• Title/Summary/Keyword: Saponins

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Antioxidative and Cytotoxicity Activities against Human Colon Cancer Cells Exhibited by Edible Crude Saponins from Soybean Cake (대두박 식용사포닌의 항산화 및 대장암세포 성장 억제효과)

  • Park, Kyung-Uk;Kim, Jae-Yong;Seo, Kwon-Il
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.754-758
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    • 2009
  • To develop soybean cake as a functional food material, the anti-oxidative and cytotoxic activities against human colon cancer cells of crude saponins isolated from 70% (v/v) ethanol extracts of cake were investigated. The Diaion HP-20 adsorption method was used for isolation of crude saponins, which were then eluted with 100% ethanol. The non-saponin fraction was removed by elution with $H_2O$ and 20% (v/v) ethanol. The results of thin layer chromatography (TLC) analysis confirmed that crude saponins were present in the 100% ethanol extract of soybean cake. The hydrogen-donating properties of saponins were more than 60% at a concentration of $1,000\;{\mu}g/mL$. malondialdehyde(MDA) production was $1,200\;{\mu}mol\;MDA/g$ in mouse liver homogenate treated with crude saponins at the concentration of $1,000\;{\mu}g/mL$. This value was lower than that of the control, which was $3,700\;{\mu}mol\;MDA/g$. Saponins inhibited the growth of colon cancer cells in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Saponins also resulted in a decrease in the proportion of cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, whereas the cell proportion in G2/M phase was increased with $1,000\;{\mu}g/mL$ saponins. Thus, we conclude that saponins may induce G2/M cell cycle arrest.

Quality Control of Ginseng Products(Part I) - The saponins isolated from ginseng roots and leaves - (인삼제품(人蔘製品)의 품질개량(品質改良)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (제일보(第一報)) - 인삼근(人蔘根) 및 엽(葉) Saponin의 비교연구(比較硏究) -)

  • Cho, Han-Ok;Cho, Sung-Hwan;Kim, Soo-Ja
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 1979
  • The saponins isolated form the herb of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer were investigated as compared with ginseng root saponins. By adopting DEAE cellulose ion exchange chromatography the pure saponins were isolated from Korean ginseng roots and leaves. The ginseng root and leaf saponins showed some differences in the pattern of the two-dimensional thin layer chromatogram. The ratio of panaxadiol to panaxatriol in the saponins was 1.7 in the roots and 3.5 in the leaves. Infra-red spectrum of ginseng leaf saponins isolated by liquid chromatography was identical with that of root saponins.

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Preparative separation of minor saponins from Panax notoginseng leaves using biotransformation, macroporous resins, and preparative high-performance liquid chromatography

  • Liu, Fang;Ma, Ni;Xia, Fang-Bo;Li, Peng;He, Chengwei;Wu, Zhenqiang;Wan, Jian-Bo
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2019
  • Background: Ginsenosides with less sugar moieties may exhibit the better adsorptive capacity and more pharmacological activities. Methods: An efficient method for the separation of four minor saponins, including gypenoside XVII, notoginsenoside Fe, ginsenoside Rd2, and notoginsenoside Fd, from Panax notoginseng leaves (PNL) was established using biotransformation, macroporous resins, and subsequent preparative high-performance liquid chromatography. Results: The dried PNL powder was immersed in the distilled water at $50^{\circ}C$ for 30 min for converting the major saponins, ginsenosides Rb1, Rc, Rb2, and Rb3, to minor saponins, gypenoside XVII, notoginsenoside Fe, ginsenoside Rd2, and notoginsenoside Fd, respectively, by the enzymes present in PNL. The adsorption characteristics of these minor saponins on five types of macroporous resins, D-101, DA-201, DM-301, X-5, and S-8, were evaluated and compared. Among them, D-101 was selected due to the best adsorption and desorption properties. Under the optimized conditions, the fraction containing the four target saponins was separated by D-101 resin. Subsequently, the target minor saponins were individually separated and purified by preparative high-performance liquid chromatography with a reversed-phase column. Conclusion: Our study provides a simple and efficient method for the preparation of these four minor saponins from PNL, which will be potential for industrial applications.

Effects of Ginseng Saponins on Cholesterol Solubility (인삼(人蔘) Saponin류(類)가 Cholesterol 용해도(溶解度)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Ha, Choon-Ja;Kim, Sung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.134-138
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    • 1984
  • In this study the solubility of cholesterol was examined with ginseng saponin and chemical saponin used in the preparation of reaction mixture of 0.15M NaCl solution. It was shown that the solubility of cholesterol varied in the concentration of ginseng saponins and in the temperature and that the osmotic pressure and the surface tension was amenable to changes in the concentration of ginseng saponins and the incubation period of the reaction mixture. From the results, it was revealed that the solubility of cholesterol was dependent upon the incubated times and the concentration of ginseng saponins in 0.15mM NaCl solution and that ginseng saponins have the cholesterol solubilizing effect as evidenced in the physicochemical properties of mixed micelle formation and surface-activity.

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Effects of Ginseng Saponins on Morphine 6-Dehydrogenase

  • 김학성;정인숙;이명구;오기완
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
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    • 1994.04a
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    • pp.304-304
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    • 1994
  • The possible mechanisms of ginseng saponins on the inhibition of development of morphine tolerance and physical dependence were investigated in the aspects of morphine metabolism by morphine 6-dehydrogenase. Administration of morphine causes a reduction of non-protein sulfhydryl contents in liver, because morphinone is metabolized from morphine by morphine 6-dehydrogenase conjugates with sulfhydryl compounds. However, ginseng saponins inhibited the activity of morphine 6-dehydrogenase which catalized the production of morphinone from morphine. In addition, ginseng' saponins inhibited the reduction of non-protein sulfhydryl levels by Increasing the level of hepatic glutathione. These results suggest that the dual action of the above plays an important role in the inhibition of development of morphine tolerance and physical dependence. On the other hand, it was observed that less polar components of ginseng saponins with parent structures were more active components in vitro.

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High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Ginseng Saponins (인삼 사포닌의 High Performance Liquid Chromatography에 의한 분리)

  • 홍순근;박은규;이춘영;김명운
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    • v.23 no.3_4
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    • pp.181-186
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    • 1979
  • A high performance liquid chromatograpic procedure is described for determining ginseng saponins such as ginsenoside-Rb1, -Rb2, -Rc, -Rd, -Re, -Rf, -Rg1, and-Rg2. Ginseng saponins extracted with 90% methanol and water-saturated butanol were compared with pure standard ginsenosides. The resolution of the saponins was satisfactory and detection limit for each saponin was about 5.mu.g. Separation of the saponins was accomplished using a .mu. Bondapak carbohydrate analysis column, mobile phase of acetonitrile-water-butanol (80:20:15) and differential refractive index (RI) detector. The reproducibility and the recovery were also studied. This method was applied for determining the saponin contents of several parts of leaf, fresh ginseng, white ginseng, and red ginseng.

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Effect of Red Ginseng Saponins on Intestinal Contractility (장평활근의 수축성에 대한 홍삼 Saponins의 효과)

  • 신동호;오정이
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.200-205
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    • 1998
  • Isolated rabbit jejunal segments were used to study the effects of ginseng total saponins (GTS) , protopanaxatriol saponins (PT) and protopanaxadiol saponins (PD) on intestinal contractility. GTS, PT and PD caused a dose-dependent decrease in intestinal spontaneous movements, and PT was the most efficacious of them. The effect of GTS, PT and PD were not blocked by pretreatment with phentolamine (10-6 M), yohimbine (10-6 M), d1-propranolol (10-6 M), naloxone(10-6∼10-5M), Nu-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (10-4 M), methylene blue (10-5M), and N-ethylmaleimide (10-4 M). However, pretreatment with tetraethylammonium chloride (3-10 mM) antagonized the effect of GTS, PT and PD. Furthermore, 4-amlnopyridine (1 mM) also inhibited the effect of GTS, PT and PD. The results suggest that GTS, PT and PD inhibited the spontaneous movements in isolated rebait jejunum by causing hyperpolarization through an activation of K+ channels directly.

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Effects of Ginseng Saponins on the Development and Loss of Morphine Tolerance and Dependence

  • Kim, Hack-Seang;Oh, Sei-Kwan;Choi, Kang-Ju;Park, Jung-Sup
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.139-147
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    • 1986
  • Ginseng saponins(GS), protopanaxadiol saponins(PD) and protopanaxatriol saponins (PT) were tested for the inhibition of the development of morphine tolerance and dependence antagonism of morphine analgesia and the loss of morphine tolerance and dependence in mice The results were as follows: 1. Inhibition of the development of morphine tolerance and dependence. 2. Antagonism of morphine analgesia. 3. Increase in the loss of morphine tolerance and dependence. Antagonism of morphine by ginseng saponins and its reversal by L-DOPA and 5-HTP suggest some possibility that catecholamines and serotonin levels might be associated with the results.

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Separation and Determination of Saikosaponins in Bupleuri Radix with HPLC (HPLC에 의한 시호(柴胡) Saponin의 분리 및 정량)

  • Han, Dae-Suk;Lee, Dug-Keun
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.175-179
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    • 1985
  • The optimal condition for the determination of saikosaponin a and d, the major pharmacologically active saponins of the roots of Bupleurum falcatum, was studied with the conversion of these saponins into diene saponins $(saikosaponin\;b_1\;and\;b_2)$. The complete separation and quantitative analysis of these saponins were performed by the method of high performance liquid chromatography using $NH_2$ column. The conversion of saikosaponin a and d into diene saponins under gastric pH was calculated. Thirty-three percent of saikosaponin a was converted to saikosaponin $b_1$ and 63 percent of saikosaponin d was converted to saikosaponin $b_2$.

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Chemical diversity of ginseng saponins from Panax ginseng

  • Shin, Byong-Kyu;Kwon, Sung Won;Park, Jeong Hill
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.287-298
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    • 2015
  • Ginseng, a perennial plant belonging to the genus Panax of the Araliaceae family, is well known for its medicinal properties that help alleviate pathological symptoms, promote health, and prevent potential diseases. Among the active ingredients of ginseng are saponins, most of which are glycosides of triterpenoid aglycones. So far, numerous saponins have been reported as components of Panax ginseng, also known as Korean ginseng. Herein, we summarize available information about 112 saponins related to P. ginseng; >80 of them are isolated from raw or processed ginseng, and the others are acid/base hydrolysates, semisynthetic saponins, or metabolites.