• Title/Summary/Keyword: Skin-color

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A Study on Assessment of Face Image with Color Correction of Base Makeup - Focussed on the complementary color contrast - (베이스 메이크업의 컬러보정을 통한 얼굴이미지 상승효과에 관한 연구 - 보색대비를 중심으로 -)

  • Barng, Kee-Jung;Kim, Kyung-Hee;Mun, Yung-Kyung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.43-56
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    • 2010
  • In the modern 21st century society, the personal image is considered to be very important. As a result, the importance of presenting one's personal image through personal color in fashion and beauty related fields are increasing, and is the most realistic and practical field of color. When the color of the wardrobe and the skin color are in disharmony, that disharmony becomes the source of the lines and wrinkles that appear on one's face, resulting in shades. The boundary that is created when the color of the wardrobe and the skin color are in disharmony, it works negatively on one's image. When color arrangements are close or similar (in harmony) or are in complementary color arrangements or in strong contrasting state (contrasting harmony), it is generally believed to be beautifully harmonious. Personal color assessment is finding colors, through systematic and scientific methods, that improve the personal image by reaching harmony with skin colors that each and every individual are uniquely born with. In this study, one was able to learn the improved visual effects of the face image through creating harmony with the wardrobe and color shade make up and complementary colors that were selected based on personal colors. The base make up, through using the contrasting effects of the complementary colors which represents the supplementing, correcting, and complementing of the face image by contrasting with complementary colors, brings positive changes through correcting the base skin color. It is believed that this study finds its importance in that the improved image that is created by the overall harmony of the wardrobe and body can be used as valuable data in marketing and new product development efforts in the related industries.

Effect of ginseng and ginsenosides on melanogenesis and their mechanism of action

  • Kim, Kwangmi
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2015
  • Abnormal changes in skin color induce significant cosmetic problems and affect quality of life. There are two groups of abnormal change in skin color; hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation. Hyperpigmentation, darkening skin color by excessive pigmentation, is a major concern for Asian people with yellowe-brown skin. A variety of hypopigmenting agents have been used, but treating the hyperpigmented condition is still challenging and the results are often discouraging. Panax ginseng has been used traditionally in eastern Asia to treat various diseases, due to its immunomodulatory, neuroprotective, antioxidative, and antitumor activities. Recently, several reports have shown that extract, powder, or some constituents of ginseng could inhibit melanogenesis in vivo or in vitro. The underlying mechanisms of antimelanogenic properties in ginseng or its components include the direct inhibition of key enzymes of melanogenesis, inhibition of transcription factors or signaling pathways involved in melanogenesis, decreasing production of inducers of melanogenesis, and enhancing production of antimelanogenic factor. Although there still remain some controversial issues surrounding the antimelanogenic activity of ginseng, especially in its effect on production of proinflammatory cytokines and nitric oxide, these recent findings suggest that ginseng and its constituents might be potential candidates for novel skin whitening agents.

Fuzzy Control of Anti -Sway Motion for a Remote Crane Operation

  • Park, Sun-Won;Kang, E-Sok
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.42.1-42
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    • 2001
  • This paper presents a fuzzy-based method for classification skin color object in a complex background under varying illumination. Parameters of fuzzy rule base are generated using a genetic algorithm(GA). The color model is used in the YCbCr color space. We propose a unique fuzzy system in order to accommodate varying background color and illumination condition. This fuzzy system approach to skin color classification is discussed along with an overview of YCbCr color space.

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A Face Detection Method using Gradual Expansion of Skin Color Range (피부색 범위의 점진적 확장에 의한 얼굴 검출 방법)

  • 문대성;한영미;김민환
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.4 no.5
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    • pp.396-405
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    • 2001
  • Usually it is difficult to extract facial regions in a complex image by using only a predetermined skin color. Expecially, it is more difficult to separate them from background regions that contains the skin color. This paper proposes a face detection method by using gradual range expansion of an initial skin color. By analyzing the skin color distribution several images that are collected in the Web, the range of dense distribution is selected as the range of the initial skin color. In each expanding step, expanded regions in the image are tested whether they can be actual facial regions by using the information of the shape of general face and the location of face organs. The shape of general face is modeled as an ellipse and the aspect ratio of its bounding box is used to define the shape constraint for faces. Only the eyes and lips are used as the face organs, which can be easily detected by extracting horizontal edges in the expanded regions. through several experiments, it is confirmed that the proposed method can detect exactly not only faces having partly distorted regions by highlight but also faces neighboring similar color regions.

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A Study on the Point Makeup Purchasing and Using Behavior according to the Personal Color Awareness (퍼스널 컬러 인식에 따른 색조 화장품 구입 및 사용행동)

  • Woo, Soo-Jin;Kim, Yong-Sook
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.889-902
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    • 2011
  • The purposes of this study were to identify point makeup purchasing and using behavior according to the personal color awareness. Most women considered their favorite color first when purchasing lipsticks and skin color when purchasing cheek powder or foundation. They considered makeup concept first when applying lipsticks, eye shadows, and cheek powder but skin color applying foundations and manicures. Factors of personal color awareness were preferences & utilization awareness, other's advice, and direct awareness, and were segmented into PC intermediate group, high PC group, and PC retard group. PC intermediate group were in the late 20's and the early 30's, average incomes with high education, and patronized discount stores for point makeups, used fashion color as a criterion when selecting lipsticks, foundations, and manicures, apparel color when applying eye shadows, skin color when applying cheek creams, and preferred imported lipsticks and manicures. High PC group were among unmarried women in the early 20's, university students, high income households with medium level of pocket money, spent more for point makeup, and patronized department stores and internet shopping mall, used skin color or fashion color as criteria when selecting point makeup, referenced makeup concept when applying point makeup, preferred imported point makeup. PC retard group were among married women in the late 30's with low education and low income, spent less for point makeup and pocket money, and selected domestic point makeup, used their favorite color as a criterion when selecting point makeups and apparel color when applying lipsticks and cheek creams.

Development of Face Tracking System Using Skin Color and Facial Shape (얼굴의 색상과 모양정보를 이용한 조명 변화에 강인한 얼굴 추적 시스템 구현)

  • Lee, Hyung-Soo
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.10B no.6
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    • pp.711-718
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we propose a robust face tracking algorithm. It is based on Condensation algorithm [7] and uses skin color and facial shape as the observation measure. It is hard to integrate color weight and shape weight. So we propose the method that has two separate trackers which uses skin color and facial shape as the observation measure respectively. One tracker tracks skin colored region and the other tracks facial shape. We used importance sampling technique to limit sampling region of two trackers. For skin-colored region tracker, we propose an adaptive color model to avoid the effect of illumination change. The proposed face tracker performs robustly in clutter background and in the illumination changes.

A Differences in Preference and Evaluation on the Image of Make-up (Part II) -Focused on Perceiver's Age & Habitant- (화장색 이미지평가와 선호도 차이 (제2보) -지각자의 연령과 거주지를 중심으로-)

  • Lee Yon-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.5 s.153
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    • pp.684-698
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    • 2006
  • This study consists of the stimuli of a female model in her twenties with twenty-two different facial make-up. The subjects of this study are one thousand low hundred ninety seven purposive sampled-male and female grown-ups throughout the country. The period of the research was the December of 2004, one month, and the materials were analyzed by factor analysis, T-examination, analysis of variance, Cronbach's a, Duncan's Multiple Range Test. Here follows the result of the research. Firstly, Familiarity, Intelligence, Fitness, Charm, Tradition and Youth were came out as the result of factor analysis of make-up color image perception. Secondly, in age/lip color perception of bright skin tone, there was difference of Intelligence and Charm. In age/image make-up perception of bright skin tone, there was difference of Familiarity, Charm especially on Cool image make-up. Thirdly in habitant/lip color perception of dark skin tone, there was difference of Intelligence and Charm. In habitant/image make-up perception of bright skin tone, there was difference of Familiarity, Charm and of bright skin tone, Intelligence, Charm, Tradition and Youth. Fourthly, there were the interaction effects on the gender of perceivers and lip color and image make-up of perceivers habitant. Lastly, in preference rate, lip color was more affected by age and image make-up were more affected by perceivers habitant.

Facial region Extraction using Skin-color reference map and Motion Information (칼라 참조 맵과 움직임 정보를 이용한 얼굴영역 추출)

  • 이병석;이동규;이두수
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2001.09a
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    • pp.139-142
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    • 2001
  • This paper presents a highly fast and accurate facial region extraction method by using the skin-color-reference map and motion information. First, we construct the robust skin-color-reference map and eliminate the background in image by this map. Additionally, we use the motion information for accurate and fast detection of facial region in image sequences. Then we further apply region growing in the remaining areas with the aid of proposed criteria. The simulation results show the improvement in execution time and accurate detection.

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The Characteristics of Mixed Dyeing Using Persimmons Juice and Onion Outer Skin Extract (감즙과 양파껍질 추출액을 이용한 혼합염색의 특징)

  • Han Young-Sook;Yoo Hye-Ja;Lee Hye-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.1 s.149
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2006
  • Natural dyes are environmentally and human compatible. But they are not various or not fast in color. The mixed dyeing have been attempted to solve these disadventages of natural dyes. The persimmon juice dyed fabrics have brown-color and good hygienic properities however low color fastness. The onion dyeing show similar brown-color and have good color fastness caused by querectin existed in onion outer skins. Mixed dyeing was carryied out on silk fabrics using persimmion juice and onion outer skin extract in this study. The mixing method were persimmon juice dyeing and then onion dyeing(P-O), onion dyeing and then persimmon juice dyeing(O-P) and dyeing in the mixture of persimmon juice and onion outer skin extract simultaneously(P+O). The mordants were none-mordent, gallic acid after-treatment and alum after-treatment. Several persimmon juice dyed fabrics were irradiated for 2 hours before onion dyeing(PU-O). The color values of dyed silk fabrics were as follows. The persimmon juice dyed silk fabric developed to yellow-red color after 2 hours of uv irradiation. Onion dyed fabrics show similar yellow-red color after dyeing without uv irradiation. The effect of alum after-treatment on color difference were highest in onion dyeing. The dyeabilities of both P-O and O-P were higher than persimmom juice dyeing and onion dyeing. The dyeabilities of P+O was lower than persimmom juice dyeing and onion dyeing. The value of color difference of alum-treated fabric was the highest. The color difference of P-O and O-P caused from 2 to 4 hours of uv-irradiation were lower than those of persimmon juice dyed fabrics. Onion skin extract could prevent the color-change of persimmon juice dyed fabrics in mixed dyeing. The color difference of PU-O was higher than the P-O.

A Study on the Performance of Human Hand Region Detection in Images According to Color Spaces (컬러공간에 따른 영상내 사람 손 영역의 검출 성능연구)

  • Kim, Jun-Yup;Do, Yong-Tae
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.10b
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    • pp.186-188
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    • 2005
  • Hand region detection in images is an important process in many computer vision applications. It is a process that usually starts at a pixel-level, and that involves a pre-process of color space transformation followed by a classification process. A color space transformation is assumed to increase separability between skin classes for hands and non-skin classes for other parts, to increase similarity among different skin tones, and to bring a robust performance under varying illumination conditions, without any sound reasonings. In this work, we examine if the color space transformation does bring those benefits to the problem of hand region detection on a dataset of images with different hand postures, backgrounds, people, and illuminations. Results indicate that best of the color space is the normalized RGB.

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