• Title/Summary/Keyword: Single Person Households

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Comparison of Dietary Behaviors of Young and Temporary Workers with Older and Permanent Workers in Single-person Households (비정규직 및 20대 청년 1인가구의 식생활 비교)

  • Jo, Pil-Kyoo;Oh, Yu-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.483-488
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to compare of dietary behaviors of young and temporary workers with older and permanent workers of single-person households. A questionnaire survey was conducted by purposive quota sampling(n=566) by age groups(20~59 years old) and status of workers(temporary workers, permanent workers and business owners). Compared to other age groups, 20s had lower average monthly income and cost of eating-out, and they rarely cooked at home and mainly bought food and groceries at convenience stores(p<0.001). This pattern was similar to temporary workers compare to other groups. This study will be meaningful as a basic data for creating a healthy living environment for temporary workers and 20s of single-person households.

Comparison of effect factors of hypertension and obesity prevalence by work status in single-person households (비정규직 및 정규직 1인 가구의 고혈압·비만 영향요인 비교)

  • Jo, Pil-Kyoo;Oh, Yu-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.509-515
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    • 2022
  • To comparison of the differences in affecting factors of prevalence of obesity and hypertension according to the employment type of single-person households, aged 20 to 59 years old people were classified by permanent and temporary workers(n=566). A questionnaire survey was conducted by purposive quota sampling to ask disease, income and health habits. In the results of logistic regression on hypertension and obesity, the prevalence of hypertension was significantly affected as age and obesity increased regardless of employment type. In particular, temporary workers with lower income were more likely to have hypertension(p<0.001). The prevalence of obesity was significantly lower for female than for male regardless of employment type. In particular, temporary workers had a higher prevalence of obesity as their dinner fidelity decreased(p<0.001). As a result, chronic disease management for single-person households with lower income and dinner fidelity should be intervened in more useful ways.

The Effect of Characteristics of Social Intelligence Robots on Satisfaction and Intention to Use: Focused on User of Single Person Households (소셜 지능로봇의 특성이 만족과 사용의도에 미치는 영향: 1인 가구 소셜 지능로봇 사용자를 중심으로)

  • Jeon, Gyuri;Lee, Chaehyun;Jung, Sungmi;Choi, Jeongil
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.95-113
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study focused on the societal changes associated with the entry into an ultra-aged society and the increase in single-person households. The core objective of this research is to investigate how social intelligent robots can bring about positive changes in the lives of individuals in single-person households and how such changes influence user satisfaction and the intention to use these robots. Methods: The study employed a cross-sectional analysis using a structural equation model. A survey designed to assess the impact of social intelligent robots' characteristics, such as perceived encouragement, empathy, presence, appearance, and attachment, on user satisfaction and usage intentions was conducted. Data were collected from a total of 335 users and analyzed using the structural equation model. Results: In the characteristics of social intelligent robots for single-person households, it was found that empathy, presence, and attachment significantly influenced satisfaction, while perceived encouragement, empathy, and attachment significantly influenced usage intentions. The research results indicate differences between enhancing user satisfaction and increasing the intention to use social intelligent robots. The findings suggest the essential need for a user-centric approach in the design and development of social intelligent robots. Additionally, it was observed that emotional support plays a crucial role in users' experiences with social intelligent robots. Conclusion: This study verified the impact of social intelligent robots on satisfaction and usage intentions based on users' experiences. It examined the influence of linguistic, visual, and personal characteristics of robots on user experiences, providing insights into how technological and human aspects of social intelligent robots interact to shape user satisfaction and usage intentions. Consequently, the study confirmed that social intelligent robots can bring positive changes to human life, emphasizing the necessity for the advancement of robot technology in a human-centric direction.

An Analysis of Single-person Households' Expenditure Pattern (1인가구의 품목별 소비지출 분석)

  • Park, Moon-Soo;Chong, Hogun;Kim, Hwa-Nyeon;Koh, Dae-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.987-994
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    • 2015
  • This study examines how single-person household expenditure patterns are different with respect to age and income groups using Tobit model. The expenditure data of the national household survey from 2006 to 2012 were used. The results show that income elasticities of all items are greater than 1 except for food & beverage, housing, water, electricity & gas, and Communication. Income elasticities are significantly different among consuming items. Additionally the income elasticities are also different between various age and income groups of single-person households. Therefore governments and businesses have to take this into account when devising their policies or strategies regarding single-person households. Especially, businesses need to adopt a strategy targeted at single-person households with high income and buying power such as unmarried professional people. As the number of single-person household increases the proportion of expenditures on necessities such as beverage, food, and energy is expected to decrease while that on services increases. Consequently policy responses are required to prepare for the expansion of service industries such as health, hospital, and housekeeping services.

Dietary Characteristics and Needs for Community Kitchens among Young Adults of Single-person Households in Seoul according to the Cooking Attitude (서울시 거주 1인 가구 청년의 조리태도에 따른 식생활 특성 및 공유부엌 니즈)

  • Yang, Mina;Asano, Kana;Kim, Nalae;Yoon, Jihyun
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.204-213
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: This study examined the dietary characteristics and needs for community kitchens among young adults of single-person households in Seoul according to the cooking attitude. Methods: During April 2018, an online survey was conducted on young adults of single-person households in their 20s and 30s residing in Seoul. The respondents were classified into the more positive cooking attitude group (More Positive Group; n=152, mean=4.11) and the less positive cooking attitude group (Less Positive Group; n=190, mean=3.03) based on the mean score (3.51) of the 4-item 5-point Likert scales measuring the cooking attitude. The responses of the two groups were compared. Results: Approximately 90% of the More Positive Group had the cooking ability to prepare ordinary meals or more advanced cooking skills, whereas only 61% of the Less Positive Group had such skills. Approximately a half of the More Positive Group cooked at home three times a week or more; only 30% of the Less Positive Group did so, and more than 30% of the group seldom cooked. The More Positive Group had higher mean scores in the levels of satisfaction with dietary life and care for food safety and nutrition than the Less Positive Group. Approximately 30% of all the respondents expressed their needs for community kitchens. The most frequently answered reason for such needs was "being able to have a meal with others". Conclusions: The young adults of single-person households with a more positive cooking attitude possessed a higher cooking ability, cooked more often, and cared more about food safety and nutrition than those with a less positive cooking attitude. There were moderate needs for community kitchens among young adults of single-person households living in Seoul. Therefore, societal efforts to improve their cooking attitude would be meaningful for improving their quality of dietary life. Cooking lessons or social dining programs based on community kitchens could be an option.

Factors Affecting the Self-Esteem of Single Households from Low-Income Families Aged 50-60 years: Structural Equation Model Analysis (50-60대 저소득층 1인 가구의 자존감에 미치는 영향요인 : 구조방정식모형 분석)

  • Yu, Young-Seol;Lee, Doh-Hee;Kim, Seon-Rye
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to verify the factors affecting self-esteem of the 50-69 aged with low income in single person households. The subjects were 233 single households in the 50-69 aged low income from the 2019 welfare panel data provided by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The dependent variable was defined as self-esteem, and independent variables were relationship satisfaction and life satisfaction. Data analysis was carried out by using SEM analysis, As a result, relationship satisfaction did not have a direct effect on self-esteem, with a low value (path coefficient =0.24). However, relationship satisfaction positively influenced life satisfaction (path coefficient =0.71), and life satisfaction positively influenced the self-esteem (path coefficient =0.46). Thus life satisfaction between relationship satisfaction and self-esteem had a mediator effect on self-esteem with 0.32 value. Therefore, establishing the strategy which supports poor single person households, policy makers should consider methods improving relationship satisfaction and life satisfaction.

A pilot study for target selection of Korean Medicine public health promotion programs on single person, low income, senior households: Based on the 2017 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (65세 이상 저소득층 1인 가구 대상 한의약 건강증진 프로그램 타겟 선정을 위한 탐색적 조사연구: 2017년 국민건강영양조사 결과를 바탕으로)

  • Ko, Youme;Cho, Wonje;Im, Jungkwon;Jeon, Yoonjeong;Kang, Kyungrae;Shin, Yong Cheol;Jang, Bo-Hyoung;Ko, Seong-Gyu
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2019
  • Objectives : The aim of this study was to explore the general characteristics and health risk factors of the low income single person household in elderly Korean population for target selection of Korean medicine public health promotion program. Methods : We collect the 826 low income over 65 years old participants data from 7th Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The demographic, life habit, health status, medical history were used to compare the difference between single and multiple low income senior households. Results : All variables except drinking and smoking were statistically significant between single and multiple low income senior households. The health risk factors in single low income senior households were gender, overweight, Medicaid, annual drinking habit, diagnosis of diabetes. Conclusions : Through this study, we found out that the overweight, monthly drinking habit, diagnosis of diabetes were health risk factors in low income senior single households.

A Study on Meal Kit Consumption Behavior and Selection Attributes of Single-person Household Consumers (1인 가구 소비자의 밀키트 소비행태와 선택속성에 관한 연구)

  • Youngmin Choi;Ji Eun Oh;Hei-Ryeo Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.246-253
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to understand the needs of consumers in the meal kit market and determine the impact of meal kit selection attributes according to the consumption behavior of single-person households on purchase decisions and satisfaction. A summary of the results of this study is as follows: First, the most frequent purchase frequency of meal kits was 2 to 3 times a month. The reason for purchase was that it was easy to consume, and the most common purpose of purchase was for consumption. Second, four factors, including health, convenience, taste, and economics, were derived as a result of a factor analysis of meal kit selection attributes. The difference in meal kit selection attributes according to age groups revealed that those in their 20s had high scores with respect to health and taste factors, and economic factors appeared statistically significant. Third, an analysis of the meal kit product selection attributes showed that health and taste factors had a positive influence on satisfaction. This can be said to reflect the tendency of single-person households to give weightage to healthy eating and to purchase products that can be consumed conveniently.

A Study on the Role of Social Robot in Aspect of User Experiences -Focus on Single-person Households- (사용자 경험 측면에서 소셜로봇의 역할에 관한 고찰 -1인 가구 생활을 중심으로-)

  • Chae, Min-Young;Kim, Seung-In
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.295-300
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    • 2017
  • The study evaluates exploration of social robot's role which can emotionally communicate with human as an alternative to heal psychological isolation for single-person households. At first, I conduct a study on literatured to understand the definition and characteristics of social robot then analyze the current situation and future prospects. Based on this, I organized the requirements of social robot in aspect of user experience through in-depth interview of twenties single-person households living in the metropolitan area who could be potential customers. As a result every subject require social robot specialized to them through accumulated interaction. On the other hand, degree of attachment with social robot is different from subjects. Hear by I realize every subject require social robot to different and various functions according to their lifestyle and personality. Therefore I could draw conclusions and implications from this study that technical development in aspect of personalized user experience is necessary for social robot to settle in to human's life in the future.

Residential Location Choice Factors by Income Level of Young One-person Households and Newlyweds in the Seoul Metropolitan Region (서울대도시권 청년 1인 및 신혼 가구의 소득수준별 주거입지 선택요인)

  • Park, JeongYeon;Yi, Changhyo
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the differences among the income level groups of young single-person households and newlywed households in factors affecting the choice of residential location in the Seoul metropolitan region. To summarize the results of the analysis, first, there were differences in the factors affecting the choice of residential location by income level in both single-person young households and newlyweds. Second, among young households, the low-income group showed a behavior of choosing a residential location based on bounded rationality considering the economic condition of the household. Third, even though the income level is similar, the difference in the factors for choosing a residential location between single-person young households and newlywed households was confirmed, which is results of the life-cycle changes. These results imply that it is necessary to prepare appropriate housing policies that can supplement the economic conditions of young households living in the Seoul metropolitan region, and to review customized housing policies that reflect changes in life-cycle stages as well as age or income level.