• Title/Summary/Keyword: Scale Factor Method

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A Comparative Study of Health State and School Adaptation between Children in Divorced Family and in Normal Family (학령기 정상가정자녀와 이혼가정자녀의 건강상태와 학교생활적응정도 비교연구)

  • Cho, Kyoul-Ja;Ji, Eun-Sun
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.743-756
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    • 2002
  • Purpose: This study is a descriptive and comparative study that compares health state and school adaptation between children in divorced family and in normal family. Study results will provide a basic data for the development of an intervention program designed to help children in divorced family adjust to their crisis. Method: The study subjects consisted of 700 children in 4th. 5th or 6th elementary school grade, residing Seoul and Kyunggi regions. Among these subjects, 123 were children with divorced family and 577 were children with normal family. The health status of the subjects was measured by Health Symptom Questionnaire developed by Shin and revised by the investigators. The instrument consisted of 30 items measuring physical and emotional health symptoms. The level of school adaptation of the subjects was measured by School Adaptation Scale developed by Lee, which consisted of 4 dimensions with 20 items what measures relationship with peer students, learning activity, observance of regulation, and participation of school activity. The investigators visited the schools and collected data in the classes using the questionnaire after explaining the purpose and procedures of the study to the children. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, $\yen\"{o}2$-test, t-test, ANOVA using the SPSS PC + statistical program. Result: First, the mean health state score in children with normal family (M=11.99) was higher than that in children with divorced family (M=19.15), showing a significant difference (t=-6.51, p=.000) between the two groups, which suggests that children with normal family have better health state than children with divorced family. Second, the mean school adaptation score in children with normal family (M=38.99) was higher than that in children with divorced family (M=26.97), showing a significant difference between the two groups (t=104.07, p=.000), which suggests that the school adaptation of children with normal family is better than that of children with divorced family. Third, in comparison of health state between the two groups by general characteristics. there were significant differences between the two groups in sex. the most contributing factor to health status of the children, school year. birth order, religion, school achievement, amount of monthly pocket money, parents level of formal education, occupation of parents, economic status (p<.05). Forth, in comparison of the level of school adaptation between the two groups by general characteristics, there were significant differences between the two groups in most variables (p<.05), suggesting that children with normal family had better capacity of school adaptation than children with divorced family. Conclusion: As a result. this study showed that the parent's divorce had great influence on children's health status and school adaptation capacity. The implication for nursing is that there is a need to develop supportive interventions for the high-risk children who have decreased health states and school adaptation capacity due to the divorce of their parents. In addition, it is recommended that further studies should be conducted to explore protective factors for the prevention of health and adaptation problems in children.

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An Evaluation of Parks as Public Services (공공서비스로서 도시공원녹지평가)

  • Shim, Joon-Young;Kim, Yoo-Ill;Lee, Shi-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate urban parks and green spaces within the public service framework by identifying priority elements. This study surveyed 455 residents from 80 dongs(neighborhoods), of 5 Gu(districts) districts in Daejeon. The results were as follows. Regarding the evaluation of urban parks as a public service, the average survey score, of all 46 questions, was distributed from 2.46 to 3.54(Likert 5 point scale). Interesting findings can be observed in that most of the survey participants gave high scores to Daejon's natural green environments and geographical traits. That is, Daejon residents perceived their urban nature spaces as a natural geographical environment rather than a public service provided by their local government. Therefore, it seems necessary for the local government, by and large, to improve urban parks and urban green space programs. The low scoring items were 'citizen's participation'(mean 2.46), 'acceptance of complaints, comments, and improvement proposals'(mean 2.54), 'citizen's respect', 'inclusive design' (for the physically challenged-mean 2.55), 'diverse programs and activities in the urban park'(mean 2.55) and 'implementation of revision proposals by citizens'(mean 2.61). These results indicate that citizen participation in planning and opinion sharing is needed to build public services that are satisfactory to users. To evaluate the park and green space from the viewpoint of public services is a useful method with a new point of view. In accordance with this study, the factor of 'supply decision maker' is a statistically meaningful variable of resident satisfaction while earlier studies on the satisfaction studies of physical environment, hardly discovered variables on 'supply decision maker', 'acceptance of resident opinions', and 'information usage'. Responding to or taking positive action according to significant factors, such as the findings of this study, can expand the role of public officials to exert a more positive influence on urban parks and green spaces.

Measurement of Crack Width of Pavements Using Image Processing (이미지프로세싱을 이용한 도로포장의 균열폭 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Ji-Hoon;Suh, Young-Chan
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.4 no.2 s.12
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2002
  • The cracks in the pavements result from drying shrinkage, temperature change, repeated traffic loadings and so on. The reduction of soil support, spatting and many local failures are caused by water and incompressible foreign materials infiltrated into the cracks. In order to reduce this kind of problems the crack width must be controlled and managed by the accurate measurement. The current method is a visual survey using a microscope, which requires traffic blocking. The purpose of this study is to find the best condition to measure accurate crack width using automated pavement condition survey equipment running at the similar speed as other vehicles. In this study pavement surfaces are filmed on an enlarged scale by the camera with a zoom lens, and then the proper focal distance is determined according to the crack width through a pilot survey. The conditions for measurement of the accurate crack width using the image processing technique are suggested by comparing crack widths surveyed using a microscope in the field with those computed by various factors in the image processing program, STADI-2. In conclusion, the camera with a focal distance of 75m could detect crack range of 0.5mm$\sim$1.2mm In width with an accuracy of 80% for CRCP. The camera with a focal distance of 12.5mm could detect crack range of 1.8mm$\sim$3.3mm in width with an accuracy of 90% for asphalt pavement.

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Assessment of the Potential Carbon Credits from Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Enhancement of Forest Carbon Stock Activities in Developing Countries (개도국의 산림전용으로 인한 온실가스 배출량 감축 및 산림탄소축적 증진 활동의 탄소배출권 잠재력 평가)

  • Bae, Jae Soo;Bae, Ki Kang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.98 no.3
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    • pp.263-271
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    • 2009
  • This study aims to identify negotiation alternatives related to Post-2012 reducing emissions from deforestation (RED) and enhancement of forest carbon stock (EFCS) activities. It also aims to recommend a negotiation strategy considering environmental integrity and national interest on the basis of estimating reduction potentials of each alternative on the assumption that tradable carbon credits play an important role as positive incentives. In order to estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction potentials and income potential from RED and EFCS activities, 99 countries were selected by the Global Forest Resources Assessment of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. A 'baseline and credit' method was applied to estimate RED activities. Gross-net and net-net methods were applied for EFCS activities. According to the results, Brazil, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo have more potential to get positive incentives through RED, while China, Chile, and the Republic of Korea have more potential to get positive incentives through EFCS. This study suggests including both RED and EFCS activities in the boundary of policy approaches and endowment of positive incentives to consider GHG reduction potentials in the global scale and equity among developing countries. Making a discount rate application of forest management activities can be also recommended to factor out the effects of human-induced activities by EFCS activities.

A research on the emotion GUI design of touch mobile for Grooming user by using a multidimensional standard analysis (다차원 척도 분석법을 통한 Grooming 사용자의 터치폰 감성 GUI 디자인에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Hye;Whang, Min-Cheol;Kim, Yong-Woo;Lim, Joa-Sang
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.501-510
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    • 2009
  • This study is to establish GUI (graphic user interface) in mobile touch phone for grooming user by using two dimensional emotion model determined by multi-dimensional scale method. The processes conducted in the research were as the followings: First of all, visceral, behavioral, and reflective factors of emotion (Norman, 2002) was defined from investigating the life styles of the Grooming users. Secondly, factor analysis was performed to extract the representative emotional words. In the third step, they were mapped into the two-dimensional emotion model through multi-dimensional scaling. Finally, the mapped emotional words were tried to be related to GUI factors of touch phones and normalizing their relation degree between 0 and 1. This study determined GUI factors significantly related to representative emotions described as special, self-centered, sophisticated, free, passionate, neat for application to mobile touch phone. This study determined the major emotion factors that should be considered the most important while designing the GUI factors.

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Extraction of Representative Emotions to Measure Emotions Expressed by Traditional Korean Clothes (Hanbok) (한복에서 표출되는 감성을 측정하기 위한 대표감성 추출)

  • Park, Eunjung;Seo, Jonghwan;Jeong, Sanghoon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2018
  • Different types of traditional Korean clothes (Hanbok) are appearing in the market with the increasing interest of culture consumers. In order to turn traditional Korean clothes into everyday clothes that adequately reflect various demands of culture consumers, it is important to satisfy both functional and emotional aspects of clothing. However, there is lack of existing studies on emotions of culture consumers while wearing traditional Korean clothes. In this study, 28 emotional words regarding traditional Korean clothes were extracted by applying the Delphi method and conformity rating survey to 182 emotional words reported in existing studies and references from areas such as psychology, linguistics, and sensibility engineering. The 28 selected emotional words can be used to express emotions felt by culture consumers about traditional Korean clothes. Also, words were grouped based on the correlation according to factor analysis. Based on common characteristics, the emotional words were classified into 6 categories of 'pleasure,' 'aesthetic sense,' 'harmony,' 'novelty,' 'likability,' and 'stability.' These 6 emotional categories were concluded to represent emotions of consumers about traditional Korean clothes. The 28 emotional words and 6 representative emotions noted in this study can be used as basic data for measuring emotions of culture consumers of traditional Korean clothes. A future study task is to design a detailed assessment scale to measure emotions of culture consumers about traditional Korean clothes using representative emotions.

Impact of Emission Inventory Choices on PM10 Forecast Accuracy and Contributions in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (배출량 목록에 따른 수도권 PM10 예보 정합도 및 국내외 기여도 분석)

  • Bae, Changhan;Kim, Eunhye;Kim, Byeong-Uk;Kim, Hyun Cheol;Woo, Jung-Hun;Moon, Kwang-Joo;Shin, Hye-Jung;Song, In Ho;Kim, Soontae
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.497-514
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    • 2017
  • This study quantitatively analyzes the effects of emission inventory choices on the simulated particulate matter (PM) concentrations and the domestic/foreign contributions in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (SMA) with an air quality forecasting system. The forecasting system is composed of Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)-Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions (SMOKE)-Community Multi-Scale Air Quality (CMAQ). Different domestic and foreign emission inventories were selectively adopted to set up four sets of emissions inputs for air quality simulations in this study. All modeling cases showed that model performance statistics satisfied the criteria levels (correlation coefficient >0.7, fractional error <50%) suggested by previous studies. Notwithstanding the apparently good model performance of total PM concentrations by all emission cases, annual average concentrations of simulated total PM concentrations varied up to $20{\mu}g/m^3$ (160%) depending on the combination of emission inventories. In detail, the difference in simulated annual average concentrations of the primary PM coarse (PMC) was up to $25.2{\mu}g/m^3$ (6.5 times) compared with other cases. Furthermore, model performance analyses on PM species showed that the difference in the simulated primary PMC led to gross model overestimation in general, which indicates that the primary PMC emissions need to be improved. The contribution analysis using model direct outputs indicated that the domestic contributions to the annual average PM concentrations in the SMA vary from 44% to 67%. To account for the uncertainty of the simulated concentration, the contribution correction factor method proposed by Bae et al. (2017) was applied, which resulted in converged contributions(from 48% to 57%). We believe this study shows that it is necessary to improve the simulated concentrations of PM components in order to enhance the accuracy of the forecasting model. It is deemed that these improvements will provide more accurate contribution results.

Self-Efficacy and Self-Control Effects on Purchasing Intention of Annuity Savings Plans: Considering Financial Literacy (금융 유통산업에서의 자기효능감과 자기통제가 연금저축 가입의도와 가입행동에 미치는 영향: 금융이해력에 따른 차이분석)

  • Lee, Yun-Bok;Lee, Phil-Soo;Hwang, Jae-Kwang
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - Economic status at an early stage of life after one's retirement is often determined by the long-term sacrifice of one's earlier consumption tendencies. In general, the first and foremost way to secure income after retirement is through annuity savings. People sign up for personal annuity savings in order to guarantee a stable economic life upon retirement, and such actions may be heavily influenced by self-efficacy. Confidence in current economic activity is a source of rational decision-making. Inability to achieve self-control can lead to reckless spending and the eventual hindering of proper investment for the future. This paper examines how self-efficacy and self-control affect the intention and action of enrolling in an annuity savings plan in relation to one's level of financial literacy. Research design, data, and methodology - To analyze the proposed model, this study investigates financial consumers over the age of 20. The data were collected from 511 respondents and analyzed with SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0. First, for the one-dimensional test and to measure the convergent validity of each structure, we use the scale purification process. The results of the test and the confirmatory factor analysis ensure the focus of the validity of the single dimension for each structure. In addition, the validity of the measurement was guaranteed from the results of correlation analysis. Results - First, self-efficacy and self-control have positive effects on the purchasing intention of the personal annuity savings plan. Second, purchasing intention positively affects purchasing behavior. Lastly, self-control has a positive effect on purchasing intention among the low financial literacy group, whereas self-efficacy does not have this effect in the high financial literacy one. Conclusions - The time of product benefit is different with age. The younger group would be granted the savings after several decades once they enroll, whereas the older group would wait for a relatively shorter period of time. Therefore, further research should be conducted in order to verify such a difference. However, this study has value through its confirmation that the roles of self-efficacy and self-control play a part in leading to the enrollment in annuity savings plans and by verifying different effects based on levels of financial literacy. Such results suggest a number of implications in a real life setting. First, banks need to put greater emphasis on the stability of annuity savings in general. Second, customers with relatively low levels of financial literacy are able to control their finances through annuity savings, but find self-efficacy difficult due to a lack of financial understanding. Therefore, such customers should be approached from an invest-effectiveness comparison method. Third, customers with high financial literacy tend to put more value in rational economic decision-making and behavior than in self-efficacy. Therefore, such customers should be approached by promoting the reliability of annuity savings and the excellence of the specific bank's annuity savings plan in comparison to those of other financial institutions.

Influence of the Education Service Quality and Result Expectations on Behavioral Intention: Focus on the TOEIC Business of a Global Company (교육서비스 품질과 교육성과의 기대일치여부가 행동의도에 미치는 영향: 글로벌기업의 TOEIC사업을 중심으로)

  • Kang, Ho-Gye;Song, In-Am;Hwang, Hee-Joong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - The TOEIC test has been leading the change in the quality and the globalization of companies for about last 30 years. The TOEIC test is taken by about two million people each year and is used as a criterion to select new employees in companies or government offices, for performance ratings, and for overseas posting selections. Universities also use TOEIC test in various ways. Since the TOEIC test is used for the selection of new students for admission, transferring extra credits, scholarships, graduation certification, and admission of international students studying abroad, many universities all over the country provide students with TOEIC study lectures through their own language institutes. Despite the fact, there has been no research on the service quality or even the current situation of these institutes. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the factors that impact TOEIC lecture service quality and analyzes the effect of the expectation related to the education service quality and the result of education on intentional behavior. Research design, data, methodology - Data was collected by administering a survey to current TOEIC students from different university language institutes. The survey questionnaire comprised of a five-point Likert scale. The demographic analysis was conducted using the frequency analysis method and the factor analysis was conducted to verify the validity of questionnaire over any variable. The reliability analysis was conducted to verify the reliability of the results. Besides, multiple regression analysis, regression analysis, and mediated effect verification were also conducted. For education service quality, four different independent variables such as reliability, response, conviction, and sympathy were considered using the SERVQUAL survey model. Based on the research models, the study hypotheses below were formulated in order to recognize an effect relationship between the variables. The four hypotheses are, "the hypothesis on education service quality and TOEIC study result expectation," "the hypothesis on education service quality and behavioral intention," "the hypothesis on study result expectation and behavioral intention," and "the hypothesis on study result expectation and mediated effect." Results - The results are as follows. First, the factors like response, conviction, and sympathy have a positive influence on TOEIC study result expectations. Second, the TOEIC study result expectation has a positive influence on the factors of behavioral intention such as re-sign up, positive word-of-mouth, "loyalty towards school." Third, it was verified that the mediated effect on behavioral intention was influenced by education service quality at university foreign language institute, while the study result expectation has only a partial mediated effect. Conclusions - The implications of this study are summarized as follows: First, it suggests a new research model for the effect of the expectation related to the education service quality and the result of education in the university language institutes on the behavioral intention. Second, it has established a relationship between the education service quality and study result expectation by verifying the mediated effect on them.

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Oxygen Transfer and Hydraulic Characteristics in Bubble Column Bioreactor Applied Fine Bubble Air Diffusing System (미세기포 산기장치를 적용한 타워형 생물반응기의 산소전달 및 수력학적 특성)

  • Lee, Seung-Jin;Ko, Kyeong-Han;Ko, Myeong-Han;Yang, Jae-Kyeong;Kim, Yong-Guk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.34 no.11
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    • pp.772-779
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    • 2012
  • For improving performance of conical air diffuser generating fine bubble, both experimental and numerical simulation method were used. After adapting diffusers inner real scale bubble column, suitable for various diffuser submergence, the effect of diffuser submergence on oxygen transfer performance such as Oxygen Transfer Coefficient ($K_{L}a_{20}$) and Standard Oxygen Transfer Efficiency (SOTE) was investigated empirically. As flow patterns for various diffuser number and submergence were revealed throughout hydrodynamic simulation for 2-phase fluid flow of air-water, the cause of the change for oxygen transfer performance was cleared up. As results of experimental performance, $K_{L}a_{20}$ was increased slightly by 7% and SOTE was increased drastically by 39~72%, 5.6% per meter. As results of numerical analysis, air volume fraction, air and water velocity in bioreactor were increased with analogous flow tendency by increasing diffuser number. As diffuser submergence increased, air volume fraction, air and water velocity were decreased slightly. Because circulative co-flow is determinant factor for bubble diffusion and rising velocity, excessive circulation intensity can result to worsen oxygen transfer by shortening bubble retention time and amount.