• Title/Summary/Keyword: Social Comparison Theory

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The Effects of the Models in Ads on Buying Intention, Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction of College Women (패션 제품 광고 모델이 여대생의 구매의도, 자존심 및 신체 만족에 미치는 효과)

  • Chung Myung-Sun
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.14 no.3 s.62
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    • pp.514-527
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    • 2006
  • It can be said that the ultimate goal of advertising is creating consumers' buying intention and buying behavior toward advertised goods. But literature suggests that ads have both intended and unintended consequences, and one of the unintended consequences is that the idealized images of physical attractiveness found in advertising have negative impact on girls' and womens' self-perceptions. Thus, this study, using social comparison theory as a framework, was designed to investigate the influences of the images of models in ads portrayed in TV and fashion magazines on the purchasing intention, self-esteem and body satisfaction of college women. Using an experimental stimulus, a moving picture representing thin and attractive models in the context of advertising fashion goods, two conditions were manipulated and the subjects were placed into one of two groups randomly, the experiment group and the control group. The experiment group only was exposed to the ads portraying highly attractive models. Data were collected from two groups using same questionnaire. The data were analyzed using t-test, two-way ANOVA, and descriptive statistics. The findings were as follows: 1. The thin and attractive image of models in ads on buying intention had significant positive influence on buying intention(p<.05). 2. The thin and attractive image of models in ads had significant negative influences on self-esteem(p<.05). 3. The thin and attractive image of models in ads had significant negative influence on body satisfaction(p<.05). 4. The ideal body internalization had significant negative influences on body satisfaction(p<.05), but interaction effect of model's image and ideal body internalization on body satisfaction was not significant.

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Comparison on Predictive Model of Intention to Use Smartphones through iPhone User: Centered on TAM, TPB & Integrated Model (아이폰 이용자를 통해 본 스마트폰의 이용의도 예측모형 비교: 기술수용모형(TAM), 계획된 행동이론(TPB) 및 통합모형을 중심으로)

  • Joo, Jihyuk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2013
  • After introducing iPhone in Korea, the craze for iPhone was perceived to be extraordinaire phenomenon and the mobile businesses and researchers paid attention to it. This research purposes to explore more predictive model that explain to adopt the smartphones in Korea. This research show that all of models, TPB, TAM and the integrated model, are significant to explain intention to use the smartphones. TPB explains the higher than TAM, and the integrated model explains the slightly higher than TPB. These results suggest that researcher explore and build the more predictive model that comprise social influences and personal attributes than TAM that is employed broad to study new information communication systems and devices.

The Effects of the Corporate Association on Corporate Trust and Attitude: Focusing on Comparison of Corporate Type (기업 연상이 기업신뢰와 기업태도에 미치는 영향: 기업유형 비교를 중심으로)

  • Sin, Bum-Sik;Fang, Guang-Zhu;Kim, Yu-Kyung;Park, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.87-101
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    • 2014
  • The theory of customer-based brand equity emphasizes the importance of brand awareness and brand image or associations in building a strong brand. Marketing scholars have recently begun to identify the two types of corporate associations, that is, corporate ability(CA) and corporate social responsibility(CSR) associations, which had long been conceptualized as a unidimensional construct of corporate image in the literature. In line with the new research stream, I'm developed a research model concerning how CA and CSR associations are related to credibility-based and benevolence-based trust, which in turn will affect emotional trust and consumer attitudes toward company. As for the hypothesized paths, the results confirm that all of the them are supported(H1-H6). First, CA associations have a significant positive relationship with credibility-based trust, and CSR associations are positively related to benevolence-based trust. Second, both dimensions of trust show strong and positive influences on emotional trust. In addition, credibility-based trust directly affect attitude toward firm in the foreign company. But credibility-based trust not affect attitude toward firm in the domestic company.

A Survey on the Parents' Perceptions of and Attitudes toward Game Use among Teenagers in Korea (청소년 게임이용에 대한 학부모의 인식 조사 연구)

  • Hoon-Seok Choi;Joung Soon Ryong;Kyo-Heon Kim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.435-459
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    • 2011
  • The present study explored Korean parents' perceptions of and behavior toward game use among teenagers in Korea. A total of 600 Korean mothers of teenagers residing in Seoul and five other metropolitan areas participated in the survey. The survey was constructed based on five categories of variables, including the overall perception of games and game use, specific attitudes toward game use, cognitions about and attitudes toward game addiction, factors predicting parental monitoring of children's game use, and views and opinions about what needs to be done to promote healthy game cultures as well as to prevent problematic game use among teenagers in Korea. Results indicate that the respondents' overall perceptions of and attitudes toward games and game use are negative. In contrast, attitudes toward game use of the respondent's own child are contingent upon various comparison standards. Results also indicate that the respondents tend to overestimate the possibility that their own child is addicted to games, and their perceptions of game addiction are based on a narrow range of behavioral symptoms. Additional analyses indicate that parental monitoring of teenagers' game use can be predicted by the theoretical model driven from Ajzen(1991)'s theory of planned behavior. Finally, results also indicate that, in order to deal with the problems associated with teenagers' game use, proactive approaches to promote healthy game cultures as well as various initiatives to prevent problematic game use are necessary. Implications of the findings and future direction were discussed.

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The Reciprocal Relationship between Cognitive Functioning and Depressive Symptom : Group Comparison by Gender (노년기 인지기능과 우울증상의 상호 관계에 관한 연구: 성별 차이를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hyun Joo;Kahng, Sang Kyoung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.179-203
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of the study is 1) to investigate the reciprocal relationship between cognitive functioning and depressive symptoms and 2) to examine whether there is gender difference in this mutual relationship. The uniqueness of the current study is in its investigation on the simultaneous reciprocal relationship between cognitive functioning and depressive symptoms, which is different from previous studies examining unidirectional relationship. Subjects were 3,511 individuals aged 65 and over who participated in the first and second wave of Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Non-recursive structural equation modeling identified the reciprocal relationship between cognitive functioning and depressive symptoms, with poorer cognitive functioning leading to higher depressive symptoms and higher depressive symptoms resulting in poorer cognitive functioning. Multi-group analysis showed the gender difference in the relationship between cognitive functioning and depressive symptoms. Specifically, cognitive functioning was the significant predictor of depressive symptoms for females, whereas the depressive symptoms was the significant predictor of cognitive functioning for males. These findings indicate that the reciprocal relationship and gender difference should be considered when we development practice implications for prevention and treatment related to depression and cognitive functioning. Based on these findings, implications for theory and practice were discussed.

A Study on the Intention to Use Biometric Authentication When Using Mobile Easy Payment Service: Focusing on the Comparison of Experienced and Non-Experienced Persons (모바일 간편결제 서비스 이용 시 생체인증 사용의도에 관한 연구: 경험자와 비경험자 비교를 중심으로)

  • Jae-Seung Ju;Won-Boo Lee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2021
  • In the newly encountered economy caused by the Corona virus Disease-19, remote transaction becomes a new normal that disrupt traditional economic order. In the middle of the disruption, mobile tech is placed and remote finance on mobile is highly noticed and considered as an infra-tech to support the new ecology, In mobile finance. remote payment is becoming the most common service and personal identification on it is critical to operate the new service. There are various means of remotely identifying a person. Recently the use of biometric information is increasing. In this study, a correlation analysis was conducted on factors that effects to biometrics usage and the intention to use in remote personal identification. Variables for critical factor in the remote identification were classified into 4 groups such as Performance expectancy, Effort expectancy, Social influence, and Security. The empirical analysis based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was conducted. The relationship between variables and the intention to use is also analyzed. In the study, stepwise regression analysis was conducted four times in which variables were adjusted in individual stage. As a result, the analysis suggests that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, security have positive effects for intention to use. Additionally, effort expectancy and security have moderating effects to intention to use depends on biometric authentication experience. The analysis has shown positive effect of variables grouped on the intention to use them. It also suggests that the intention to use biometric authentication will quickly grow. This study is expected to make a contribution to utilize and improve the use of biometric information in mobile payment.

Comparison of perspective on death accepted by New Religions of Jeungsan, Confucianism and Taoism (증산계 신종교와 유교, 도교의 죽음관 비교)

  • Shin, Jin-sik
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.58
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    • pp.201-243
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    • 2018
  • Understanding the theory of how a religion accepts the perspective on death is a prerequisite to grasp the identity and characteristics of such religion. Furthermore, contemplating the perspective on death, itself has a significant meaning as the contemplation provides an insight on how religion has, currently is and how it would influence the practical life of the human race. This current study compares and analyzes the perspective on death accepted by New Religions of Jeungsan, Confucianism and Taoism. By comparing the perspectives on death, this study seeks to conclude the similarity and discrepancy of New Religions of Jeungsan, Confucianism and Taoism. The objective of this study is to summarize the religious characteristic and identity of New Religions of Jeungsan, and the social role of New Religions of Jeungsan. How does New Religions of Jeungsan preach afterlife? This question implies varieties of questions including: In what shape or form does human exist in afterlife?; Does human maintain their original identity in afterlife?; What happens to relations with family members in afterlife?; What is one's role in afterlife, and what would one experience in afterlife? or Does soul transmigrate or are reborn? This current study compares the answers to these questions one by one with Confucianism and Taoism.In general, this current study was conducted with a non-religious methodology. Death can be explained in three different domains: the psychological domain explaining the individual psychological awareness upon encountering death; the philosophical-religious domain explaining the death through the philosophical understanding of the human concept; and the socio-cultural domain explaining death through the social ceremonies upon death.This current study focuses on the philosophical domain of the perspective on death accepted by New Religions of Jeungsan, with a comparison of the socio-cultural significance. To understand the perspective on death preached by New Religions of Jeungsan, It is indispensable to explain the five key elements of Hon(魂), Baek (魄), Shin(神), Young(靈) and Seon(仙) that construe death. The perspective on death preached by New Religions of Jeungsan imposes a multi layer of acceptance and overcoming. This current study complements the problems and limits of previous studies by comparison with Confucianism and Taoism. Throughout this process, this current study intends to highlight the key elements of the perspective on death preached by Deasunjinrihoe, and identify the aspects of each key element. With the sophisticated discussion of the perspective on death provided by New Religions of Jeungsan with clarity, this current study will provide grounds for future studies to extract, in detail, the aspects of the perspective on death preached by New Religions of Jeungsan, in further subjects including: discussions on death such as rituals for death, treatment of bodies, funerals, educating death, euthanasia, or suicide; discussions on the existence of hell; discussions on psychological aspects of ones who encounter death; or discussions on rebirth of those who died during the creation era. This current study will provide an overview on what kind of perspective on death does those who are faithful to New Religions of Jeungsan have and currently are living their life with.

Roles of Perceived Use Control consisting of Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Controllability in IT acceptance (정보기술 수용에서 사용용이성과 통제가능성을 하위 차원으로 하는 지각된 사용통제의 역할)

  • Lee, Woong-Kyu
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2008
  • According to technology acceptance model(TAN) which is one of the most important research models for explaining IT users' behavior, on intention of using IT is determined by usefulness and ease of use of it. However, TAM wouldn't explain the performance of using IT while it has been considered as a very good model for prediction of the intention. Many people would not be confirmed in the performance of using IT until they can control it at their will, although they think it useful and easy to use. In other words, in addition to usefulness and ease of use as in TAM, controllability is also should be a factor to determine acceptance of IT. Especially, there is a very close relationship between controllability and ease of use, both of which explain the other sides of control over the performance of using IT, so called perceived behavioral control(PBC) in social psychology. The objective of this study is to identify the relationship between ease of use and controllability, and analyse the effects of both two beliefs over performance and intention in using IT. For this purpose, we review the issues related with PBC in information systems studies as well as social psychology, Based on a review of PBC, we suggest a research model which includes the relationship between control and performance in using IT, and prove its validity empirically. Since it was introduced as qa variable for explaining volitional control for actions in theory of planned behavior(TPB), there have been confusion about concept of PBC in spite of its important role in predicting so many kinds of actions. Some studies define PBC as self-efficacy that means actor's perception of difficulty or ease of actions, while others as controllability. However, this confusion dose not imply conceptual contradiction but a double-faced feature of PBC since the performance of actions is related with both self-efficacy and controllability. In other words, these two concepts are discriminated and correlated with each other. Therefore, PBC should be considered as a composite concept consisting of self-efficacy and controllability, Use of IT has been also one of important areas for predictions by PBC. Most of them have been studied by analysis of comparison in prediction power between TAM and TPB or modification of TAM by inclusion of PBC as another belief as like usefulness and ease of use. Interestingly, unlike the other applications in social psychology, it is hard to find such confusion in the concept of PBC in the studies for use of IT. In most of studies, controllability is adapted as PBC since the concept of self-efficacy is included in ease of use explicitly. Based on these discussions, we can suggest perceived use control(PUC) which is defined as perception of control over the performance of using IT and composed of controllability and ease of use as sub-concepts. We suggest a research model explaining acceptance of IT which includes the relationships of PUC with attitude and performance of using IT. For empirical test of our research model, two user groups are selected for surveying questionnaires. In the first group, there are freshmen who take a basic course for Microsoft Excel, and the second group consists of senior students who take a course for analysis of management information by Excel. Most of measurements are adapted ones that have been validated in the other studies, while performance is real score of mid-term in each class. In result, four hypotheses related with PUC are supported statistically with very low significance level. Main contribution of this study is suggestion of PUC through theoretical review of PBC. Specifically, a hierarchical model of PUC are derived from very rigorous studies in the relationship between self-efficacy and controllability with a view of PBC in social psychology. The relationship between PUC and performance is another main contribution.

A Study on the Direction of Private Investigation System - Focus on the bill proposal in 2012·2013 (민간조사제도의 도입 방향에 관한 연구 - 제19대 국회 발의 법안을 중심으로(2012년·2013년))

  • Cho, Min-Sang;Oh, Youn-Sung
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.36
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    • pp.525-559
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    • 2013
  • Modern society has been exposed to various dangers and crimes in the process of globalization, informationization, decentralization etc. along with the development of material civilization under rapid changing societal environment. These factors are exerting a lot of effects in public security environments, as result there are gradual interest about crime and crime prevention. Realization of responsibility who take charge of social safety, from public security to private security, appears important topic at the moment. The positive point of view which private security industry is responsible to cope with security spheres instead of public security has been emerged from the reason that the public security has limitation to solve security problems for themselves. It is the time to make effort to compromise the public security and the private security industry to forecast social change and prevent dangers in the advance. In Korea, there has been close cooperation between public security and private security for decades. Strongly emerging and interesting sphere is "Private Investigation(Private Detective)" in Korea at present. There has been some proposed legislations of private investigation for decreasing burden of public security and social sympathy about possibility of private investigation system is increasing now. In this study, we focused on the introduction of private investigation system through the analysis of bill proposals for last 14 years, for instance historical aspects, contents, the differences among bill proposals. Among these, a comparison on bill proposals of the 19th National Assembly's during 2012 - 2013 were analysed mainly. We examined the importance point at issue items for introduction of private investigation system. Suggestions for introduction of private investigation system is as follows. The necessity of independent bill for developmental private investigation system is needed and the main body should be a juristic person instead of a individual for the public interest and responsibility. For the good service of private investigation and to prevent the unqualified person become a private investigator, the recruiting system and examination of private investigator should be prepared well and take into consideration anticipated problems. Also the necessity of definite jurisdiction department's appointment to divide responsibility in operation.

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Influential Factors on Technology Acceptance of Augmented Reality(AR) (증강현실(Augmented Reality: AR) 기술수용에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Chung, Byoung Gyu;Dong, Hak Lim
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.153-168
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    • 2019
  • Augmented Reality(AR) has been one of the important technologies of the 4th industrial revolution. Consumer acceptance of new technologies is substantial issue for market expansion, but there have been few empirical studies on factors that affect the acceptance or use intention of AR. In this study, we have explored and analyzed the factors influencing technology acceptance based on the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology(UTAUT2) model in the AR business and have discussed it with comparison with existing research based on this analysis. The results of this study suggest that the main variables of the existing UTAUT1 model had significant positive effect on the intention to use, such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions and hedonic motivation, habits of UTAUT2. In addition, perceived risk introduced in this study had a negative effect on intention to use. Furthermore, the impact between these two factors have been effort expectancy(${\beta}=.294$)>habits(${\beta}=.268$)>hedonic motivation(${\beta}=.266$)>performance expectancy,(${\beta}=.263$)>facilitating conditions(${\beta}=.233$)>perceived risk(${\beta}=-.094$). The impact of social influence did not have a significant effect on intention to use. The intention to use was analyzed to have a significant positive effect on the actual use and recommendation intention. On the other hand, the hypothesis that the age and gender has played a moderating role between independent variables and the intention of use were investigated. Age was found out to play a role as a moderator between social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, habits and intention to use. In the same way, gender has been shown to play a moderating role between facilitating conditions, perceived risk and intention to use. Academic and practical implications are suggested based on the results of this study.