• 제목/요약/키워드: Sasang constitutional medicine(SCM)

검색결과 133건 처리시간 0.018초

사상체질과 대사증후군 및 경동맥 내중막두께와의 상관관계 연구 (A Study on the Correlation of Metabolic Syndrome and Intima-media Thickness of Common Carotid Artery with Sasang Constitution)

  • 이준희;김상혁;이의주;송일병;고병희
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.148-159
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    • 2007
  • 1. Objectives The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation of Metabolic syndrome(MetS) and Intima-media thickness(IMT) of common carotid artery with Sasang constitution. 2. Methods 197 subjects who had taken health examinations and diagnosis of Sasang constitution from Jan 1, 2006 to Dec 31, 2006 at East-west health examination center of Kyung-Hee medical center were included and underwent B-mode ultrasonography for measurement of intima-media thickness of common carotid arteries. MetS was defined by the criteria of the criteria of the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III. 3. Results and Conclusions Mean intima-media thickness of common carotid artery was significantly higher in subjects with MetS compared with control subjects($0.070{\pm}0.017$ vs $0.063{\pm}0.014cm$) and a significant trend towards increased IMT was observed with increasing numbers of metabolic syndrome components(r=0.331, p=0.000). After adjustment for age and sex, IMT of common carotid arteries was significantly different among three constitutional groups (Soyangin:$0.065{\pm}0.015cm$, Taeumin:$0.068{\pm}0.016cm$, Soeumin:$0.056{\pm}0.010cm$), however, after adjustment for age, sex and existence of metabolic syndrome, there was no significant different. But, factor of Taeumin was the effective determinant of the increase of mean IMT of common carotid arteries.

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약물대사효소 CYP2C19, CYP2D6의 다형성과 사상체질의 관련성 연구 (Association between Genetic Polymorphisms of the CYP2C19, CYP2D6 and Types of Sasang Constitutional Medicine)

  • 이상규;김현주;박혜정;이정호;권덕윤;주종천;최선미;이혜숙;김윤경
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제28권1호통권69호
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2007
  • Objectives . The types of Sasang constitutional medicine (SCM) have definite effect on response to herbal drugs. The majority of human P45O dependent xenobiotic metabolism is carried out by polymorphic enzymes which can cause abolished, altered or enhanced metabolism. Therefore, we evaluated the relation of major CYP2C19, 2D6 polymorphism with Sasang types. Methods : 214 healthy subjects were recruited with informed consent; 172 among them had Sasang diagnosis by QSCC2. CYP2D6, 2C19 polymorphism were determined by PCR-RFLP method. Results : None of the Sasang types showed significant difference in CYP2D6, 2C19 polymorphism. However, the Tae-um type showed relatively low frequency of CYP2D6 $^{*}$10/$^{*}$10 polymorphisms with low activity (p=0.110). In the So-yang type, specific $^{*}$3/$^{*}$3 genotype which is a poor metabolizer of CYP2C19$^{*}$3 was detected (p=0.078).Conclusion . These results suggest that the Tae-um type which is said to have high liver function in SCM has the tendency of high drug-metabolizing enzyme activity. With further study, the CYP polymorphism could serve as a scientific tool for SCM diagnosis.

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미국인 체질진단지 : 검사-재검사법 (Test-Retest Method on Short Form Sasang Classification Questionnaire for American (SF_SSCQ-A) : Pilot Study)

  • 유정희;이의주;박진선;한석균;이준희;고병희
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.79-84
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    • 2009
  • 1. Objectives This study was proposed to use the test-retest method to verify the independence and agreement between the questions (Short Form Sasang Classification Questionnaire for American ; SF_SSCQ-A). 2. Methods The questionnaire was administered to 50 American and they were asked to complete the questionnaire again two weeks after the first administration. The final subjects are 42 except of 5 dropouts and 3 insufficient respondents. A reliability analysis for each individual question was conducted using the test-retest method to verify the independence and agreement between the questions. To verify independence, a Chi-square test with crosstabs analysis and p-values was used. The agreement verification was conducted by using the Cohen kappa coefficient. In addition, the constitutional variable was defined as the constitutional attribute of each question, and Pearson's correlation coefficient was confirmed after testing the scale. 3. Results and Conclusions The test-retest method showed that Pearson's correlation coefficients for the results of the two tests ranged from 0.66 to 0.87. The Chi-square test results indicated that there are 7 independent item. Among the other 114 questions, the agreement test revealed that 88 questions (70.5%) showed above common agreement.

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3차원 안면자동인식기의 Positioning 오차분석 (An Positioning Error Analysis of 3D Face Recognition Apparatus)

  • 곽창규;조용범;손은혜;유정희;고병희;김종원;김규곤;이의주
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 2006
  • 1. Objectives We are going to develope 3D Face Recognition Apparatus to analyse the facial characteristics of the Sasangin. In the process, we should identify the recognition rate of the three dimensional position using this Apparatus. 2. Methods We took a photograph of calibrator($280{\times}400mm$) with interval of 20mm longitudinal direction of 10 times using 3D Face Recognition Apparatus. In the practice, we obtained 967 point to the exclusion of points deviating from the visual field of dual camera. And we made a comparison between measurement values and three dimensional standard values to calculate the errors. 3. Results and Conclusions In this test, the average error rate of X axis values was 0.019% and the maximum error rate of X axis values was 0.033%, the average error rate of Y axis values was 0.025% and the maximum error rate of Y axis values was 0.044%, the average error rate of Z axis values was 0.158% and the maximum error rate of Z axis values was 0.269%. This results exhibit much improvement upon the average error rate 1% and the maximum error rate 2.242% of the existing 3D Recognition Apparatus. In conclusion, we assessed that this apparatus was adaptable to abstract the facial characteristic point from three dimensional face shape in the mechanical aspects.

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3차원 안면자동인식기(3D-AFRA)의 인식도 연구 (Accuracy of 3D Automatic Face Recognition Apparatus(3D-AFRA) Recognition)

  • 김윤희;양춘석;이준희;정용재;유정희;이승현;고병희;이의주
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.34-41
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    • 2008
  • 1. Objectives We had been developing a 3D Automatic Face Recognition Apparatus (3D-AFRA) in order to evaluate the external appearances with more objectivity. This apparatus provides a 3D image and numerical data on facial configuration, and this study aims to evaluate the accuracy of 3D-AFRA recognition. 2. Methods Each scanned pictures were pointed with the 3D Automatic Face Recognition Apparatus(3D-AFRA). And the results were compared with data pointed pictures with manual. And we analysed the difference between Automatic and manual by paired -test. 3. Results and conclusions In frontal face, the P-value was more than 0.05. In conclusion, We assessed that accuracy of recognition of 3D Automatic Face Recognition Apparatus(3D-AFRA) is considerably good. But we should develop methods of measurement for lateral face and indistinct points of frontal face.

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3차원 안면자동인식기(3D-FARA)의 Hardware 오차분석 (A Hardware Error Analysis of 3D Face Automatic Recognition Apparatus(3D-FARA))

  • 곽창규;조용범;손은혜;유정희;고병희;김종원;김규곤;이의주
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2006
  • 1. Objectives We are going to develope 3D Face Recognition Apparatus to analyse the facial characteristics of the Sasangin. In the process, we should identify a Hardware Error Analysis of this Apparatus. 2. Methods We verified The resolution, the repetition ability, the Flatness and the Cylindericity of 3D Face Recognition Apparatus by measuring a triangular pyramid, an exact square pillar and a cylinder. 3. Results and Conclusions In this test, The resolution of 3D-FARA was $0.0368mm{\times}0.0594mm{\times}0.2748mm(X{\times}Y{\times}Z)$, the repetition ability was 0.1187mm, the Flatness was 0.17188mm. the Flatness of triangular pyramid was 1.39034mm and the Cylindericity of cylinder was 3.1306mm. In conclusion, If we use 3D-FARA, It is necessary to complement the site of top of the nose and the outline of face, which is likely to occur hardware error, by using software invention or attaching the Land mark to subject.

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아토피피부염 환자(患者)의 사상체질별(四象體質別) 신상특징(腎床特徵)에 관한 연구(硏究) (A Study on the Clinical Characteristics of Atopic Dermatitis According to Sasang Constitutions)

  • 임진희;이의주;고병희
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.67-88
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    • 2008
  • 1. Objectives The aim of this study was to find out clinical characteristics of atopic dermatitis according to Sasang Constitutions and to help on Sasang Constitutional management and treatment of atopic dermatitis 2. Methods 108patients with atopic dermatitis were involved in the study. The patients had visited C Oriental Clinic from January 2007 to September 2007 and had taken oriental herbal medicine for over one month. They were divided into four groups by Sasang Constitutions and were evaluated the clinical features of atopic dermatitis according to Sasang Constitutions. 3. Results and Conclusions The clinical characteristics for 108 patients with atopic dermatitis was surveyed 1. Soyangin with atopic dermatitis had significantly more Allergic conjunctivitis than other Constitutions, and Taeumin with atopic dermatitis had significantly less Allergic conjunctivitis than other Constitutions. 2. Soyangin with atopic dermatitis had significantly more 'Sleep loss' than other Constitutions. 3. Emotion was significantly more aggravating factor of atopic dermatitis in Soyangin than in other Constitutions. 4. Soeumin with atopic dermatitis had significantly more 'Orbital darkening' than other Constitution. 5. 'Tuna' was significantly more aggravating factor of atopic dermatitis in Soeumin than in other Constitution. The treatment progress for 57 patients with atopic dermatitis was surveyed 6. Soyangin with atopic dermatitis had significantly more improvement than other Constitution and Soeumin with atopic dermatitis had significantly less improvement than other Constitution in Sasang Constitutional Medicine treatment.

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"식료찬요(食療纂要)"에 대한 사상의학적(四象醫學的) 고찰(考察) - 태양인(太陽人)식품을 중심으로 - (A study on Sik Ryo Chan Yo Based on Sasang Constitutional Medicine - On the Focus Taeyangin Foods -)

  • 김종덕
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.16-24
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    • 2005
  • 1. Objectives This study is purposed to find a dietary treatment of Taeyangin in the ${\ulcorner}$Sik Ryo Chan yo(食療纂要)${\lrcorner}$(1460). 2. Methods It was researched as bibliographic study with ${\ulcorner}$Sik Ryo Chan YO${\lrcorner}$ of the oldest Korean book concerned about a dietary treatment and ${\ulcorner}$Hyangyakjipseongbang(鄕藥集成方)${\lrcorner}$ ${\ulcorner}$Euibangyoochui(醫方類聚 )${\ulcorner}$ etc. 3. Results and Conclusions (1) ${\ulcorner}$Hae Dong Moon Hun Chong Rok(海東文獻總錄)${\lrcorner}$ misquoted ‘Five Vegetable(五菜)’ written in ${\ulcorner}$Sik Ryo Chan YO${\lrcorner}$ as 'One leaf(一葉)'. (2) The efficacy of persimmon, Mo Gwa, Oh Ga Pi(the root bark of various araliaceous shrubs), Crucian, Ju Du Kang, Watershied plant(Brassenia purpurea) in this book are the same or similar to those of ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Suse Bowon${\lrcorner}$ and ${\ulcorner}$Dongmu Yugo${\lrcorner}$. But some of them are represented as having different properities in Sasang Constitutional Medicine(SCM) and ${\ulcorner}$Sik Ryo Chan YO${\lrcorner}$. For example, dried persimmon is used for the treatment of deafness, Crucian for asthma and Song Jul(松節) for bruises in ${\ulcorner}$Sik Ryo Chan Yo${\lrcorner}$ but SCM. (3) This book doesn`t have a definite expression about Sasangin, but it contains documents of clinical cases. So it seems that this book would somewhat affect to SCM after ages.

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부종(浮腫)이 발생한 태음인(太陰人) 중풍환자(中風患者)의 조위승청탕(調胃升淸湯) 합(合) 건율제조탕 치험 1례 (A Case Study of a Taeumin Stroke Patient with Edema)

  • 함통일;이수경;고병희;최경주
    • 대한한방성인병학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2005
  • Objectives It is the case study of a critically ill patient with cerebral infarction and acute edematous change at femur due to a hematoma, of whom taken care with herb medicine according to the diagnosis of SCM(Sasang Constitutional Medicine). Methods The syndrome of the patient was diagnosed as a superficial disease of Taeumin. So after the on-set of the femoral edema, Jowiseungchung-tang added Castanea mollissima(Gunyul) and Maladera castanea(Jejo) was used. And we checked the change of the circumferencial size her thigh and followed up the sonography. Results and conclusions The therapy was significantly effective, and the edema was rapidly absorbed. The circumferential size was 83cm at on-set time, but got smaller to 57cm almost same to the healthy side of her thigh, and there was no more hematoma or systemic hemorrhagic sign on the body.

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대사증후군의 체질병증 모델 구축을 위한 예비연구 - 40대 태음인을 중심으로 - (A Pilot Study for the Construction of Sasang - Constitutionally Differentiated Model of the Metabolic Syndrome with Focus on 40 $\sim$ 49 year old Taeumin)

  • 김윤희;이준희;이의주;고병희
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.123-136
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    • 2009
  • 1. Objectives : This study is a pilot study to construct of metabolic syndrome model with constitutional type. We focused on the correlation of Metabolic syndrome(MetS) and ordinary symptoms with Taeumin at 40. 2. Methods : 32 subjects who had taken health examinations and diagnosis of Sasang constitution from Oct 1, 2008 to Dec 31, 2008 at Kyung-Hee medical center were included and underwent B-mode ultrasonography for measurement of intima-media thickness of common carotid arteries. MetS was defined by the criteria of the criteria of the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III. 3. Results and Conclusions : Mean intima-media thickness of common carotid artery was higher in subjects with MetS compared with control subjects(0.56$\pm$0.12 vs 0.54$\pm$0.08mm) however. The ordinary symptoms shown to differentiate the MetS group and the control group were related to "dark urine color," "dryness of eyes," and "night sweat". Therefore, these ordinary symptoms can be said to be indicators of the Taeumin with Mets syndrome.

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