• Title/Summary/Keyword: Road Wheel

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An Analysis of the Operational Time and Productivity in Whole-tree and Cut-to-Length Logging Operation System (전목 및 단목 집재작업시스템에서 작업시간 및 공정 분석)

  • Kim, Min-Kyu;Park, Sang-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.101 no.3
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    • pp.344-355
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to analyze on the operational time and productivities of logging operations in whole-tree logging operation system by tower-yarder and swing-yarder, and in cut-to-length logging operation system by excavator with grapple in order to establish the efficient logging operation system and to spread logging operation technique. In the analysis of operational time, in case of whole-tree logging operation system, the felling time was 46.6 sec/cycle by chain saw, the yarding time was 480.6 sec/cycle by tower-yarder, the yarding time was 287.4 sec/cycle by swing-yarder and the bucking time was 155.14 sec/cycle by chain saw. In case of the cut-to-length logging operation system, the felling and bucking time was 225.65 sec/cycle by chain saw, the cut-to-length extraction time was 4,972 sec/cycle by excavator with grapple, the branches and leaves extraction time was 3,143 sec/cycle by excavator with grapple. The forwarding time was 4,688 sec/cycle by wheel type mini-forwarder, the forwarding time was 2,118 sec/cycle by excavator with grapple and small forwarding vehicle. In the analysis of operational productivities, in case of whole-tree logging operation system, the average felling performance was $57.89m^3/day$ by chain saw, the average yarding performance was $20.3m^3/day$ by tower-yarder, $31.55m^3/day$ by swing-yarder respectively, the average bucking performance was $20.3m^3/day$ by chain saw. In case of the cut-to-length logging operation system, the average felling and bucking performance was $11.96m^3/day$ by chain saw, the average cut-to-length extraction performance was $34.75m^3/day$ by excavator with grapple, the average branches and leaves extraction performance was $37.66m^3/day$ by excavator with grapple, the average length of operation road construction was 73.8 m/day by excavator with grapple. The average forwarding performance by wheel type mini-forwarder and the average forwarding performance by excavator with grapple and small forwarding vehicle was $15.73m^3/day$ and $65.03m^3/day$, respectively.

Binder Stiffness Effect on Permanent Deformation and Tensile Strength of Asphalt Concretes (바인더 강성이 아스팔트 콘크리트의 인장강도와 소성변형 특성에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Hyun-Hwan;Yoo, Min-Yong;Kim, Jin-Chul;Kim, Kwang-Woo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2010
  • Since the relatively stiff binder shows a higher tensile strength as well as higher rutting resistance, it is believed that the binder stiffness is an important factor for rutting and tensile strength of asphalt mixtures. The typical tensile property is measured by indirect tensile strength (ITS) test at $25^{\circ}C$ and the rutting resistance is most widely measured by wheel tracking (WT) test at $60^{\circ}C$. The deformation strength ($S_D$) is newly developed property to estimate rut resistance of asphalt concretes at $60^{\circ}C$. The ITS and $S_D$ are very simple to measure by static test techniques, but the WT is measured by repeated loading procedure which requires relatively longer time and more efforts. Since these three properties are highly dependent upon the binder stiffness, it may be possible to estimate one property from another. Therefore, this study investigate the possibility of estimating the rutting characteristics (measured by WT test) by ITS or $S_D$ test, and the ITS by $S_D$. Because of binder stiffness effect, in the WT estimation by ITS, a tendency was observed for the higher ITS mixture to have the lower rut depth, giving $R^2{\fallingdotseq}$0.6, on the average. The ITS estimation by $S_D$ showed $R^2{\fallingdotseq}$0.64, and the WT estimation by SD showed $R^2{\fallingdotseq}$0.84, which is highest correlation among the three. Therefore, it was concluded that there is relatively good possibility of estimating WT result by $S_D$, and even though $R^2$ is somewhat low, there is some correlation between WT and ITS.

Traumatic Asphyxia with Compressive Thoracic Injuries -4 Cases Report- (흉부손상에 의한 외상성 가사 4예)

  • 김현순
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.212-218
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    • 1980
  • A severe crushing injury of the chest produce a very striking syndrome referred to as traumatic asphyxia. This syndrome is characterized by bluish-red discoloration of the skin which is limited to the distribution of the valveless veins of the head and neck. And also if it is characterized by bilateral subconjunctival hemorrhages and neurological manifestations. But these clinical entities faded away progressively in a few weeks. Apporximately 90% of the patients who live for more than a few hours will recover from traumatic asphyxia when it occurs as a single entity. And so, death results from either severe associated injuries of from subsequent infection, rather than from pulmonary or cardiac insufficiency in traumatic asphyxia. We have experienced 4 cases of traumatic asphyxia with severe crushing thoracic injuries at department of the chest surgery, Captial Armed forces General Hospital during about 3 years from April 1977 to Aug. 1980. The 1st 22 year-old male was struct 2$\frac{1}{2}$ ton truck on the road and was transferred to this hospital immediately. He had taken tracheostomy due to severe dyspnea with contusion pneumonia and for removal of a large amount of bronchial secretion. The 2nd case was 23 year-old male who was got buried in a chasm. In this case, the heavy metal post tumbled over him back while at work. The 3rd case was 39 year-old male who leapt out of a window in 5th story while fire broke out in living room by oil stove heating. He had multiple rib fracture with right hemothor x and right colle's fracture and pelvic bone fracture. The last 22 year-old male was run over by a gun carriage. The wheel of this gun carriage passed over his thorax and right chin. He was brought to this hospital by helicopter. when he was first examined at emergency room, he was in semicomatose state and has pneurmomediastinum with multiple rib fracture and severe subcutaneous emphysema. As soon as he arrived, bilateral closed thoracostomy was performed and cardiopulmonary resuscitation was done. In hospital 8th weeks, chest series showed fibrothorax in right side even if chest wall stabilized. All 4 cases had multiple petechiae over their facees and chest and bilateral subconjunctival hemorrhages referred to as traumatic asphyxia. 3 cases except one case who received splenectomy, had been suffered from contusion pneumonia and had been treated with respiratory care. In these 3 cases, they had warning of impending injury before accident, and took a deep breath hold it and braces himself. And also, even if he had not impending fear in remaining one case, he had taken a deep breath and had got valsalva maneuver for pulling off the heavy metal post. Intrathoracic pressure rose suddenly and resulted to traumatic asphyxia in this situation. All these cases were recovered completely without sequelae except one fibrothorax, right.

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Development of Additive to Modify the SDAR (Solvent DeAsphalting Residue) and Laboratory Performance Evaluation of Asphalt Mixture with Modified SDAR (고품위화 정제공정 부산물(SDAR) 활용을 위한 첨가제 개발 및 이를 이용한 아스팔트 혼합물의 실내 공용성능 평가)

  • Baek, Cheolmin;Yang, Sung Lin;Hwang, Sung Do
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2016
  • OBJECTIVES : The objective of this research is to develop additives for the modification of Solvent DeAsphalting Residue (SDAR) to be used as pavement materials, and evaluate the performance of asphalt mixture manufactured using the SDAR modified by developed additives. METHODS : The SDAR generally consists of more asphaltenes and less oil components compared to the conventional asphalt binder, and hence, the chemical/physical properties of SDAR are different from that of conventional asphalt binder. In this research, the additives are developed using the low molecular oil-based plasticizer to improve the properties of SDAR. First, the chemical property of two SDARs is analyzed using SARA (saturate, aromatic, resin, and asphaltene) method. The physical/rheological properties of SDARs and SDARs containing additives are also evaluated based on PG-grade method and dynamic shear-modulus master curve. Second, various laboratory tests are conducted for the asphalt mixture manufactured using the SDAR modified with additives. The laboratory tests conducted in this study include the mix design, compactibility analysis, indirect tensile test for moisture susceptibility, dynamic modulus test for rheological property, wheel-tracking test for rutting performance, and direct tension fatigue test for cracking performance. RESULTS : The PG-grade of SDARs is higher than PG 76 in high temperature grades and immeasurable in low temperature grades. The dynamic shear modulus of SDARs is much higher than that of conventional asphalt, but the modified SDARs with additives show similar modulus compared to that of conventional asphalt. The moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixture with modified SDARs is good if, the anti-stripping agent is included. The performance (dynamic modulus, rutting resistance, and fatigue resistance) of asphalt mixture with modified SDARs is comparable to that of conventional asphalt mixture when appropriate amount of additives is added. CONCLUSIONS : The saturate component of SDARs is much less than that of conventional asphalt, and hence, it is too hard and brittle to be used as pavement materials. However, the modified SDARs with developed additives show comparable or better rheological/physical properties compared to that of conventional asphalt depending on the type of SDAR and the amount of additives used.

Correlation of Binder GPC Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Hot-Mix Recycled Asphalt Mixtures (재생혼합물의 바인더 GPC특성과 역학적 특성과의 상관성 연구)

  • Kim, Kwang-Woo;Hong, Sang-Ki;Cho, Mun-Jin;Doh, Young-Soo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.7 no.1 s.23
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2005
  • This study examined the correlation between mechanical properties and LMS(Large molecular size) of binders in hot-recycled asphalt mixtures. Hot-recycled asphalt mixtures were manufactured by various mixing methods. Laboratory tests including indirect tensile strength, wheel tracking test and Kim test were performed for each recycled mixture. Gel-permeation chromatography (GPC) analysis was performed for the binders coated on virgin and old (RAP) aggregates separately. For the purpose of binder aging analysis, a round-shaped virgin coarse aggregates (13mm gravel) were introduced in recycled mixtures. This makes possible to distinguish the virgin aggregates from RAP aggregates in recycled mixtures for GPC sampling. Results of GPC showed that there was significant difference in aging level between the binder coated on RAP and that of virgin aggregates in the same recycled mixture. Regression analysis was performed to correlate mechanical properties to LMS ratio. Results showed that most of the mechanical properties had relatively good correlation with LMS. This trend agree with LMS increase up to some degree, but fails for further LMS increase.

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Evaluation of Permanent Deformation Characteristics of Recycled Asphalt Concretes Made by Improved Binder-Rejuvenation (바인더 회생방식을 개선한 재생 아스팔트 콘크리트의 소성변형 특성 연구)

  • Kim Kwang-Woo;Kweon Oh-Sun;Doh Young-Soo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.8 no.1 s.27
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2006
  • This paper is one of the studies for developing new methodologies for improving performance of hot-mix recycled asphalt mixtures. The objective of this study is to evaluate rut-resistance characteristics of recycled asphalt mixture which was prepared by newly developed mixing method. The new mixing method provided more sufficient rejuvenation of old binder of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), making homogeneous binder viscosity level in a recycled mixture. Two aggregates (gneiss and granite), two RAP contents (15% and 30%) and two contents (none and 6%) of polymer modifier (LDPE) were used. Recycled mixture was prepared with two methods; method A and method F. To examine difference of binder oxidation level by type of material within a recycled mixture, Gel-permeation chromatography(GPC) analysis was performed on the binders mixed with coarse aggregates and matrix separately. Laboratory tests were performed for evaluation of rut resistance characteristics of each recycled mixture and these includes wheel tracking (WT) test and Kim test. Rut depth and dynamic stability were obtained from WT test and deformation strength $(S_D)$ was obtained from Kim test. The results of regression analysis was shown that correlation $(R^2)$ of F mixing mixtures was higher than one of A mixing mixtures. Therefore, F mixing mixtures showed more consistent rut resistance than h mixing mixtures.

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A Study on Serviceability of PVDF Piezoelectric Sensor for Efficient Vehicle Detection (효율적 차량 검지를 위한 PVDF 압전센서의 사용성 연구)

  • Jung, YooSeok;Oh, JuSam
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 2018
  • Among the various sensors for measuring traffic, PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) piezoelectric sensors are used to classify vehicles because they can detect the axle of the vehicle. Piezoelectric sensors are embedded in road pavements and are always exposed to traffic loads and environmental loads. Therefore, the life expectancy is very short, less than 6 years. Traffic control is essential for reinstallation and data collection is interrupted during the failure period. The lifespan will increase if the sensor installation depth is increased. In this study, the sensor signal output was analyzed with a variable depth of sensor installation to verify the possibility of deeper installation. Furthermore, various parameters, such as the weight and speed, were analyzed. The wheel load is applied using APT. As a result, the MSI BL sensor output signal is higher than 100mV when installed at 3cm, which is reliable. If the location of the sensor is deeper in the pavement, the expected lifetime of the sensor is also increased. On the other hand, the MSI cable was found to be less than 100mV at the shallowest depth of 1cm, making it impossible for field applications.

Development of a Interface Structure of Bogie and Carbody in Mountain Tram running on sharp Curves (급곡선 급경사 운행 산악트램의 대차 및 차체 연결 구조 개발)

  • Seo, Sung-il;Mun, Hyung-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.275-282
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    • 2018
  • Mountain trams are an environmental-friendly transportation system that run wirelessly on an embedded track constructed on previous mountain roads, and can run despite the frozen road. On the other hand, there is some difficulty on sharp and steep tracks. In this study, after possible technical problems were defined in mountain trams running on a sharp and steep track, the design solutions for the interface structure of bogie and carbody were proposed. In addition, a prototype was made and its performance was tested to verify the solutions. Because the difference in the distance of the inner and outer rails on a sharp curve is severe enough to interrupt running, independent rotating wheels with different angular speeds were developed and applied. To prevent derailment due to the large attack angle and lateral force caused by the previous vehicle of 2bogie-and-1carbody on the sharp curve, a vehicle with 1bogie-and-1carbody was designed and applied. A prototype vehicle of 1bogie-and-1carbody with independent rotating wheels was made to improve the performance during the test running on a small track. A coupler was designed to absorb the large rotations of 3 degrees-of-freedom between the carbodies of a mountain tram running on the steep curved track. After a small scale prototype was made, the performance was verified by a function test.

Performance Evaluation of the High Durability Asphalt Mixture for Bridge Deck Pavements (고내구성 교면포장 아스팔트 혼합물의 공용성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hee-Mun;Choi, Ji-Young;Lee, Hyun-Jong;Hwang, Eui-Yoon
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.9 no.2 s.32
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2007
  • Recently, the pavement distresses in the bridge deck have seriously affected the durability of bridge deck and driver's safety. The existing asphalt materials have the limitations in reducing the pavement distresses of brides deck. To protect the bridge deck and withstand the high deflection, it is necessary to develop the asphalt materials with good fatigue resistance for bridge deck pavement. The asphalt binder combined with SBS and two other admixtures has been developed for improving the resistance to fatigue cracking, productivity, and workability for bridge deck pavement. Based on the various binder test results, the developed binder is found to be PG 70-34 indicating very higher resistance against fatigue cracking. Fatigue testing, wheel tracking testing, and moisture susceptibility testing have been conducted to evaluate the performance of asphalt mixtures developed in this study. Laboratory test results show that the developed asphalt material has three times higher fatigue lives than the typical modified asphalt mixture. Full scale accelerated testing was also performed on the typical asphalt mixture and newly developed asphalt mixture to evaluate the full scale performance of asphalt mixtures. Test results indicate that the length of cracking on the new materials is only 38% of the typical material at the 250,000 load repetitions.

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Laboratory Performance Evaluation of Chemcrete Modified Asphalt Mixtures (켐크리트 개질 아스팔트 혼합물의 실내 공용성 평가)

  • Park, Kyung-Il;Lee, Hyun-Jong;Lee, Kwang-Ho;Rhee, Suk-Keun
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.3 no.3 s.9
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    • pp.119-133
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    • 2001
  • The stiffness of chemcrete modified asphalt mixtures increase rapidly with time in the presence f oxygen and high temperature, Sometimes the asphalt pavements that have chemcrete modified asphalt mixture applied on the surface none show premature cracking because of the excessive increase in the stiffness f the asphalt mixtures. To mitigate this premature cracking, the chemcrete modified mixtures have been used as a base course material. In this study, the performance of the chemcrete modified asphalt binder and mixtures are investigated through a course of various laboratory tests including dynamic shear rheometer and bending beam rheometer tests for binders and uniaxial tensile fatigue, wheel tracking, and moisture damage tests for the mixtures. And also the resilient modulus of the conventional and chemcrete modified mixtures are compared based on the test results conducted on the specimens obtained from various in-situ test sections. It can be concluded from the tests results that the chemcrete modified mixtures show better rutting resistance than conventional mixtures. The chemcrete modified mixtures may have low temperature cracking when it is applied in the cold region. The stiffness of chemcrete modified mixtures is approximately 50 percent higher than that of conventional mixtures more than two years after the chemcrete modified mixture was applied in the base course.

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