• Title/Summary/Keyword: Resource Capability

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Improvement of precipitation forecasting skill of ECMWF data using multi-layer perceptron technique (다층퍼셉트론 기법을 이용한 ECMWF 예측자료의 강수예측 정확도 향상)

  • Lee, Seungsoo;Kim, Gayoung;Yoon, Soonjo;An, Hyunuk
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.52 no.7
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    • pp.475-482
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    • 2019
  • Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) prediction information which have 2 weeks to 2 months lead time are expected to be used through many parts of industry fields, but utilizability is not reached to expectation because of lower predictability than weather forecast and mid- /long-term forecast. In this study, we used multi-layer perceptron (MLP) which is one of machine learning technique that was built for regression training in order to improve predictability of S2S precipitation data at South Korea through post-processing. Hindcast information of ECMWF was used for MLP training and the original data were compared with trained outputs based on dichotomous forecast technique. As a result, Bias score, accuracy, and Critical Success Index (CSI) of trained output were improved on average by 59.7%, 124.3% and 88.5%, respectively. Probability of detection (POD) score was decreased on average by 9.5% and the reason was analyzed that ECMWF's model excessively predicted precipitation days. In this study, we confirmed that predictability of ECMWF's S2S information can be improved by post-processing using MLP even the predictability of original data was low. The results of this study can be used to increase the capability of S2S information in water resource and agricultural fields.

Implications on the Technical Level of Industries and Industry-Academia Cooperation in Chungbuk Province (충북지역 산업체 기술수준과 산학협력에 관한 시사점)

  • Nam, Jae-Woo;Lim, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.520-527
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    • 2019
  • In this study, the technical level and competence of Chungbuk region manufactures were diagnosed and implications for efficiency improvement of cooperation with local universities were derived. The results are as follow. First, in Chungbuk area, 75% of the skilled workers are medium-skilled and high skilled workers. And the life cycle of production products was found to have entered middle/old age. In addition, the industries were overestimating its technology capabilities, including marketing and sales technology, and management technology. Therefore, local universities should develop differentiated program such as technology transfer and commercialization support so that companies can nurture new industries and it is necessary to improve understanding of reality and future prediction ability through various education and seminars. Second, universities in Chungbuk province have failed to meet the practical demands of industry by providing general educational programs such as lifelong education curriculum, rather than the practical training required by industry. First of all, industries needed the practical training programs such as human resource empowerment, technical education and workers' retraining for local industry development. In addition, industries were expected to provide relevant knowledge and infrastructure such as testing, analysis, participation in technology development such as commissioning and joint research. Therefore, universities should prepare customized Industry-Academia Cooperation Programs through industry demand survey in planning. Also, it is necessary to establish various connection points with industry to ensure that industry-academia cooperation will continue and achieve results. Third, the technology of the industries in Chungbuk province was found to be very unrelated to the next generation regional strategic industries. This is not shared vision between industry and local government, Industry-Academia Cooperation Programs will serve as a platform to organize various community entities. Universities will be able to play a key role in between industries and local governments.

A Study on Changes in Seafarers Functions and Manpower Training by the Introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (자율운항선박 도입에 따른 선원직능 변화와 인력양성에 관한 연구)

  • Sung-Ju Lim;Yong-John Shin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2021.11a
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    • pp.78-80
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    • 2021
  • This study is based on Degree of Recognition and AHP surveys for experts, this study investigates changes in the demand of seafarers in response to changes in the shipping industry environment in which Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships(MASS) emerge according to the application of the fourth industrial revolution technology to ships, and it looks into changes in seafarers' skills. It also analyzes and proposes a plan for cultivating seafarers accordingly. As a result of Degree of Recognition and AHP analysis, it is analyzed that a new training system is required because the current training and education system may cover the job competencies of emergency response, caution and danger navigation, general sailing, cargo handling, seaworthiness maintenance, emergency response, and ship maintenance and management, but jobs such as remote control, monitoring diagnosis, device management capability, and big data analysis require competency for unmanned and shore based control.By evaluating the importance of change factors in the duties of seafarers in Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships, this study provides information on seafarers educational institutions response strategies for nurturing seafarers and prioritization of resource allocation, etc. The importance of factors was compared and evaluated to suggest changes in the duties of seafarers and methods of nurturing seafarers according to the introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships.It is expected that this study is meaningful as it systematically derived the duties and competency factors of seafarers of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships from a practical point of view and analyzed the perception level of each relevant expert to diagnose expert-level responses to the introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships.

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HPC Cluster-based Customized Container Image Manager and Builder (HPC 클러스터 기반 사용자 맞춤형 컨테이너 이미지 관리자 및 빌더)

  • Gukhua Lee;Joon Woo;Taeyoung Hong
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2024
  • This paper introduces a novel approach for managing and building customized container images in high-performance computing (HPC) environments, addressing the growing need for flexibility, scalability, and efficiency in computational workflows. Our contributions include the development and integration of a custom container image manager and builder within a container-based HPC infrastructure. This system enables users to effortlessly create, manage, and deploy personalized AI service platforms, significantly enhancing the user experience by reducing the time and effort required to configure essential packages and frameworks. The image manager we developed is capable of processing multiple user requests concurrently, distributing tasks efficiently to image builders operating on compute nodes. Meanwhile, the image builder is designed to handle queued tasks, generate customized container images based on active instances, and store these images in a private container registry, ensuring seamless access and reusability. We validated our system's effectiveness by implementing it on HPC cluster-based systems, including the Nurion supercomputer and the Neuron GPU system, demonstrating its scalability and interoperability in real-world environments. Additionally, we established an architecture and mechanism that ensures seamless integration with existing container-based supercomputing frameworks, underscoring our system's capability to optimize resource utilization and streamline the deployment of AI service platforms.

Ethical and Legal Implications of AI-based Human Resources Management (인공지능(AI) 기반 인사관리의 윤리적·법적 영향)

  • Jungwoo Lee;Jungsoo Lee;Ji Hun kwon;Minyi Cha;Kyu Tae Kim
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.100-112
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    • 2024
  • This study investigates the ethical and legal implications of utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) in human resource management, with a particular focus on AI interviews in the recruitment process. AI, defined as the capability of computer programs to perform tasks associated with human intelligence such as reasoning, learning, and adapting, is increasingly being integrated into HR practices. The deployment of AI in recruitment, specifically through AI-driven interviews, promises efficiency and objectivity but also raises significant ethical and legal concerns. These concerns include potential biases in AI algorithms, transparency in AI decision-making processes, data privacy issues, and compliance with existing labor laws and regulations. By analyzing case studies and reviewing relevant literature, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of these challenges and propose recommendations for ensuring ethical and legal compliance in AI-based HR practices. The findings suggest that while AI can enhance recruitment efficiency, it is imperative to establish robust ethical guidelines and legal frameworks to mitigate risks and ensure fair and transparent hiring practices.

School Experiences and the Next Gate Path : An analysis of Univ. Student activity log (대학생의 학창경험이 사회 진출에 미치는 영향: 대학생활 활동 로그분석을 중심으로)

  • YI, EUNJU;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.149-171
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    • 2020
  • The period at university is to make decision about getting an actual job. As our society develops rapidly and highly, jobs are diversified, subdivided, and specialized, and students' job preparation period is also getting longer and longer. This study analyzed the log data of college students to see how the various activities that college students experience inside and outside of school might have influences on employment. For this experiment, students' various activities were systematically classified, recorded as an activity data and were divided into six core competencies (Job reinforcement competency, Leadership & teamwork competency, Globalization competency, Organizational commitment competency, Job exploration competency, and Autonomous implementation competency). The effect of the six competency levels on the employment status (employed group, unemployed group) was analyzed. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that the difference in level between the employed group and the unemployed group was significant for all of the six competencies, so it was possible to infer that the activities at the school are significant for employment. Next, in order to analyze the impact of the six competencies on the qualitative performance of employment, we had ANOVA analysis after dividing the each competency level into 2 groups (low and high group), and creating 6 groups by the range of first annual salary. Students with high levels of globalization capability, job search capability, and autonomous implementation capability were also found to belong to a higher annual salary group. The theoretical contributions of this study are as follows. First, it connects the competencies that can be extracted from the school experience with the competencies in the Human Resource Management field and adds job search competencies and autonomous implementation competencies which are required for university students to have their own successful career & life. Second, we have conducted this analysis with the competency data measured form actual activity and result data collected from the interview and research. Third, it analyzed not only quantitative performance (employment rate) but also qualitative performance (annual salary level). The practical use of this study is as follows. First, it can be a guide when establishing career development plans for college students. It is necessary to prepare for a job that can express one's strengths based on an analysis of the world of work and job, rather than having a no-strategy, unbalanced, or accumulating excessive specifications competition. Second, the person in charge of experience design for college students, at an organizations such as schools, businesses, local governments, and governments, can refer to the six competencies suggested in this study to for the user-useful experiences design that may motivate more participation. By doing so, one event may bring mutual benefits for both event designers and students. Third, in the era of digital transformation, the government's policy manager who envisions the balanced development of the country can make a policy in the direction of achieving the curiosity and energy of college students together with the balanced development of the country. A lot of manpower is required to start up novel platform services that have not existed before or to digitize existing analog products, services and corporate culture. The activities of current digital-generation-college-students are not only catalysts in all industries, but also for very benefit and necessary for college students by themselves for their own successful career development.

The Influence of Online Social Networking on Individual Virtual Competence and Task Performance in Organizations (온라인 네트워킹 활동이 가상협업 역량 및 업무성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Suh, A-Young;Shin, Kyung-Shik
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.39-69
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    • 2012
  • With the advent of communication technologies including electronic collaborative tools and conferencing systems provided over the Internet, virtual collaboration is becoming increasingly common in organizations. Virtual collaboration refers to an environment in which the people working together are interdependent in their tasks, share responsibility for outcomes, are geographically dispersed, and rely on mediated rather than face-to face, communication to produce an outcome. Research suggests that new sets of individual skill, knowledge, and ability (SKAs) are required to perform effectively in today's virtualized workplace, which is labeled as individual virtual competence. It is also argued that use of online social networking sites may influence not only individuals' daily lives but also their capability to manage their work-related relationships in organizations, which in turn leads to better performance. The existing research regarding (1) the relationship between virtual competence and task performance and (2) the relationship between online networking and task performance has been conducted based on different theoretical perspectives so that little is known about how online social networking and virtual competence interplay to predict individuals' task performance. To fill this gap, this study raises the following research questions: (1) What is the individual virtual competence required for better adjustment to the virtual collaboration environment? (2) How does online networking via diverse social network service sites influence individuals' task performance in organizations? (3) How do the joint effects of individual virtual competence and online networking influence task performance? To address these research questions, we first draw on the prior literature and derive four dimensions of individual virtual competence that are related with an individual's self-concept, knowledge and ability. Computer self-efficacy is defined as the extent to which an individual beliefs in his or her ability to use computer technology broadly. Remotework self-efficacy is defined as the extent to which an individual beliefs in his or her ability to work and perform joint tasks with others in virtual settings. Virtual media skill is defined as the degree of confidence of individuals to function in their work role without face-to-face interactions. Virtual social skill is an individual's skill level in using technologies to communicate in virtual settings to their full potential. It should be noted that the concept of virtual social skill is different from the self-efficacy and captures an individual's cognition-based ability to build social relationships with others in virtual settings. Next, we discuss how online networking influences both individual virtual competence and task performance based on the social network theory and the social learning theory. We argue that online networking may enhance individuals' capability in expanding their social networks with low costs. We also argue that online networking may enable individuals to learn the necessary skills regarding how they use technological functions, communicate with others, and share information and make social relations using the technical functions provided by electronic media, consequently increasing individual virtual competence. To examine the relationships among online networking, virtual competence, and task performance, we developed research models (the mediation, interaction, and additive models, respectively) by integrating the social network theory and the social learning theory. Using data from 112 employees of a virtualized company, we tested the proposed research models. The results of analysis partly support the mediation model in that online social networking positively influences individuals' computer self-efficacy, virtual social skill, and virtual media skill, which are key predictors of individuals' task performance. Furthermore, the results of the analysis partly support the interaction model in that the level of remotework self-efficacy moderates the relationship between online social networking and task performance. The results paint a picture of people adjusting to virtual collaboration that constrains and enables their task performance. This study contributes to research and practice. First, we suggest a shift of research focus to the individual level when examining virtual phenomena and theorize that online social networking can enhance individual virtual competence in some aspects. Second, we replicate and advance the prior competence literature by linking each component of virtual competence and objective task performance. The results of this study provide useful insights into how human resource responsibilities assess employees' weakness and strength when they organize virtualized groups or projects. Furthermore, it provides managers with insights into the kinds of development or training programs that they can engage in with their employees to advance their ability to undertake virtual work.

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Research Framework for International Franchising (국제프랜차이징 연구요소 및 연구방향)

  • Kim, Ju-Young;Lim, Young-Kyun;Shim, Jae-Duck
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.61-118
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this research is to construct research framework for international franchising based on existing literature and to identify research components in the framework. Franchise can be defined as management styles that allow franchisee use various management assets of franchisor in order to make or sell product or service. It can be divided into product distribution franchise that is designed to sell products and business format franchise that is designed for running it as business whatever its form is. International franchising can be defined as a way of internationalization of franchisor to foreign country by providing its business format or package to franchisee of host country. International franchising is growing fast for last four decades but academic research on this is quite limited. Especially in Korea, research about international franchising is carried out on by case study format with single case or empirical study format with survey based on domestic franchise theory. Therefore, this paper tries to review existing literature on international franchising research, providing research framework, and then stimulating new research on this field. International franchising research components include motives and environmental factors for decision of expanding to international franchising, entrance modes and development plan for international franchising, contracts and management strategy of international franchising, and various performance measures from different perspectives. First, motives of international franchising are fee collection from franchisee. Also it provides easier way to expanding to foreign country. The other motives including increase total sales volume, occupying better strategic position, getting quality resources, and improving efficiency. Environmental factors that facilitating international franchising encompasses economic condition, trend, and legal or political factors in host and/or home countries. In addition, control power and risk management capability of franchisor plays critical role in successful franchising contract. Final decision to enter foreign country via franchising is determined by numerous factors like history, size, growth, competitiveness, management system, bonding capability, industry characteristics of franchisor. After deciding to enter into foreign country, franchisor needs to set entrance modes of international franchising. Within contractual mode, there are master franchising and area developing franchising, licensing, direct franchising, and joint venture. Theories about entrance mode selection contain concepts of efficiency, knowledge-based approach, competence-based approach, agent theory, and governance cost. The next step after entrance decision is operation strategy. Operation strategy starts with selecting a target city and a target country for franchising. In order to finding, screening targets, franchisor needs to collect information about candidates. Critical information includes brand patent, commercial laws, regulations, market conditions, country risk, and industry analysis. After selecting a target city in target country, franchisor needs to select franchisee, in other word, partner. The first important criteria for selecting partners are financial credibility and capability, possession of real estate. And cultural similarity and knowledge about franchisor and/or home country are also recognized as critical criteria. The most important element in operating strategy is legal document between franchisor and franchisee with home and host countries. Terms and conditions in legal documents give objective information about characteristics of franchising agreement for academic research. Legal documents have definitions of terminology, territory and exclusivity, agreement of term, initial fee, continuing fees, clearing currency, and rights about sub-franchising. Also, legal documents could have terms about softer elements like training program and operation manual. And harder elements like law competent court and terms of expiration. Next element in operating strategy is about product and service. Especially for business format franchising, product/service deliverable, benefit communicators, system identifiers (architectural features), and format facilitators are listed for product/service strategic elements. Another important decision on product/service is standardization vs. customization. The rationale behind standardization is cost reduction, efficiency, consistency, image congruence, brand awareness, and competitiveness on price. Also standardization enables large scale R&D and innovative change in management style. Another element in operating strategy is control management. The simple way to control franchise contract is relying on legal terms, contractual control system. There are other control systems, administrative control system and ethical control system. Contractual control system is a coercive source of power, but franchisor usually doesn't want to use legal power since it doesn't help to build up positive relationship. Instead, self-regulation is widely used. Administrative control system uses control mechanism from ordinary work relationship. Its main component is supporting activities to franchisee and communication method. For example, franchisor provides advertising, training, manual, and delivery, then franchisee follows franchisor's direction. Another component is building franchisor's brand power. The last research element is performance factor of international franchising. Performance elements can be divided into franchisor's performance and franchisee's performance. The conceptual performance measures of franchisor are simple but not easy to obtain objectively. They are profit, sale, cost, experience, and brand power. The performance measures of franchisee are mostly about benefits of host country. They contain small business development, promotion of employment, introduction of new business model, and level up technology status. There are indirect benefits, like increase of tax, refinement of corporate citizenship, regional economic clustering, and improvement of international balance. In addition to those, host country gets socio-cultural change other than economic effects. It includes demographic change, social trend, customer value change, social communication, and social globalization. Sometimes it is called as westernization or McDonaldization of society. In addition, the paper reviews on theories that have been frequently applied to international franchising research, such as agent theory, resource-based view, transaction cost theory, organizational learning theory, and international expansion theories. Resource based theory is used in strategic decision based on resources, like decision about entrance and cooperation depending on resources of franchisee and franchisor. Transaction cost theory can be applied in determination of mutual trust or satisfaction of franchising players. Agent theory tries to explain strategic decision for reducing problem caused by utilizing agent, for example research on control system in franchising agreements. Organizational Learning theory is relatively new in franchising research. It assumes organization tries to maximize performance and learning of organization. In addition, Internalization theory advocates strategic decision of direct investment for removing inefficiency of market transaction and is applied in research on terms of contract. And oligopolistic competition theory is used to explain various entry modes for international expansion. Competency theory support strategic decision of utilizing key competitive advantage. Furthermore, research methodologies including qualitative and quantitative methodologies are suggested for more rigorous international franchising research. Quantitative research needs more real data other than survey data which is usually respondent's judgment. In order to verify theory more rigorously, research based on real data is essential. However, real quantitative data is quite hard to get. The qualitative research other than single case study is also highly recommended. Since international franchising has limited number of applications, scientific research based on grounded theory and ethnography study can be used. Scientific case study is differentiated with single case study on its data collection method and analysis method. The key concept is triangulation in measurement, logical coding and comparison. Finally, it provides overall research direction for international franchising after summarizing research trend in Korea. International franchising research in Korea has two different types, one is for studying Korean franchisor going overseas and the other is for Korean franchisee of foreign franchisor. Among research on Korean franchisor, two common patterns are observed. First of all, they usually deal with success story of one franchisor. The other common pattern is that they focus on same industry and country. Therefore, international franchise research needs to extend their focus to broader subjects with scientific research methodology as well as development of new theory.

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Approach to improve construction management using Information Technology (IT) (정보기술(IT) 기반을 통한 시공관리 선진화 방안)

  • Lee Woo-Bang;Moon Jin-Yeong;Moon Byeong-Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • autumn
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2002
  • There is various points that should be improved in Fairness such as our contract practice to propose construction projects, project managing and the stakeholders' way of thinking and culture. We consider that the revision of construction related provisions and systems is required but even more, an overall change in business management through the implementation of Integrated Construction Information Management System that will enable the owner, which drives the project, and contractor sharing construction information is required. To mange construction related information in an integrated manner, designing information should be smoothly transferred to purchasing information, and changes are required in order to move ahead to process-oriented work system. Finally information created from various construction organizations should be delivered in an aligned and standardized manner as well. The domestic Nuclear Power Plant Construction has been accepting various technology transfers from U.S, France, Canada and UK, which enabled us to self-support technology and recently even proceeded to the phase exporting our technology to others. However, continuous effort is required to improve internal business efficiency and to respond to external environmental change such aselectricity market deregulation. Recently, in accordance with the result in number of CEO's intention to make progress in IT and improve business efficiency, the number of enterprises introducing Enterprise Resource Planning is increasing. ERP is an innovative tool which changes the way of performing work from organization and department orientation to process-orientation in order to optimize the resources, such as human and material resources, through out the Enterprise by performing BPR which will maximize overall business efficiency of the enterprise, such includes not only construction management, but also business management. KHNP continued to performing large scaled construction projects such as nuclear power plant construction for past 30 years and took the initiatives of large scale project management and Quality management ability in domestic industry by having independent capability of over all construction planning, purchasing and, construction and start up management etc. To maintain our leading position of improving construction management technology based on our accumulated project management experience and technology, KHNP included construction into our ERP project in purpose of innovating construction business. We would like to discuss the characteristics of nuclear construction business, project management system, information system infrastructure and information sharing system among construction related entities, and implementation practices for information system, and consider how to resolve our practice that should be improved in this thesis.

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Thermophilic Anaerobic Acid Fermentation of Food Wastes after NaOH Addition (NaOH 첨가에 따른 음식물찌꺼기 고온 혐기성 산발효)

  • Ahn, Chul-Woo;Lee, Chul-Seung;Seo, Jong-Hwan;Park, Jin-Sik;Moon, Choo-Yeon;Jang, Seong-Ho;Kim, Soo-Seung
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.220-227
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    • 2004
  • This study showed that thermophilic anaerobic acid fermentation of food wastes had an enhanced hydrolysis capability and improvement of acidification efficiency. Influence of pH on the anaerobic hydrolysis and acidogenesis was investigated to determine the proper alkalinity in the thermophilic fermentation of food wastes. The results of putting NaOH as alkali to evaluate hydrolysis and acid fermentation efficiency In acid fermentation process of food wastes showed that the food wastes pretreated with 0.05 g NaOH/g TS had the maximum 12,600 mg/L of VFAs concentration during HRT 3 days in $55^{\circ}C$ thermophilic condition and the maximum 9,700 mg/L of VFAs concentration during HRT 5 days in $35^{\circ}C$ mesophilic condition. The accomplishment of high VFAs concentration resulted from that the main component of food wastes such as cellulose, lignin and etc. is performed active chemical decomposition by alkali in thermophilic condition. The major components of VFAs produced from the thermophilic acid fermentation process of food wastes were the short chain fatty acids such as acetic acid, butyric acid, and propionic acid.