• 제목/요약/키워드: Scutellaria roots

검색결과 23건 처리시간 0.024초

Baicalin Production in Transformed Hairy Root Clones of Scutellaria baicalensis

  • Hwang, Sung-Jin
    • Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering:BBE
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.105-109
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    • 2006
  • A transformed hairy root clone of Scutellaria baicalensis was established following infection with Agrobacterium rhizogenes ATCC15834. Three root clones of S baicalensis were selected by growth habit and baicalin content. The most active strain-the SR-03 clone-was examined for its growth and baicalin content under various culture conditions. The root growth and baicalin content were maximized in a Schenk and Hildebrandt medium supplemented with 4 and 6% sucrose, respectively. The accumulation of baicalin in transformed hairy roots was enhanced through exposure to various elicitors. Elicitation was attained by the addition of methyl jasmonate, salicylic acid, and various concentrations of fungal cell wall elicitors to the medium. The accumulation of baicalin in the elicited cultures ranged from 10.5 to 18.3 mg/g dry weight of the roots, which was 1.5- to 3-fold the amount attained in controls.

백혈병 세포주에 대한 $(\pm)$-ar-Turmerone, 자근 및 황금추출물에 의한 항암제의 세포독성 증강효과 (Augmentation of the Cytotoxic Effects of Anticancer Drugs by $(\pm)$-ar-Turmerone and Extracts of the Lithosperma and Scutellaria Roots against Human Leukemia Cell Lines)

  • 이윤영;유관희;김삼용;안병준
    • 약학회지
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.203-215
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    • 1991
  • Using the calorimetric [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide] (MTT)assay, we evaluated the chemosensitivity of 8 anticancer drugs{vincristine(VCR), vinblastine(VBL), adriamycin(ADR), cisplatin(CPDD), etoposide(VP-16), cytosine arabinoside(ara-C), bleomycin (Bleo) and cyclophosphamide(CYC)} and the cytotoxicity-enhancing effects of ($\pm$)-ar-turmerone and the extracts of the crude drugs {Lithospermum eythrorhizon(LE) and Scutellaria baicalensis (SB)} on the above mentioned anticancer drugs against HL-60 and KG-1 cells among 8 anticancer drugs, VCR, VBL, ADR, and CPDD inhibited the growth of both cell lines by more than 50%, while VP-16, ara-C, Bleo, and CYC were less effective. ($\pm$)-ar-Turmerone had significant inhibitory effects against both cell lines, showing the ID$_{50}$ values of 11.730 $\mu\textrm{g}$/ml and 0.292 $\mu\textrm{g}$/ml for HL-60 and KG-1 cells. respectively. But the extracts of LE and SB roots showed no significant cytotoxic effects. According to ID$_{50}$ values, the cytotoxicities of VCR, VBL and ADR against HL-60 were enhanced two, eight and three times by mixing ($\pm$)-ar-turmerone, five, seven and three times by adding the extract of LE root, and twenty, six and three times by mixing the extract of SB root, respectively. The cytotoxicities of the above mentioned drugs against KG-1 cell were enhanced two, seven and three times by mixing ($\pm$)-ar-turmerone, two, three and three times by combining wilth the extract of LB root, and two, five and two times by adding the extract of SB root, respectively. The cytotoxicity-potentiating effects of ($\pm$)-ar-turmerone and the extracts of LE and SB roots against HL-60 cell were greater than KG-1 cell.

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황금 Baicalein의 위염 및 H. pylori균에 미치는 효과 (Antigastritic and Anti Helicobacter pylori Effects of Baicalein from Scutellaria Baicalensis)

  • 강민희;이정헌;이용수;손건호;이동화;김영식;강삼식;방효춘;정춘식
    • 약학회지
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    • 제51권1호
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    • pp.68-74
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    • 2007
  • Scutellaria Radix, the dried roots of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi (Labiatae), has been used in oriental traditional medicine for treatment of fever urine disorder, diarrhea, inflammation. Present study was carried out for the gastroprotective effect of chrysin, baicalein, baicalin, wogonin from Scutellaria baicalensis. This reports evaluated antioxidant effect, antibacterial activity against Helicobacter pylori and HCI-ethanol-induced gastric lesion in rats and showed the significant effectiveness. It may be regarded that the antigastritic effects and antibacterial activity of baicalin, baicalein from Scutellaria baicalensis are originated from acid-neutralizing capacity, free radical scavenging effects and the antibacterial activity against Helicobacter pylori.

Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains이 황금 모상근 유도와 생육에 미치는 영향 (Influence of different strains of Agrobacterium rhizogenes on hairy root induction and growth in Scutellaria baicalensis)

  • 박우태;김영선;박남일;김행훈;이숙영;박상언
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제38권2호
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    • pp.213-217
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    • 2011
  • Agrobacterium rhizogenes, a gram-negative soil bacterium, is one of the most widely studied among them. A, rhizogenes can transfer T-DNA, excised from Ri (root inducing)-plasmids from the bacterial to the plant cell. It is the causal agent of 'hairy root' diseases in plants, and has been used for the production of hairy root cultures from a multitude of species. Five different strains of Agrobacterium rhizogenes differed in their ability to induce Scutellaria baicalensis hairy roots and also showed varying effects on the growth in hairy root cultures. A. rhizogenes R 1000 is the most effective strain for the induction (57.3%) and growth (11.9 g $L^{-1}$) in hairy root of Scutellaria baicalensis. Our results demonstrate that use of suitable strains of A. rhizogenes may allow study of the regulation of flavone biosynthesis in hairy root cultures of Scutellaria baicalensis.

황금 GAP 지침 설정을 위한 건조방법, 저장조건 및 포장재료에 따른 품질변화 (Changes in Quality by Drying Methods, Different Storage Conditions and Package Mediums for Established GAP Guide Book in Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi)

  • 김명석;김길자;최진경;권오도;박흥규;김현우;김성일;김영국;차선우;심재한
    • 한국약용작물학회지
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.89-94
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    • 2017
  • Background: The purpose of improving the quality of oriental medicinal herbs is to contribute to the improvement of the income of farm. The present study investigated the effect of reasonable drying methods, different storage conditions and packageing materials on quality and stability of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi and for developing GAP (good agricultural practice) guide book. Methods and Results: Three methods of drying Scutellaria baicalensis roots produced over two years were used to estimate loss rate owing to drying, storage, and packaging. The methods of drying were categorized into natural drying (36 - 60 h by sunshine), drying with heat dryer (2 - 10 h), or drying with gas bulk dryer (2 - 10 h). After cleaning, and initial drying for a few days under controlled temperature conditions, the second phase of drying was carried out at 35, 45 and $55^{\circ}C$. Changes in hunter color values and quality under the two studied storage treatments (at $20^{\circ}C$ indoors and at $4^{\circ}C$ in a refigerator) were evaluated. Storage period for 60, 120, and 180 days in three packaging materials, PE (polyethylene package), PP (polypropylene gunnysack), and WP (watertight packing paper) were studied. Conclusions: Initial cleaning, reasonable gas drying and hot air drying, and drying in an oven at 35 and $45^{\circ}C$ after cutting the roots resulted in the lowest loss rates in S. Baicalensis root. Hunter color valuse indicated that stroage of dry roots at room temperature was better than PP packaging, and that cold stroage was better than PE packaging for long-term stability.

황금 지상부의 항산화 및 항 알러지 활성 성분 (Antioxidant and Antiallergic Activity of Compounds from the Aerial Parts of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi)

  • 차자현;김현욱;김성건;정성희;황완균
    • 약학회지
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    • 제50권2호
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    • pp.136-143
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    • 2006
  • Roots of Scutellaria baicalensis have been used for fever remedy; diuresis, antiphlogistic. For the investigation of the active component from aerial parts of Scutellaria baicalensis, MeOH extracts from aerial parts of Scutellaria baicalensis were suspended with $H_2O$, and partitioned by $CHCl_3$. In order to investigate the efficacy of antioxidative activity the activity guided fraction and isolation of physiologically active substance were peformed. Its $H_2O,\;30\%,\;60\%$ MeOH and MeOH fractions were examined on antioxidative activity using DPPH method and TBARS assay; It was revealed that $30\%\;and\;60\%$ MeOH fractions have significant anti-oxidative activity. its fractions testing type I allergy, compound 48/80 induced systemic anaphylaxis was applied. As a result, compared with reference (cromolygate), these fraction significantly inhibited systemic anaphylaxis by $71\%\;and\;57\%$, respectively. From $30\%,\;60\%$ MeOH fraction, five compounds were isolated and elucidated apigenin 6-C-${\alpha}$-L-arabinopyranosyl-8-C-${\beta}$-D-glucopyranoside (isoschaftside, I), scutellarein 7-O-${\beta}$-D-glucuronopyranoside (scutellarin, II), apigenin 7-O- ${\beta}$-D-glucuronopyranoside (III), isoscutellarein 8-O-${\beta}$-D-glucuronopyranoside (IV), kaempferol 3-O-${\beta}$-D-glucopyranoside (V) through their physicochemical data and spectroscopic methods. We measured radical scavenging activity with DPPH method and anti-lipid peroxidative efficacy on human LDL with TBARS assay. [$I] showed antioxidant activities in order. Type I allergy compound 48/80 induced systemic anaphylaxis was applied. $[V inhibited systemic anaphylaxis in order.

열분해질량스펙트럼에 의한 황금의 원산지 판별법 연구 (Multivariate Analysis of Pyrolysis Mass Spectra of Scutellaria baicalensis to Identify its Origin)

  • 이진균;박민석;임요한;박정일;권성원
    • 생약학회지
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    • 제41권4호
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    • pp.303-307
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    • 2010
  • To overcome the limit of morphological method for classification of herbal drug, a novel method to discriminate its origin using pyrolysis mass spectrometry-multivariate analysis was developed. This method was applied successfully to Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi, one of the most popular herbal drug in oriental countries. The ethylacetate soluble fractions were prepared by sonication from pulverized roots of S. baicalensis which were collected from various regions including Korea and China, and subjected to direct insertion probe (DIP) mass spectrometry to achieve mass spectra of pyrolizates of extracts. The probe temperature was elevated from $30^{\circ}C$ to $320^{\circ}C$ at increasing rate $64^{\circ}C/min$, and the average mass spectrum calculated from total ion chromatography (TIC) was obtained. The relative peak intensities versus m/z were subjected to SAS program, and the training set (9 from Korea origin and 22 from China origin) was clustered two groups as its origin. In the test set, 11 samples among total 13 test sample were successfully classified according to their origin by developed method with accuracy of 85%.

토양이화학성(土壤理化學性)과 황령(Scutellaria baicalensis George) 근(根) 중(中) 무기성분함량(無機成分含量)이 baicalin 함량(含量)에 미치는 영향(影響) (Effects of the Soil Properties and the Contents of Inorganic Constituents in Root on the Baicalin Contents of Scutellaria baicalensis George Root)

  • 장상문;이기식;최정;박수준
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.234-238
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    • 1989
  • 황금근(黃芩根)의 품질(品質)을 향상(向上)시키기 위만 합리적(合理的)인 재배법정립(栽培法定立)에 필요한 기초자료를 얻기 위하여 재배지토양이화학성(栽培地土壤理化學性) 및 황금근(黃芩根)에 함유(含有)된 무기성분함량(無機性分含量)이 baicalin함량(含量)에 미치는 영향(影響)을 조사(調査)하였다. 황금근(黃芩根) 중(中) 규소함량(奎素含量)은 0.28~1.26 %, 인함양(燐含量)은 0.17~0.46%, 가리함량(加里含量)은 1.00~1.49의 범위에 속(屬)하였다. 황금근(黃芩根) 중(中) baicalin함량(含量)은 안동산(安東産)이 11.41~14.76%, 의성산(義城産)이 13.67~16.31 %이었다. 토양(土壤) 중(中) 점토(粘土), 유기물(有機物) 및 치환성(置換性) K, Ca, Mg의 함량(含量)은 황금근(黃芩根)의 질소(窒素) 및 인(燐)의 함량(含量)과 부(負)의 상관(相關)이 인정(認定)되었다. 토양(土壤) 중(中) 치환성(置換性) 가리함량(加里含量)은 baicalin함량(含量)과 정(正)의 상관(相關)이 인정(認定)되었다. 황금근(黃芩根) 중(中) 질소(窒素) 및 인(燐)의 함량(含量)은 baicalin함량(含量)과 부(負)의 상관(相關)이 인정(認定)되었으나, 가리함량(加里含量)은 유의성(有意性)이 없었다.

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Synthesis and Biological Activites of Wogonin

  • Jinhyun-Jeong;Kim, Dongmyung-
    • 한국응용약물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국응용약물학회 2001년도 추계학술대회 및 정기총회
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    • pp.80-80
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    • 2001
  • The roots of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi have been used in the chinese medicine for the treatment of inflammation, fever and headache. Recent studies had shown that baicalin and baicalein showed a detoxifying effect and could inhibit peripheral capillary permeability, and Wogonin was found to inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells. Wogonin has been synthesized as shown in schem. Compound 2 was prepared from 2,6-dimethoxy-1,4-benzoquinone(1) followed by acylation to give compound 3. The base treatment of 3 gave cyclized product which was carried by deprotection of methyl group chemoselectively. Overall step included relatively simple ten steps.

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