• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sanitary Facilities

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Odor Characteristics and Concentration of Malodorous Volatile Organic Compounds Emitted from a Sewer and Its Outlet (하수관거 및 토구에서 발생하는 휘발성 유기화합물 악취 특성)

  • Park, Sang Jin;Kwon, Soo Youl
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.457-466
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: This study was carried out to investigate the characteristics of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from sewerage facilities such as a sanitary sewers, outlets, and catch basins. In addition, the dominant malodorous VOCs among the compounds in this study were studied. Methods: Waste gas samples were collected at 27 points in a sanitary sewer in commercial and residental areas. The concentrations of seven volatile organic compounds, including benzene and toluene, in the samples were analyzed by gas chromatograph mass spectrophotometer (GC/MS). Odor concentrations were estimated using the concentration data of the VOCs and each compound's threshold limit value. Results: As a result, it appeared that the average concentration of total observed data for acetaldehyde was 15.98 ppb and benzene 1.87 ppb, toluene 82.31 ppb, ethyl benzene 63.12 ppb, m+p-xylene 15.66 ppb, oxylene 18.73 ppb, and styrene 4.39 ppb. VOC concentrations in the commercial area were higher than those in the residential area. VOC concentrations of waste gas emitted from sewer lines was also higher than those at the outlet and in the catch basins. It was estimated that the main malodorous VOC among the seven VOCs was acetaldehyde. Conclusions: As there is little data on VOC concentrations inside sewer facilities in Korea, these data will be helpful for estimating impact assessment of VOCs and establishing a counter-plan for the abatement of VOCs from sewer facilities in the future.

A Study on the Improvement of Dry Bag Filter Treatment System Regarding harmful gas of Glass Recuperator (유리용해로 가스처리 건식 Bag Filter의 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Jin;Seo, Man-Chul
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.9-22
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to develop a system that processes harmful gases and dust, which being generated in the production of micro-inorganic fabric. This can be obtained by melt spinning raw materials such as agalmatolite, fluorspar, limestone, silica under high temperature at $1500-1600^{\circ}C$ in a glass recuperator using a dry method by Cyclone Reactor or Envelope Type (ET) type Bag Filter. If the number of the members of Korea Glass Industry Association reaches up to 45, the damage of the harmful gas being generated in recuperator should not be small. In addition, research of existing facilities showed the most of harmful gas treatment facilities which adopt wet treatment or semi-dry treatment process. This was caused the problems for wastewater and the second pollutive materials. Moreover, in the dust collecting facility behind recuperator, it is also problematic that electric dust collector requires enormous initial investment. We have researched various methods to show both economic and efficient new processes for the preventive facilities of recuperator. As the result of the experiments, the removal efficiencies of HF and SOx were 99% and 87%, respectively. Although it was insignificant reaction, a pretty much interesting result that NOx showed an absorption reaction with $Ca(OH)_2$(removal efficiency was more than 25%) was obtained.

Current Status of Sanitary and Nutritional Food Service in Elderly Day Care Center (재가노인복지시설 급식소의 위생·영양관리 실태조사 연구)

  • Woo, Jeonghyeon;Park, Yoo Kyoung;Kim, Mi-Hyun;Lee, Soo-Kyung;Song, Kyunghee;Kim, Hye-Kyeong
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.374-385
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to examine the status of foodservice management, with special interest on sanitary and nutritional food service in elderly day care centers. Methods: A total of 79 employees who managed foodservice facilities in elderly day care centers were included in the survey. The contents of the questionnaire consisted of general characteristics, importance and performance of sanitary and nutrition management, the reasons for poor performance, factors necessary for improvement, and the employee's demand for support. Data analysis was conducted using the SPSS v25.0. Results: Sanitary management showed an average importance score of 4.84 ± 0.40 and a performance score of 4.70 ± 0.61 (t-value: 8.260). The item with the lowest performance score was personal sanitary management (4.58 ± 0.71). In nutrition management, the average importance score was 4.52 ± 0.68, and the performance score was 4.20 ± 1.00 (t-value: 9.609). There were significant differences between the average score of importance and performance in both areas. As a result of an Importance-Performance Analysis, items that were recognized as important but had relatively low performance was "personal hygiene", "ventilation" and "food storage". Also in the nutritional management area, "menu planning for disease management" and "checking the saltiness in the soup" etc. had very low performance with low importance recognition. The items shown in the "low priority" quadrant were those that required professional management skills. In the areas that demanded support in foodservice management, education about sanitary and safe institutional food service had the highest score (4.42 ± 0.74), and all other items showed a demand of 4 points or more. Conclusions: Foodservice managers recognize the importance of foodservice facility management but performance is relatively low. Institutional support is, therefore, needed to improve performance. For items with low importance, it seems necessary to improve awareness of the necessity of these items and to provide education in this regard. To gradually improve foodservice management, continuous provision of education and training in these areas are of great importance.

A Survey on the Sanitary Management in Food Service Institutions (집단급식소의 위생관리에 대한 실태 조사)

  • Soh, Gowan-Soon;Kim, Yong-Suk;Shin, Dong-Hwa
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.63-75
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    • 2007
  • A survey on sanitary management at 98 food service institutions located in Jeollabuk-Do were conducted. Food service institutions included 13 hospitals, 38 schools, 40 enterprises, and 7 others. The sterilization in boiling water was used for disinfection of tableware, spoon and chopsticks, and dish towel. Cooking kit, refrigerator, chopping board, and knife were sterilized with disinfectant. Frequency of sanitary training program on employees was 56.1% for 1 time/month, 12.2% for 2-3 times/month, and 11.3% for 1 time/week. Preparing ratio of defrosting, warehouse and rest room, and washing and sterilization diary were 73.8, 60.5, and 54.5%, respectively. However, checking ratio of environments (9.5%), personal sanitation (10.8%), and sanitary training program diary(8.4%) were low. Major obstacle factors on the introduction of Hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) system into food service institutions were lack of equipment and facilities (54.1%) and lack of understanding and data on HACCP system (17.3%). Therefore, in order to reduce the outbreak of food-borne diseases increasing frequency, we estimated that the introduction of sanitary management system and the conversion of dietician' perception on sanitary managements in food service institutions were needed.

Evaluation of Sanitary Management based on HACCP of Business and Industry Foodservice Operations in Taegu and Kyungpook Areas (대구 , 경북지역 사업체급식소의 HACCP 에 근거한 위생관리 실태조사)

  • Nam, Eun-Jeong;Lee, Yeon-Gyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.28-37
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the status of sanitary management based on HACCP. The surveys which were on various aspects of general characteristics, food handling practice, personal sanitation, equipment sanitation, and equipment possession were carried out using questionnaires for 146 business and industry foodservice operations in Taegu and Kyungpook areas. The results of this study were summarized as follows. Forty-nine percent of surveyed foodservice operations was in Taegu, 51% in Kyungpook and 69.2% in direct foodservice operations and 28.1% in contracted foodservice operations. Seventy-eight percent of foodservice operations replied that they have done only basic sanitary management, while 13% surveyed stated that they were implementing HACCP. Food handling practice and personal sanitation were significantly better in Kyungpook area than in Taegu. Significantly high levels in food handling practice, personal sanitation, equipment sanitation, and equipment possession were seen in foodservice operations which had more than 1,000 meal served than those which had less than 1,000 meals served. According to the results of food handling practice, in items of food-temperature measurement during receiving, cooking, holding after cooking, and reheating, foodservice operations showed very low scores below the average. All foodservice operations presented good scores in the parts of personal and equipment sanitation. In equipment possession, sterilizing systems were generally not enough, dishwasher and sterilizing facilities of contracted foodservice operation showed significantly high scores. Therefore, the business and industry foodservice operations will have to pay special attention to temperature management in the foodservice production process as the first step to implement of HACCP.

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A Study on the Sanitary Management Procedures of University and Industry Foodservice Operations in Pusan (부산지역 대학 및 사업체 급식소의 위생관리 수행 수준에 관한 연구)

  • 김소희;이용우
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2001
  • The levels of sanitary management procedures in university and industry foodservices, in pusan, were investigated. The questionnaires were administed to ninety three dietitians who managed university (n=21) and industry (n=72) foodservices and then the data were statistically analyzed. When sanitary management procedures were evaluated by 5 scales method of Likers, total mean scores of time-temperature management in the process of meal production, personal hygiene, equipments and facilities hygiene in university and industry foodseryice operations were 3.48, 3.76 and 3.27, repectively. In time-temperature management, the scores for storage, purchasing and receiving, pre-preparation, cooking, assembly and service, and hot or cold holding were 3.77, 3.74, 3.55, 3.54, 3.28, 3.05, respectively, in descending order. The management levels for personal hygiene, equipments and facilities hygiene of foodservices had biger serving scale (over 901) were significnatly higher than those of lower sclaled foodservices(below 900). The scores of foodservices managed by higher aged dietitian(over 31 years) were significantly higher than those of foodservices conducted by lower aged group(below 25 years) in the management procedures of time-temperature, personal hygiene, equipments and facilities hygiene(p<0.05). The dietitian group had the regular sanitary education showed significantly higher scores than irregularly educated group in the management of time-temperature and personal hygiene.

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A Study on the Sanitary Status at Various Types of Restaurants in Changwon City (창원시 식품접객업소의 위생실태에 관한 조사연구)

  • 이경혜;류은순;이경연
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.747-759
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    • 2001
  • The sanitary status of 264 restaurants was investigated to develop a program of sanitary education at restaurants for improving sanitary levels of restaurant and consumers’ food safety. This investigation was performed through direct interviews on general items and sanitations for employees, facilities, equipments and food treatment. The restaurants are grouped into four different types according to the food served: Korean style food, Japanese style raw fish, roasted ribs, and western style food. It is found that sanitary education for employees are conducted at 66.5% of the total restaurants. The highest percentages are obtained by Korean style food restaurants (83.1%) and the lowest by western style food restaurants (55.6%).Washing facilities for employees are equipped at only 66.8% of the total restaurants. In the personal sanitation, 96.6% of the employees wash their hand after touching a dirty stuff, 77.5% after touching money and 57.1% after using telephone. It is also revealed that during food preparation shoes, overgarments, and caps are worn by 58.5%, 55.5%, and 20.6% of the employees, respectively. 73.5% of the restaurants are equipped with dish storages facilities while only 59.2% of restaurants have sterilizers for dishes. Also, chopping boards are sterilized more than once a week by 74.8% of them and knives everyday by 71.6%, 15.4% of restaurants sterilize their knives only once a week. 56.8% of restaurants check temperatures of the refrigerators and 26.2% of restaurants do not even sterilize the refrigerators. 31.8% of restaurants sterilize the kitchens with sodium hopochlorite after cooking. 93.3% of the restaurants store the raw food and the cooked foods separately. 49.8% of the restaurants refroze thawed food and 19.4% of the restaurants reuse leftovers. The frozen foods are thawed at room temperature by 49.4% of the total restaurants and 66.7% of the roasted rib restaurants.

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A Study on the Analysis of Self-Assessment Form based on Certification of Barrier Free in School Facilities (학교시설의 장애물 없는 생활환경(BF) 인증기준 자체평가서 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Pyeong-Se;Lee, Jong-Kuk
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.16-27
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    • 2019
  • Based on basic studies on the current status index of BF certification application for school facilities according to the BF certification implementation, this study sought to improve the direction of the different BF certification evaluation indexes for school facilities by investigating and analyzing the status of BF Reservation Certification for elementary schools. A comparative analysis of the status and evaluation indexes of 30 elementary schools in the Gyeongsang region that included indicators of external and internal facilities, sanitary facilities, guidance facilities, and other facilities indicated that school facilities are insufficient to discriminate based on criteria and thus need to be updated for accurate grading. For school facilities that are open for anyone to use, quality improvement should be induced by improving standards and adjusting points for items that earn middle and lower grades.

A Basic Study on the Application of Text-Maining Method for Qualitative Evaluation through Barrier Free Certification in School Facilities (학교시설의 장애물 없는 생활환경(Barrier Free) 인증 사례를 통한 정성평가 텍스트마이닝 기법 적용에 관한 기초연구)

  • Yun, Pyeong-Se;Lee, Jong-Kuk
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2020
  • Since the introduction and operation of BF certification, a total of 6,432 certificates has been issued until February 2020, of which educational research facilities make 1,091 cases (754 preliminary certification, 337 main certification) out of 6,237 buildings, acquiring BF certification of about 20%. Qualitative evaluation is conducted with focus on the three items of BF-certified building evaluation index, which are medium facilities, internal facilities, and sanitary facilities, and major keywords are the deducted through the Text Mining analysis of the derived results. As a result, problems with access paths occurred in the case of the facilities, and assessment indicators for users were found to be necessary among the assessment of the steps of the internal facilities. Finally, we could see that sanitation facilities needed to improve toilets installed in residential development facilities. Based on the results obtained, the study seeks to suggest directions for improving the evaluation index required for BF-certified school facilities.

Application of ATP bioluminescence assay for effect assessment of hygiene visiting education on children's foodservice facilities in the local small town (ATP bioluminescence assay를 이용한 경북 일부 어린이 급식시설에 대한 위생방문교육의 효과 평가)

  • Pak, Hye-Jin;Cheigh, Chan-Ick
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.501-508
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the application of ATP bioluminescence assay for effect assessment of hygiene visiting education on children's foodservice facilities in the local small town. The sanitary inspection results of the hygiene visiting education showed significant improvement in all items except 'To regularly disinfect cooking facilities, storage rooms, etc.' ATP bioluminescence analysis was performed on cooking utensils to evaluate the educational effect, and the results showed a correlation with the effect in most items. In the case of knives and cutting boards, all facilities showed a value of 20 RLU/cm2 or less after the educational support, and in particular, it was approximately 10 RLU/cm2 or less in national/public, corporation and private facilities. Correlation analysis between the post-education sanitary inspection results and ATP values for three items related to knives and cutting boards showed that they have a negative and high correlations.