a medical care resource were related to economic affordability and disease-itself as main motives. Credibility of health resources tended to increase 14.9%, 24.0% and 31.4 sequently. $\cdot$ Geographic accessibility factors did not change significantly. Most of patients had utilized health resources in Banwol and Anyang area. 3) Cultural inclination in the shopping-around phenomenon has shown difference among age groups. The age group' over 50 years' preferred traditional health resources to modern health resources. 4) Consistency of health seeking behavior on the shopping around phenomenon has shown difference according to the degrees of patients' economic affordability and those of psychological satisfaction toward modern health services. However, there were some restrictions in this thesis ; a) the study was limited to the 3rd health seeking career so it did not allow us to collect more informations after that, b) the study was not able to carry out causal analysis on patients health behavior determinated by explanatory model of health resources, and c) the study was not able to take into consideration of factors connected with social structural circumstances. Despite of restrictions described above, we are sure that this thesis would promote health providers' understanding toward patients' inclinations, through which they could provide efficient and accurate medical service.

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Costume Consumption Culture for Costumeplay (코스튬플레이 의상 소비문화)

  • Jang, Nam-Kyung;Park, Soo-Kyung;Lee, Joo-Young
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.5 s.67
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    • pp.203-212
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    • 2006
  • With interests and participation in the costumeplay that mimics characters appeared on carton or animation in recent days, the costumeplay becomes one of cultural phenomena. Using a qualitative research method, this study identified costumeplayers' costume consumption pattern and explored its meanings from the perspective of consumption culture. Indeed, this study intended to help for understanding costumeplayer group as a consumer, and to provide basic knowledge about new market analysis related to fashion design and marketing. The results from the analyzing participant observation and in-depth interviews data are as follows: first, costumeplayers usually begin costumeplay by friends' invitations or by themselves and then continue on participating. Through the costumeplay, participants have benefits such as fun, departure from the daily life, and social interaction. Second, participants acquire costumes through purchase, rent, producing or combination of daily wear, but both purchase and rent account high. Third, the meanings of consumption culture in costumeplay include consumption behavior repeating possession and disposal. Also, costumeplayers concerns efficiency when purchasing or renting the costumes, and internet is a place where information search, comparison, and actual purchasing are occurred. Based on the results, fashion design and marketing implication, limitation of this study and further research ideas were suggested.

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A Study on the Design of Memorial in the Design Competition for Donghak Peasant Revolution Memorial Park (동학농민혁명 기념공원 설계공모에 나타난 메모리얼 설계 경향)

  • Lee, Jin-Wook;Sung, Jong-Sang;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.66-79
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    • 2017
  • In 2014, a Donghak Peasant Revolution Memorial Park design competition was held with various forms and techniques to convey mourning. This is a process of the reconsideration of memorial projects that are used to stimulate the collective memory and it is a meaningful resource for examining the consciousness of contemporary designers in regards to the memorial designs that are currently under planning in Korea. This study investigated the background of the Donghak commemorative projects that took place at the same site in a timely manner and analyzed the design competition through the existing literature research. Through this, it was seen that the memorial, which was formed by means of past political purposes, has changed into a way to collect various opinions and forms through open design competition. A framework of analysis prepared through multi-layer analysis is daily use, interaction and spontaneity, abstraction, temporality, locality, integration and harmony with surroundings. The results of this study are as follows. First, in order to convey memorial commemoration in everyday life, the projects organized scattered memorial spaces with special characteristics and linked them with daily activities program. Second, the projects used direct participation and emotional experiences to interact with monuments. Third, color, vertical elements, clustering, and park frame manipulation were used for abstract reproduction. Fourth, the projects introduce architecture and furniture that can be changed and plants for temporal change. Fifth, the previous terrain was restored and the setting of the scene was reproduced in order to make the site a space with place. Sixth, to improve the connection with existing monuments, the projects used techniques such as relaxation and the reinforcement of circulation lines and axes. Seventh, a path and a building conforming to the terrain were arranged for harmony with the surroundings.

An Empirical Study on Influence of Venture Preparation on Business Performance of Initial Venture Foundation: Focused on The Effect of Controlling The Period of Venture Preparation (창업준비성이 창업초기기업 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구: 창업준비기간의 조절효과 중심)

  • Oh, jaiwoo;Lee, Donghyung;Kang, Jinkyu
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2015
  • Although recent policies and regulations in Korea strongly advocate and encourage cultivation of venture foundations, studies on venture foundation and success are very limited and often primarily focus on entrepreneurship or individual quality as a venture founder in addition to such studies' validity in question. Therefore, this study primarily focuses on venture preparation process which is subject to venture founder's effort to verify the policy effectiveness in the relationship between venture preparation and business performance. Major goal of this study is to reduce social cost of venture failure by suggesting systematic policy support for venture foundations and analyzing the relationship between following variables: first, venture preparation and financial performance, second, venture preparation and non-financial performance, and third, venture preparation and business performance. 400 initial venture foundations less than 5 years are selected from KISED(Korea Institute Startup & Entrepreneurship Development) trend analysis to carry out statistical analysis using SPSS 18.0. To organize the data features, frequency analysis as well as descriptive statistics are performed to verify the hypothesis. As a result, sub-factors in measurement of venture preparation which are venture education period, venture benefit, and experience of incubating organization are selected as independent variables. Likewise, sub-factors in measurement of business performance which are financial performance and non-financial performance are used as dependent variables. To validate interactive effect, venture preparation period is selected as control variable to perform hierarchical regression analysis. The analysis result verifies that venture benefit has positive influence on financial and non-financial performance while venture education period has positive influence on non-financial influence and experience of incubating organization has negative influence on non-financial performance without influence on financial performance. In addition, interaction of venture preparation period has positive influence solely between venture benefit and non-financial performance. Through this study, appropriate supporting plans depending on the level of venture preparation can be derived to improve business performance of initial venture foundations for policy designer of venture support, and quality rather than quality improvement of venture businesses is possible through investigation of structural issues of individual venture businesses. Ultimately, this study suggests venture founders to determine whether to focus on venture preparation process or to start a venture business.

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An Ethnographic Study about Taegyo Practice in Korea (태교 실천에 대한 일상생활 기술적 연구)

  • 김현옥
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.411-422
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is twofold : (i) to investigate how much effort the married couples are making for the good health of both the pregnant woman and her unborn child from the time of their marriage to and during the period of conception : and (ii) to comprehensive investigate socio-cultural back-grounds which affect prenatal effort. Result of this study provide a basis for the prenatal care program which will be appropriate to our culture. This study has been done by the ethnographic research method. The subjects of this study are 53 people in all consisting of 33 pregnant women and 20 husbands. In order to investigate socio-cultural factors which influence Taegyo, producers of Taegyo music were interviewed. In addition the researcher surveyed the markets of Taegyo music, participated in special courses of prenatal education, analyzed the content of the books and periodicals dealing with Taegyo, and collected the concept of Taegyo distributed by the mass media. The full-fledged study continued for eight months from February to August.1996. The data were analyzed as soon as they were collected. Spradly's(1979, 1980) developmental, sequential method of domain analysis. taxonomic analysis, componential analysis, and theme analysis in this order was adopted as the procedure of analyzing the data. To obtain the exactness of study, Sandelowski's (1986) four criteria, that is, Credibility, Fittingness, Auditability, and Confirmability were applied to all stages of data collection, data analysis, the interpretation of the result, and the description of the result. The following are the result : 1. The couples' Taegyo at the stage of preconception was related to their physical, psychological, spiritual conditions under which a healthy baby will be born. Specific methods they prefer are : "the choice of one's spouse." "physical check-up," "physical good health, " "praying, " and so on. 2. When the marriod couple have sex in order to conceive, their Taegyo was related to the imposition of their physical, psychological, and environmental conditions. Specific methods they prefer are : "having sex at specific time, " "having sex in nice place." "to purify their minds while having sex," and so on. 3. The married couples' Taegyo while they are in pregnancy was related to the imposition of their physical. psychological, emotionmental. environmental, social and spiritual conditions. Specific methods they prefer are : "listening to music. " "reading," "looking at beautiful things only," "to avoid looking at or listening to bad things." "to eat food in good shape, " "to avoid drugs," "eating Korean herbal medicine." "sexual abstinence," "to avoid dangerous places," "to keep emotional tranquility," "moderate exercises and rest." "leading a pure life." "praying." "being aware of their words and behavior." "for the couple to keep a good relationship." "interaction with their unborn child," "to support Taegyo for pregnant women," and so on. 4. The married couple put Taegyo into practice on the basis of the following principles : the principle of respecting an unborn child, the principle of forming a good disposition. the principle of top-down parental love, the principle of synergy between a pregnant woman and her unborn child, the principle of expecting a good child, the principle of forming a good habit, and the principle of acquiring a parental role. 5. The practice of Taegyo is influenced by such factors as the married couple, the supporting system, and the mass media. As the husband -and-wife factor, their information of Taegyo, the degree of importance is assigned to their characters, their time to spare, their healthiness, the age of pregnant woman, their conception plan, their religion, their belief of the Taegyo effects, and the birth of a baby in this order. The factor of the supporting system consists of her husband's support, her family support, and her neighbor's support. The mass media factors include the broadcasting media, books specialized in Taegyo, periodicals for pregnant women, booklets for advertizing powdered milk, Taegyo music of record manufacturing companies, and the teaching materials for gifted children. Among these the mass media is especially taking advantage of Taegyo as its main source of economic profits are leading the public behavior pattern to a prodigal one. Taegyo is a self-control behavior which requires practice for the following : the physical and psychological good health of the pregnant woman and her unborn child, the development of the unborn child's good character, the development of the unborn child's intelligence and talents, the expectation of the unborn child's good features. shape a good habit, the expectation of the unborn child's bright future, and the learning of a parental role, the expectation of male birth. Above all it is a type of our good cultural tradition which pursues a value higher than the one that the prenatal care does. The principles of pregnancy care inherent in the habit of Taegyo will provide us a guideline for the development of the prenatal care.

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Occupational Demands and Educational Needs in Korean Librarianship (한국적 도서관학교육과정 연구)

  • Choi Sung Jin;Yoon Byong Tae;Koo Bon Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.12
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    • pp.269-327
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    • 1985
  • This study was undertaken to meet more fully the demands for improved training of library personnel, occasioned by the rapidly changing roles and functions of libraries as they try to adapt to the vast social, economic and technological changes currently in progress in the Korean society. The specific purpose of this research is to develop a standard curriculum at the batchelor's level that will properly equip the professional personnel in Korean libraries for the changes confronting them. This study started with the premise that to establish a sound base for curriculum development, it was necessary first to determine what concepts, knowledge, and techniques are required for professional library personnel to perform it at an optimal level of efficiency. Explicitly, it was felt that for the development of useful curricula and courses at the batchelor's level, a prime source of knowledge should be functional behaviours that are necessary in the job situation. To determine specifically what these terminal performance behaviours should be so that learning experience provided could be rooted in reality, the decision was reached to use a systems approach to curriculum development, which is an attempt to break the mold of traditional concepts and to approach interaction from an open, innovative, and product-oriented perspective. This study was designed to: (1) identify what knowledge and techniques are required for professional library personnel to perform the job activities in which they are actually engaged, (2) to evaluate the educational needs of the knowledge and techniques that the professional librarian respondents indicate, and (3) to categorise the knowledge and techniques into teaching subjects to present the teaching subjects by their educational importance. The main data-gathering instrument for the study, a questionnaire containing 254 items, was sent to a randomly selected sample of library school graduates working in libraries and related institutions in Korea. Eighty-three librarians completed and returned the questionnaire. After analysing the returned questionnaire, the following conclusions have been reached: (A) To develop a rational curriculum rooted in the real situation of the Korean libraries, compulsory subjects should be properly chosen from those which were ranked highest in importance by the respondents. Characters and educational policies of, and other teaching subjects offered by, the individual educational institution to which a given library school belongs should also be taken into account in determining compulsory subjects. (B) It is traditionally assumed that education in librarianship should be more concerned with theoretical foundations on which any solution can be developed than with professional needs with particulars and techniques as they are used in existing library environments. However, the respondents gave the former a surprisingly lower rating. The traditional assumption must be reviewed. (C) It is universally accepted in developing library school curricula that compulsory subjects are concerned with the area of knowledge students generally need to learn and optional subjects are concerned with the area to be needed to only those who need it. Now that there is no such clear demarcation line provided in librarianship, it may be a realistic approach to designate subjects in the area rated high by the respondents as compulsory and to designate those in the area rated low as optional. (D) Optional subjects that were ranked considerably higher in importance by the respondents should be given more credits than others, and those ranked lower might be given less credits or offered infrequently or combined. (E) A standard list of compulsory and optional subjects with weekly teaching hours for a Korean library school is presented in the fourth chapter of this report.

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An Exploratory Study on Measuring Brand Image from a Network Perspective (네트워크 관점에서 바라본 브랜드 이미지 측정에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Jung, Sangyoon;Chang, Jung Ah;Rho, Sangkyu
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.33-60
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    • 2020
  • Along with the rapid advance in internet technologies, ubiquitous mobile device usage has enabled consumers to access real-time information and increased interaction with others through various social media. Consumers can now get information more easily when making purchase decisions, and these changes are affecting the brand landscape. In a digitally connected world, brand image is not communicated to the consumers one-sidedly. Rather, with consumers' growing influence, it is a result of co-creation where consumers have an active role in building brand image. This explains a reality where people no longer purchase products just because they know the brand or because it is a famous brand. However, there has been little discussion on the matter, and many practitioners still rely on the traditional measures of brand indicators. The goal of this research is to present the limitations of traditional definition and measurement of brand and brand image, and propose a more direct and adequate measure that reflects the nature of a connected world. Inspired by the proverb, "A man is known by the company he keeps," the proposed measurement offers insight to the position of brand (or brand image) through co-purchased product networks. This paper suggests a framework of network analysis that clusters brands of cosmetics by the frequency of other products purchased together. This is done by analyzing product networks of a brand extracted from actual purchase data on Amazon.com. This is a more direct approach, compared to past measures where consumers' intention or cognitive aspects are examined through survey. The practical implication is that our research attempts to close the gap between brand indicators and actual purchase behavior. From a theoretical standpoint, this paper extends the traditional conceptualization of brand image to a network perspective that reflects the nature of a digitally connected society.

Effects of Educational Programs Utilizing Forests on Maladjusted Behavior of Mentally Retarded Students (숲을 활용한 교육이 정신지체학생의 부적응행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Kyoung-Lee;Sim, Woo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.64-79
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    • 2010
  • Students with intellectual disabilities typically have great difficulties communicating their needs and wants and may get frustrated, anxious or show signs of aggressive behaviour. They are often unable to understand the concept of relationships with other people as well. This lack of social communication and interaction leads to poor motivation which increases other areas of difficulty in their lives. Therefore, to teach students with intellectual disabilities, it is essential to find special teaching methods to support their positive behavior. This paper proposes that special educational curriculum for students with intellectual impairments utilize natural environments(forests) and materials. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Educational Programs Utilizing Forests on maladjusted behavior of students with mental retardation and to examine the positive effects of such planning practices. The subjects were middle school students who attended a special school for mentally-retarded students. They were divided into two separate groups- an experimental group and a control group. All subjects received the pre and post test using the same method. This program was applied to the formal educational process of middle school from March 1st to October 30th, 2009. In this experiment the results indicate that the effect of using a natural environment(forest) and the materials within a formal educational curriculum was positive as a type of horticultural therapy and that it supports positive behavior strategies in students with intellectual impairments. The usage of various natural materials including plants and flowers within the natural environments provide students with increased opportunities to participate. Teaching methods including natural materials help teachers engage with their students more easily during routine activities as their interest is already stimulated. This project will help students with intellectual impairments to build skills which enable effective participation and increase independence throughout their lives. This should be embedded into both routine and planned activities of the classroom Also, it offers a needed interior plan for the treatment space through an analysis of psychological factors of how the environment affects students.

A Study on the Effect of SMEs' Organizational Culture and Self-Efficacy on Job Crafting and Job Satisfaction (소기업의 조직문화와 자기효능감이 잡 크래프팅과 직무만족도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Keun Soo;Heo, Ghul Moo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.109-124
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    • 2021
  • This study tried to verify the causal relationship that SMEs' organizational culture and self-efficacy would affect job crafting and job satisfaction. Unlike previous domestic studies that have been studied for organizational culture at the organizational level and self-efficacy at the individual level, this study tried to verify the interaction between job crafting and job satisfaction using different mechanisms as antecedent factors. In order to verify the research model of this study, questionnaires of 144 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) workers located in Seoul and metropolitan areas were analyzed. Factor analysis and correlation analysis were performed to verify the reliability and validity of the research model on the relationship between variables, and empirical analysis was performed using regression analysis and mediation effect analysis to verify the hypothesis. The results of the study were first, that organizational culture and self-efficacy had a positive (+) effect on job crafting. On the other hand, relationship-oriented culture and hierarchical-oriented culture, which are sub-factors of organizational culture, were found to be insignificant. Second, organizational culture and self-efficacy were found to have a positive (+) effect on job satisfaction. On the other hand, it was found that market-oriented culture and hierarchical-oriented culture, which are sub-factors of organizational culture, were not significant. Third, job crafting was found to have a positive (+) effect on job satisfaction. On the other hand, it was found that the sub-factors of job crafting, disruptive job demands and social job resources, were not significant. This means that organizational culture partially affects job crafting and job satisfaction of SMEs, and job crafting also partially affects job satisfaction. The implications of this study are first, suggesting the meaning of SME organizational culture for stable and efficient human resource management for SMEs suffering from low productivity and high turnover rate. Second, it was meaningful to understand the possibility of introducing job crafting as an effective job management plan for SMEs. Third, in the current situation where there are few cases of practical introduction of job crafting, research on understanding job crafting for SMEs and improving job satisfaction is thought to be helpful in improving the productivity of SMEs.

Structuration of Space Change due to Planning and Leisure Activities in Hangang River Park - Focused on the Hangang River Park in Yeouido from the 1970s to the 2000s - (여가 활동 공간으로서 여의도 한강공원 공간변화의 구조화 - 1970년대부터 2000년대까지 여의도 한강공원의 여가 활동과 계획을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Han-Sol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.13-27
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    • 2019
  • This study shows the changes in the space created by the planning and leisure activities of Hangang River Park, focusing on the Yeouido portion of the Hangang River Park, which has the most users and the greatest degree of planning. The relationship between planning, behavior, and space changes are explained based on Giddens's Structural Theory. As research material, Hangang River Park plans and satellite photos were interpreted and newspaper articles were used to identifying the space changes and their causes, and a model of the space changes was derived through the application of the theory. The flow of space change in the Yeouido portion of the Hangang River Park due to planning and leisure activities is as follows. In the 1970s, the first sports spaces are made due to need from residents near the riverside, but huge plans for the utilization of the entire space were not realized. In the 1980s, leisure spaces were planned and developed through a comprehensive plan. Various sports spaces were built, but the environment of the spaces became a slum. In the 1990s, various leisure activities were revitalized due to the revision of the legal system, regulations on the usage of space, and space maintenance, and from the late 1990s, ecological issues arose along the Hangang River. In the 2000s, there was an overall space improvement project directed by two comprehensive plans, and cultural and ecological issues appeared in the Hangang River Park plans. However, actual leisure spaces were developed along with the promotion of large-scale activities. Regarding the structuration theory, elements of interaction, modality, and structure are the aspects of space changes in the Yeouido portion Hangang River Park. As the flow of the space change, the proportions of the comprehensive plan and the individual plans were similar. The comprehensive plan was influenced by the change of public businesses and the proliferation of large-scale activities. Individual plans were influenced by the user's activities and opinions. However, both plans were influenced by the users and suppliers. The leisure space of the Hangang River Park can be viewed as a social space, in terms of the structuring as a theory due to the user repeatedly changing the use of the space. The purpos of this study is to investigate the changes in the Hangang River Park space through planning and leisure activities. Through this study, we can understand the characteristics of the Hangang River Park in planning the leisure activity space.