• Title/Summary/Keyword: Smart Level

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Derivation of a Vision and Major Strategies for Developing the Smart City (스마트시티 조성을 위한 비전 및 주요전략 도출)

  • Hyun, Chang-Taek;Wang, Ji-Hwan;Jin, Chengquan
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.64-75
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    • 2021
  • Due to rapid urbanization around the world, various social problems and side effects are occurring. Accordingly, the creation of smart city is being promoted to improve the quality of life of citizens and promote sustainable urban development. In Korea, visions and strategies for the creation of smart city have been presented for each ministry within the government. But they are proposed from the standpoint of each ministry, not from the national level. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a vision and core strategies at the national level. In this study, the problems of Korea smart city were derived, and a smart city vision was established as a solution. In addition, STEEP analysis was conducted through Korea and overseas smart city status analysis and literature review, and based on this, CLDs (Causal Loop Diagrams) were drawn up to derive major smart city strategies. The smart city vision and major strategies proposed in this study are expected to be helpful in setting the direction for future successful smart city creation.

Framework Based Smart City Cyber Security Matrix (프레임워크 기반 스마트시티 사이버 보안 메트릭스)

  • Kim, Sung-Min;Jung, Hae-Sun;Lee, Yong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.23 no.2_2
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    • pp.333-341
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we introduce a smart city-cyber-security-grid-matrix methodology, as a result of research on overall cyber security of smart cities. The identified cyber security risks that threaten smart cities and smart-city-cyber-security-threat list are presented. The smart-city-cyber-security-requirements necessary to secure the smart city cyber security with the developed smart city-cyber-security-grid-matrix are given in this paper. We show how the developed smart city-cyber-security-grid-matrix methodology can be applied to real world. For it, we interlocked the developed smart city-cyber-security-grid-matrix methodology with the cyber-security-framework of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and developed a framework-based smart city-cyber-security-grid-matrix. Using it, it is easy and comfortable to check the level of cyber security of the target smart ciy at a glace, and the construction and operation of the smart city security system is systematized.

Smart Contract and Dispute Resolution by Arbitration (스마트 계약과 중재에 의한 분쟁해결)

  • Han, Jong-Kyu
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.87-111
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    • 2020
  • Smart contracts are implemented by blockchain technology, which stores the terms of the contracts of both parties on the blockchain. In the event of an international dispute over smart contracts and blockchains, no special solution has been proposed, such as the enactment of the International Unification Act. The blockchain platform which operates smart contracts is decentralized and operates through distributed nodes around the world without central servers, making it difficult to establish jurisdiction and governing laws. As an alternative to traditional dispute-solving methods, a new mediation model-smart arbitration-is being attempted. The arbitration process is likely to be a preferred means of resolving disputes over smart contracts in practice. There are many problems, such as the fairness of the arbitration center on the selection and judgment of arbitrators, the question of securing reliability, the question of the validity of the arbitration agreement, and how much the court can be involved in the case. Preparations at the national level, such as fostering blockchains and smart contract experts, and overhauling the legal system, are needed.

Smart Home Systems for Safety and Security and Individuals' Motivational Orientation to Prevention

  • Cho, Heayon;Kim, Moon-Yong
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.102-107
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    • 2022
  • Smart home systems for safety and security are in high demand and always needed for many reasons including people's desire to feel safe in their own houses and to avoid a high rate of crime. In the current research, we investigate the role of individuals' motivational orientation to prevention in their responses to smart home systems for safety and security. That is, this research examines whether individuals' attitudes toward smart home systems for safety and security vary depending on their level of prevention orientation. Specifically, it is hypothesized that individuals with strong (vs. weak) prevention orientation will have more positive attitudes toward smart home systems for safety and security. In support of the hypothesis, the results indicate that respondents in the strong (vs. weak) prevention orientation reported significantly more positive attitudes toward smart home systems for safety and security. Our findings imply that individuals' motivational orientation to prevention may be an effective marketing and segmentation tool in facilitating their favorable responses to the smart home systems for safety and security.

Promoting Efficient Smart Factories through Analysis and Status of Corporate Infrastructure Configuration

  • Seong-Hoon Lee
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.274-280
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    • 2024
  • The smart factory promotion project is a project that improves the entire management environment system, including the production process, using ICT technology. According to the 2019 Smart Factory Survey and Analysis Research Report of the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, small and medium-sized enterprises that introduced smart factories reported positive effects such as increased productivity, improved quality, and reduced costs on average. On the other hand, the survey results of companies that promoted the project despite positive results showed that there was room for improvement. This study dealt with the contents of the survey conducted on companies by the smart factory promotion agency in 2020 regarding the infrastructure configuration for promoting smart factories. We examined the meaningful contents implied by the data related to the infrastructure configuration. These meaningful survey results can lead to more efficient business promotion in the future when promoting smart factory projects.

Needs and Perceptions with Smart Technology Usage in the Elderly Care Facilities

  • Lee, Sun-Hyung;Lim, Choon-Hee;Lee, Seunghae
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2015
  • The objective of this study is to identify the current state of usage and needs for Smart Technology (ST) in the elderly care facilities based on the point of view of staff members. Using survey via mails, data were analyzed with responses from top- or middle-level staff members working in 171 elderly care facilities located in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Chungcheongnam-do. Results indicated that the most needed smart technology was home automation, followed by nurse call system and health monitoring. The technology with the highest feasibility was health monitoring, followed by nurse call system and video phone. Staff members in higher positions working in the elderly care facilities had the highest expectation in improving the image of their facilities by using ST, while they had low expectation for the fact that ST may increase the locus of control of the elderly. This study implies that ST implementations may vary depending on the level of responsibility of staff members and ST how people responsible for the elderly care facilities subjectively perceive the ST.

Strategies of smart factory building and Application of small & medium-sized manufacturing enterprises (스마트팩토리 구축전략과 중소.중견 제조기업의 적용 방안)

  • Park, Jong-Shik;Kang, Kyung-sik
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.227-236
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    • 2017
  • Smart Manufacturing Factory is a paradigm of the future lead to the fourth industrial revolution that led Germany and the United States. Now the automation of the production facility and won a certain degree, and through the process of integrating the entire process, including planning, design, distribution of information and communication technology products in emerging as a core competitiveness of the national economy. In particular, the company accelerated the smart factory building in order to improve the manufacturing industry, cost savings and productivity simply to incorporate internet of things(IoT),Robot, artificial intelligence, big data technology as a factory automation level of sophistication of the system and out to progress to the level that replaces human labor have. In this we should look at the trend of promoting domestic and foreign factories want to present these smart strategies for Korea.

Design and Verification of Resource-level Monitoring employing SmartX-mini Center (SmartX-mini 센터를 통한 자원수준 모니터링 기능 검증)

  • Kim, Seungryong;Song, Jiwon;Lee, Jungi;Kim, JongWon
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2015.04a
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    • pp.75-77
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    • 2015
  • 최근 사물인터넷 패러다임에 맞춰 많은 연구가 진행되고 있으나 대부분이 특정 임베디드 플랫폼들에 집중되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 사물인터넷을 위한 장치들과 네트워크를 관제하는 SmartX-mini 센터를 통한 자원수준 (resource-level) 모니터링 기능을 시험적으로 시도하며, 이를 검증하기 위해 SmartX-mini 테스트베드를 활용한다. 모니터링 기능에 대한 기초적인 설계를 바탕으로 구현된 기능들의 검증하여 사용자들에게 제공하는 편의를 확인하였다.

Research on Planning and Design of Smart Fitness Wear for Personal Training Improvement (퍼스널 트레이닝 효과 향상을 위한 스마트 피트니스웨어의 상품기획 및 디자인 방향 연구)

  • Jung, Chanwoong;Kwak, Yonghoo;Park, Seoyeon;Lee, Joohyeon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to propose a product planning and design direction for smart fitness wear that will improve the impact of personal training based on researching the requirements of smart fitness wear and its acceptance level, as well as the functional demand. The study conducted in-depth interviews with professional fitness trainers and derived five categories and thirteen keywords by analyzing the categorical data analysis using the interview data. In addition, we surveyed general consumers to measure the acceptance level of smart fitness wear and the functional demand for product development. The results revealed that the difference in the acceptance level of smart fitness wear generally depended on the characteristics related to exercise involvement and exercise-related culture rather than on the demographic characteristics. With regard to the difference in the functional demand of smart fitness wear, the results showed that professional trainers focused on the scientific improvement of the effect of exercise while general consumers focused on the function that considers the sustainability of exercise. Based on the results, we proposed product planning and design directions such as 'mounting of heart rate sensing, muscle activity sensing, motion angle or posture sensing, and motion sensing', 'development of concepts and contents for expert line, ordinary line', 'compression wear design', and 'differentiation of product development according to exercise areas'.

The Influence of Career Barrier on Smart-phone Addiction through Self-esteem and Depression among Out-of-school Adolescents (학교 밖 청소년의 진로장애가 자아존중감과 우울을 통해 스마트폰 중독에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, RaeHyuck;Lee, Jaekyoung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.431-445
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to provide implications for social work practice by examining the influence of career barrier on smart-phone addiction through self-esteem and depression among out-of-school adolescents. Using data from the Panel Survey of School Dropouts conducted by the National Youth Policy Institute, this study examined the research questions by analyzing the direct and indirect influences of career barrier on smart-phone addiction with the PROCESS macro method. First, the results of this study showed that out-of-school adolescents' career barrier statistically significantly increased smart-phone addiction. Also, out-of-school adolescents' depression mediated the influence of career barrier on smart-phone addiction, but out-of-school adolescents' self-esteem did not mediate the influence. However, out-of-school adolescents' self-esteem and depression dual-mediated the influence of career barrier on smart-phone addiction. The level of career barrier decreased the level of self-esteem, and in turn increased the level of depression, and finally increased the level of smart-phone addiction. Based on the findings, practical strategies to address the smart-phone addiction of out-of-school adolescents were discussed.