• 제목/요약/키워드: School satisfaction

검색결과 5,935건 처리시간 0.031초

우리 옷 교복 착용 여고생의 교복 만족도와 의복행동의 관계 (High School Girls'Satisfaction with Korean Trditional Style School Uniform and Their Clothing Behaviour)

  • 정현주;목혜은;한유정
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제26권5호
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    • pp.654-662
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    • 2002
  • The aim of this paper was to identify high school girls'satisfaction toward Korean traditional style school uniform and their clothing behaviour. The questionnaires were administered to 133 high school girl students in Pusan. To find out attitudes of Korean traditional style school uniform and their clothing behaviour, PC model, mineigen and Varimax Rotation of factor analysis were adopted. The results have shown that each four factors are identified in Korean traditional style school uniform's satisfaction and their clothing behaviour. Multiple Regression analysis has been used to investigate the relationship between these factors of attitudes and satisfaction toward Korean traditional style oriented school uniform. As a result, the relationship between factors of their school uniform behaviour and satisfaction of their school uniform has revealed. They tend to wear their school uniform in various occasions if their satisfaction becomes greater. Besides, the more students have recognized the uniform as symbol of status the more they become satisfied with their school uniform. The relationship between factors of clothing attitudes and satisfaction of school uniform has shown that its uniform doesn't promote students conformity since they might be aware of different style and design of their school uniform compared to other school uniforms.

중학생의 자존감, 의사소통 및 학교생활만족도와의 관계 (Study on the Relations among Self-Esteem, Communication and School Satisfaction in Middle School Students)

  • 하태희;김희숙
    • 한국보건간호학회지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.93-104
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The study investigated the relationship among self-esteem, communication and school satisfaction in middle school students. Method: A self-reporting questionnaire was completed by 145 students from October 8-19, 2007. The research tools included established scales of self-esteem, communication, and school satisfaction. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, one-way ANOVA, and Sch$\acute{e}$ffe's test using the SPSS 12.0 program. Result: Significantly positive correlations were evident between self-esteem and communication, self-esteem and school satisfaction, and communication and school satisfaction. Conclusion: It is necessary to develop a strategy to increase self-esteem, communication and school satisfaction for middle school students.

Effects of students' satisfaction with school meal programs on school happiness in South Korea

  • Kwon, Sooyoun;Kim, Oksun;Lee, Youngmi
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.342-347
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    • 2018
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: School meals are not just meals consumed at school, they are part of the culture, education, and life experience at school. Nevertheless, few studies have revealed the influence of school meals on students' school lives. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of satisfaction with the school meal program on students' school happiness. SUBJECTS/METHODS: A survey conducted in December 2015 asked 2,336 students (1,062 elementary school students, 880 middle school students, and 394 high school students) about their satisfaction with the school meal program and their school happiness. Multiple regression analyses were used to examine the relation between the students' school meal satisfaction and their happiness level. RESULTS: The average level of satisfaction with school meals of elementary school students was 4.1 out of 5 points, comparatively higher than that of middle and high school students, with a significant difference between school levels (P < 0.001). In addition, school happiness, as well as overall happiness, of elementary school students was higher than that of middle and high school students (P < 0.001). The school meal operation factor (0.232, P < 0.001) had the most influence on students' school happiness, followed by the school meal environment factor (0.219, P < 0.001) and school meal quality factor (0.136, P < 0.001). Overall satisfaction (0.097, P = 0.001) and school meal hygiene factor (0.095, P = 0.001) also had significant influences on students' school happiness. CONCLUSIONS: Students' satisfaction with the school meal program was related to their school happiness. Therefore, plans to enhance students' satisfaction with a school meal program needs to be implemented, with emphasis on placing a priority on school meal operation and school environment factors, in order to improve students' level of happiness.

여고생의 교복 만족도에 따른 교복 변형 행동에 관한 연구 (A Study on Alteration Behavior by High School Girl Students' Satisfaction for School Uniforms)

  • 류신아;박길순;김호경
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제35권4호
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    • pp.442-454
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzed the present uniform satisfaction, uniform satisfaction followed by physical satisfaction, attitude for uniform, purchase attitude for uniform, satisfaction for design, preference for design, and attitude for uniform alteration behavior by distributing questionnaires to high school girl students in Daejeon City. The results of the study are as follows. The study distributed questionnaires to 319 high school girl students in Daejeon City and analyzed the satisfaction factors for their uniforms. As the result, this study induced four factors. The average value of each factor appeared in order of symbolic satisfaction, management satisfaction, activity satisfaction, and aesthetic satisfaction to show that high school girl students were the most dissatisfactory in aesthetic satisfaction. When the study examined the realities of uniform alteration, it showed that 71.2% of them altered their uniforms. In the alteration of a jacket and a skirt, they altered their jackets shortly and tightly in the mass in the order of: waist measurement, jacket length, breast width, shoulder width, and girth of the chest in a jacket. For a skirt, they altered their skirts tightly as a jacket in the order of: skirt length, waist measurement, and the girth of hip.

Comparison of student's satisfaction on school food service environment by the eating place and gender

  • Jung, Ji-Sook;Lee, Young-Mee;Oh, Yu-Jin
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제3권4호
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    • pp.295-299
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to compare student's satisfaction with school food service environment to improve the quality of middle school meal service. A survey was conducted of 680 students (boys 246, girls 433) from 6 middle schools providing school meals from October to November 2007. The questionnaires were directly distributed to the subjects for comparison of satisfaction of school meals depending on the eating place. As for the quantity of food, classroom group (3.40) expressed significantly higher satisfaction than cafeteria group (3.16, P < 0.01), but as for the satisfaction on hygiene, classroom group (2.76) showed significantly lower satisfaction than cafeteria group (3.03, P < 0.01). About the satisfaction of school meal environment, classroom group showed more satisfaction on distribution time, eating place, eating atmosphere (P < 0.001). The classroom group showed higher satisfaction than cafeteria group in cases of quantity, diversity of types of soup, dessert, and the cost of school meal. To improve eating place and hygiene of school meal, sufficient cafeteria space and pleasant environment is needed to be established.

축구 학교스포츠클럽 참여가 중학교 남학생의 학교생활 만족도에 미치는 영향 (The Difference in School life Satisfaction by Middle School Soccer Club Participation)

  • 박봉모;김두규;허균
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.345-352
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the difference of school life satisfaction of middle school students according to soccer school sports club participation from a practical view. The results were follows; According to the results of analysis of the school life satisfaction between participating in soccer school sports club students and non participating student, significant differences(p<.001) were found in general school life, fellowship, teachers, learning, school rules and school events. As the results of analysis of the school life satisfaction according to the participating period, no significant differences were shown in general school life, fellowship, teachers, learning, school rules and school events. As the results of analysis of the school life satisfaction according to the participating motivation, no significant differences were found in general school life, fellowship, learning, school rules and school events, but significant difference(p<.05) was found in teachers. As the result of analysis of the school life satisfaction according to the engagement time, no significant differences were shown in general school life, teachers, learning, school rules and school events, but significant difference(p<.001) was found in fellowship.

양호교사 직무만족에 관한 연구 (Job-satisfaction of School Health(yang ho) Teachers in Korea)

  • 박영수;이효균;홍현미
    • 한국학교ㆍ지역보건교육학회지
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2000
  • This Study carried out for the purpose of basic data collection school teachers in Korea during September 2000 at Seoul, Kangwon province and JeonRaBuk province. 534 teachers among 600 school health teachers was analyzed by SPSS program. The major findings is as follows; 1. Mean score of Job-satisfaction is $25.52{\pm}4.46$ as 50 total point. Staff cooperation $2.96{\pm}.93$ is the highest score and promotion system $2.02{\pm}1.06$ is the lowest score as 5 total point by Job-satisfaction factor 2. Age-specific mean scores are $20.63{\pm}4.44$ at age of $20{\sim}29$, $25.77{\pm}4.15$ at age of $30{\sim}39$, $27.69{\pm}4.63$ at age of $40{\sim}49$ and $27.11{\pm}5.26$ at age of more than 50. 'Promotion', 'Health education', 'Cooperation of school physician', 'Allocation of professional' and 'Professional skill' are significantly different by age group. 3. Job-satisfaction of long period working teachers is higher than that of short workers, 'Salary system' and 'Professional skill' by factor are significantly different. 4. Job satisfaction by area is not significantly different, and 'Professional skill' as a factor of urban is higher than rural area. 5. Job-satisfaction by school level is not significantly different, and 'Health budget', 'Cooperation of school physician', 'Allocation of professional' and 'Professional skill' are significantly different by level of school. 6. Job-satisfaction of big size school is higher than that of small school and 'Health education' of big size school is high. 7. Job-satisfaction of low education is low score and 'Salary', 'Textbook for health education', 'Health facility' and 'Professional skill' are differnt. 8. 'Educational background', 'Size of school' and 'Level of school' are significantly affected to 'Salary system', this three varialbles explained 13.8% of the total. We can express job -satisfaction of 'Salary system' ; y=2.677-$.182X_6$(Education)+$.120X_5$(Size of school)+$.019X_4$(Level of school) 9. 'Age group', 'Working period' and 'Size of school' are affected to 'Cooperation of school physician', and three variables explain 13.2% of total. We can express job-satisfaction of 'Cooperation of school physician' ; y=2.644+$.247X_1$(Age)+$.179X_2$(Working period)-$.133X_5$(Size of school) 10. 'Working period', 'Education of teacher', and 'Working area' are affected professional skill, this three variables explain 13.5% of job-satisfaction of professional skill. We can express 'Professional skill' ; y=3.076+$.11X_2$(Working period)-$1.06X_6$(Education)-$.126X_3$(Working area). 11. 'Education', 'Age', 'Size of school' and 'Working period' are affected to total job-satisfaction, this four variables explain 14.2% of total satisfaction. We can express job-satisfaction of school health teacher; y=19.76-$.126X_6$(Education)+$.215X_1$(Age)+$.107X_5$(Size of school)+$.121X_2$(Working period).

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서울지역 일부 중학생의 학교급식 개선을 위한 급식만족도와 식생활교육 요구도 조사 (Survey on Foodservice Satisfaction and Dietary Education needs for Improvement of School Foodservice in Middle School Students in Seoul)

  • 신경희;이영미;조우균
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.127-135
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to examine the satisfaction of school cafeterias among the surveyed group at two middle schools located in Seoul. Methods: 574 out of 600 middle school students in Seoul (95.7%) completed the study. Results: Satisfaction rate of school meals was significantly higher among girls (73.2%) compared to boys (45.1%). The reasons for satisfaction factors of school meals were with the taste of school meals (55.1%), menu (19.3%), nutrition (14.2%), and food hygiene safety (7.0%). Students who had a double-income family, well-educated mother and higher happiness in their life reported a higher satisfaction with school meals. Both boys and girls who consumed milk frequently showed significantly higher satisfaction with school meals. Factors that were related to satisfaction of school meals were food temperature, the amount of food (especially among boys). Variety in the menu and food distribution speed were less related to the satisfaction of meals. In the case of girls, waiting time, food distribution speed were more important to them while the kindness of school staff was a less important factor. Improvements that were needed to increase the satisfaction for the school lunch meals, from the most important to least important were as follows: variety of meals (36.6%), food distribution speed waiting time (24.6%), taste of food (15.7%), amount of food (7.7%), hygienic management (5.1%), food quality (4.7%), kindness (3.0%), temperature of the food (2.8%). Students preferred to broadcast on campus and cooking practice for the dietary education. Conclusions: To improve school meal satisfaction, it is necessary for food distribution facilities to make improvements with regard to variety of meals and reduced waiting time.

학교급식 조리사의 직무 만족에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Job Satisfaction of Cooks of School Feeding)

  • 이숙희;유경민
    • 한국조리학회지
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.22-36
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    • 2006
  • This study examines the job satisfaction of cooks of school feeding. Sampling was taken among school feeding cooks except for those of Kangwon Province and Cheju Province. The factors affecting on the job satisfaction was investigated to find ways to raise the job satisfaction of cooks of school feeding. Four factors were extracted in all. It is found that these four factors have affected the job satisfaction of cooks of school feeding in order of working satisfaction factor(.493), co-worker communication factor(.463), job environment factor(.185), and advancement factor(.146). Accordingly, more opportunities for career advancement should be offered to raise the job satisfaction among them, and the establishment of better work environment and the optimum staff are urgently needed.

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사회적지지가 남녀청소년의 학교적응에 미치는 영향: 삶의 만족도의 매개효과 (The Effect of Social Support on Adolescents' School-Related Adjustments: The Mediation Effect of Life Satisfaction)

  • 최미경
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • 제52권6호
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    • pp.651-668
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    • 2014
  • The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between social support, life satisfaction, and school-related adjustments of adolescents. The participants were 260 junior high school students (140 male and 120 female students) from the Seoul area. They completed questionnaires on social support, life satisfaction, and school-related adjustments. The collected data were analyzed using basic descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation, and a multiple regression analysis. Baron and Kenny's method was used and examined, and the Sobel test was performed to determine the mediating model's significance. It was adapted to SPSS ver. 19.0 for Windows. The major findings were as follows: first, social support (parents/teacher/friend) was positively correlated with the adolescents' school-related adjustment. Second, the adolescents' life satisfaction was also positively correlated with the adolescents' school-related adjustments. In addition, social support was positively correlated with life satisfaction. It was further found that the adolescents' life satisfaction tended to play a perfectly/partially mediating role between social support and school-related adjustment; that is, social support (parents/teacher/friend) was shown to have not only a direct effect, but also an indirect effect through the adolescents' life satisfaction, on the school-related adjustments. These results clearly indicated that adolescents' life satisfaction plays a crucial role in the relationship between social support and the adolescents' school-related adjustments.