- 한국정보과학회 2001 가을 학술발표논문집(Ⅱ) v.28 no.2 1축 운동의자를 이용한 가상현실 시뮬레이터에서 그래픽과 운동의 통합 이종환;한순흥
- 한국컴퓨터그래픽스학회논문지 v.3 no.2 버츄얼 캠퍼스 : 대규모 가상 세계의 제작 서혜원;좌수진;원광연
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- Ph.D. thesis, Computer Science Division(EECS), University of California Visibility computations in densely occluded polyhedral environments Teller,S.J.
- Developing Advanced Virtual Reality Applications, SIGGRAPH Course Note Approaches to the successful designing and implementation of VR applications Bryson,S.
- 11th ACM Symposium on Computer Geometry On level of detail in terrains M. De Berg;Dobrindt,K.T.G.
- Proceedings of Graphics Interface Multiresolution modeling for fast rendering Paul S. Heckbert;Michael Garland
- Proceedings of SIGGRAPH Modeling and rendering architecture from potographs : A hybrid geometry and image based approach Paul E. Debevec(et al.)
- Tech Momo 2002-15, VR Lab, KAIST The state-of the-art R&D perspectives on virtual reality in GIS 김경호;원광연
- Virtual Reality in Geography Virtual reality and GIS Mordechay E. Haklay
- Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design v.22 The virtual reality of GIS Faust,N.L.
- Proceedings of IEEE Visualization '95 Virtual GIS : A real-time 3D geographic information system David Koller(et al.)
- Computer & Graphics v.23 A multi-view VR interface for 3D GIS Rick Germs(et al.)
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- 한국과학기술원 박사학위 예비심사 임무비행 시뮬레이션을 위한 효율적인 실시간 지형 렌더링 시스템 김상희
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- 인터시스
- 한국컴퓨터그래픽스학회 2001 학술대회 논문집 가상현실 자전거 시뮬레이터에서의 시각화 이종환;한순흥
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- ENVI Research Systems
- Triangle Shewchuk,J.
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- Multigen creator user's guide Multigen-Paradigm
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- Graphics Interface 2001 Hardware accelerated displacement mapping for image based rendering Jan Kautz;Hans-Peter Seidel
- Graphics Interface 2002 Efficient bounded adaptive tessellation of displacement maps Kevin Moule;Michael D. McCool
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- Synthetic Environment Data Representation and Interchange Specification Overview Defense Modeling and Simulation Office
- SEDRIS as an interchange medium Michael R. Welch
- Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality SEDRIS as a standard for interchange virtual world data sets Mamaghani,F.