• 제목/요약/키워드: Rural Settlement System

검색결과 74건 처리시간 0.021초

농촌 주민의 생활환경 및 사회서비스 만족도 (Rural Residents' Satisfaction of Living Environment and Social Service)

  • 최윤지;황정임
    • 농촌지도와개발
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.685-716
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    • 2010
  • The purposes of this study were to exploring the rural residents' satisfaction of living environment and social service. For these purpose we collected the data from the residents in rural area(1,000). The major findings of this study were as follows : First, the total satisfaction score is 58.9. The highest score group is housing and environment(69.9). And the lowest score group is cultural life and leisure environment. Various welfare services have been carried out for low income people, disabled people, old people, children and rural women within the social service system. But many respondents did not have chances to use social service because it was not efficiently provided many social services. So most of the residents in village wanted more welfare services. Second, the qualitative enhancement is more important than physical infrastructure expansion in order to improve rural settlement condition(housing quality, water supply and drainage, road and traffic system, medical care etc.)

중국 소성진 공간정책의 의의와 역할 (The Spatial Policy of Small Towns in China : Its Significance and Role in Rural Urbanization)

  • 문순철
    • 대한지리학회지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.229-244
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    • 1997
  • 개혁 이전에 정책적으로 강력히 억제된 중국의 도시화는 개혁 이후 상품 경제의 발달로 변화되었다. 그 과정에서 농촌 중심지인 소성진이, 급격한 도시화를 막고 농업부문의 잉여노동력을 흡수할 수 있는 역할이 부각되어 양적ㆍ질적인 성장을 하였다. 소성진은 농업부문의 구조조정, 농촌 공업화의 규모화, 잉여 노동력의 해소의 역할을 하면서 한편으로는 왜곡된 중국 취락 체계의 회복과 상품경제로 성장한 농촌주민들의 도시 진입 욕구를 해결하는 도구로서 작용하였다. 소성진화 과정은 비록 과도적 단계이지만 공간 정책을 통해 전반적인 사회의 혼란을 최소화하는 긍정적인 역할을 수행하고 있다.

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낙동강변 하항취락의 공간구성에 관한 연구 -밀양시 삼랑진읍 상부(上部)마을을 대상으로- (A Study on the Spatial Form of the Port Settlement of Rivershore in Sangbu Village, Samrangjin)

  • 박중신;조성민;김태영
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2007
  • This paper aims to clarify the Spatial Form of the Port Settlement of Rivershore in Nakdong-river. The web of road is composed of three basic elements, kyeongjeon-seon railroad, inner old coastal street, a narrow gauge railway. The basic road system is composed of Hon-machi dori (Main street) parallel to the coastal line and three perpendicular roads. According to these road patterns, plot of the lands in the block are formed into distinctive trapezoidal shape. To conclude, the Spatial Form of Samrangjin's Port Settlement might explain as a relation of Rivershore's shape and marketplace's spatial form.

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농촌지역 공간계획체계의 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Institutional Aspects of Rural Spatial Planning System)

  • 이상문
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.35-48
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    • 1995
  • The drastic change of spatial structure in rural area and the recent rural development policies(related to settlement reorganization and plot rearrangement) make the rural space planning more important than ever. So this paper tries to evaluate the institutional aspects of rural spatial planning system focused on planning area. land use classification and hierachical order between existing plans. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the rural planning areas are classified into 4-tiers(e.g., Gun, Myon, District, Village). Second, the rural land use planning has 3-tiers(e.g., macro, mediate and micro zoning) from the viewpoint of land use classification system, but it doesn't have mediate-micro zoning system. Third, the spatial plans in rural area, positioned in local planning, were categorized into regional planning system and land use planning system. However there's no linkage between both sides of each hierachial planning order.

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농촌지역 중심지의 기능변화에 따른 정주체계 모형설정 (Settlement System Remodeling under Functional Change of Rural Centers)

  • 최수명;이행욱;김홍균
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to find out the time-dependent change of central functions in the depopulated rural areas. Three county areas were selected for the case study ; Haenam(as a remote flat area), Goksung(as an intermediate mountainous area), and Hwasun(as a peri-urban area). For each district area administered by each county, service facilities stock was surveyed at both the present('02) and the past('89 or '94)time, and its functional index checked. From the study results, table-tennis rooms, oil shops and inns were ascertained to be disappeared now in the absolute or real terms, while beer halls, restaurants and bakeries to be sharply increased. Generally, in spite of the substantial depopulation in the past decade, service facilities stock has been increased in and concentrated to the highest order center of rural area (county office seated district). However, where this center leans to the outer side of its county area and to the opposite direction against the regional center, the dependent level of service function on the highest center have decreased.

비위생 매립지반의 침하특성 연구 (The Settlement Characteristics of Unsanitary Solid Waste Landfilles)

  • 임주현;조석호;김학문;장경준;김찬국
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2008년도 춘계 학술발표회 초청강연 및 논문집
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    • pp.1012-1023
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    • 2008
  • This paper estimates the long-term settlement of In-cheon unsanitary solid waste landfills. which is 20 years old. The unsanitary solid waste landfills was subjected to pre-loading system over a period of 1 year, and the settlement for 300 landfill monitors provided measured data. This landfill contain relatively small amount of organic component, therefore the initial stage of settlement was very small. The existing settlement models are examineed to compare with the observed behavior of this site and, also to estimate long-term settlement. The Hyperbolic, Bjarngard & Edgers, and Power Creep Law models showed good agreement well with the measured settlement of the In-cheon unsanitary solid waste landfills.

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생활서비스 공급 측면에서 본 전라북도 농촌지역의 중심지체계와 읍·면 중심지의 역할 (Central Place System of Rural Areas and the Role of Eup-Myun Central Districts in Jeollabuk-do in terms of Living Service Supply)

  • 홍환성;이경찬
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.88-97
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to derive the life service supply structure in rural areas of Jeollabuk-do through the analysis of the centrality of life service in Eup/Myeon central area. In addition, mutual relationship between the settlement system in rural areas and the current status of the supply of living services in Eup/Myeon areas were also analyzed. In particular, in this study, the entire administrative districts of Jeollabuk-do are intended to be established as a single wide area unit, breaking away from the current status of living service supply at the Si/Gun level. This study mainly conducted with three points. First, the spatial range of Eup/Myeon central districts with centrality in terms of living service supply was established. Second, the hierarchical structure of the living service supply system in the rural areas of Jeollabuk-do was investigated through the analysis of the living service supply level based on the centrality and geographical distribution in Eup/Myeon central districts. Based on the analysis results, the central place system of rural areas in Jeollabuk-do was established in terms of living service supply. Third, through the analysis of the living service functions distributed in the central area, and the type of living service supply by hierarchy was identified.

간척지 농촌설계를 위한 표준농촌지역의 도출 (Extraction of Standard Rural Area for Design of Rural Settlement System in Reclaimed Land)

  • 최수명;고재군
    • 한국농공학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 1986
  • An Idea of Standard Rural Area(SRA), the rural areas which have higher ruralities of the rice cropping region and also higher urban characteristics, was conceptualized to develop the tentative basic indices necessary for rural settlement design in reclaimed land. The SRA's were determined by a technique of the principal component analysis with relevant data from 81 counties or cities located in the west side of Korea(Chon-Nam,Chon-Buk, Chung-Nam, Kyung-Ki Do).By the definition of the SRA, the principal component analysis is seperately carried out by two subworks, analyses of rurality and urban characteristics. From the analysis, rurality of the SRA is characterized by four components which appears to describe the scale of farm management, intensive farming, soundness of farming and farming basis on rice cropping, while urban characteristics of the SRA by three components to describe the accessibility, keeping ratio of infrastructures and level of medical services. Through grouping and synthesizing two characteristics of all counties by each component score, 24 counties were classified as urban-rural harmonized region which is the same result as that obtained from the extraction index being more than 50% of available area to total area except 1 county. Therefore, SRA is defined as the group of counties having more than 50% of available area to total area.

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농어촌 정주생활권 개발계획 수립을 위한 마을특성분석 방안 연구 -성내면을 대상으로- (A Study on the Analysis of Village Characteristics for Planning Rural Settlement Area Development - Mainly on Sungnae-Myun District -)

  • 김학응;오무형;이신호
    • 한국농공학회지
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    • 제38권6호
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 1996
  • This study is about the problems found in the process of the current governments planning rural settlement area development. As a measure to solve them, It proposed the analysis method of village characteristic in terms of standard score and tried to use this method as a basic material in planning more effective rural settlement area development. On the basis of the above analysis, which is an objective basic material to solve the problems revealed in the process of the bottom-up development planning by the residents' demands, It shows the following conclusion about what method should be applied to each part according to a village's characteristics and its development level. 1. Accessibility can be a basic material for setting the local area, analyzing its settlement system, and them such development facilities as village-linking roads, rural road, or various kinds of bridges and determining the investment priority. 2. With the index of the industrial basis, we can see what village has plenty of social, economical resources including advanced industrial facilities and looking into the advance level of the industrial basis, we can get some information about determining the local area development direction such as estashing the plan to build a farm product gathering center, a collective work place, storage facilities, and special housing development. 3. Since the issue about living environment is raising it's head, compared to weakened agricultural competitive power, with the analysis of this living environment, we can get an objective basic material for solving problems caused by the local egoism and the effective investment strategy of the limited resources. Therefore, It is necessary that we should abstain from expert-centered planning and formal public opinion-collecting and on the basis of this analytic result, we should plan development. We need to continue our research about index selecting and differentiation, weight etc. and using these analysis methods, we should make up a systematic development plan by analyzing village characteristics and setting the development direction.

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정주공동성의 공간적 존재형태에 관한 연구(1) -산간지역(평창군 미탄면)의 사례를 중심으로- (Spatial Pattern of the Settlement-Communality in Rural Mountain Area)

  • 윤원근;이상문
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.36-49
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    • 1997
  • The drastic change of mountain community, which have led existing villages to a size reduction or an extinction, makes this study concentrate on finding out the new community unit as a spatial zone of dayily life and agricultural production. The communality which has played a key role in a aura settlement consistency has been focused on the socio-economic aspect till now, neglecting the spatia] nature. The settlement-communality( SC) putting a stress on the spatial aspect can be, therefore, shapec as being multi-dimensional, composed of both a horizontally areal coverage on the surface of the residential place and a vertically hierarchial relationship between settlements, by analyzing thro( elements of communality that are the economic, socio -cultural and spatial activities. The research site is located administratively in Milan-Myoun, Pyoungchang-Gun, Gangwon-Do that ha: the characteristics as a typical mountain community. The results of field survey of which the method i: to draw the activity zone from an interview with every village's head and some residents with th( prepared questionaire can be summarized as followings. Firstly, the SC in almost all villages tended to be weakened or extincted, none the less, the spatia zone of that overally enlarged and got out of natural village unit(hamlet). However the areal coverall on which the SC has an influence reaches up to the alliant domain of a few villages generally congruen with the lowest level administrative district, Secondly, the economic and social activity pattern in village life has a tendency to be directly linked with a upper central place, so that has induced the function of a central village in the middle-low settlement hierarchy to be largely shrinked. Not only the conventional residents'access to goods service but also the recent service-delivers'access to residents has gradually formed the vertical communality with direct linkage between the upper and the bottom level settlements Lastly, the enfeeblement of the SC in the lowest settlement level tends to be supplemented by enlarging the horizontal zone of the SC or especially by strengthening the vertical direct linkage system. The very this point makes the mountain community open to the external world and also makes the spatial unit of community be multi-dimensional just like a cubic.

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