• Title/Summary/Keyword: Share Brand

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The Optimal Timing of Markdowns: A Decision Model for Jean Market (가격인하 최적시기 연구: Jean Market을 대상으로 한 Decision Model를 중심으로)

  • 곽영식;김용준;남용식;이진화
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.606-617
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a decision model that helps manufacturers and retailers determine the optimal timing of markdown in order to maximize their profit. An optimal timing decision model was developed based on three steps; conjoint measurement, scenario analysis and simulation. Data were collected from the sample of 149 out of 170 undergraduate and graduate students in Seoul in 1997. From the Jeans market, 8 brands; Levi's, lee, Guess, Calvin Klein, Pintos, Get used, MFG, and Basic, were selected as competitors for this study. In the conjoint measurement, respondents estimated the level of preference, from 1 to 100, for each item in which brand, price, style, and colors were used to explain product characteristics. Then, in order to reflect competitive situation in Jeans market, four types of scenarios were developed. In each scenario, simulations were applied to decide optimal timing of markdowns that leads to maximal profitability and sales volume. The profit was calculated based on the equation; Profit = Jean's market volume x market share of each brand - cost, where market volume was obtained by integral calculus for market utility function, and market share by logit value of part-worth from the conjoint analysis. For the purpose of the parsimony of the research, costs and the level of markdown were fixed to 30% of the regular price. In results, the optimal timing decision model identified 3 different types of brands. The brands that do not need to take markdown were Ievi's, MFG, and Basic Jeans characterized by the highest brand power and the highest price zone. The brands that needed to take early markdowns were Guess, Lee, Calvin Klein, and Get Used with the intermediate level of brand power and price. The brand that need late markdown was Pintos with the weakest brand power among the competitors and the lowest price. The optimal range of markdown remains for further research.

An Influence of Private Brand′s Perceived Cues on It′s Proneness (유통업체 상표의 지각된 정보단서가 이의 지각품질, 지각희생 및 선호에 미치는 영향)

  • 김성배;전인수
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.19-40
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    • 2002
  • According to the secondary data, private brand(PB)'s share of retail sales is 25-30% in the USA, but about 45 in Korea. In Korea PB's average price is 23.3% less than manufacturer brand. It is very interest that PB's price advantage doesn't have a good effect on it's share of retail sales. This research's objective is to study why Korean consumers don't purchase private brand cheaper than manufacturer brand. A theoretical reasoning depends on information cue theory and means-ends model of perceived value. A unit of analysis is consumers who purchase private brand at E-mart in Pusan city, one of largest discount store in Korea. Hypothesis tested by Lisrel's structural equation model and interesting results as follows: First, favorable brand image among extrinsic cues is most positively correlated with perceived quality/sacrifice and intrinsic cues is also statistically significant. This fact imply that intrinsic cues; package, logo, country of origin are very important in the adoption of private brand in Korea. Second, compared with manufacturer's brand, PB's perceived price is positively correlated with perceived quality/sacrifice. This fact imply a assimilation effect between manufacturer's brand and private brand. Finally, a correlation between perceived sacrifice and PB proneness is satistically insignificant, but perceived quality has a significant effect on its proneness. this fact imply that innovators(about 4% of potential consumer) are risk-taker.

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A Study on Performances of Brand Differentiation Marketing (Focus on the Investigation of Multi-Chain Family Restaurants in Seoul) (브랜드 차별화 마케팅 성과에 관한 연구 - 서울 지역 체인 패밀리 레스토랑을 중심으로 -)

  • 최수근;전병길
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.79-102
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    • 2000
  • This study aims at providing restaurant marketers and decision-makers both the brand differentiation information and the useful clues to achieve the high market share through the various brand differentiation opportunities in multi-chain family restaurants. Sample surveys were conducted to 245 persons who had frequent using multi-chain family restaurants in Seoul. Method of survey used are telephone interviewing. The result of analysis was shown the marketer's performances on differentiation marketing, but that there were a lot of opportunities of differentiating the brand from others. Therefore, restaurant marketers and decision-makers should try to differentiate their brand along the lines of physical attributes, service, food quality, personnel, location, or image, in order to win the guest and then get the succession of their business.

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Corporate Brand Management of SK

  • Lee, Jinyong
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.23-48
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    • 2018
  • SK group has been a pioneer in overall brand management and, more recently, in CSR-imbedded brand management. SK vision of "improving itself to give greater happiness to all of its customers" and the symbol mark of "Wings of Happiness" are some good examples of integrating distinct brand identities of various member companies. After impressive growth and expansions into diverse business areas, SK group is ranked as the third largest company based on asset amounts according to the Fair Trade Commission of Korea, only after Samsung and Hyundai Motor groups. SK brand management can be analyzed, using the framework of 4 stages - 'infrastructure', 'planning', 'doing', and 'seeing' stages. In order to secure 'infrastructure' of brand management system, SK has invested huge resources to the 'SK BMS' (SK Brand Management System). At the 'planning' stage, the most important task of SK like other Korean business groups is perhaps to adopt a well-organized 'brand identity (BI) system' which may consolidate brand values of individual member companies. In actuality, SK BI consists of Customer Happiness located at the center and 3 other elements of Pride, Professionalism, and Customer-orientation. At the 'doing' stage, the slogan of 'OK! SK' and the logo of 'Wings of Happiness' have been placed at the core of the SK group brand building programs. SK adopts the principle of 'independent yet united', pinpointing that each member company independently works for its business performance but it is, at the same time, encouraged to integrate its capabilities for the SK group brand. In addition, SK has sought 'shared growth' with business partners for happiness for all the members in the society. 'Social Contribution Philosophy' based on SK value of 'creation of greater happiness' is again one of the most important guidelines for CSR (corporate social responsibility) at the doing stage. At the seeing stage, SK regularly evaluates its branding programs. SK has shown some very impressive achievements in brand management: (1) a core identity of 'Customer Happiness' participating member companies may share, (2) harmonious relationships between the group brand management office and brand management divisions of member companies, and (3) consistency-keeping in brand management over time. However, there remain two major challenges: (1) globalization of SK and (2) reinforcing sustainable superiority over not only Korean rivals but also global ones.

The Effect of Organizational Brand Internalization on the Organizational Brand Permanence (조직브랜드 내부화가 조직브랜드 영속성에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Soow-A;Hwang, Yoon Yong
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.77-93
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of organizational brand internalization on organizational brand permanence. Specifically, organizational brand internalization influences customer orientation, brand attachment, and organizational brand permanence. Also, we examined the effect of brand attachment on the relationship between customer orientation and organizational brand permanence. As a result of empirical research, organizational brand internalization plays an important role in enhancing employee's attachment to brand and positively forming relationship with customers. In other words, as brand attachment increases, employees in the organization know and share customer's needs and provide core competencies for the organization's long-term development. Therefore, companies need to strengthen their internal brand power by organizing their brands into a single concept, and to realize organizational integration of employees based on them. Finally, this study suggested practical implications and future research directions from this perspective.

The Analysis of the Characteristic Types of Fashion Brand Application - Concentrating on Korean Application cases - (패션 브랜드 어플리케이션의 특징적 유형 분석 - 한국 계정 어플리케이션 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Min-A;Ko, Hyun-Zin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.64 no.1
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    • pp.136-151
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    • 2014
  • This study systematically analyzed types of fashion brand application focusing on accounts created in Korea. While referring to 'Chanel' which has developed a fashion brand app for the first time in August of 2008, not only for App store by Apple Inc. of the greatest market share but also for Android market, the one and only competitor of App store, the study examined cases of fashion brand app in Korea and foreign countries which have been in service till August of 2013 since the year of 2008. To achieve the research goal, the study conducted a literature research and a case review, categorizing the app by their distinctive functions which were Basic Information, SNS, AR, LBS, Entertainment, Mobile Shopping and Live Streaming. As for the first function, Basic Information, it was considered to provide information on a brand such as prices, sizes and colors of products which should be the most fundamental function of a fashion brand. The function would include look book, catalogues, photographs and others of products, helping users of the app with their understanding on images and concepts of the brand. Second, SNS function was considered useful for its mobility and communication and with the help of theirs, the users share fashion information with each other. Third, AR function as in a filed of virtual reality would edit virtual objects to look real in an actual environment. This would eventually offer the users a chance to try for clothes virtually. The fourth function, LBS, would work with GPS to find a store closest from a present location. This would be a help when the users try to find stores holding promotion events or trails while hiking in mountains. The fifth Entertainment function would include all sorts of games and chances for the users to listen to music and keep fashion diaries. The sixth function, Mobile Shopping, would help the users purchase items online via the app as they would not visit a store in person. The seventh function, Live Streaming, would give the users chances to actually see fashion collections in real time, held all over the world in every season. Because of this function, not only fashion experts but also regular people have become able to enjoy the fashion shows. The distinctive characteristics of the fashion brand application discussed in the study will be a useful reference when any relevant fields try to design other new fashion brand application.

An Exploratory Study on the Brand Architecture and the In-house Brand Differentiation Strategy of Korean Apparel Enterprises (국내 의류 기업의 브랜드 아키텍쳐 및 기업 내 브랜드 차별화 전략에 관한 탐색적 연구)

  • Kim, Sae-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.31 no.4 s.163
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    • pp.519-530
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    • 2007
  • This study is an exploratory research on the brand architecture of Korean apparel enterprises and the differentiation strategy among in-house competing brands. For data analysis, secondary data was used. 20 apparel enterprises were used as the subjects. The results are as following. First, as a result of brand architecture composition, apparel enterprises used the strategy that initially paved the way launching several brands in a specific item category and after that diversified to other categories. Most enterprises used the multi-brand strategy operating plural brands in a same zoning. The terms for launching succeeding brands were about $1{\sim}5$ years. Second, as a result of analysing the cases which several brands competes within a same zoning, all the posterior brands had some differences from the prior ones. The most frequent differentiation factor was price. Concept, target age, and distribution channel followed. The order of the factors was somewhat different among the item categories. The differentiation strategy among in-house competing brands meant that the enterprises manage plural brands in a same zoning for the growth of whole market share instead of the direct competition among in-house brands. The results of this study can suggest a growth direction to the enterprises planning to launch new brands.

A Study on the Development of Brand Programs for Regional Culture & Art Centers (지역 문예회관의 브랜드 프로그램 개발 연구)

  • Park, Jin-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1532-1540
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    • 2012
  • The development and operation of brand programs can help regional Culture & Art Centers provide sustainable contents to local citizens. The study of domestic and foreign examples shows that successful, competitive brand programs share common characteristics: interactive features; systematization and manualization of programs and unique, individual, universal themes.

Determining the Optimum Brands Diversity of Cheese Using PSO (Case Study: Mashhad)

  • Dadrasmoghadam, Amir;Ghorbani, Mohammad;Karbasi, Alireza;Kohansal, Mohammad Reza
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.318-323
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    • 2016
  • In the current study, factors affecting cheese brands products in grocery stores were evaluated with an emphasis on diversity. The sample data were collected from Noushad and Pegah Milk Industry in 2015 and data were extracted, reviewed, and analyzed from 435 grocery stores in Mashhad using seemingly unrelated regression model and particle swarm optimization algorithm. Results showed that optimum amount of Kalleh product diversity is higher than other competitors in the market, and Kalleh UF diversity is 100 to 250 grams, and Kalleh UF diversity with weight of 300 to 500 grams is more than other modes of diversity, and Kalleh brand must remove tin cheese from the market. Sabah Brand also should eliminate its glass and creamy diversity from market, UF diversity is mostly welcomed in market.