• Title/Summary/Keyword: School Education System

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Development of a Data Science Education Program for High School Students Taking the High School Credit System (고교학점제 수강 고등학생을 위한 데이터과학교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Semin Kim;SungHee Woo
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.471-477
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    • 2022
  • In this study, an educational program was developed that allows students who take data science courses in the high school credit system to explore related fields after learning data science education. Accordingly, the existing research and requirements for data science education were analyzed, a learning plan was designed, and an educational program was developed in accordance with a step-by-step educational program. In addition, since there is no research on data science education for the high school credit system in existing studies, the research was conducted in the stages of problem definition, data collection, data preprocessing, data analysis, data visualization, and simulation, and referred to studies on data science education that have been conducted in existing schools. Through this study, it is expected that research on data science education in the high school credit system will become more active.

Job-satisfaction of School Health(yang ho) Teachers in Korea (양호교사 직무만족에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Young-Soo;Lee, Ho-Kyun;Hong, Hyun-Mi
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2000
  • This Study carried out for the purpose of basic data collection school teachers in Korea during September 2000 at Seoul, Kangwon province and JeonRaBuk province. 534 teachers among 600 school health teachers was analyzed by SPSS program. The major findings is as follows; 1. Mean score of Job-satisfaction is $25.52{\pm}4.46$ as 50 total point. Staff cooperation $2.96{\pm}.93$ is the highest score and promotion system $2.02{\pm}1.06$ is the lowest score as 5 total point by Job-satisfaction factor 2. Age-specific mean scores are $20.63{\pm}4.44$ at age of $20{\sim}29$, $25.77{\pm}4.15$ at age of $30{\sim}39$, $27.69{\pm}4.63$ at age of $40{\sim}49$ and $27.11{\pm}5.26$ at age of more than 50. 'Promotion', 'Health education', 'Cooperation of school physician', 'Allocation of professional' and 'Professional skill' are significantly different by age group. 3. Job-satisfaction of long period working teachers is higher than that of short workers, 'Salary system' and 'Professional skill' by factor are significantly different. 4. Job satisfaction by area is not significantly different, and 'Professional skill' as a factor of urban is higher than rural area. 5. Job-satisfaction by school level is not significantly different, and 'Health budget', 'Cooperation of school physician', 'Allocation of professional' and 'Professional skill' are significantly different by level of school. 6. Job-satisfaction of big size school is higher than that of small school and 'Health education' of big size school is high. 7. Job-satisfaction of low education is low score and 'Salary', 'Textbook for health education', 'Health facility' and 'Professional skill' are differnt. 8. 'Educational background', 'Size of school' and 'Level of school' are significantly affected to 'Salary system', this three varialbles explained 13.8% of the total. We can express job -satisfaction of 'Salary system' ; y=2.677-$.182X_6$(Education)+$.120X_5$(Size of school)+$.019X_4$(Level of school) 9. 'Age group', 'Working period' and 'Size of school' are affected to 'Cooperation of school physician', and three variables explain 13.2% of total. We can express job-satisfaction of 'Cooperation of school physician' ; y=2.644+$.247X_1$(Age)+$.179X_2$(Working period)-$.133X_5$(Size of school) 10. 'Working period', 'Education of teacher', and 'Working area' are affected professional skill, this three variables explain 13.5% of job-satisfaction of professional skill. We can express 'Professional skill' ; y=3.076+$.11X_2$(Working period)-$1.06X_6$(Education)-$.126X_3$(Working area). 11. 'Education', 'Age', 'Size of school' and 'Working period' are affected to total job-satisfaction, this four variables explain 14.2% of total satisfaction. We can express job-satisfaction of school health teacher; y=19.76-$.126X_6$(Education)+$.215X_1$(Age)+$.107X_5$(Size of school)+$.121X_2$(Working period).

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Management and Administrative System of School Health in Korea -School Health Policy- (한국(韓國)의 학교보건(學校保健) 관리체계(管理體系) 및 관리현황(管理現況) 연구(硏究) -학교보건(學校保健) 정책(政策)을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, De Hi;Im, Chea Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.90-99
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    • 1991
  • At the central level, civil servants concerned with school health were interviewed in order to research the national administrative system of school health. At the level of county, the ledgers concerned at the education office and the schools was reviewed, and the person concerned at them was interviewed, in order to research the present state of local school health management. The policy proposition to improve the administrative system of school health in Korea is as follows. 1) The formal school health activities in districts should be actualized with the funds and the manpower made through realizing local autonomy system. 2) The funds of health center should be able to be used for school health. 3) The important activities of school health that can be actualized without a lot of funds should be chosen and be actualized above all. 4) The formal or informal system among school, health center, and hospital should properly be made. 5) The health engineer of education office or the board of education should be related to health center at school health activities. 6) For the long run, the teacher of health education should teach the subject of health at school. The proposition to improve the management of school health at the level of education office or the board of education is as follows. 1) The formal and informal relation among health center, hospital, and the board of education should be strenthened at the technical and administrative sides. 2) Health center should train the nurse-teachers of school and the health engineers of education office or the board of education. 3) The autonomous health budget of each school should properly be made. 4) The compulsory health budget should properly be made in school education budget. 5) The formal or informal training Course for the nurse-teachers should be practical. The proposition to improve the management of school health at the level of school is as follows. 1) The equipment of nursing room should be used properly, so that the function of nursing room should be revitalized. 2) Nursing room should not be used with other function except nursing function. 3) Oral cavity should be tested when pupils and students undergo physical checkup. 4) The interval of physical checkup at each school should be more than 2 days. And then the pupils and students with abnormal health should be referred to hospital etc.. 5) The misappropriation of the allowance of school doctor should be protected.

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The Development of Leveled Reading Education Support System Using Multimedia Technology for Elementary School (멀티미디어 기술을 활용한 초등학교 수준별 독서지원 시스템 개발)

  • Choi, Chang-Hun;Ma, Dai-Sung;Kim, Jeong-Rang
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.211-219
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    • 2005
  • Several problems occur in reading education in a elementary school. They are the lack of considering the difference of student's capability and diagnosing their reading ability, the review activity focusing on only text and the discontinuation between school and home. Our system is designed and implemented to support leveled reading education using multimedia technology. We can diagnose the student's reading ability exactly and promptly and introduce suitable books considering their ability, and work the proper review activities with this system. It can help the students to interest their reading.

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Current Status and Ways for Improvement of the Examination System for the Employment of Environmental Education Teachers in Secondary Schools (중등학교 환경과 교사 임용고사 제도의 문제점과 개선방안)

  • 최돈형
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.66-80
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    • 2001
  • In this study, the current status and the desirable ways for improvement of the examination system for the employment of the environmental education teachers in the secondary school were investigated. For the study, first, problems and reasons, and the counterplan of policy on the teacher connected directly with the examination employing secondary school teachers through exploration of the related literatures were analyzed; second, it was identified that the essential quality which environmental education teachers should have ready; third, the curriculum of environmental education teacher training universities and the seventh environmental curriculum were examined to provide a basis of discussion on the principle of setting questions for the employment of environmental education teachers; fourth, the number of recruitment, the number of examinee, the principle of setting questions, the composition of questions, and the distribution of scores of the examination which were carried out in the school year 2000 and 2001 were compared and analyzed; finally, the basis of the above analyses, recommendations to consider the examination system for the employment of environmental education teachers in the secondary school were presented as follows: first, the team managing the examination for the employment should reflect the aims and special contents of environmental education to discuss and decide the principle of setting questions on the environmental course; second, the proportion of subject matter education in the examination for environmental education teachers should be increased; third, the validity of questions for the examination should be clarified and the difficulty level of the questions should be low.

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Alternative of Establishing an Effective Engineering-Based Technology Commercialization Education System (공학기반의 효과적인 기술사업화 교육시스템 구축 방안)

  • Yang, Young-Seok;Choi, Jong-In
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.1711-1717
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    • 2009
  • Under the big rush of technology commercialization education in engineering school, this paper is prepared to craft a model of Engineering-based Technology Commercialization Education. First, this paper diagnose main issues relating to technology commercialization education in engineering school pegging by literature review. Second, this paper define an effective technology commercialization education system for engineering school. Third, this paper carries comparing study between an effective technology commercialization education system and technology commercialization education system currently introducing in Korea.

Discovery, semisynthesis, biological activities, and metabolism of ocotillol-type saponins

  • Liu, Juan;Xu, Yangrong;Yang, Jingjing;Wang, Wenzhi;Zhang, Jianqiang;Zhang, Renmei;Meng, Qingguo
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.373-378
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    • 2017
  • Ocotillol-type saponins are one kind of tetracyclic triterpenoids, sharing a tetrahydrofuran ring. Natural ocotillol-type saponins have been discovered in Panax quinquefolius L., Panax japonicus, Hana mina, and Vietnamese ginseng. In recent years, the semisynthesis of 20(S/R)-ocotillol-type saponins has been reported. The biological activities of ocotillol-type saponins include neuroprotective effect, antimyocardial ischemia, antiinflammatory, antibacterial, and antitumor activities. Owing to their chemical structure, pharmacological actions, and the stereoselective activity on antimyocardial ischemia, ocotillol-type saponins are subjected to extensive consideration. In this review, we sum up the discovery, semisynthesis, biological activities, and metabolism of ocotillol-type saponins.

The Analysis of the Change Process of Fisheries Track's High School Curriculum: Focusing on the 5th-7th Revised National Curriculum (수산계열 고등학교 교육과정의 변천과정 분석 - 제5차에서 제7차 교육과정을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Chang-Un;Ju, Dong-Beom
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.25-37
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    • 2010
  • This study was attempted to analyze the change process of fisheries track's high school curriculum related with the 5th-7th revised national curriculum. To accomplish this goal, the nature and goals of fisheries track's high school were reviewed. First, it was found that the fisheries track's high school was classified into three groups; high school for special goal, characterization, and industry. And the goal of fisheries track's high school was designated to harmonize the general education and vocational education in high school goal. Second, the legal basis and system of national curriculum in fisheries track's high school were discussed. The legal basis of national curriculum in fisheries track's high school was prescribed to the 'Elementary and Secondary Education Act'. The system of national curriculum was composed the general guideline and subjects. Third, the change process of fisheries track's high school national curriculum was discussed. The system of decision, general guideline, and subjects in fisheries track's high school national curriculum were seemingly to be studied on the basis of the autonomy or diversity. In conclusion, the concrete content of fisheries track's high school national curriculum was not changed compared to the 5th-7th revised curriculum.

Educational Program Evaluation System in a Medical School (일개 의과대학 교육프로그램 평가체제에 대한 연구)

  • Yune, So-Jung;Lee, Sang-Yeoup;Im, Sunju
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.131-142
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    • 2020
  • A systematic educational program evaluation system for continuous quality improvement in undergraduate medical education is essential. Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) are two distinct but complementary processes referred to in an evaluation system that emphasizes formative purpose. Monitoring involves regular data collection for tracking process and results, while evaluation requires periodic judgment for improvement. We have recently completed implementing an educational evaluation using the M&E concept in a medical school. The evaluation system consists of two loops, one at the lesson/course level and the other at the phase/graduation level. We conducted evaluation activities in four stages: planning, monitoring, evaluation, and improvement. In the planning phase, we clarified the purpose of evaluation, formulated a plan to engage stakeholders, determined evaluation criteria and indicators, and developed an evaluation plan. Next, during the monitoring phase, we developed evaluation instruments and methods and then collected data. In the evaluation phase, we analyzed results and evaluated the criteria of the two loops. Finally, we reviewed the evaluation results with stakeholders to make improvements. We have recognized several problems including excessive burden, lack of expertise, insufficient consideration of stakeholders' evaluation questions, and inefficient data collection. We need to share the value of evaluation and build a system gradually.

A Web-based Survey System for the School Operation (학교 운영을 위한 웹기반 설문 시스템)

  • Ahn, Deok-Soon;Park, Pan-U
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2007
  • The 7th education curriculum requires for the aggressive collection and reflection of demands of students, teachers, parents, and local community, necessary for the school operation. In this regard, this study attempts to design and establish the web questionnaire system for the effective school operation. Web-based Survey system, presented in this study, is designed by being divided into administrator(investigator) and respondents, and administrator can manage questionnaires and identify the results by just connecting Internet. In addition, it is designed to do question drawing and statistics in real time within the system without the separate program, by providing file database related to the questions. This system makes the questionnaire survey of school unit easy and fast by being used as a menu in the homepage of school and operated as a single system.

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