• Title/Summary/Keyword: Small and medium city

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Effects of Professional Autonomy, Organizational Commitment, and Perceived Patient Safety Culture on Patient Safety Management Activities of Nurses in Medium and Small-Sized Hospitals (중소병원 간호사의 전문직 자율성, 조직몰입 및 환자안전문화인식이 환자안전관리활동에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, Hyun Jung;Lee, Yun Mi
    • Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of professional autonomy, organizational commitment, and perceived patient safety culture on patient safety management activities of nurses in medium and small-sized hospitals. Methods: A cross-sectional design was employed. Self-reported questionnaires were completed by 121 nurses with at least 3 months of working experience in medium and small-sized hospitals located in B city. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, a t-test, a one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients, and a multiple regression analysis. Results: Professional autonomy (r=.22, p=.016), organizational commitment (r=.34, p<.001), and perceived patient safety culture (r=.55, p<.001) had a statistically significant positive correlation with patient safety management activities. The factors that might affect patient safety management activities were professional autonomy (${\beta}=.23$, p=.003) and perceived patient safety culture (${\beta}=.55$, p<.001). The explanatory power of these factors for patient safety management activities was 33.5% (F=21.19, p<.001). Conclusions: The development of repetitive and continuous education programs is needed to improve a nurse's professional autonomy and perceived patient safety culture.

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Relationship between Expectations of Clinical Ladder System, Career Commitment and Turnover Intention of Nurses in Small and Medium-Sized Hospitals (중소병원 간호사의 경력개발시스템 기대감, 경력몰입, 이직의도와의 관계)

  • Han, Younghee;Kim, Heeyoung;Ko, Jeonga;Kim, Eun-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study was done to explore the relationship between expectations of the clinical ladder system (CLS), career commitment and turnover intention in nurses employed in small-medium sized hospitals. Methods: Participants were 154 nurses from 3 small-medium sized hospitals in Gyeonggi Province and Gwangju City. From February, 8 to April, 14, 2017, self-report questionnaires were collected and analyzed using frequency, t-test, ANOVA, $Scheff{\acute{e}}$ test, and Person correlation coefficients. Results: Of the participant nurses, 61% perceived the CLS as needed. The mean score for expectation of CLS, career commitment, and turnover intention on 5-point scale were 3.38, 3.17, 3.21, respectively. There were no significant differences in expectation of CLS according to general characteristics, but career commitment and turnover intention did show significant differences depending on age, position, type of work shift. Expectation of CLS correlated positively with career commitment (r=.23, p=.005), and career commitment correlated negatively with turnover intention (r=-.49, p<.001). Conclusion: The results of this study show that there is a need to adopt the clinical ladder system to improve career commitment.

Factors Affecting Turnover Intention among Married Nurses in Small and Medium-sized Hospitals (중소병원 기혼간호사의 이직의도에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Kim, Ju Won;Kim, Hye Jin
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This descriptive study analyzed the factors affecting turnover intention among married nurses in small- and medium-sized hospitals with less than 300 beds. Methods: Data were collected from 177 married nurses located in K city from April 8, 2022 to April 21, 2022 using a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, independent tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient test, and multiple regression were analyzed using the SPSS/WIN 22 program. Results: Nurses rated items on a scale of five points. Their average rating for job satisfaction was 3.43±0.30, resilience was 3.51±0.38, and role conflict was 2.60±0.63. The nursing practice environment was rated 3.12±0.44, and turnover intention was 3.14±0.62 points. Age, job satisfaction, and nursing practice environment accounted for 25.1% of turnover intention (F=6.90, p<.001). Conclusion: To decrease married nurses' turnover intention in small- and medium-sized hospitals with less than 300 beds, these findings can help develop a program that addresses the causes of high turnover amongst married nurses in local hospitals.

A Study on the Consciousness Level on the Preservation of Environment for the Disaster Prevention (재해방지를 위한 환경보전 의식도 조사 연구)

  • Hwang, Eui Jin;Ryu, Ji Hyeob;Lim, Ik Hyeon
    • Journal of Korean Society of societal Security
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2009
  • The findings of this study on the Consciousness level of the citizens of Kwang Ju City are as follows; Firstly, the level of knowledge on the environment problems is high and the knowledge is acquire through mass media. Secondly, the citizens of Kwang Ju city consider their environment as sever and it's immediate steps should be taken. The third,n. The thpdiate steps shoenvironment educsteps and lectudia on environmental polluteps should be gehpdheo the citizens and economic development should be made without destroying environment The foudth, the citizens pdifer to live in in small medium citiia rsther than in metropolitan citiia, and their attitude toward futudi is pessimistic, and they have a high level of participateps in evvitonmental problems. In cita of movements that they have pdifer to move to small and medium citiia. It repdiatnts that they pdifer to live in an adia with no tr polluteps while enjoying a cultudal life. The expect thetr city to provide thematlves gdien adias supr as forest and fiildsheo take a rest Thwalk on. The have a passimistic view that thetr city in the futudi will be polluted seveadly. The consciousness level of participateps in e thpdiate steps shoenvironment ia relsterey high, but in reality it is estimated to be low.

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Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction among Nursing Assistants Working in Medical Institutions (의료기관 근무 간호조무사의 직무만족 영향요인)

  • Yumi Kim;Il-Ok Kim
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.47-61
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the influential factors on job satisfaction among nursingassistants working in medical institutions. Methods: Small and medium-sized hospitals and general hospitals (S City, U City, N City), 11 Geriatric hospitals(S City, N City, U City, T City, I City), and 29 clinics (S City, I City, N City). Data was collected from 194employed nursing assistants from February 15 to April 15, 2021. The obtained data were analyzed usingdescriptive statistics, ANOVA, Scheffe's test, Pearson's correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. Results: We confirmed a positive correlation between job satisfaction and organizational commitment, andconducted a hierarchical multiple regression analysis using monthly income, work-life balance, organizational commitment, and work confidence as influencing factors for job satisfaction, and found that organizational commitment and work confidence were significant influencing factors for job satisfaction. Conclusion: To improve the job satisfaction of nursing assistants, it is necessary to improve their understanding of the organizational culture in the workplace and expand education and training opportunities to enhance their work confidence to induce long-term retention. In addition, it was suggested that clear job scope and adequatecompensation are necessary for efficient human resource management.

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Influence of Job Stress and Empowerment on Clinical Nurses' Performance in Small and Medium Hospitals (중소병원 간호사의 직무 스트레스와 임파워먼트가 간호업무성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Young-Mi;Yi, Yeo-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.258-265
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the influence of job stress and empowerment on nursing performance of clinical nurses working in small and medium hospital. Methods: The empirical data were collected from a self-administered survey using a structured questionnaire with 404 nurses working in 4 medium-sized hospitals (less than 300 beds), located in I-city. The data were analyzed using stepwise multiple regression with the SPSS/WIN 17.0 program. Results: There were significant differences in nursing performance depending on general characteristics (age, marital status, religion, shift work, education level, position, clinical experience, department, and monthly salary). Empowerment correlated with nursing performance. Factors influencing on nursing performance were empowerment, clinical experience, job stress, and marital status with $R^2$ value of 36.3%. The most influencing factor was empowerment (${\beta}$=.47), followed by clinical experience (${\beta}$=.24), job stress (${\beta}$=.20), and marriage (${\beta}$=.12). Conclusion: It is needed to implement specific empowerment strategy, control job stress, and reward experienced and married nurses working in medium-sized hospital for improving nursing task performance.

A Study on the Spatial Composition and Area Distribution of General Hospitals in Ansan City (안산시 소재 종합병원의 공간구성 및 면적 배분에 관한 연구)

  • Baek, Young-Kwon;Park, Jae-Seung
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.4 no.6
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 1998
  • Recently, every hospital requires the creative and novel design which is different from the conventional concept to deal with various circumstances. Accordingly, various space arrangements are proposed against the past uniform hospital type. But the sufficient studies about medical facilities in small and medium city and countryside still lack, otherwise there is short but continuous accumulation of data about the study for general hospitals. In this sense, this study generalizes the present medical condition in Ansan city and analyzes the spatial composition and area distribution in departments for the purpose of presentation of fundamental data about medical policy and architecture in Ansan city.

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A Smart City Model in Urban-Rural Complex Area - A Case Study of Geumsan-gun - (도농복합도시의 스마트도시 전략 모델 제시 - 충청남도 금산군 사례분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Nam, Yun-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2021
  • This paper conducted a survey of residents and public officials for the projects to make smart-city plans of Geumsan-gun. In introduction, several domestic and foreign cases related to smart-city projects were Investigated. To initiate the smart-city project of Geumsan-gun, the local status of Geumsan-gun was investigated regarding various aspects of natural, social, urban environment and smart-city facilities. The results of this survey are as follows: Overall, more than half of survey respondents said they had satisfaction of their housing quality. Several problems in their residence areas, such as insufficient welfare systems, shortage of parking spaces, industrial infrastructure, were reported. Meanwhile, the survey result indicated that tourism and leisure facilities, health care support systems, industries promote the economy and job market of the area. An interview with public official is also important to select the relevant meaningful projects and regional issues. Three models for each spatial unit were proposed in Geumsan-gun based on the natural, agricultural, and geographical environment. In result, the three smart-city models are categorized as urban type(large area), complex city type(medium area), and smart village type(small area)

Analysis of Regional Economic Ripple Effects of Port Logistics Industry in Gwangyang City - Focusing on Exogenous Specified Input-Output Model - (광양시 항만물류산업의 지역경제 파급효과 분석 - 외생화 산업연관모형을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Min-Seong;Na, Ju-Mong
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.77-95
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    • 2023
  • The regional infrastructure industries of Gwangyang City, the subject of this study, are Gwangyang Port and Gwangyang Steel Mill. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the regional economic ripple effects of the port logistics industry in Gwangyang City. In this study, a multi-stage approach using the RW and the LQ methodology using the national input-output tables in 2015 and 2019 is used to prepare the regional interindustry analysis chart in Gwangyang City, and an exogenous demand induction model that reclassified the port logistics industry was applied. Through this, the purpose of this study was to provide policy implications by figuring out the regional economic ripple effects of the port logistics industry quantitatively in Gwangyang City. As a result of the analysis, the industries with high production inducement effect and forward/backward linkage effect of the port logistics industry in Gwangyang City were analyzed as manufacturing, transportation, land and air logistics sectors. And the industries in which the added value inducement effect and the employment inducement effect were analyzed as an industry related to the service industry. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare support measures to foster the port logistics industry as a way to promote these industries and revitalize the local economy of Gwangyang City. To this end, it is desirable to improve policies and systems for the vitalization of the Gwangyang port maritime cluster and provide various policy support for the port logistics industry in Gwangyang City. This study is meaningful in suggesting policy implications for the regional economy of Gwangyang City based on the results of exogenous analysis of the port logistics industry in small and medium-sized cities. However, It seems that further studies related to this will be needed in the future.

Ecological support system for promoting youth culture in a new millenium age A study of Adolescents consumer conspicuous consumption - Comparisons between seoul city, small and medium-sized cities and towns - (새 밀레니엄에서의 청소년 문화창조를 위한 생태학적 지원체계(III): 청소년의 건전소비문화 정착을 위한 과시소비 기초 분석 -서울시, 중소도시, 군.읍.면 비교-)

  • 계선자;이정우;김명자;박미석;강기정
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.38 no.12
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze Adolescents spending habits and examine it. The data was collected from 1125 high school students and their parents nationwide. The resets are as follows. 1. About seventy eight percent of the responded students own relatively high-priced goods such as brand-name jeans (59.1%), a mobile phone (31.9%), perfume with a price of 50,000 won or more (26.5%), CD Player (24.4%) or electronic pocket diary (17.1%). The percentage varies according to region. 2. The Adolescents tendency for conspicuous consumption is reflected by 2.92 points out of a total 5 points, while their mothers'marks 2.18 points. By region, conspicuous consumption behavior is more common in Seoul than in other small and medium-sized cities and towns. Also, the more mother attribute children's behavior internally, the lower the childeren's competence is.

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