• Title/Summary/Keyword: Science Image

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A Study of the Thermal Characteristics of Flooring Materials, Wood, Rock, Aluminum through Observation of its Radiant Environment in the Summer (하절기 복사환경 관측을 통한 석재, 목재, 알루미늄 바닥재의 열특성 평가)

  • Choi, Dong-Ho;Lee, Bu-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2008
  • In this study, the experiment of the measuring of four different types of flooring materials' thermal characteristics was conducted and examined during the summer. The experimental materials were arranged on the existing slab of the roof, and then its thermal characteristics were examined from the point of view of thermal radiation analysis. The aim of this study is ultimately to draw the fundamental data for improvements in a building's thermal function and reduce the urban heat island phenomena through optimizing the thermal characteristics of the surface covering materials of a building. The results from this study are as follows; 1) Each experimental material's albedo was calculated as 0.83 on the aluminum panel, 0.40 on the rock block, 0.37 on the wood deck and 0.21 on the concrete. It shows that the concrete material, which has the lowest short wave reflective rate, absorbed the most radiation energy and the aluminium panel has absorbed the lowest radiation energy. 2) From the each experimental object's value of the long wave radiation, the concrete material measured the highest, at $628W/m^2$, and the aluminium panel measured the lowest at $412W/m^2$. Therefore, it verifies that the experimental objects' own radiation rate determines the amount of the long wave radiation. 3) The degree of energy absorbency of a building's surface covering materials is greatly influenced by its own albedo and radiation rate, Therefore, it needs to be considered for the improvements in a building's thermal function and reducing the urban heat island phenomena. 4) According to the evaluation result of the each experimental object's overall heat transmission screening function on the roof of a building, the wooden deck is proven to be an excellent material for excluding the outside temperature differences effectively with its characteristic of low heat capacity and conduction. Also its surface temperature on the roof slab and the temperature difference during the day were both measured at low.

A Study on the Influence of Characteristics of Service Nature Dynamic Capability on Organizational Innovation of Small and Medium size Manufacturing Firms (서비스 본질 특성과 동태적 역량이 중소제조기업의 조직혁신에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, JeungSun;Kim, Hyunsoo
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.27-39
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    • 2018
  • This study is an empirical study to examine the effect of the characteristics of service nature of Korean small and medium manufacturing firms on organizational innovation. It is essential to know service in order for Korea, which has a strong image as a fast follower, to enhance the competitiveness of Small and Medium size Manufacturing firms. By analyzing the service characteristics phenomenon, it is possible to understand the service nature characteristics and to strengthen the capacity to meet them. In order to gain a new resource while achieving organizational innovation, the manufacturing industry can produce new demand for the main products with competitive advantage. The characteristics of service nature are derived from relationship, equality, interactivity, and experiential value. In order to enhance the competitiveness of small and medium size manufacturing firms, core competencies required for organizational innovation are set as dynamic competencies, and to prove it. The dynamic capacity was found to affect the relationship, interactivity, and experience value. It is proved that it is an important factor to promote organizational innovation as a capability to identify and actively utilize organizational innovation opportunities ahead of competitors in a rapidly changing environment. It is needed to confirm that large corporations, midsize companies, and overseas companies can achieve the same results.

Impact of Relationship Quality and Attribution on Service Recovery Expectation and Word of Mouth (관계 품질과 귀인이 서비스 복구 기대와 구전에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Sungwook;Park, Seongil
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.97-114
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    • 2019
  • The relationship quality and recovery of service failures perceived by consumers play an essential role in affecting the service provider's image and sales in terms of the highly involved service industry. In particular, implementation of successful relationship marketing strategies and effective recovery of service failures provide greater satisfaction for customers expecting customized services and reinforce the relationships between the companies and consumers. Based on these previous studies, this research conducted to find out the causal relationship between the variables influencing service recovery expectations and word of mouth(WOM) by approaching the severity of service failures from the perspective of relationship marketing and attribution theory. For the empirical analysis of this research, we conducted a questionnaire surveys of 360 service users of beauty salons, who have experienced in high-involvement services, and utilized 333 questionnaires for the final analysis. The hypothesis was experimented using the Structural Equation Model(SEM), and the results are as follows. First, we identified that the higher the customer perceived the severity of the service failure, the lower the quality of the relationship. Second, we verified that service users observed service failure as a temporary and uncontrollable factor as they distinguished service quality as higher. Third, the hypothesis that customers recognize service failures as a temporary one has a positive impact on service recovery expectation level is determined through empirical analysis. Forth, it was figured out that the higher the perceived quality of the relationship with the service provider, the higher the service recovery level expected by the consumers. At the same time, the hypothesis that optimism for service recovery expectation affects positive word of mouth has been verified. The results of this study help develop the customer-oriented business model of the service companies. Furthermore, the academic significance in that it suggested a new direction for the research of high-involvement service marketing.

Comparative Study of Melanin Content in Corneocyte with Skin Color (각질세포 내 멜라닌 정량과 피부색의 비교 연구)

  • Kwak, Taek-Jong;Chang, Min-Youl;Lee, Sang-Min;Park, Sun-Kyoo;Park, Soo-Nam
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.193-198
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    • 2010
  • Melanin is synthesized by the melanocytes in basal layer of epidermis and distributed over all the layers of skin including corneocytes in stratum corneum, outermost layer of the epidermis. Melanin of corneocytes was stained using Fontana-Masson method and quantified by image analysis. The correlation between melanin contents and skin color value was estimated in the skin of 71 Korean women. Melanin covering area (MCA) showed good correlation with $L^*$ value and $ITA^{\circ}$ (Individual Typology Angle) (r = 0.6049, 0.6651, respectively). MCA can be used as new parameter for skin color study and has potential application for evaluating the efficacy of the skin whitening cosmetics.

The Occurrence of Giant Beta lslets in the Pancreas of the Calf

  • Kim, Sang-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.60-60
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    • 1961
  • Insulin, Glucagon등의 홀몬과 Reserpine 및 Nicotine의 투여(投與)가 자우췌장(仔牛膵臟) Iangerhans도도(島嶋) 내분비세포(內分泌細胞)들에 미치는 현미경적(顯微鏡的) 및 전자현미경적(電子顯微鏡的) 영향(影響)을 연구(硏究)하는 도중 굉장히 큰 Iangerhans 도도(島嶋)들을 관찰하고 그 조직학적(組織學的) 세포학적(細胞學的) 특징(特徵)과 그 분포상태(分布狀態)를 구명(究明)하고저 한것이다. 연령(年齡) 2내지(乃至)4개월(個月)된 10두(頭) Holstein자우(仔牛)에서 췌장(膵臟)의 두부(頭部), 중간부(中間部) 및 미부(尾部)를 떼어서 Bouin 씨고정액(氏固定液)에 고정(固定)하고 파라핀절편(切片)을 만들어 Gomori의 Aldehyde Fuchsin stain에 의해서 Iangerhans도도세포(鳥鴨細胞)들을 염색(染色)하여 관찰하였다. 총괄(總括) 및 고찰(考察) 1. 지금까지 보고(報告)된 최대(最大)의 Iangerhans도도(島嶋)는 개에서 관찰된 333u 이었는데 본연구(本硏究)에서는 직경(直徑) 1,395u의 거대(巨大)한 도도(島嶋)를 관찰하였고 기리 2,700u에 달하는것을 보았다. 2. 췌장각부위별(膵臟各部位別)의 도도(島嶋)의 분포상태(分布狀態)는 다른 연구보고(硏究報告)들에 대체로 일치(一致)하였으나 그수(數)는 50평방(平方)mm에 평균(平均) 191개(個)로서 Trautmann이 보고(報告)한 125개(個)보다 66개(個)나 더 많은 수(數)이었고 직경(直徑) 200u이상(以上)에 달하는 도도(島嶋)의 백분율(百分率)은 평균(平均) 1.8%이었다. 3. 거대(巨大)한 Iangerhans도도(島嶋)은 거이 전부(全部)가 Beta세포(細胞)들로만 구성되어 있으므로 거대(巨大)Beta도도(島嶋)라고 이름지었으며 비록 그 수(數)는 적지만 한개의 거대(巨大)Beta도도(島嶋)가 차지하는 용량(容量)은 보통 크기의 도도(島嶋)가 차지하는 용량(容量)의 수백배(數百倍)에 달할것이므로 우췌장(牛膵臟)의 Insulin분비(分泌)를 연구(硏究)할 때에는 반듯이 이사실(事實)을 고려(考慮)해야 할것으로 생각된다. 4. 거대(巨大)Beta도도(島嶋)의 간질결합조직지주(間質結合組織支柱)는 매우 현저(顯著)하며 그 속에는 비교적 큰 동맥(動脈)과 정맥혈관(靜脈血管) 그리고 개재도관양(介在導管樣) 조직(組織)들이 있으며 거대(巨大)Beta도도(島嶋)들은 출생후(出生後) Iangerhans도도내외(島嶋內外)에 밀접하게 위치(位置)하고 있는 외분비(外分泌) 말초도세포(末梢導細胞)들이 증식(增殖)하여서 형성(形成)되는 것으로 믿어진다. 5. 거대(巨大)Beta도도(島嶋)의 Beta세포(細胞)들은 매우 뚜렷한 Negative Colgi images를 보이며 포장핵(胞狀核)과 비대(肥大)한 핵소고(核小高)들은 이 세포(細胞)들이 보통 도도(島嶋)의 Beta세포(細胞)들에 비(比)해서 더 활발(活發)한 분비작용(分泌作用)을 하고 있음을 시사(示唆)하는 것이다.

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The Resolution Effects of the Satellite images on the Interpretability of Geographic Informations - Laying Emphasis on the Interpretability and the Fractal Dimension (위성영상의 해상력에 따른 지리정보의 판독 - 판독가능성과 프랙탈 차원을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Yong-Il;Seo, Byoung-Jun;Ku, Bon-Chul
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.8 no.2 s.16
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2000
  • Until now, the extraction of information on geographic features and the compilation of maps from satellite imagery has had many limitations because of its lower resolution compared to aerial photos to the recent. However, it is expected that the availability of high resolution satellite imagery whose spatial resolution is about 1m will reduce such limitations. Currently, a compilation of national-wide digital base maps is going on to construct the National Geographic Information Systems in Korea. It will be used for many application field of the social welfare. Therefore, in this study, we suggest that satellite imagery can help it and we have experimented on the possibility of detecting and interpreting geographic data using satellite imagery of various spatial resolutions. The interpretability and detectability of 46 features in 6 categories was experimented with 6 kinds of images of different resolutions. As a subsequent procedure, we have performed the fractal analysis for a quality test of the texture information. Through the fractal analysis, we could show that texture information and probability of discrimination increases as the spatial resolution of the image increases. Based on the results of this experiment, we could suggest the possibility of the renewal and construction of the National-wide Geographic Information Systems database using satellite imagery, as well as of examining appropriate spatial resolutions for objects of interest.

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Behavior Interpretation of Discontinuity for Conservation Treatment of Standing Sculptured Buddha at the Yongamsa Temple, Korea (옥천 용암사 마애불의 보존관리를 위한 불연속면의 거동특성 해석)

  • Lee, Chan-Hee;Jeong, Yeon-Sam;Kim, Ji-Young;Yi, Jeong-Eun;Kim, Sun-Duk
    • 한국문화재보존과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.81-91
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    • 2004
  • The host rock of standing sculptured Buddha in the Yongamsa temple was macular biotite granite, which has gone through mechanical and chemical weathering. The principal rock-forming minerals are quartz, plagioclase, alkali feldspar, and biotite, the last two of which have been transformed into clay minerals and chlorite due to weathering processes. The bed rock around the Buddha statue is busily scattered with steep inclinations that are almost vertical and discontinuous planes with the strikes of $N8^{\circ}E$. The major joints have the strikes of N4 to $52^{\circ}W$ and N6 to $88^{\circ}E$ and the dips of 42 to $89^{\circ}$. Especially thee development of the joints that cross the major joints causes tile structural instability of the rock. The host rock of the Buddha image is separated into many different rock masses because of the also many different discontinuity, which group accounts for about $12{\%}$ of the rock. Thus it's estimated that the bed rock has not only plane and toppling failure but also wedge failure in all the sides. Since the earth pressure and the inclination pressure are imposed on the body of the Buddha in the basement rock, it's urgent to give a treatment of geotechnical engineering for the sake of its structural stability. The parts where serious fractures are seen should receive the hardening process using the fillers for stones. It's also necessary to introduce a landfill liner system in order to reduce the ground humidity. The rock surface of the Buddha statue are partly contaminated by lichens and bryophyte. The joints have turned into earth, which promotes the growth of weeds and plant roots. Thus biochemical treatments should also be considered to get rid of the vegetation along the discontinuous planes and prevent further biological damages.

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A Study on the new works obtained by the combination of prints and various media (판화와 다양한 매체와의 결합으로 얻어지는 새로운 작품에 관한 고찰)

  • Song, Dae-sup;Park, Ye-shin
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.46
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    • pp.207-231
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    • 2017
  • Printmaking is a field of fine arts and is placed on a vague boundary that is perceived as a commercial product with a popular character due to the speciality of editions. Advances of modern science and technology has developed a new technique of printmaking, and the fusion of printmaking and computer has shown the possibility of reproduction art. Reproduction printmaking has been heavily influenced by photography and extended areas, and the various forms of printing have brought about many changes and attempts by stimulating the possibilities of indirect art at various angles. As the history of printmaking and technology closely relate, the development of computer makes widespread expansion of plural artistry, technological and artistic change. A new conceptual shape can be created on the copied image simply by placing the material of the print on the smoothly flat surface expressed in digital form. The process and the result of such work show the area of unique work which is different from the value of the $\grave{a}$ la carte art or the characteristics of the material given by the print. The deprecated perception of reproducibility evaluated the value of the work in a direct sense of printmaking. It is undeniable that it is devalued by a bundle of works regardless of the value of each edition. However, the physical properties of the prints on the paper are brought up with hand drawings drawn on the canvas by hand. And it becomes an opportunity to show new aspect and change through the process of combining digital print information on paper. The diversity of media is sometimes a controversy of identity between art and technology. In the future, it should be discussed how the limit of the media which can be enjoyed in the field of art can be set as a standard.

수삼 내부의 자기공명영상 특성

  • 손재룡;이강진;최동수;김기영;강석원;최규홍
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Postharvest Science and Technology of Agricultural Products Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.151-152
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    • 2003
  • 최근 NMR, MRI, x-선 등 전자파의 기술이 발전되면서 이들을 이용하여 내부품질을 검출하는 보다진보된 연구가 수행되고 있다. 관련 연구로는 자기공명영상을 이용하여 내공수삼 및 정상수삼의 내부를 촬영하여 T$_1$, T$_2$의 값을 측정하여 내부조직의 이상유무를 추정하였고, 또한 MRI에 의해 수삼의 내부품질 뿐만 아니라 연근 판정 가능성을 검토하는 등 많은 연구가 수행되고있다. 이 연구에서는 MRI 시스템을 이용하여 수삼의 내부단면 영상을 획득하여 내부결함 유무를 검출하고, 또한 동일한 수삼을 대상으로 홍삼 제조 후 내부품질의 변화 특성을 조사하고자 수행하였다. 공시재료는 충북 음성에 있는 인삼연초연구원에서 4~6년 근 된 수삼을 이용하였고, 시험 장비로는 국내 MRI 생산 전문 업체인 ISOL Tech. Co.에서 개발한 의료용 장비인 CHORUS 1.5T(자속밀도 1.5 Tesla)를 이용하였다. 슬라이스 두께/간격은 5mn/5mn, 촬영 단면수는 15장/시료, 영상영역(FOV)은 180mmx90mm, image size는 256$\times$128 pixels 그리고 TR/TE는 각각의 이완상수별로 500/13(Tl), 4,000/63(T2) 및 2,200/21(Pd)에 대한 단면영상을 얻었다. 5개의 수삼을 동시에 뇌두에서 뿌리 쪽으로 MR 단면영상을 획득하였다. 이완상수 T$_1$, T$_2$, Pd에 대해서 MR 영상을 획득하였으며, 총 15장의 단면 영상 중 내부 상태를 가장 잘 식별 할 수 있는 영상을 조사한 결과 T$_1$과 Pd에서 촬영한 영상에서는 내부상태가 잘 나타났으나, T$_2$에서 얻은 영상은 영상의 손실이 많이 발생되었다. 한편, T$_1$에 대해서 뇌두에서 뿌리쪽으로 가면서 각 위치에 따라 수삼 내부의 부패된 영상이 나타나 이에 대한 판정은 가능한 것으로 나타났다. 2000년도와 2001년도에 각각 수확.저장된 수삼을 부위별로 단면영상을 MRI로 측정하고, 그 시료를 인삼연초연구원(음성시험장)에서 홍삼으로 제조한 후 수삼 상태에서의 내부품질과 홍삼으로 제조된 후의 내부품질 변화를 조사하였다. 총 20본의 수삼을 MRI 시스템으로 영상을 획득하였고, 모든 시료에 대해서 내부조직의 상태를 관찰하였다. 수삼의 수분함량은 뇌두로부터 1cm부위를 절단하여 조사하였고, 수삼조직은 절단시 단면의 달관 조사에 의한 성적이며 홍삼품질은 제조삼의 조직상태를 절단하여 육안판별로 검사하였다. 총 20본의 수삼 중 정상은 16본 이었고, 이들은 홍삼으로 제조된 후 내공 내백 등이 혼재되어 나타났으며 정상수삼이 정상홍삼으로 나타난 경우는 5본이었고, 내백은 5본, 내공은 6본으로 조사되었다. 또한 수삼에서 4본은 썩은 부위가 포함되어있는 수삼이었는데 홍삼으로 제조되었을 때 3본은 내백으로 되었고 1 본은 수삼에서 썩은 부위가 1/4정도로 미미해서 홍삼 제조시 정상으로 나타났다. 일반적으로 홍삼 제조시 내공의 발생은 제조공정에서 나타나는 경우가 많으며, 내백의 경우는 홍삼으로 가공되면서 발생하는 경우가 있고, 인삼이 성장될 때 부분적인 영양상태의 불충분이나 기후 등에 따른 영향을 받을 수 있기 때문에 앞으로 이에 대한 많은 연구가 이루어져야할 것으로 판단된다.

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Fault Detection for Seismic Data Interpretation Based on Machine Learning: Research Trends and Technological Introduction (기계 학습 기반 탄성파 자료 단층 해석: 연구동향 및 기술소개)

  • Choi, Woochang;Lee, Ganghoon;Cho, Sangin;Choi, Byunghoon;Pyun, Sukjoon
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.97-114
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    • 2020
  • Recently, many studies have been actively conducted on the application of machine learning in all branches of science and engineering. Studies applying machine learning are also rapidly increasing in all sectors of seismic exploration, including interpretation, processing, and acquisition. Among them, fault detection is a critical technology in seismic interpretation and also the most suitable area for applying machine learning. In this study, we introduced various machine learning techniques, described techniques suitable for fault detection, and discussed the reasons for their suitability. We collected papers published in renowned international journals and abstracts presented at international conferences, summarized the current status of the research by year and field, and intensively analyzed studies on fault detection using machine learning. Based on the type of input data and machine learning model, fault detection techniques were divided into seismic attribute-, image-, and raw data-based technologies; their pros and cons were also discussed.