• Title/Summary/Keyword: School Landscape

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A Study on the Expansion Process of Vegetation on Sand-bars in Fluvial Meandering Stream (충적하천 사행하도에 발달한 사주에서의 식생형성 과정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sam-Hee;Ock, Gi-Young;Choi, Jung-Kwon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.658-665
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    • 2008
  • One of the characteristics of fluvial river channel with sand bed-material is the existence of movable sand bars not occupied with vegetation. However, sand bars at the Hahoe's reach of the Nakdong River showing a double-meandering channel has been changed into expanding vegetation area. Moreover, sand material, in recent years, has stopped moving to downstream in channel and the number and area of bare bars which did not occupied by vegetation have been decreased. In order to find out the mechanism, we carried out the channel characteristics surveys such as hydro-geomorphologic, soil physio-chemical and vegetation surveys were conducted twice on autumn season in 2005,2006. The results so far achieved showed that the reduced discharge of transported sediment and duration of dry season might be critical factors for the spread of luxuriant vegetation. The vegetation area was significantly expanded by floods exceeding the subsequent dominant flow discharge. Furthermore, the expansion of vegetation area was highly correlated with the supply of organic matter, nutrients and alteration of soil texture by sediment deposition during the flooding event.

Characteristics of Odonata Communities Based on Habitat Types of Superb Biotope in Wonju City, Korea (원주시 우수비오톱 서식처 유형별 잠자리군집 특성)

  • Kim, Ji-Suk;Kwak, Jeong-In;Noh, Tai-Hwan;Yi, Pyong-In
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.209-218
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to analyze the characteristics of odonata communities as habitat types in Wonju City, Korea. The 33 plots were installed at 4 types of biotope like abandoned paddy fields, natural type reservoir, natural type river and forest valley in Wonju city. From the survey, the 9 family and 38 species were identified. As the result of comparative investigation of the species composition of each habitat through TWINSPAN analyzing, the difference of species composition was definite in abandoned paddy field, natural type reservoir and forest valley, however, it was uncertain in natural type river. The dominant species and the subdominant species of each habitat were mainly Sympetrum frequens and Sympetrum infuscatum but the distributions of Paracercion hieroglyphicum, Epophthalmia elegans, and Anax parthenope julius were different as haibtat types. The order of the index of species diversity was not different between abandoned paddy fiedls, natural type reservoir and natural type river, but forest valley was low. The abandoned paddy field was shown the most diverse spawning type of odonata, it is considered that hydrophyten play an important role in the abundant of odonata since the sorts of odonata spawning in plants are majority. As the result of analyzing interspecies relationship, Crocothemis servilia mariannae and Orthetrum albistylum, Crocothemis servilia mariannae-Platycnemis phyllopoda, Lyriothemis pachygastra-Sympetrum parvulum are shown the positive correlation, however, they have a difference in preferred habitat between high correlation species.

A Study on the Prediction of Buried Rebar Thickness Using CNN Based on GPR Heatmap Image Data (GPR 히트맵 이미지 데이터 기반 CNN을 이용한 철근 두께 예측에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sehwan;Kim, Juwon;Kim, Wonkyu;Kim, Hansun;Park, Seunghee
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, a study was conducted on the method of using GPR data to predict rebar thickness inside a facility. As shown in the cases of poor construction, such as the use of rebars below the domestic standard and the construction of reinforcement, information on rebar thickness can be found to be essential for precision safety diagnosis of structures. For this purpose, the B-scan data of GPR was obtained by gradually increasing the diameter of rebars by making specimen. Because the B-scan data of GPR is less visible, the data was converted into the heatmap image data through migration to increase the intuition of the data. In order to compare the results of application of commonly used B-scan data and heatmap data to CNN, this study extracted areas for rebars from B-scan and heatmap data respectively to build training and validation data, and applied CNN to the deployed data. As a result, better results were obtained for the heatmap data when compared with the B-scan data. This confirms that if GPR heatmap data are used, rebar thickness can be predicted with higher accuracy than when B-scan data is used, and the possibility of predicting rebar thickness inside a facility is verified.

A Study on the Architectural Education System for Globalization (국제화시대에 대비한 우리나라 건축교육제도 개선 연구)

  • Yim Chang-Bok
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 1999
  • In recent globalization era, Korean architectural education and profession are emerging as the fields with serious problems. There are two major reasons. One is an internal factor caused by Ministry of Education's full scale shift from department to faculty system. Due to the drastic change in this system, most of schools have serious difficulties to deliver the proper professional education. And the other is an external factor. In WTO era, Union of International Architects has adopted $\ulcorner$UIA Accord on Recommended International Standards of Professionalism In Architectural Practice$\lrcorner$. According to the education section of the Accord, it requires 5 years of professional education in the accredited school. So, if it is formally adopted in the Beijing Congress, which is scheduled to be held in June 1999, we may face very serious problems in architectural education. As mentioned above, with the present education system it is believed not easy to meet their new criteria. Within the present system, which does not have any mandatory relationship with professional licence, students might go on to diverse fields such as architectural design, structural engineering, construction management and building equipment engineering. However, if UIA Accord and Engineering Accreditation are required at the same time, it will not be easy to meet their new criteria with present architectural education system. The goal of this paper is to suggest the models to meet the standards of international community while keeping the strengths of existing systems.

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Vegetational Management Planning of the Namsan Nature Park in Seoul on the Basis of Phytosociological Characteristics (식물사회학적 특성을 고려한 남산공원 식생의 관리대책)

  • Oh, Koo Kyoon;Lee, Kyong Jae;Yim, Kyong Bin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.77 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1988
  • To analyze phytosociological characteristics of the Mt. Namsan nature park, Seoul, vegetation structure of north-east and south-west slopes, competition capability among species, vegetation structures of afforested species were studied with belt-transect and quadrat methods. And management plan of each vegetational zone was proposed by the results of this study and the other previous reports. Numbers of species and individuals of south-west slope were greater than those of north-east slope. But species diversity of northeast showed stability of 1.0, while that of south-west showed instability from 0.8 to 1.3. The floristic dissimilarity coefficient between two slopes showed 70-80% in which species composition between two slopes was much different. Quercus mongolica was a dominant species at north-east slope and Pinus densiflora at south-west slope. Competition capability among major species was resulted in deciduous trees>Robinia pseudoacacia>Populus alba ${\times}$ glandulosa>Pinais densiflora, Quercus mongolica>deciduous trees>Pinus densiflora. Afforested vegetation at the Mt. Namsan, especially Pinus koraiensis, Abies holophylla, Picea abies, etc showed poor growth rate. The goal of the Nam-san nature park management is to conserve natural ecosystem as it is and, if necessary, to accerlerate restoration of the disturbed ecosytem to its nature by minimum energy input as possible. Management proposal was made for six vegetational management zone ; P. derasitZoru forest zone, Q. mongolica forest zone, deciduous forest zone, afforestation zone, R. pseduoacacia zone and landscape planting zone.

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Studies on the Structure of Plant Community and Visitor's Activities in Mt. Naejang National Park(II) -User's Impact and Activity- (내장산국립공원(內藏山國立公園)의 식물군집(植物群集) 및 이용행태(利用行態)에 관한 연구(硏究)(II) -이용객(利用客) 영향(影響) 및 행태(行態)-)

  • Lee, Kyong Jae;Oh, Koo Kyoon;Jo, Jae Chang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.77 no.4
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    • pp.401-413
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    • 1988
  • To investigate the users' activity, impact and psychology in Naejang Temple district at Mt. Naejang National Park in Korea, users' density and questionnaire survey at three major picnic areas and passenger counting at major pass were executed and environmental impacton on the site was surveyed. The total number of visitors showed stability at the level of one million persons every year after 1984. Users' impact was much severe along the main trail, the upper cablecar station and the slope from the observatory to Keumsun Valley, The maximum momentary number of users was estimated as 53,000 persons in autumn. Approximately 20% of the total number of visitor used Keumsun Valley and Weonjeok Valley area and 80% of visitors left after using only grassland and cablecar. The visitors' characteristics was similiar to the type of long-distanced national park and the main visiting purpose was to see autumn leaves. The psychological satisfaction did not very significantly as to increasing user's speace. As a result of varimax rotated factor analysis, the 1st factor, most affecting users' psychological satisfaction, was related to landscape and consisted of nature disturbance, crowdedness, noisiness, cleanness, in order of importance. The 2nd factor was related to facilities and consisted of number of toilet, number of waste-baskets, amount of drinking water, safety, in order of importance.

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Developing the Ecological Performance Standard for Replaced Wetlands by Analyzing Reference Wetlands (표준습지 분석을 통한 대체습지의 생태 성능 기준 개발)

  • Koo, Bon-Hak;Jeong, Jin-Yong;Park, Mi-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2011
  • This study was established to build and suggest the Ecological Performance Standards for replaced wetlands as the mitigation strategies for the construction projects. The request performance and assessment factors and standards were derived by bibliographic review and verified by the field survey for the reference wetlands. And the weights for each factor were derived by AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process) method. The results are as follows : 1) Assessment factors were induced by in-depth research of many wetland assessment models and benchmarks evaluated ecological functions. This study proposed final 12 assessment factors through ecological specialist and experts interviews added with literature analysis. 2) 10 natural wetlands were selected as Reference Wetlands as the measure to propose assessment factors and assessment criteria. Those reference wetlands are well-conserved inland natural wetlands classified to the one having worthy to conserve (grade "high") according to RAM(Rapid Assessment Method). Reference wetlands chosen by the study are Parksilji, Jeongyangji, Mulkubi, Bawineupkubi, Jilnalneup, Jinchonneup, Doomoso, Haepyung wetland, Whangjeong wetland, and Whapo wetland. The research developed assessment criteria for the performance assessment factors based on several explorations of the reference wetlands. 3) "Requiring performance" of replaced wetlands is defined as "to carry out similar or same ecological functions provided by natural wetlands", in overall. The detailed requiring performances are as follows; ${\bullet}$ to play a role of wildlife habitats ${\bullet}$ to have biological diversity ${\bullet}$ to connect with other ecosystems ${\bullet}$ to provide water environment to perform good ecological functions 4) The assessment factors for required performance are categorized by wildlife habitat function, biological diversity, connectivity of adjacent ecosystem, and water environment. Wildlife habitat category is consisted of wildlife habitat creation, size of replacement wetland, and site suitability. Biological diversity category contains the number of plant species, the number of wildlife species, and number of protected species as the sub-factors. Connectivity of adjacent ecosystem is comprised of wildlife corridor, green network and distance from other ecosystem. Finally, water environment make up with water quality, depth of water body, and shape of waterfront. 5) Finally, every assessment factors were verified and weighted by the AHP methods and the final standards were proposed. The weights of factors of requiring performance suggested as habitat (0.280), connectivity (0.261), diversity (0.260), hydraulic environment (0.199). And those of detailed sub-factors are site suitability (0.118), protected species (0.096), distance to neighbor ecosystem (0.093), habitat creating (0.091), green corridor (0.090) etc.

Estimation of Nitrate Nitrogen Concentration in Liquid Fertilizer Contaminated Areas using Hyperspectral Images (초분광 영상을 이용한 액비 오염지역의 질산성질소 농도 추정)

  • Lim, Eun Sung;Kim, I Seul;Han, Soo Jeong;Lim, Tai Yang;Song, Wonkyong
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.542-549
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: As nitrate nitrogen produced during fermentation of liquid fertilizer is a pollution indicator of water, in this study, four research areas where liquid fertilizer was sprayed were selected, and a model was designed to estimate the concentration of nitrate nitrogen pollution. Method: Prior to shooting on site, a spectrum library was constructed by dividing the ratio of liquid fertilizer into 5 groups: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. PLSR (Partial least squares regression) method was applied to hyperspectral images acquired in the study area based on the aspect of spectrum. Result: The behavior of nitrate nitrogen was confirmed by 1st and 2nd differentiation of the spectrum of the constructed liquid fertilizer. PLSR concentration estimation modeling was implemented using images from field experiments and compared with actual concentration of nitrate nitrogen. Conclusion: When comparing the PLSR concentration estimation model with the actual concentration of nitrate nitrogen, it was measured that the detection is possible in high concentration areas where the concentration of nitrate nitrogen is 70mg/kg or more.

Community Analysis Based on Functional Feeding Groups of Benthic Macro Invertebrate in Wangpi-cheon (왕피천 저서성 대형무척추동물의 섭식기능군을 이용한 군집분석)

  • Park, Young-Jun;Lim, Heon-Myong;Kim, Ki-Dong;Cho, Young-Ho;Nam, Sang-Ho;Kwon, Oh-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.556-565
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    • 2010
  • Community analysis based on functional feeding groups of benthic macro invertebrates at Wangpi-cheon was assessed with the result of four field survey from October, 2007 to May, 2008. A total 138 species of benthic macro invertebrates in 58 families, 16 orders, 6 classes, and 4 phyla were collected during the field surveys. The result of EPT index value showed high value of 61.59% and it means that the stream ecosystem of Wangpi-cheon is very clear and healthy. In this study the functional feeding groups in Wangpi-cheon were divided into two groups. First, Scrapers and Collectors-Gathering group which is normally dominant in midstream showed higher dominance in main stream than tributary. Second, shredders group showed higher dominance in tributary than main stream like as the general characteristics of upriver. With the result of cluster analysis based on the similarity index, the study areas could be grouped into a natural area(A group) and an artificial disturbance area(B group; site 8 and 11) where embankment, bank and levee had been built near by. And also, the natural area(A group) was classified into two groups which had the characteristic of main(site 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7) stream and tributary(site 5, 6, 9 and 10) respectively.

Operating Status and Activation of Ecological Learning Facilities in Korea (국내 생태학습시설의 운영현황 고찰 및 시사점)

  • Kim, Kwon;Eum, Jeong-Hee;Rho, Paikho
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.487-501
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to establish basic data of operating status for ecological learning facilities in Korea, investigate their characteristics for operating methods, and present proposals for the efficient operation and management of ecological learning facilities. For this purpose, a list of ecological learning facilities in Korea was established and 50 facilities were surveyed about the current status regarding the operation and management. Based on the survey, operation form, interpreter and volunteer, visitor, budget and revenue, promotion method, and other items were analyzed. Concerning the operating forms, most of the facilities were direct-operated facilities by government, and they are operating mainly by officials. Visitors are mostly families on weekends, while kindergarten children are main visitors during weekdays. Most facilities have higher proportion of visitors nationwide, and they get information mainly from websites operated by facilities and related organization. The annual operating budget and revenue depend on the facility size and operating forms, and the direct-operated facilities by government use higher budget compared to commission-operated ones. For the efficient operation of ecological learning, expert with specialized knowledge should participate in the operation, and intuitive and informative websites should be established and continually managed. In addition, it is necessary to support revenue of by national and local governments and to secure external funding network like local companies and donation.