• Title/Summary/Keyword: Risk map

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A study on the conceptual structure of purchase risks in fashion consumption through online channels (온라인 채널에서의 패션 소비에 관한 구매위험의 구조적 개념 연구)

  • An, Sang-Hee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.496-511
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to create a theoretical structure for the concept of purchasing risks by identifying the structure of purchasing risks that lead to obstacles in the purchasing decisions of consumers in fashion consumption via online channels. This was a secondary research using books, articles, prior researches, and academic journals on the five topics of "characteristics of fashion consumption," "the concept of purchasing risks," "purchasing risks by product types," "purchasing risks by channel types," and "purchasing risks of fashion consumption on online shopping channels." According to the arguments of prior researches, the study divided the purchasing risks of fashion consumption through online shopping into four categories : (1) fundamental purchasing risks including financial risk and time loss risk pertaining to any product or channel, (2) online channel purchase risks, which include risks in payment, Information leaks, and delivery and return/exchange risk, (3) fashion product risk related to product quality or experience of other people, which includes social risks and risks associated with quality, and (4) the online channel${\times}$fashion product risks, which include the aesthetic and psychological hazards especially amplified in online channels. The four risk factors were then described with a concept map to systemize the multi-dimensional and stereoscopic psychological structure of purchasing risks. Of the four risk factors, consumers placed the most emphasis on the online channel${\times}$fashion product risks, hence, reducing this risk factor is of utmost priority for marketing of online shopping channels.

Seismic Risk Analysis of Steel Pile Type Pier (잔교식 안벽구조물의 확률론적 지진위험도해석)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyawn;Cho, Hong-Yeon;Kim, Doo-Kie;Cho, Byung-Il
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.237-243
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    • 2007
  • Probabilistic seismic risk analysis was performed. Exceeding probabilities of combined stress and maximum horizontal displacement of steel piled pier due to surface ground motion which was transferred from base rock motion was expressed as seismic fragility curves. Occurrence probability of peak ground motion was calculated by using the seismic hazard map on design code for harbor and fishery structures of Korea. Finally seismic risk of pier structure was found by combining the fragility and the hazard and those were presented through numerical analysis.

Clinical and pharmacological application of multiscale multiphysics heart simulator, UT-Heart

  • Okada, Jun-ichi;Washio, Takumi;Sugiura, Seiryo;Hisada, Toshiaki
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.295-303
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    • 2019
  • A heart simulator, UT-Heart, is a finite element model of the human heart that can reproduce all the fundamental activities of the working heart, including propagation of excitation, contraction, and relaxation and generation of blood pressure and blood flow, based on the molecular aspects of the cardiac electrophysiology and excitation-contraction coupling. In this paper, we present a brief review of the practical use of UT-Heart. As an example, we focus on its application for predicting the effect of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) and evaluating the proarrhythmic risk of drugs. Patient-specific, multiscale heart simulation successfully predicted the response to CRT by reproducing the complex pathophysiology of the heart. A proarrhythmic risk assessment system combining in vitro channel assays and in silico simulation of cardiac electrophysiology using UT-Heart successfully predicted drug-induced arrhythmogenic risk. The assessment system was found to be reliable and efficient. We also developed a comprehensive hazard map on the various combinations of ion channel inhibitors. This in silico electrocardiogram database (now freely available at http://ut-heart.com/) can facilitate proarrhythmic risk assessment without the need to perform computationally expensive heart simulation. Based on these results, we conclude that the heart simulator, UT-Heart, could be a useful tool in clinical medicine and drug discovery.


  • Yoon, Yeo-Sang;Kim, Yong-Seung
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.297-300
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    • 2006
  • The knowledge of fuel load and composition is important for planning and managing the fire hazard and risk. However, fuel mapping is extremely difficult because fuel properties vary at spatial scales, change depending on the seasonal situations and are affected by the surrounding environment. Remote sensing has potential of reduction the uncertainty in mapping fuels and offers the best approach for improving our abilities. This paper compared the results of object-oriented classification to a pixel-based classification for fuel type map derived from Hyperion hyperspectral data that could be enable to provide this information and allow a differentiation of material due to their typical spectra. Our methodological approach for fuel type map is characterized by the result of the spectral mixture analysis (SMA) that can used to model the spectral variability in multi- or hyperspectral images and to relate the results to the physical abundance of surface constitutes represented by the spectral endmembers. Object-oriented approach was based on segment based endmember selection, while pixel-based method used standard SMA. To validate and compare, we used true-color high resolution orthoimagery

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Developing Corporate Credit Rating Models Using Business Failure Probability Map and Analytic Hierarchy Process (부도확률맵과 AHP를 이용한 기업 신용등급 산출모형의 개발)

  • Hong, Tae-Ho;Shin, Taek-Soo
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2007
  • Most researches on the corporate credit rating are generally classified into the area of bankruptcy prediction and bond rating. The studies on bankruptcy prediction have focused on improving the performance in binary classification problem, since the criterion variable is categorical, bankrupt or non-bankrupt. The other studies on bond rating have predicted the credit ratings, which was already evaluated by bond rating experts. The financial institute, however, should perform effective loan evaluation and risk management by employing the corporate credit rating model, which is able to determine the credit of corporations. Therefore, this study presents a corporate credit rating method using business failure probability map(BFPM) and AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process). The BFPM enables us to rate the credit of corporations according to business failure probability and data distribution or frequency on each credit rating level. Also, we developed AHP model for credit rating using non-financial information. For the purpose of completed credit rating model, we integrated the BFPM and the AHP model using both financial and non-financial information. Finally, the credit ratings of each firm are assigned by our proposed method. This method will be helpful for the loan evaluators of financial institutes to decide more objective and effective credit ratings.

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Seismic Performance Evaluation of School Buildings in Gyunggi Region Considering Seismic Hazard Map (상세재해지도를 고려한 경기지역 학교건축물의 내진성능평가)

  • Ryn, Han-Gook;Park, Tae-Won;Lee, Sang-Hyun;Chung, Lan;Cho, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.66-73
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    • 2009
  • Since the school buildings are generally used as public shelters when the natural disasters such as flood and earthquake occur, it must be designed to show enough structural performance when subject to earthquake. Major failure mode of the school buildings observed in past earthquakes were shear failure of column of which length is shortened by infilled masonry blocks. In this study, the seismic risk of the reinforced concrete school building structure was evaluated by using the seismic performance evaluation methods of low-story RC structures developed in Japan and the required seismic performance index which is obtained according to the KBC2008 seismic hazard map and soil types. In this paper, the seismic performance of the school building is evaluated by considering this short-column effects, building shape and deterioration.

Development of a Sustainable Community-based Hazard Map Creation Support System for Traditional Towns with Local Heritage

  • Okazaki, Yasuhisa;Mori, Seina;Wakuya, Hiroshi;Mishima, Nobuo;Hayashida, Yukuo;Min, Byung-Won
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.58-65
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    • 2016
  • This paper describes design and development of a system that supports continuous creation of hazard maps by local residents in their daily life. We made an interview survey to design our system in a model traditional town in Saga, Japan. The results show that in spite of continuous efforts, many practical problems remain and residents feel unsafe. Based on these results, we designed and developed a unique ICT-based support system which contributes to community-based disaster prevention/reduction. The continuous resident participation and posting design are core concept for our sustainable community-based approach. Our system continues to support making a hazard map by integrating the community-based hazard information. Local residents register information about the spot (disaster types, a risk level, a photograph, comments, positional information) that can be dangerous in case of disaster. We have evaluated the usefulness and possibilities of our prototype system implemented as an iOS application.

Hybrid Control Strategy for Autonomous Driving System using HD Map Information (정밀 도로지도 정보를 활용한 자율주행 하이브리드 제어 전략)

  • Yu, Dongyeon;Kim, Donggyu;Choi, Hoseung;Hwang, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of Drive and Control
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.80-86
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    • 2020
  • Autonomous driving is one of the most important new technologies of our time; it has benefits in terms of safety, the environment, and economic issues. Path following algorithms, such as automated lane keeping systems (ALKSs), are key level 3 or higher functions of autonomous driving. Pure-Pursuit and Stanley controllers are widely used because of their good path tracking performance and simplicity. However, with the Pure-Pursuit controller, corner cutting behavior occurs on curved roads, and the Stanley controller has a risk of divergence depending on the response of the steering system. In this study, we use the advantages of each controller to propose a hybrid control strategy that can be stably applied to complex driving environments. The weight of each controller is determined from the global and local curvature indexes calculated from HD map information and the current driving speed. Our experimental results demonstrate the ability of the hybrid controller, which had a cross-track error of under 0.1 m in a virtual environment that simulates K-City, with complex driving environments such as urban areas, community roads, and high-speed driving roads.

Development and Effectiveness Analysis of Workshop Program for Child Safety Map Making (아동안전지도 제작을 위한 워크숍 프로그램 개발 및 효과분석)

  • Son, Dong-Pil;Lee, Kyung-Hwan;Chae, Han-Hee
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.35 no.7
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    • pp.109-117
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    • 2019
  • Recently, child safety map making education has attracted attention as a way to reduce crimes against children. In Korea, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family organized a child safety map making education program in 2011. The program's manual was revised in 2013 and the Ministry implemented it as a project to promote the rights of women and children. Child safety map making education aims to raise a child's understanding of their neighborhood, to have voluntary control and normal consciousness as a local inhabitant, to be aware of wrong behavior and crime, and to be part of creating a safe urban environment. However, when compared to educational programs in other major developed countries, the child safety map making education program in Korea currently does not improve a child's awareness of their surroundings. In this workshop study, we proposed and ran a new program to improve children's awareness of their environment based on the active participation of children in the existing safety map educational program. The workshop was held for 4 weeks for 48 students from 5th and 6th grade at Osan Daeho Elementary School. We analyzed this new program's effects with the following results. First, an analysis of the effects of the program on children's recognition of safe and dangerous spaces revealed that their understanding of these spaces increased by 30.4% after the workshop. The safety-related factor in the mind map key concept increased from 0.94 to 4.94, indicating that the children's perception of neighborhood risk and safety factors improved. Second, the analysis of the effects of the program on the children's coping ability in dangerous situations showed that their understanding of how to deal with dangerous situations increased by 11.3%. The children's understanding of facilities they could ask for help, such as police boxes and child safety guard houses, improved by 17.9%. Third, analysis of the effects of child safety map making education on children's understanding of their neighborhood, their perception of responsibility in the neighborhood, and their neighborhood attachment showed that these levels of children's understanding of the neighborhood improved by 6.0% after the workshop.

Constructing Virtual Environment for Flight Simulators based on Digital Map (지리정보를 이용한 비행 시뮬레이터의 가상환경 구축)

  • 유병헌;한순흥
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.148-157
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    • 2004
  • Interactive simulators that simulate mechanical systems are being developed for the purpose of performance evaluation of product design, replacement of physical training, and entertainment game. Use of flight simulator is increasing to reduce risk and cost of physical training, and we need virtual environment which covers large area terrain. We need a method that can reduce development cost and construction time of virtual environment that simulate the real environment. There have been attempts to link GIS or remote sensing field with virtual reality. This paper examines a method that helps to construct virtual environment, and attempts to link geographic information with virtual reality. A construction method of virtual environment based on digital map and satellite image has been studied.