• Title/Summary/Keyword: Self-Praxis

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Health Experience of Depressive Adolescents: Reflected from Newman's Praxis Methodology (우울 청소년의 건강경험 - Newman의 실무연구방법론을 근거로 -)

  • Kweon, Young-Ran;Lee, Chung-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.217-228
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: Guided by Newman's theory of health as expanding consciousness, this study was done to explore the health experience of adolescents having depression. Methods: The researcher engaged in six to eight in-depth interviews with six adolescents. To begin the dialog, the researcher asked each participant to recount the first important memory he/ she had. All the narrative and diagram sharing between the researcher and participants were summarized according to recognized patterns and later elaborated in following interviews based on Newman's praxis methodology. Results: The significant individual pattern of early health experience was during the binding stage. At the turning point, individual patterns for participants revealed a personal journey of self-discovery and then emergence of reflecting behaviors. After the turning point, the participants changed as they evolved from the initial period of disruption and disorganization to organization at a higher level. The results suggest that adolescents who are depressive find new ways of relating to friends, family, healthcare providers, and the community by expanding their consciousness. Conclusion: Newman's praxis methodology is a good way of helping and studying adolescents with depression because it emphasizes participant-nurse/researcher partnership and pattern recognition as nursing practice.

Development of curriculum for humanity education in Christian university (기독교대학 인성교육을 위한 교과목 개발)

  • Hyang-Sook Park
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.72
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    • pp.317-339
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to develop liberal arts subjects for humanity education in Christian universities. Christian universities need to attempt Christian humanity education through Christian educational interpretation of humanity. This study defines the humanity not character or personality but rather humanity. Humanity is starting from an understanding of human conditions. And it is a perspective toward oneself and others based on human ontological questions and life style. Human is a being with developmental crises and are marginal being with existential anxiety. Therefore, humanity education of Christian universities should be a place to face the void of finite humans in order to understand what kind of existence they are and to transform their epistemology to understand self and the world. Christian humanity education will be realized by two approaches. The first is a theoria approach that extends from a two-dimensional understanding of the self and experienced reality to the speculative and introspective pursuit of the ultimate truth, The second is a praxis approach that consist of the interaction of reflection to human's act and reflective behavior. Therefore, this study develops a subject focused on a speculative and reflective understanding of humanity as an case of a liberal arts subject for humanity education in a Christian university, and a subject focusing on the understanding of reflexively participating in the actual social situation, which is the context of humanity.

Reflection on the Experience of Medical Professionalism Education at Yonsei University College of Medicine (연세대학교 의과대학 의학전문직업성 교육 경험의 반성적 고찰)

  • An, Shinki;Bu, Sunghee
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2012
  • For decades medical educators have continually emphasized medical professionalism, which is reflective response to the challenges of a rapidly changing medical environment. This study aimed to review the experience of implementing medical professionalism education at Yonsei University College of Medicine (YUCM). YUCM introduced a new curriculum in 2004 designed by Curriculum Development Project 2004 (CDP2004), a project that was launched in 2001. CDP2004 reorganized lectures as organ-based integrated lectures, introduced an introductory course for clinical medicine and medical humanities courses for premedical and medical students. Problem-based learning (PBL), elective courses, and self-study sessions in the afternoon were implemented in order to equip students with a self-directed learning attitude as medical professionals. Professors were asked by the CDP2004 curriculum to spend more time on student education and to adopt new teaching methods. Experiences of the CDP2004 curriculum reveals 1) difficulty of motivating professors to be PBL tutors 2) students' dissatisfaction with the medical humanities course (major critique was that the course was impractical and unrealistic), and 3) students' optimistic understanding about their future role as medical professionals in influencing and helping people in spite of their perception of the general medical environment not as promising. To foster professionalism, the following are necessary in our experiences: 1) faculty development of medical humanities and medical professionalism, 2) establishment of an environment throughout the whole institution to support medical professionalism education and to integrate the concept into praxis, 3) emphasis on the fact that medical professionalism education is not contradictory to biophysical medical education.

Study on the Relationship between the Eating Out Behavior of Family and a Low-Salt Management by Housewives in Jeonju Area (전주지역 가족의 외식행태와 주부의 저염식관리와의 관계연구)

  • Song, Hyungeun;Lee, Soyoung;Rho, Jeongok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 2018
  • This study examined the relationship between the eating out behavior of families and a low-salt management by housewives in Jeonju area. Self-administered questionnaires were collected from 420 housewives. Descriptive statistical analyses was completed using SPSS v. 19.0 and Stata 13.0. The frequency of eating out and delivered food of housewives in their 20s was significantly higher than that of the older housewives (p<0.001). The high order frequency delivered foods were chicken menu and Chinese food. The determinants of the eating out menu were children's preference and meal time. The average scores of 'interest on low-salt diet', 'attitude toward a low-salt purchasing', and 'praxis a low-salt diet' were $2.70{\pm}0.95$, $3.06{\pm}1.13$, and $3.26{\pm}0.91$, respectively. The level of a low-salt management housewives in their 20s was higher than that of the older housewives (p<0.001). Regression analysis showed that various factors (e.g. age, number of children, education level, and frequency of the eating out) correlated with the low-salt diet of subjects. For the adequate eating out behavior of families and low-salt management of housewives, information and consumer education to take family-related situations into consideration are necessary.

The Humanities Course Experience of Multicultural Couples : Focusing on Movie Making (다문화부부의 인문학강좌 참여경험 : 영화만들기를 중심으로)

  • Kang, Jaime M.;Byun, Soung-Won;Kim, Deok-Soon;Kim, Jeong-Uk;Park, Hyun-Jung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.305-312
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this qualitative study is to analyze the experience of multicultural couples who participated in the movie making educational activity within the program "Communication Development among Multicultural and Indigenous Couples Through Intercultural Praxis." This program was held for 8 months from March 10, 2012 to November 11, 2012. Among the participants, 4 couples agreed for both individual and group interviews and provided data for this paper. The interview result can be categorized into the following four: quality relationship, acceptance and support, positive thinking, and accomplishment.

The Effects of Fatigue on Cognitive Performance in Police Officers and Staff During a Forward Rotating Shift Pattern

  • Taylor, Yvonne;Merat, Natasha;Jamson, Samantha
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2019
  • Background: Few studies have examined the effects of a forward rotating shift pattern on police employee performance and well-being. This study sought to compare sleep duration, cognitive performance, and vigilance at the start and end of each shift within a three-shift, forward rotating shift pattern, common in United Kingdom police forces. Methods: Twenty-three police employee participants were recruited from North Yorkshire Police (mean age, 43 years). The participants were all working the same, 10-day, forward rotating shift pattern. No other exclusion criteria were stipulated. Sleep data were gathered using both actigraphy and self-reported methods; cognitive performance and vigilance were assessed using a customized test battery, comprising five tests: motor praxis task, visual object learning task, NBACK, digital symbol substitution task, and psychomotor vigilance test. Statistical comparisons were conducted, taking into account the shift type, shift number, and the start and end of each shift worked. Results: Sleep duration was found to be significantly reduced after night shifts. Results showed a significant main effect of shift type in the visual object learning task and NBACK task and also a significant main effect of start/end in the digital symbol substitution task, along with a number of significant interactions. Conclusion: The results of the tests indicated that learning and practice effects may have an effect on results of some of the tests. However, it is also possible that due to the fast rotating nature of the shift pattern, participants did not adjust to any particular shift; hence, their performance in the cognitive and vigilance tests did not suffer significantly as a result of this particular shift pattern.

A Discussion on Critical Pedagogy as a Philosophy in Education for Alternative Education in Korea (한국 대안교육의 교육철학으로서 비판교육학 논의)

  • Hur, Changsoo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.477-487
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    • 2021
  • Alternative education in Korea has grown into an educational movement since the 1990s. The alternative education is affecting and growing the public education system such as innovative schools, free semester systems, and high school credit systems. In 2021, an institutional foundation was also established to be recognized and supported as an educational institution. As a result of reflecting on the alternative education movement for 20 years, it is understood as stagnant lost time in the second half of the decade. It is discussing reorganizing the meaning of future-oriented "alternatives" with the new "alternatives". The poverty of educational philosophy has also been highlighted as an issue, but no special discussions have been underway. Thus, the study discussed to propose an educational philosophy that could capture the ideologies of alternative education. Critical pedagogy aims to foster human beings who are subjective, autonomous, active and self-reliant through conscious emancipation. In recent years, critical pedagogy have discussed ecological environment and feminism. The educational philosophy of scholars such as Freire and Illich was the basis of the early alternative educational movement. Considering this, the study discusses that Korea's alternative education movement can be understood through critical education and is reasonable as an educational philosophy for new alternatives in the future.

Implications of Freire's Education Theory and Corresponding Action Plans for Secondary School Home Economics Education (프레이리(Freire) 교육론이 중등학교 가정과교육에 주는 시사점 및 실천방안)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jin;Chae, Jung Hyun
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.407-427
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the implications of Freire's education theory for secondary school Home Economics Education (HEedu). We conducted a review of books written by Freire and classified the characteristics of his education theory into 9 categories. Based on these categories, we concretely explored the forms in which Freire's education theory could be applied in this area of education through interviews with Home Economics (HE) teachers. We also searched for activities that can be carried out by HEedu agents and the support that can be given by social institutions. The implications of Freire's education theory for HEedu are that education should exhibit love and respect for human beings, be ethically and democratically responsible, enable people to dream as well as hope, support consciousness and praxis by reflection, stimulate epistemological curiosity in learners' lives and experiences, promote subjectivity, autonomy and self-reliance, engage in dialogue to bring about a change in relationships rather than viewing dialogue as a skill, and stimulate political engagement. Freire's education theory therefore has multiple implications for the purpose, mission, and content of education, teaching methods and perspectives, and directions regarding the role of HE teachers. The results are expected to provide practical assistance in developing a persuasive curriculum for HEedu that can help learners restore subjectivity and love for human beings and their society by expanding the horizons of HEedu philosophy from the critical science of Habermas to Freire's education theory.

The relation of Creating Actor's Aura and Conscious Liminality of Acting - a conceptual understanding as a searching process for materiality - (연기의 기술적, 의식적 리미널리티(liminality)와 배우의 아우라의 상관성 - 물질성 탐색의 한 과정으로서의 개념적 이해 -)

  • Kwon, Kyoung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Theatre Studies Association
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    • no.53
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    • pp.31-56
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    • 2014
  • If we define theatre as an infinite tower piled up by smoke, the strata of the organic composition of an actor's/actress' body-mind-spirit, may not only be complicatedly worked out, but it seems to belong to a non-scientific realm. However and at the same time, it is also true that the audience is eager to witness a certain kind of specific vitality from the actor/actress on stage. Of course the vitality is hard to be prescribed. Simply we call it a texture of energy, nuance of existence, or much simpler, an actor's/actress' 'aura'. That is, the existential nuance of the actor/actress. The nuance, which is surging from the actor's/actress' authentic presence, ultimately comes out of, not the circumstantial interpretation of the production but the power of its integration. We can find from the works of Meyerhold, Grotowsky and Barba the theatrical fact that the actor's aura can be obtained by a kind of artificiality rather than innate characteristics of existence. These directors commonly regard theatre as the actor's/actress' theatre. Respectively choosing his own specific methods of expression, they unexpectedly meet in a same spot in which actor's/actress' theatre can be realized by the rediscovery of the actor's/actress's body-form. In other words, their approaching methods to theatre look alike, at least in that abandoning reserving any natural, unconscious, economic body-form of an actor/actress, they rather try to discover a certain kind of 'technical' body-form. The form which is totally non/un-conscious, unfamiliar and non-economical. Their research process explores an ideal body-form, and this thesis focuses on this point. For this work, I bring the notion of 'liminality' that connotes the praxis for essential presence of the actor/actress as well as the incubating time and space nacessary for his/her rebirth. And for developing this work, I ask: Could not the actor's/actress' consciousness and the spatiotemporal dimensions (s)he meets, be possibly defined as the core of liminality, only in case that (s)he requires them in the process of, either exploring the unfamiliar body or familiarising with the unfamiliar body-form? As I mentioned above, the three frontiers' theatrical journey is similar in part. For example, three all start from the actor's/actress' consciousness and then go through the body enlarged with it. Then they continue their journey, but different from one another. Meyerhold still uses the conscious body. But now he transforms it into a kind of mobilized sculptures. In comparison with Meyerhold's use of the consciousness, Grotowsky puts his emphasis on an autonomous body which, if necessary, cast away even the innate consciousness. Likewise, to Barba, theatre always starts from the actor/actress who has already taken off all kinds of conventions. (Conventions should be re-designed!) The actor/actress therefore recreates him/herself as his/her body-mind wears a new, unfamiliar, readjusted form and vitality. And then this restructured body-mind may unceasingly aim at exploring its vitalized 'positive organism', that is the waves of self-centering energy, an existential nuance, and an authentic (or maybe behavioral) expressiveness. Now it seems clear that the liminal process for the frontiers' theatrical journey could be equalized as a profound process of self-penetration, self-transformation, and self-realization. This thesis explores the mystic realm of liminality.

A study on the local development paradigm and strategy in the era of localization (地方化時代의 開發패러다임과 그 開發戰略 硏究)

  • ;;Kang, Hak-Soon;Park, Chan-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.132-145
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    • 1995
  • The Purpose of this study is to integrate two opposite paradigms, (development from above) and (development from below), by means of A. Giddenss (structuration theory) and to provide practical development strategies on the basis of integrated paradigm. The integration of these two opposite paradigms is in fact the internalization of epistemological overcoming of 'dependency', which means the structural transformation of dualistic thinking into monistic thinking that the enlargement of capitalist world-system can be 'development' and it may also be 'dependency'. Therefore the practical main issue of this integrated paradigm results in how peripheral countries should achieve self-reliant and continuous development under the circumstances of dependency. To achieve such development while resisting the growing arrogance of transnational capital, development strategies should be prepared to maker revitalized political community designed to fit a human scale and for the economy to be subordinated to the political will of the community. And at the same time the 'empowerment' of people should be strengthened.

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