• Title/Summary/Keyword: SmartBase

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Performance assessment of buildings isolated with S-FBI system under near-fault earthquakes

  • Ozbulut, Osman E.;Silwal, Baikuntha
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.709-724
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    • 2016
  • This study investigates the optimum design parameters of a superelastic friction base isolator (S-FBI) system through a multi-objective genetic algorithm to improve the performance of isolated buildings against near-fault earthquakes. The S-FBI system consists of a flat steel-PTFE sliding bearing and superelastic NiTi shape memory alloy (SMA) cables. Sliding bearing limits the transfer of shear across the isolation interface and provides damping from sliding friction. SMA cables provide restoring force capability to the isolation system together with additional damping characteristics. A three-story building is modeled with S-FBI isolation system. Multiple-objective numerical optimization that simultaneously minimizes isolation-level displacements and superstructure response is carried out with a genetic algorithm in order to optimize S-FBI system. Nonlinear time history analyses of the building with optimal S-FBI system are performed. A set of 20 near-fault ground motion records are used in numerical simulations. Results show that S-FBI system successfully control response of the buildings against near-fault earthquakes without sacrificing in isolation efficacy and producing large isolation-level deformations.

Correlation Analysis of the Frequency and Death Rates in Arterial Intervention using C4.5

  • Jung, Yong Gyu;Jung, Sung-Jun;Cha, Byeong Heon
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.22-28
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    • 2017
  • With the recent development of technologies to manage vast amounts of data, data mining technology has had a major impact on all industries.. Data mining is the process of discovering useful correlations hidden in data, extracting executable information for the future, and using it for decision making. In other words, it is a core process of Knowledge Discovery in data base(KDD) that transforms input data and derives useful information. It extracts information that we did not know until now from a large data base. In the decision tree, c4.5 algorithm was used. In addition, the C4.5 algorithm was used in the decision tree to analyze the difference between frequency and mortality in the region. In this paper, the frequency and mortality of percutaneous coronary intervention for patients with heart disease were divided into regions.

Characteristics of Street Lamp Controller with Earth Leakage Contactor (가로등 전용 누전 개폐기의 차단효과에 대한 고찰)

  • Lee, Seong-Jae;Shin, Jae-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.283-283
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    • 2010
  • Smart street light controller is a product with advance micro controller base for energy saving in conventional street lighting systems. Intelligent Street light controller are specially developed for automation and energy saving in conventional street light systems and lighting systems. It is so designed that it operates on sunrise & sun set timings according to longitude of particular location with facilitate to set month wise civil twilight timings to cope up with all seasons. Dimming (Power down) mode selection switch on/off at fixed times with relay or contactor. Night dimming, staggering and intelligent control reduces burn hours and increases the lifetime of lamps with about 30% and low annual operating cost type base are among the most inexpensive wireless technologies available. Low initial costs As PLC wireless, there is no need to establish cable connection.

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Monitoring using smart Phone (스마트 폰을 활용한 모니터링)

  • Park, Chun-Myoung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2016.10a
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    • pp.768-769
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    • 2016
  • To prevent occupational disasters and build a pleasant work environment, it is necessary to develop a monitoring system to keep operators safe from the hazards. A variety of practical studies must be performed on application services designed to freely provide context-aware monitoring services in USN environments. This paper proposes a system in which work environment monitoring information can be monitored using a mobile phone and inference engine. The structure of a mobile work environment monitoring system is designed first. The proposed system is consisted of data manager, inference engine, database, and application knowledge base.

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A Study on PolyPropylene-base Functionalized Polyolefin for Secondary Battery Lead Tab Tape (이차전지 리드 탭 테이프용 폴리프로필렌 기반 기능성 폴리올레핀에 관한 연구)

  • Deok-Ho Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.619-627
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    • 2024
  • By analyzing the structure of the currently used Lead Tab tape structure, the outermost layer, low-temperature fusion functionalized olefin, was composed of pp base. To determine whether this could be used as the outermost layer of tab tape, the adhesive strength to metal foils such as copper and aluminum was measured and the adhesive strength was compared with commercially available functionalized olefin. When chlorine was grafted onto PP among the PP used in the composition, the average adhesive strength was similar to that of commercially available LT200T and superior to RE140R and LE320V. The maximum adhesive strength exceeded that of LE200T. When it comes to solvents, xylene has been shown to be better than any other. Physical methods such as substitution of other monomers, switching of additives or let-down hardly changed the adhesion of grafted PP, and the selection of PP is an important factor in preparing functional polymers.

A Case Study of the Base Technology for the Smart Grid Security: Focusing on a Performance Improvement of the Basic Algorithm for the DDoS Attacks Detection Using CUDA

  • Huh, Jun-Ho;Seo, Kyungryong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.411-417
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    • 2016
  • Since the development of Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) in 1999, the development speed of GPUs has become much faster than that of CPUs and currently, the computational power of GPUs exceeds CPUs dozens and hundreds times in terms of decimal calculations and costs much less. Owing to recent technological development of hardwares, general-purpose computing and utilization using GPUs are on the rise. Thus, in this paper, we have identified the elements to be considered for the Smart Grid Security. Focusing on a Performance Improvement of the Basic Algorithm for the Stateful Inspection to Detect DDoS Attacks using CUDA. In the program, we compared the search speeds of GPU against CPU while they search for the suffix trees. For the computation, the system constraints and specifications were made identical during the experiment. We were able to understand from the results of the experiment that the problem-solving capability improves when GPU is used. The other finding was that performance of the system had been enhanced when shared memory was used explicitly instead of a global memory as the volume of data became larger.

Performance Analysis of DS-CDMA System with Smart Antenna for Angular Spread and Bandwith in Spatio-temporal Vector Channel (시-공간 벡터 채널에서 배열 안테나를 적용한 DS-CDMA 시스템의 대역폭과 각도 퍼짐에 따른 효과)

  • Jeon Jun-Soo;Ryu Jung-Chan;Park Hyun-Su;Choi Min-Seok;Kim Cheol-Sung
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2004.06a
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    • pp.83-86
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, the performance of wideband CDMA system with smart antenna is analyzed for different bandwidth(1.25MHz, 2.5MHz, 5MHz) and angular spread at base station. In detail, the spatio-temporal wideband multipath vector channel model is proposed. And the received signals in 2D-RAKE receiver are rigorously analyzed in proposed vector channel model. We consider the effect of correlation between any two elements of antenna array. Several multipahts within one chip are distinguished into each one and the strongest signal is selected as a desired one. As a result, the performance of W-CDMA system with smart antenna in spatio-temporal wideband vector channel has been improved in proportion to the increase of angular spread and bandwidth.

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Designing of Smart WAMAC Infra Architecture based on Synchro-Phasor (Synchro-Phasor 기반의 Smart WAMAC 인프라 아키텍쳐 설계)

  • Kim, Ji-Young;Woo, Doug-Je;Kim, Sang-Tae;Choi, Mi-Hwa;Kim, Yong-Kwang
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.59 no.9
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    • pp.1549-1559
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    • 2010
  • Modern power system is operated and managed in closed network environment with treating a great variety of data, and requirement of real time power system data is more increasing. However, it is difficult for operators to fast evaluate the condition of power system using only isolation network system such as SCADA or EMS regarding unexpecting situations occurring. Recent technology achievement in areas of distributed computing, networking high speed communications and digital control as well as the availability of accurate GPS time source are rapidly becoming the enabling factors for the development of a new generation of real time power grid monitoring tools. In this paper, architecture of WAMAC which is the wide area monitoring and control system not only to control but also to monitoring in real time is proposed and the plan of integration interface with legacy system such as EMS for providing power system analysis base data effectively is suggested.

Data Correction of Wind Tunnel Test Results for Smart UAV Power Model (스마트무인기 파워효과 풍동시험 데이터 보정)

  • Cho, Tae-Hwan;Chung, Jin-Deog;Choi, Sung-Wook;Kim, Yang-Won;Chang, Byeong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.130-135
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    • 2007
  • Wind tunnel test for Smart UAV power model has been conducted at KARI LSWT for about 3 months. The static model is used for the base plane and the power effect of tilt rotor is simulated by the tilt-rotor test rig installed in the test section. Although the genuine power effect is the difference between power-on and off tests. The existence of struts for power effect test produced unwanted form of interference and caused the change in flow angularity. To precisely evaluate power effect, a special approach is applied to Smart UAV test.

Secure Camera Network System for Intelligent Surveillance Systems Based on Real-Time Video (실시간 영상 기반의 지능형 보안 관제 시스템을 위한 안전한 카메라 네트워크 시스템)

  • Yang, Soo-mi;Ko, Eun-kyung
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.1102-1106
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    • 2015
  • To provide social security and for cooperative smart camera context awareness processing, each camera stores and exchange context data. For a specific event, measured values with other context data is stored RDB. RDB is transformed to ontology RDF file and is used for context reasoning. Interoperability between smart cameras conforms to ONVIF and constitutes intelligent surveillance system. To guarantee the confidentiality and integrity, securiy techniques are adopted. Security overhead between agents is analyzed in the prototype system implemented.