• Title/Summary/Keyword: Self-Efficacy Mediating

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A Study of Influencing Factors Upon Using C4I Systems: The Perspective of Mediating Variables in a Structured Model (C4I 시스템 사용의 영향 요인에 관한 연구: 구조모형의 매개변수의 관점에서)

  • Kim, Chong-Man;Kim, In-Jai
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.73-94
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    • 2009
  • The general aspects for the future warfare shows that the concept of firepower and maneuver centric warfare has been replacing with that of information and knowledge centric warfare. Thus, some developed countries are now trying to establish the information systems to perform intelligent warfare and innovate defense operations. The C4I(Command, Control, Communication, Computers and Intelligence for the Warrior) systems make it possible to do modern and systematic war operations. The basic idea of this study is to investigate how TAM(Technology Acceptance Model) can explain the acceptance behavior in military organizations. Because TAM is inadequate in explaining the acceptance processes forcomplex technologies and strict organizations, a revised research model based upon TAM was developed in order to assess the usage of the C4I system. The purpose of this study is to investigate factors affecting the usage of C4I in the Korean Army. The research model, based upon TAM, was extended through a belief construct such as self-efficacy as one of mediating variables. The self-efficacy has been used as a mediating variable for technology acceptance, and the variable was included in the research model. The external variables were selected on the basis of previous research. The external variables can be classified into following: 1) technological, 2) organizational, and 3) environmental factors on the basis of TOE(Technology-Organization-Environment) framework. The technological factor includes the information quality and the task-technology fitness. The organizational factor includes the influence of senior colleagues. The environmental factor includes the education/train data. The external variables are considered very important for explaining the behavior patterns of information technology or systems. A structured questionnaire was developed and administrated to those who were using the C4I system. Total 329 data were used for statistical data analyses. A confirmatory factor analysis and structured equation model were used as main statistical methods. Model fitness Indexes for measurement and structured models were verified before all 18 hypotheses were tested. This study shows that the perceived usefulness and the self-efficacy played their roles more than the perceived ease of use did in TAM. In military organizations, the perceived usefulness showed its mediating effects between external variables and dependent variable, but the perceived ease of use did not. These results imply that the perceived usefulness can explain the acceptance processes better than the perceived ease of use in the army. The self-efficacy was also used as one of the three mediating variables, and showed its mediating effects in explaining the acceptance processes. Such results also show that the self-efficacy can be selected as one possible belief construct in TAM. The perceived usefulness was influenced by such factors as senior colleagues, the information quality, and the task-technology fitness. The self-efficacy was affected by education/train and task-technology fitness. The actual usage of C4I was influenced not by the perceived ease of use but by the perceived usefulness and selfefficacy. This study suggests the followings: (1) An extended TAM can be applied to such strict organizations as the army; (2) Three mediation variables are included in the research model and tested at real situations; and (3) Several other implications are discussed.

The Effects of Past Success on Performance: The Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy, Burnout, and Engagement (과거성공이 성과에 미치는 영향 : 자아효능감, 소진, 몰입의 매개역할을 중심으로)

  • Im, Chang-Hee
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.49-78
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    • 2010
  • Traditionally, self-efficacy, burnout and engagement are defined as work related states of mind, and formally speaking, students are not employees. But, we assume that from a psychological perspective, student core activities can be considered work. Therefore, based on SCT(social cognitive theory), we examine the mediating role of self-efficacy in the prediction of student burnout and engagement, and also the mediation of burnout and engagement between self-efficacy and performance(GPA). There is no research to date wether there would be mediating role of these variables between past success and performance. These effects were analysed in the context of mediating role of the variables in a university in a sample of 438 students. This study utilized a convenience sample drawn from various major scholar area. Results of structural equation modeling analyses were consist with a full mediation model in which academic past success predicts self-efficacy, which in turn, predicts student burnout and engagement. Also our proposed model showed that burnout and engagement are partial or full mediating variables between self-efficacy and performance. Our study's findings provide evidence that engagement fully accounted for the relationship between self-efficacy and performance, and burnout partially explained the relationships. These findings aligns with the general theorizing supported by JD-R model and SCT(social cognitive theory). More specifically, it builds on the JD-R literature as it tests one of the proposed mechanisms in the relationship between job resources and work engagement. Implications of study are discussed, together with limitations and suggestions for future research.

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Mediating Effects of Academic Self-efficacy on the Relationship Between Academic Stress and the Academic Burnout of Adolescents in Korea (경기 일부 지역 중학생의 학업스트레스와 학업소진의 관계에서 학업적 자기효능감의 매개효과)

  • Yoon, Yeo-Jin;Jung, In-Kyung
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.219-232
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    • 2014
  • This study investigate the mediating effects of academic self-efficacy on the relationship between academic stress and academic burnout of Korean adolescents. A survey was conducted using a convenient sample drawn from 850 students from nine junior high schools in Kunggi-do Province. Data were analyzed using SAS package program. The results show that many students were dissatisfied with their own academic performance. There was a significant positive relationship between academic stress and academic burnout. In particular, academic performance and studying had a significant interaction effect on academic stress. Academic self-efficacy had negative effects on academic stress and academic burnout. Academic self-efficacy partly mediated the relationship between academic stress and academic burnout. These results suggest that improving academic self-efficacy is crucial for preventing and reducing symptoms of academic stress and academic burnout. In this regard, continuous social support and efforts are needed to develop instructional strategies and educational programs that can improve the academic self-efficacy of adolescents.

Mediating Effect of Self-Efficacy on the Relationship between Academic Burn out and Quality of Life of College Students of Health and Medical Science (보건의료계열 대학생들의 학업소진과 삶의 질과의 관계에서 자기효능감의 매개효과)

  • Kim, YunYoung;Choi, Jeong June;Park, Hyo Seok;Jang, Eunsu
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between academic burn out and the quality of life of college students of health and medical science, and to examine the mediating effects of self-efficacy on the relationship between them. Methods: The data of 379 college students of health and medical science in the Department of Korean Medicine and Nursing located in A and D cities were collected from March to July 2018, and were analyzed using SPSS 24.0 Statistics Program. Results: There was no mediating effect of self-efficacy on the Physical Component Score(PCS), which indicates the physical health index of quality of life in relation to academic exhaustion and quality of life of university students. However, the Mental Component Score(MCS), which indicates the mental health index, had a significant effect on the parameter of self-efficacy (β = .382, p <.001). Although the β value for the school exhaustion and MCS decreased from -.382 to -.209, the effect remains significant (β=-.209, p<.001). Conclusions: It is considered that the development and the application of a self-efficacy enhancement program is necessary to improve of self-efficacy and reduce academic burn out of college students of health and medical science.

The Effect of Entrepreneurship on Non-financial Performance: Focused on the Mediating Effect of Self-Efficacy (창업자의 기업가정신이 비재무적 성과에 미치는 영향: 자기효능감의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Jo, Myeong-Gi;Oh, Yun-Jeong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.151-156
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    • 2021
  • This study is aim to verify the mediating effect of entrepreneurial spirit on non-financial performance and self-efficacy. In this study, data were collected through a survey to investigate the relationship between variables, and empirical analysis of the research hypothesis was conducted using multiple regression analysis. The results of the study are as follows. First, entrepreneurship has a positive effect on self-efficacy; second, it suggests that the stronger entrepreneurship, the better self-efficacy. In addition, self-efficacy can produce positive results in various aspects, especially through this study, self-efficacy has resulted in improvement of non-financial performance.The results of this study have a positive effect on the various convergence of start-ups and the establishment of a stable start-up culture in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The Effect of Job Training Satisfaction on Career Attitude Maturity in Vocational College Youth: Mediating Effects of Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy (직업전문학교 청소년의 직업훈련만족도가 진로태도성숙에 미치는 영향: 진로결정자기효능감의 매개효과)

  • Cho, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2021
  • This study is to examine whether the satisfaction of youths in job training is effective in career attitude maturity mediated with career decision-making self-efficacy, The subjects of this study were 386 students who were sampled from four vocational schools in Seoul and SPSS 21.0 was used for statistical process. The results of this study are as follows: First, job training satisfaction showed a positive correlation with career attitude maturity. Second, career decision-making self-efficacy showed a positive correlation with career attitude maturity. Third, in the relationship between job training satisfaction and career attitude maturity of youths, the mediating effect of career decision-making self-efficacy had a statistically significant positive effect and had a partial mediating effect, Therefore, it is suggested that the higher the satisfaction of vocational training in vocational schools, the higher the career decision-making self-efficacy and also the higher the career decision-making self-efficacy, the higher the career attitude maturity.

A Study on the Impact of the Leisure Motivation of the Elderly upon Happiness: Focusing on the Mediating Effect on Self-Efficacy (노인의 여가 참여동기가 행복감에 미치는 영향: 자기효능감에 대한 매개효과 연구)

  • Kong, Kyoung Bae
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.30-43
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the structural dynamics between the leisure motivation, self-efficacy, and happiness of the elderly to provide a lesson and invigoration strategies for the systematic leisure activities of the elderly. This study was conducted with 366 baby boomers who use the elderly welfare centers located in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do, where the statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS 26.0 and AMOS 26.0. The findings of this study were as follows; First, of the leisure motivations of the elderly, those other than competency motivation, that is, intellectual motivation, social motivation, and recuperative motivation, had a significant impact on happiness. Second, all the motivations for the elderly, that is, intellectual, social, competency, and recuperative motivations, had a positive impact on self-efficacy. Third, the self-efficacy of the elderly had a significant and positive impact on happiness. Fourth, in the relationship between the intellectual, social, competency, and recuperative motivations and happiness, self-efficacy was shown to have a significant mediating effect. The findings of this study indicates that the elderly leisure welfare programs should be expanded in each local community, so that such programs could be used in various aspects to contribute to the enhancement of self-efficacy and happiness.

The Effect of Interpersonal Relationships of the Disabled on Daily Life Satisfaction: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Self-Efficacy (장애인의 대인관계가 일상생활만족도에 미치는 영향: 자기효능감의 매개효과 중심)

  • Kim, Eun-Yeong;Lee, Mee-Ae
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.145-154
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    • 2022
  • It was to verify the mediating effect of self-efficacy in the relationship that the interpersonal relationship of the disabled affects daily life satisfaction. The subjects of the study were 3,907 registered disabled people in the 5th Data of the Disabled Employment Panel (2019), and the SPSS 25.0 program was used for data analysis. The main research results are as follows. First, it was confirmed that the effect of interpersonal relationships on daily life satisfaction was positive(+) significan. Second, the effect of interpersonal relationships on self-efficacy was found to be positive(+) significance level. Third, the effect of self-efficacy on daily life satisfaction was statistically positive(+) significance level. Fourth, the positive(+) partial mediating effect of self-efficacy was verified in the relationship between interpersonal relationships on daily life satisfaction. In order to improve the daily life satisfaction of the disabled, it was found that interpersonal relationships and self-efficacy should be improved. Through this, practical implications were presented to increase the satisfaction of the disabled in their daily lives.

Effects of Ethical Consciousness on Job Satisfaction of Social Workers: Mediated Effects of Self-efficacy (사회복지사의 윤리의식이 직무만족에 미치는 영향: 자기효능감의 매개효과)

  • Jong-Du Park;Mal-Sook Suk
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to verify the mediating effect of self-efficacy in the effect of social workers' ethical consciousness on job satisfaction. Based on the ratio of the statistical yearbook of Korean social workers in 2020, the subjects of the study conducted an online survey on 512 social workers working at social welfare facilities in Seoul. The study was conducted with IRB approval. The analysis and statistics of this study used SPSS & AMOS 25.0. Bootstrapping was used to verify the mediating effect of self-efficacy in the effect of social workers' ethical consciousness on job satisfaction. As a result of the study, the positive effect on self-efficacy and job satisfaction of social workers was verified. In addition, the positive mediating effect of self-efficacy was verified between the ethical consciousness of social workers on job satisfaction. The results of the study suggest the importance of systems and practices to support capacity building and promote self-efficacy for ethical awareness to improve job satisfaction of social workers.

A Study on Paid Work and the Interpersonal Relationships of the Poor Elderly: The Mediating Effect of Self-Efficacy (빈곤노인의 유급노동과 대인관계에 관한 연구: 자기효능감의 매개효과)

  • Kang, Mihee
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate how paid work affects self-efficacy and interpersonal relationships among the poor elderly. In addition, this study analyzes to measure the psychological and social effectiveness that can be obtained through paid work in poor life. This survey was conducted for poor elderly people in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do on the assumption that the quality of paid work would positive affect the interpersonal relationships of the poor elderly, and that the self-efficiency would play a mediating role between the quality of paid work and their interpersonal relations. The final sample of 165 of them was selected and analyzed. As a result of the analysis, the quality of paid work was analyzed to have a significant effect on the interpersonal relationship of the poor elderly, and the mediating effect of self-efficacy was also confirmed. Based on the results of these studies, the need for a policy to improve the quality of paid work for the elderly and practical measures to improve the self-efficacy of the elderly in the social welfare field were proposed.