• Title/Summary/Keyword: Scale dependent

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The Size Effect in Particulate Composite Materials - Size - Dependent Plasticity (입자보강 복합재료에서 크기효과 -Size-Dependent 소성역학)

  • Kim S. H.;Huh H.;Hahn H. Thomas
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.167-170
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    • 2005
  • This paper briefly reviews various existing methods to account for the effect of particle size on mechanical properties of particulate metal matrix composites. A simple and easy method is to use a size-dependent constitutive equation for the matrix. The suggested method does not require the development of a new computational algorithm and is compatible with any standard finite element software. Finite element analyses have been carried out to show how the deformation behavior of a metal matrix composite changes as the particle size and volume fraction are varied.

  • PDF

A new size-dependent shear deformation theory for wave propagation analysis of triclinic nanobeams

  • Karami, Behrouz;Janghorban, Maziar
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.213-223
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    • 2019
  • For the first time, longitudinal and transverse wave propagation of triclinic nanobeam is investigated via a size-dependent shear deformation theory including stretching effect. Furthermore, the influence of initial stress is studied. To consider the size-dependent effects, the nonlocal strain gradient theory is used in which two small scale parameters predict the behavior of wave propagation more accurately. The Hamiltonian principle is adopted to obtain the governing equations of wave motion, then an analytic technique is applied to solve the problem. It is demonstrated that the wave characteristics of the nanobeam rely on the wave number, nonlocal parameter, strain gradient parameter, initial stress, and elastic foundation. From this paper, it is concluded that the results of wave dispersion in isotropic and anisotropic nanobeams are almost the same in the presented case study. So, in this case, triclinic nanobeam can be approximated with isotropic model.

Experimental Study of Dynamic Behavior of a Water Droplet on Diverse Wrinkling Surfaces (마이크로 표면주름 구조에 따른 물방울 동적거동에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Baek, Dae Hyeon;Zhao, Zhijun;Park, Sang-Hu
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.577-585
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    • 2015
  • We fabricated multi-scale such as macro-, micro-, and multi-scale wrinkles by using repetitive volume dividing (RVD) method and thermal curing process. Also wrinkle surface was modified with coating of a self-assembled monolayer (SAM). We measured the contact angle of each wrinkled surface, and observed the behavior of droplets on sloping surface. Through experimental study, we found out that the contact angle was much higher in case of multi-scale and SAM coated wrinkles. And micro-scale wrinkle showed a high contact angle comparing with that of macro-scale wrinkle. Dynamic behaviors of a water droplet like sliding velocity on diverse wrinkled surfaces were dependent on their static contact angles. These results showed that hydro-dynamic characteristics were changed depending on the wrinkle structure and the material forming the wrinkle. These dynamic characteristics can be utilized in bio-chip, microfluidics, and many others in order to control easily chemical reactivity.

Construction Method of Time-dependent Origin-Destination Traffic Flow for Expressway Corridor Using Individual Real Trip Data (실제 통행기록 자료를 활용한 고속도로 Corridor 시간대별 O-D 구축)

  • Yu, Jeong Whon;Lee, Mu Young
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.2D
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    • pp.185-192
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    • 2011
  • More practical outputs and insights can be obtained through transportation analysis considering the time-dependent traffic movements. This study proposes a method of constructing time-dependent O-D trip tables for expressway corridor using real-world individual trip data. In this study, time-dependent O-D trip tables for the nationwide highway network are constructed based on toll collection system data. The proposed methodology is to convert nationwide time-dependent O-D trip tables into Korean expressway corridor O-D trip tables in order to deal with the computational complexity arising from simulating a large-scale traffic network. The experiment results suggest that actual individual trip record data can be used to effectively construct time-dependent O-D trip tables. They also imply that the construction of time-dependent O-D trip tables for the national highway networks along with those for Korean expressway developed in this study would make transportation analysis more practical and applicable to real-time traffic operation and control.

Finite element vibration analysis of nanoshell based on new cylindrical shell element

  • Soleimani, Iman;Beni, Yaghoub T.;Dehkordi, Mohsen B.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.65 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, using modified couple stress theory in place of classical continuum theory, and using shell model in place of beam model, vibrational behavior of nanotubes is investigated via the finite element method. Accordingly classical continuum theory is unable to correctly compute stiffness and account for size effects in micro/nanostructures, higher order continuum theories such as modified couple stress theory have taken on great appeal. In the present work the mass-stiffness matrix for cylindrical shell element is developed, and by means of size-dependent finite element formulation is extended to more precisely account for nanotube vibration. In addition to modified couple stress cylindrical shell element, the classical cylindrical shell element can also be defined by setting length scale parameter to zero in the equations. The boundary condition were assumed simply supported at both ends and it is shown that the natural frequency of nano-scale shell using the modified coupled stress theory is larger than that using the classical shell theory and the results of Ansys. The results have indicated using the modified couple stress cylindrical shell element, the rigidity of the nano-shell is greater than that in the classical continuum theory, which results in increase in natural frequencies. Besides, in addition to reducing the number of elements required, the use of this type of element also increases convergence speed and accuracy.

A Basic Study of Fuel 2-staging Y-jet Atomizer to Reduce NOx in Liquid Fuel Burner (액체 연료용 버너에서 NOx 저감을 위한 연료2단 분사 Y-jet 노즐에 관한 기초연구)

  • Song, Si-Hong;Lee, Gi-Pung;Kim, Hyeok-Je;Park, Seok-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.25 no.11
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    • pp.1616-1623
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    • 2001
  • A basic experimental study has been carried out to find out the design parameters of fuel 2-staging atomizers in order to reduce nitrogen oxides(NOx) rate emitted from the steam boilers used the liquid fuel. The heavy fuel oil(B-Coil) and fuel 2-staging Y-jet twin-fluid atomizers were adopted in this study. The results of this paper were obtained from the real as well as the model scale atomizers. In the case of model atomizers test, NOx reduction rate was strongly dependent on the staged fuel rate, but it was weakly dependent on the injection hole arrangement and air swirl conditions. The real scale atomizers was designed and manufactured on the base of these test results, and those was mounted and operated in the real boiler generates 185 ton steam per an hour. The reduction rate of the model and real plant was reached 10∼30% of base NOx by atomizers. but dust was sharply increased in the low O$_2$combustion region of the real plant.

Determination of dosimetric dependence for effective atomic number of LDR brachytherapy seed capsule by Monte Carlo simulation

  • Berkay Camgoz;Dilara Tarim
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.8
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    • pp.2734-2741
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    • 2023
  • Brachytherapy is a special case of radiotherapy. It should be arranged according to some principles in medical radiation applications and radiation physics. The primary principle is to use as low as reasonably achievable dose in all ionizing radiation applications for diagnostic and therapeutic treatments. Dosimetric distributions are dependent on radioactive source properties and radiation-matter interactions in an absorber medium such as phantom or tissue. In this consideration, the geometrical structure and material of the seed capsule, which surrounds a radioactive material, are directly responsible for isodose profiles and dosimetric functions. In this study, the radiometric properties of capsule material were investigated on dose distribution in a water phantom by changing its nuclear properties using the EGSnrc Monte Carlo (MC) simulation code. Effective atomic numbers of hypothetic mixtures were calculated by using different elements with several fractions for capsule material. Model 6711 brachytherapy seed was modeled by EGSnrc/Dosrcnrc Code and dosimetric functions were calculated. As a result, dosimetric parameters of hypothetic sources have been acquired in large-scale atomic number. Dosimetric deviations between the data of hypothetic seeds and the original one were analyzed. Unit dose (Gy/Particle) distributions belonging to different types of material in seed capsule have remarkably differed from the original capsule's data. Capsule type is major variable to manage the expected dose profile and isodose distribution around a seed. This study shows us systematically varied scale of material type (cross section or effective atomic number dependent) offers selective material usage in production of seed capsules for the expected isodose profile of a specific source.

5-Aminolevulinic Acid Biosynthesis in Escherichia coli Coexpressing NADP-dependent Malic Enzyme and 5-Aminolevulinate Synthase

  • Shin, Jeong-Ah;Kwon, Yeong-Deok;Kwon, Oh-Hee;Lee, Heung-Shick;Kim, Pil
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.1579-1584
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    • 2007
  • 5-Aminolevulinate (ALA) synthase (E.C., which mediates the pyridoxal phosphate-dependent condensation of glycine and succinyl-CoA, encoded by the Rhodobacter sphaeroides hemA gene, enables Escherichia coli strains to produce ALA at a low level. To study the effect of the enhanced C4 metabolism of E. coli on ALA biosynthesis, NADP-dependent malic enzyme (maeB, E.C. was coexpressed with ALA synthase in E. coli. The concentration of ALA was two times greater in cells coexpressing maeB and hemA than in cells expressing hemA alone under anaerobic conditions with medium containing glucose and glycine. Enhanced ALA synthase activity via coupled expression of hemA and maeB may lead to metabolic engineering of E. coli capable of large-scale ALA production.

Amplitude-dependent Complex Stiffness Modeling of Dual-chamber Pneumatic Spring for Pneumatic Vibration Isolation Table (공압제진대용 이중챔버형 공압스프링의 복소강성 모형화)

  • Lee, Jeung-Hoon;Kim, Kwang-Joon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.110-122
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    • 2008
  • Pneumatic vibration isolator typically consisting of dual-chamber pneumatic springs and a rigid table are widely employed for proper operation of precision instruments such as optical devices or nano-scale equipments owing to their low stiffness- and high damping-characteristics. As environmental vibration regulations for precision instruments become more stringent, it is required to improve further the isolation performance. In order to facilitate their design optimization or active control, a more accurate mathematical model or complex stiffness is needed. Experimental results we obtained rigorously for a dual-chamber pneumatic spring exhibit significantly amplitude dependent behavior, which cannot be described by linear models in earlier researches. In this paper, an improvement for the complex stiffness model is presented by taking two major considerations. One is to consider the amplitude dependent complex stiffness of diaphragm necessarily employed for prevention of air leakage. The other is to employ a nonlinear model for the air flow in capillary tube connecting the two pneumatic chambers. The proposed amplitude-dependent complex stiffness model which reflects dependency on both frequency and excitation amplitude is shown to be very valid by comparison with the experimental measurements. Such an accurate nonlinear model for the dual-chamber pneumatic springs would contribute to more effective design or control of vibration isolation systems.

An advanced technique to predict time-dependent corrosion damage of onshore, offshore, nearshore and ship structures: Part I = generalisation

  • Kim, Do Kyun;Wong, Eileen Wee Chin;Cho, Nak-Kyun
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.657-666
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    • 2020
  • A reliable and cost-effective technique for the development of corrosion damage model is introduced to predict nonlinear time-dependent corrosion wastage of steel structures. A detailed explanation on how to propose a generalised mathematical formulation of the corrosion model is investigated in this paper (Part I), and verification and application of the developed method are covered in the following paper (Part II) by adopting corrosion data of a ship's ballast tank structure. In this study, probabilistic approaches including statistical analysis were applied to select the best fit probability density function (PDF) for the measured corrosion data. The sub-parameters of selected PDF, e.g., the largest extreme value distribution consisting of scale, and shape parameters, can be formulated as a function of time using curve fitting method. The proposed technique to formulate the refined time-dependent corrosion wastage model (TDCWM) will be useful for engineers as it provides an easy and accurate prediction of the 1) starting time of corrosion, 2) remaining life of the structure, and 3) nonlinear corrosion damage amount over time. In addition, the obtained outcome can be utilised for the development of simplified engineering software shown in Appendix B.